Posting large images ??

Can somebody explain how to post large images on the forum..Whenever I try it ends up with a small attachement image. This can only be  enlarged by clicking on it.  However  many members post large images on their posts direct.  I tried following one set of instructions but could not pull it off.  Perhaps they were meant for windows..?




  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Browse to where your image is in the computer and then attach it,  make the post.

    Then click on the attachment to bring it up to full size. Right click on the image and select "copy image Location" from the list.

    Now click the gear cog on your post to edit it. Click on the Insert image icon above

    Paste the url in that box on that screen.


    If your image is larger that 800 px wide then please put 800 in the width box, making sure the padlock is on to restrain proportions.

    cilck to post your edit.


  • starboardstarboard Posts: 452


    Thanks for responding. I am on a Mac. It is a little different..but I think I am ok until the very end where you say to click to post it. The only thing that did was post the text in a new post at the end of the thread ( which I cannot undo) - I will try to edit it into something useful.  However I cannot seem to post what I have on the screen..see attachement.   

    Screen Shot 2016-03-26 at 2.56.01 PM.png
    1179 x 882 - 581K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    At that stage you click "Save Comment"

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