New DAZ 3D Content Not Showing up in DAZ, but in Library

New downloads show in my "People" folder in my DAZ library, . 
But. does not show up in DAZ. I have restarted DAZ, and went over the tutorial.

They are DSON poses, just like the Genesis 3 poses they're right next to. (at least, in my documents browser) 
AND i copy-pasted extra of them, into Genesis 3 female folder. 

My DAZ smart content directory does show Genesis 3 female and "people" folder, with its content.
But, not the new ones.
Did the vendor mess up? These were free, and the vendor has shown a file-format problem in the past.
From renderosity. 


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    The vendor may not have provided metadata with their product, so it doesn't show up in smart content. Or maybe they did provide some but you need to reimport metadata to get them to show.

  • HarkHark Posts: 48
    edited April 2016

    woops double post. So, problem STILL HAPPENING. PLEASE HELP. 
    Metadata ASIDE and reimporting not issue, what could I do?

    It only shows up in my document browser.

    Post edited by Hark on
  • HarkHark Posts: 48

    This is not the only download that does not show up. 
    Props, another free one, got merged into Props folder on my DAZ library documents folder.

    But, in DAZ, won't show up in category of props, or the search term that uses its name. 
    I see "Layla" right there, next to other files in that folder.

    I imported meta data for smart and content library. Still not coming up.
    Perhaps it is the vendor...

  • HarkHark Posts: 48
    Found an alternative. I drag dropped from my document browser, into DAZ viewport. It loaded the non-showing up dson. Why wont it show in my content panel...
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Can you see and use the files from the Content Library pane?  DAZ is the company DAZ Studio, or simply DS is the program.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839

    As Leana said, files without metadata - or for which the metadata has not been imported - will show only in the file-based views, in Contnt Library under DAZ Studio Fromats or Poser Formats, not in views that depend on the Content Management System such as Products, Categories or the Smart Content pane.

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    As Leana said, files without metadata - or for which the metadata has not been imported - will show only in the file-based views, in Contnt Library under DAZ Studio Fromats or Poser Formats, not in views that depend on the Content Management System such as Products, Categories or the Smart Content pane.

    This whole system of metadata and categories is confusing me. You say that only products with metadata will show up in Categories but I've got old Poser format content in my custom categories not bought from Daz and bought before Daz Studio was even invented. But I've had problems adding new items to categories and I often have to re-import the metadata for new stuff before it will appear in my categories.

    Do things that were categorised in older versions of Studio before the database was changed inherit some special status that allows them to be categorised without metadata? Or is there some other explanation for all this?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    What Richard means is that new products you just installed won't appear in categories automatically if they don't include metadata, as metadata is what contains the data on which categories they belong to. When you install a product and import the related metadata it will add the corresponding categorization info to your content database.

    You can definitely categorize any product yourself manually after install, even if it didn't have metadata initially.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Leana said:

    What Richard means is that new products you just installed won't appear in categories automatically if they don't include metadata, as metadata is what contains the data on which categories they belong to. When you install a product and import the related metadata it will add the corresponding categorization info to your content database.

    You can definitely categorize any product yourself manually after install, even if it didn't have metadata initially.

    Categorizing (or carrying over categorized items) is creating the necessary metadata...just not the individual metadata files that come with the newer products.  The 'user data' that's generated is sort of a 'collected'  metadata file.

  • sandip9007sandip9007 Posts: 0

    I dont know what did make the devolopers to make the installataion process so complicated. The DAZ studio got installed but there's nothing no content at all I tried all the procedure to install them but failed so the best thing I can do is to UNSTALL this software. For the very first time in my life i found a software that's so complicated to install. Good Bye

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited May 2017

    I dont know what did make the devolopers to make the installataion process so complicated. The DAZ studio got installed but there's nothing no content at all I tried all the procedure to install them but failed so the best thing I can do is to UNSTALL this software. For the very first time in my life i found a software that's so complicated to install. Good Bye

    If you install Daz Studio and the content using the Install Manager then the content will be there in the Content Library pane - only if you change paths in one place but not the other will it not be available.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • I have same problems....

  • very complex installation, on my Big studio mac, no problem, laptop,  can't find content.

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