Render Nodes Not working again

Greetings all, just trying to find out if anyone is have a problem with nodes working intermittently. Everything was working fine, till beginning of April, then for the past week I'm not able to net render. Node shows in (MRN), but all the work is being done by the main CU. Nothing has changed on the network, files are loaded into BQ as always, checked DAZDIM there are no updates for Carrara. Only other factor I can think of is ISP, if they are messing with band width? Hey I'm grasping at straws.

thanks for any feed back


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Your ISP should have nothing to do with it. It is all LAN (Local Area Network) based.

    What is the OS you are using? Are you sure there were no auto updates to that?

    Also, are you sure there have been no changes to the network or your configurations? Maybe a family member or someone you live with changed something? Maybe you did without realizing it? Maybe the router was reset?

    One last thing. What have you done to troubleshoot the issue so far?

  • deadspeakdeadspeak Posts: 28

    I'm using Yosemite 10.10.5. There was a security update on 4/3, but it was working up to the 14. No one else in the has access to the router, there were weather related power outages that happened. More than 3 weeks passed before issues started, might have rest something.

    I have checked IP addresses, nothing has changed. Not sure how to troubleshoot this. The router is almost two years old, maybe it's reaching the end of it's life span. Will try to contact manufacturer, see if they suggest anything.


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Have you tried using the network defaults in Carrara?

    Since you're on a Mac, have you tried repairing the permissions? Repairing the hard drive (especially if the Mac was on when the power went out)? On both the node and host? Have you tried turning off the Mac's built in firewall to see what that does? The router should have its own firewall, so the risk should be somewhat mitigated. If it is the firewall, you could check to make sure the proper port is open if you want to turn it back on.

    You could also try resetting the preferences on the Node to see if that does anything, and last of all, the kind of nuclear option of resetting the preferences on the main version of Carrara. You won't lose data, but you will start from scratch as if it were the first time it was run. That means letting Carrara scan for runtimes or adding them yourself and also any folders you've added to the other Browser tabs.

    Is Carrara's network rendering the only network malfunction? Can you remotely log into your other (I assume) Mac normally?

    Picture 3.png
    366 x 352 - 38K
  • deadspeakdeadspeak Posts: 28

    Ok, did call tech support for my router. Noticed other internet services were not working properly, VOIP, video chat. They had me change some settings & things are working again including render nodes.  Why this affected net render?? Tech was interested in trying to answer that question, wanted me off the phone as quick as possible. For now it's working, but I'm starting to look at new routers. 

    Thanks evil, will update if anything changes.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    Glad you got it working!
  • Hi, i use render node with grid for a long time and i have now a problem

    I use high sierra master and a mac and pc for slave to render.

    Now render node works with ther slave mac and i see the pc windows 10 as avaible but it doesn't do any render. I try everithings i find on the forum to resolve but nothing...

    I  think the problem is more on windows 10 not on carrara.

    Can someone help me for this ?


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    win10 is paranoid.

    mebbe a setting in Windows Defender is blocking?
    Been seeing allow/block pop-ups.

    I use a hosts file for ad blocking, i had to set Windows Defender not to scan the hosts file, or it replaces with default.

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