G3M Pants Woes

I have hit a wall in trying to figure out a problem I'm having with the way pants fit my G3M models. Specifically the crotch area. I'm using products designed for G3M so it's not a conversion problem. For a short time after the pants are placed on the model, or immedialtely after making adjustments to them, everything will look fine then, pop, the crotch contorts iteself into a noticably weird configuraton. Adjustments to lower or raise or extend the crotch make no difference. What am I doing wrong?
I've included an attachment using items feshly loaded from Daily Casuals MEGA Wardrobe for Genesis 3 Male(s) as an example of the problem.

796 x 850 - 555K
Are you trying to fit the pants over the "anatomical elements"? If so, try deleting them. They will be coverend anyway and the pants may fit better without them.
Yes, well... I dodn't delete the "element" - that would be a less than stellar solution - but I do turn it off. I just don't get why G3M designed clothes won't ft a G3M model - with no unusual morphs.- correctly. The problem is not specific to one artist's clothing product but occurs across the board. Am I the only one who has encontered this problem?
The clothing is designed to fit the base model...and well the base model is without the anatomical elements. Because the anatomical elements are geografts just 'turning it off' just means it is invisible. The geometry is still there and still trying to be 'smoothed' around. The same thing would happen if you tried to have G3M reaching into his pocket...
So it's not the clothing that is the problem, it's the collision/smoothing system not being sophisticated enough to handle the complexity of the situation.
The problem won't happen without the anatomical elements and a simple bulge morph used instead.
To be precise, what it's fitting to is the hole in the mesh where the geograft is spliced on: no geograft, no hole; no hole, no concave trousers.
OK guys, I appreciate your responses anf get the point. I had thought that creating a shell would allow retaining the extra "anatomical" bits and allow the pants to conform around what is essetially a single unit enwrapping the entire model, right? Alas, no.
use this tips:
when you are with clothes,, use the Genital,, FIT TO "NONE", and set to 'hidde',
your genital will be available but no view and not affect shapes
when you remove pants, unhide Genital and use the 'FIT TO' your character and enjoy it,
So simple but I never thought of that. Thanks for the tip
Actually, that does work, and I've made it work, so long as the following conditions are met and enforced:
This issue is precisely the reason I use the old M4 gens as a prop instead of the geo-grafted Genesis (1 & 2) versions. Additionally I use the Jepe RealGens for additional morphs and texture options. SickleYield has a couple of tutorials on Devart including some free IRay materials. Hope it is ok to post a link to one of them:
[Edit] By the way, I have not used G3M yet - G2M is fine for my needs - so I can't comment on whether the M4 gens would work as a prop on G3M.
The best ever bulge sets for a male were those included into this product by Uzilite ages ago, for M3. I made contacts years ago but the merchant
was way too busy with other projects to renew the concept for more recent figures. I find it very regrettable.