Genesis Basic Clothing Rig Kit
How does the Genesis Basic Clothing Rig Kit work? Can I create any kind of clothing I want that will fit the movements of my model? I'm having trouble with my Lady of the Lake dress - if my model is standing, no problem. But I can't get the dress to behave when the model is seated or her legs are bent.
I've also been considering this one:
Does anyone know if either one will help me control clothing?
I have the basic rigging kit, and I'll look for you in a minute, but I am pretty sure that it has handles for the skirt to allow a sitting position. The Dynamic Clothing Conterol is no use at all for what you want, and only works on clothing made by Optitex.
Yes, the first kit you linked to has a full tutorial, and some other bits and pieces to help you create ghost bones for your clothing. Thsi will allow the use of handles for sitting poses etc.
Thank you, JimmyC. I write romance novels and I'm working on illustrations of my characters. Right now, I'm trying to create a pose where the model is lying down, leg bent, with the dress draping provocatively down her thigh. As you can see in this image (not the one I'm working on), the dress didn't quite do what I wanted it to.
You are very welcome.
I am surprised that the dress doesn't have handles of some sort for posing. I take it you have looked in the Parameters tab already for morphs of some kind with the dress selected?
A dynamic dress would be ideal really. There are lots of freebies on the Optitex site, worth a look maybe
Thanks again! Yes, I did try moving the handles around using the parameters tab, but for some reason nothing moves where I want it. I'll try the rig kit.
How did the rig kit turn out?