My new site for Tez
Hello everybody.
Iv not been posting here often these days, but thought id share my new site with you. Most of you would have originally known me as Tez, or associated with CGDreams, this site and account is purely about the art, im not selling anything from this new site or account. CGDreams still remains.
Being that DAZ3D has wiped out every single post iv ever done here, and my gallery is gone since they revamped the site, I thought id start from scratch with a new account, this one.
I still use Hexagon 2.5, and every single piece of art in my site's gallery was produced with Hexagon, either whole or as part of a pipeline. Iv been studying in other areas the last two years, and have some new works coming soon, they will be posted here or on my site, depends how relevent the work is to Hexagon.
Website here
good to see you again - nice site - like the set up
Welcome back to the forum - looking forward to seeing more of your inspirational art.!
Hey long time no see Tez.. you cab still get to your posts through
if it helps.
Oh wow, thanks for the archive link Daniel, very useful indeedy. :-)
Nce to see that you have returned Tez; the number of Daniels is becoming confusing though I think the Roys out number them at the moment. :lol:
Nice to see you again Tez. :)
Thanks for your comments everybody, look forward to sharing some new work soon. Thanks for the archive Daniel, didnt know there was one. Where do you guys post your Gallery and W.I.P these days, seems to be gone?
Neither have been reinstated as yet, so in the short/medium term we are using this thread....
welcome back Tez... good to see you around again!
Nice looking site Danny. I really like the way you've layed things out, and the gallery is great, by the way - who's the chap with the lines drawn on his face, I'd hate to have had that done to me.
Are you going to include some of your older tutorials ? Useful ones I'd like to see are the 26 intro tutorials and the UV mapping ones.
I've bookmarked your site, still need to add myself to your guestbook.
Just to let you guys know that Tez's exellent video tutorial Modelling The Human Head is is on sale at the moment
I bought it a while back when he released it and its a great way to learn how to get the human head modelled in Hexagon.
Hello everybody.
Thanks for your comments.
I have added the 26 videos for getting started in Hexagon to my new site. I have also added allot more over the last few months including more of my latest works, and studies. Also iv now added a 3D Turntable, so my new works will be in there this year onwards.
Be sure to check it out, watch my blog, and see what comes very soon, as I have a few mini tutorials on their way. These will be quick shot videos for newbies from the most requested topics, so I await for some feed back.
Thanks Danny AKA Tez.