Everyone buy ACHITOOLS today...

50% off... Then go download the update from inagoni.com
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50% off... Then go download the update from inagoni.com
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Got it:
Thanks holly
Don't forget to grab the additional free models for it and check out the tutorials for it.
Thanks for the heads up, Holly. I've taken a look at the video tutorials and this looks like a seriously worthwhile purchase.
Just a couple of questions to clarify
1. I see there is quite a big library of windows and doors - is it possible to, for instance, model custom windows and doors in Hexagon and add them to the library?
2. Is it possible to bring in a floor plan as a background image to work off?
3. Can the final product be exported as .obj to do further work on in Hexagon, if needed?
Sale extended to Oct 1.
1.) You can put your own door, windows, other objects, etc. in by adding them to the scene and putting them where they are need after working in the ArchiTools model room. If you use any additional free objects that you can download for ArchiTools you'll do this.
ArchiTools just has a few that are built in.
2.) Yes.
When in ArchitTools model room do this
a.) Go to Global.
b.) Check enable Top/Bottom and load the image you want to use.
One of the tutorials talks about this.
3.) Yes, just export it like you would normally
Also, make sure you have the newest version in before you enter your serial. The version the DAZ installers puts in isn't the most current.
Hope, that helps.
Thanks for the heads up on this!
Thanks for that info Jay_nola - I'm off to the store to get it right now:-)
Done, Thanks Holly.
Hopefully someone can help me out here.
Downloaded both the .exe from the shop and the .zip update from inagoni. First ran the installation .exe for both C81.1.12 and C8.5.0.172. Immediately, before opening Carrara, I unzipped and copied the .dat, .mcx and .txt files to the extension folders of both. It asked if I wanted to replace the 2010 versions of all three files - gave it the OK. I don't use a render node, so didn't concern myself with that file.
On opening Carrara - both versions - it asked for the Architools serial number, which i entered. It seemed not to like the serial number, because nothing further happened - didn't open or give an error. On cancelling, it told me I could only use it in a limited demo mode.
Where have I gone wrong - the installation instructions are simple enough for even me to follow. Lol
If using Windows 7 or Vista run as an Admin first.
When you enter the serial number make sure you don't have any extra spaces added before or after the serial. I think I ended up typing it when I installed it, because doing a cut of it keep adding extra spaces. An extra blank space does count as a space.
Also, quick addition to a previous post some of the additional free doors, windows,etc. you can down load are "built in" to ArrchiTools and some of them are new ones that are not.
Just an additional note to the discussion about using custom windows and doors. I believe it can use ANY model and it will scale it to fit the gap. I modelled a simple garage door and produced the following model in a few minutes (only the door is custom, and it was originally scaled much smaller than this - Architools scaled it up to fit the wide front door gap). This model also uses the free Veloute shaders that you can download from Inagoni.com (if you have Veloute..).
Thanks for the further info.
Whew, managed to get that sorted - the serial number has four digits which could have been zero's or O's - not possible to tell the difference where the serial is shown, so I just kept trying different combinations until it accepted. I thought vendors had stopped using alpha-numerical codes like that after the days when zero's had a line through them to distinguish them from O's!
Anyway, glad it's sorted and I can get to constructing buildings. :)
Glad you got it working.
Just one more quick thing about Doors & Windows and another on some other free stuff that may get overlooked.
One of the Video Tutorials shows you how to work with custom doors and windows. You can also download a zip page of the Inagoni site. The download link is right next to the page link for it.
Many of the tutorials on the Inagoni site will have links to shaders, scenes, etc. that you can download in them. However it is very easy to not see these in a tutorial
This tutorial has a link so you can download the finished scene at the end, but it is very easy to not see it. if your just quickly skimming through the pages.
Dont overlook the rest of Inagoni products on sale in the advanced pack at $34.95
Inagoni reduced their prices 50% several months ago and even at their discounted price the products in the Advanced Pack add up to $ 96
which you can get from daz for $34.95 - a bargain if you would find the plugins useful.
thanks for the heads up on those things Jay_Nola and 0oseven!
anyone care to post pics of what they have made?
Any eg medieval buildings ? The things that I am making look too straight and neat!
Yes, I've got all the tuts, models, etc. from the site. Missed the bit about custom doors, though - I'll take another look, thanks.
I see the doors, etc. are all .car files, so if I do a custom model, I guess it must be saved as .car?
For medieval, I guess you would make it as close as you could with Architools then save as .obj and modify?
EDIT: Darn time zones - went to the link for the advance pack and sure enough, it was $32 - yipee. Went downstairs to get my credit card, had a cup of coffee, came back and it was back to $69 - talk about bad timing - missed by two minutes - sheesh
wow, I cant believe I missed this, architools was 22$ ??
I am so bummed :( Ill have to wait for it to come around again...
hya roy
re advance pack - there was talk n the commons about them giving a little leeway re buying things as the site keeps crashing - just send em a mail and tell em you live in deepest darkest africa or soemthing :) and say that everytime you logged on they were down - which they probably were .....
I had a go at making my own windows yesterday - just round ones - the trick is to have them oriented in modeling room correctly
eg if you make a round iwnow from a cylinder you have to stand it up then spin it around - assuming you make it laying flat - just open an included car file of a window then chack out the orientation in the mesh room I guess.
ah medieval... come to think of it I have so many old buildings I could do a medievel city :)
i just use a warp modifier to make then crooked ....
im in interestedto see what people do with this
re advance pack - baker is very handy as is the normal map thingy
Same here. The published artist 50% banner is still displayed, but the sale is gone. I hadn't thought about inagoni/architools when I was going through the catchup. Oh well.
I had my 4 year old this weekend. from the minute she gets up until she goes to bed, I dont have much time. I hadn't even thought to check in here. Ill just wait and see when it comes around again. As a content creator and game designer, it looks very, very useful.
EDIT: Darn time zones - went to the link for the advance pack and sure enough, it was $32 - yipee. Went downstairs to get my credit card, had a cup of coffee, came back and it was back to $69 - talk about bad timing - missed by two minutes - sheesh
ME TOO - forgot it was end of month and sale probabaly ending.
But I think the advance pack is still a bit cheape to buy from Daz than Inagoni for same items.
By the way has Daz stopped emailing notifications of wishlist items on sale ??
Actually the new sh..opping-system stopped a lot of things which made shopping here fun.
If you're not into the new system be aware that you are no longer notified if you buy something you already bought. If you bought a lot check your itemized order history before buying something.
I managed to get it (just in time..)
So I've started to get familiar with the interface.
So I thought I should create a castle.. :)
Some of you might recognize where I got the inspiration from....
Hey Varsel, nice work so far, now that guy in the hat looks familiar :)
Looking forward to seeing where you go with this
I am with you, I wanted it and we had too much Life happen, the website was down, I had no access right after and then it slipped my mind.
Yeah - don't know whether these bargains are announced in the weekly newsletter? i haven't had one since the new shop went live - have reported several times, re-set my subscription - no action done to fix, although they keep closing the ticket as solved.:(
Hi Roy
they just said everything was 50 percent off or what ever it was - they didnt actually mention this product tho.
Think of all the money you are saving by not getting the weekly newsletter!
And all the money Daz is losing .... considering that you are probably not the only one ...
Yeah - I've saved up enough to buy Blender and Sculptris:)
haha that's funny :)