Daz Studio 4.9.2 Pro, General Release!

DAZ_VinceDAZ_Vince Posts: 114
edited May 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion

Daz 3D is pleased to announce Daz Studio 4.9.2 Pro General Release!

  • Version:
  • Date: 2016-5-25


How do I backup my User Data in Daz Studio?



Has the Content Management Service (CMS) changed?




  • NVIDIA Iray
    • Updated to 2015.3.11 (see this post for more information)
    • Added support for Light Portals; a "Light Portal" property becomes visible when "Photometric Mode" is enabled and "Light Geometry" is set to "Rectangle"
  • NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle
    • Added support for Non-Blended Draw modes in the NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle
    • Properties presented in the Render Settings pane while the NVIDIA Iray is the active renderer are now aliased on the Draw Settings pane when the NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle is the active DrawStyle for the active viewport; adjusting a property alias on the Draw Settings pane adjusts the property on the Render Settings pane and vise versa
    • Added a “Manipulation Resolution” property to the Drawing group of the NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle; produces a mosaic proxy while the scene is being manipulated (faster preview)
    • Fixed a bug in the DrawStyle drawing code where it would momentarily flash OpenGL in the middle of a render
  • Iray Uber Material
    • Added a "Glossiness Squared" property; defaults to true on newest version, but set to false on old loaded files
    • Added "Diffuse Overlay Color" and "Diffuse Overlay Roughness" properties to Base/Diffuse/Overlay group
    • Added "Diffuse Overlay Color", "Diffuse Overlay Roughness" and "Diffuse Overlay Weight" to  the Iray Uber Base Shader Mixer brick
  • Material copy/paste
    • Fixed an issue with copy/paste of texture instance modifiers; the settings found in the Image Editor dialog
  • Interface Scaling
    • Added support for High-DPI displays on Windows (via OS virtualization and scaling)
  • Styles
    • Updated to make the Daz Connect virtual folder base (in the Content Library pane) visually distinct
    • Updated to make the Filter Menu Button (to the left of filter fields in various panes) visible
    • Fixed an issue in the Image Editor dialog that caused the "Instance Color" and/or "Instance Tiling" page labels to not be displayed unless hovering the cursor over the position where the label should be in the Highway and Main Street styles
  • Preferences
    • Added a preference to control whether or not the Login page is displayed on launch; Startup > On “Launch” > Show Login Page
    • The value of the General > Misc > Auto Headlamp property in the Render Settings pane is now stored between sessions; unless a scene is loaded and the settings from the scene are applied or a preset is applied
  • Install pane
    • Added a new pane for installing products via Daz Connect; this is a subset of Smart Content > Products with modified defaults
  • Smart Content pane
    • The Filter Field on the Products page now uses the product name to filter by default instead of keywords on the assets in those products; the previous behavior can be obtained by prefixing the term with "key::" (include the quotes if the keyword is comprised of multiple words); similar functionality can be obtained for the Filter Field on the Files page by prefixing the word(s) with "name::"
    • Made improvements to the “Show Asset(s) in > Smart Content > Products” and “Show Product in > Smart Content > Products” actions found in context menus for assets/products in the Content library pane
    • Added an “Edit Product Metadata…” action to the context menu for products
    • Made various tweaks to context menus to improve clarity and/or consistency with the Content Library pane context menus
  • Database Driven Content Views
    • Added the ability to "Show Asset in > Content Library > Virtual Folder" to the context menus for assets that are installed via Daz Connect
    • The Lost & Found category has been promoted (moved to the top of the list and styled like the "All" filter) to help make finding user-facing files that have not been categorized easier; appears in the Smart Content pane and Presets pages in various other panes (i.e., Posing, Shaping, etc.)
    • All child categories of the Lost & Found category created by Daz Connect are now created as (converted to) user categories; this allows a user to assign the assets to other categories, remove those assets from sub-categories of the Lost & Found category, and delete those sub-categories
  • Content Library pane
    • Added Daz Connect virtual folders as the first child of Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats top-level containers; these virtual folders are only displayed when products have been installed via Daz Connect
    • Added Create Links > This Folder Only… and Create Links > This Folder & Sub-Folders… actions to the context menu for folders (both virtual and real)
    • The "Show Asset in > Products" option in the context menu for an asset is now available only when the selected container is not a product
    • The ability to "Show Asset in > Mapped Folder" from the context menu for an asset that is not installed via Daz Connect is now available only when the selected container is not a virtual folder
    • Added the ability to "Show Asset in > Virtual Folder" from the context menu for an asset that is installed via Daz Connect, when the selected container is not a virtual folder
    • Added an "Edit Metadata…" action to asset container context menus
    • Added "Export Metadata…" or "Export Metadata per Product…" actions to asset container context menus
    • Made various tweaks to context menus to improve clarity and/or consistency with the Smart Content pane
  • Metadata
    • Changed a trigger on pre-4.9 tables to handle uninstall/reinstall without loosing User Data; products that are installed, but not via Daz Connect, will no longer cause the DB record to be deleted when uninstalled (so as to preserve user data) and so will display a missing icon indicator and an installed state indicator
    • User keywords, user notes, and user categorizations are now unified across all files (in all products) with the same relative path instead of isolated to a specific asset in a specific product; this improves the reliability of filtering results based on user assigned keywords, displaying user notes, and the reliability of filtering results based on category selection
    • Improved the speed of metadata update start; give better initial indication of update started
  • Categorize dialog
    • Reworked hiding/showing of top-level (i.e., "Categories") and first child (i.e., Default) when in isolation
    • Added a context menu option that allows creating a category path via string; pre-populates with the full path of the selected category
    • Fixed enabling/disabling/hiding/showing of actions in the context menus
  • Content DB Editor
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Content DB Editor to not commit changes to Content Type, Compatibility Base and Audience on an asset if it was already defined
    • Added an "Edit Metadata…" action to asset container context menus in the Content Library pane; right-click on a product, category, folder, or search container to launch the editor
    • Added an "Edit Product Metadata…" action to the context menu for products in the Smart Content pane
  • FBX Importer
    • Made improvements to FBX Importer to handle a case where Maya applies local transformation to skinned nodes
    • Added support for importing limits
    • Fixed an issue with reporting errors
    • Fixed an issue with setting the vertex count on empty skin bindings
    • Made improvements to allow importing figures that were not exported from the FBX Exporter
    • Now handles more general weight configurations
  • FBX Exporter
    • Fixed an issue that caused large weight values
  • Measure Metrics
    • Added an "Export Measurements…" action to the pane option menu
  • PowerLoader
    • Speed improvements
  • Transfer Utility
    • Fixed an issue when using replace source with target where skin binding was not being setup correctly
  • Morph Loader Pro
    • Added mirroring options
    • Added attenuation options
  • Geometry Editor Tool
    • Tweaks to action labels, descriptions and dialogs
  • Joint Editor Tool
    • Added a "Duplicate Bones" action to the context menu "Create" submenu
  • Weight Brush tool
    • Added a "Distribute Selected Bone Weights" action to the "Weight Editing" submenu for the context menu; this action distributes the weights from the selected geometry of the primary selected bone among the other selected bones
  • Fixed bugs in various areas; see the  Change Log for details

*Note: Switching between builds provided via the General Release channel that are older than and builds provided via the Public Build channel (and the Private Build channel for those involved in that endeavor) will cause a "Configuration Changed" message to display.


Important Notes:


  • The first time you launch Daz Studio 4.9, any data that exists in the content database is migrated so that it can be used in Daz Studio 4.9.
  • The amount of time the database migration operation takes is proportional to the amount of data to be migrated.
  • The database migration operation does not delete the data that it migrates from the previous location so that it remains accessible by earlier versions and other applications, such as Carrara.
  • Daz Studio 4.9 uses the same PostgreSQL database as Daz Studio 4.6 and later, and/or other applications, such as Carrara.
  • A portion of the data contained within the database is shared amongst versions but not entirely. For example:
    • Creating a category in either Daz Studio 4.9 or 4.8 will cause that category to exist in the other version
    • Assigning a file to that category in Daz Studio 4.9 will NOT cause that file to be assigned to that category in Daz Studio 4.8
    • Assigning a file to that category in Daz Studio 4.8 WILL cause the file to be assigned to the category in Daz Studio 4.9
  • Reseting the database in any version of Daz Studio that uses PostgreSQL (e.g., 4.6 or later) will purge all of data in the database, including any data that may be used by earlier versions or other applications, such as Carrara.
  • After the initial migration operation, edited metadata in Daz Studio 4.8 will not be migrated to Daz Studio 4.9.
    • A workaround is to export User Data from Daz Studio 4.8 and reimport User Data in Daz Studio 4.9.


Frequently Asked Questions:



Frequently Asked Daz Connect Questions:


Public Beta Threads:

  • (RC)

Previous General Release:

Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Is there any documentation?

    Yes, there is.  And we're actively working on more.

    Check out the User Guide and QuickStart Guide that we've posted in the DAZ Studio 4.x Documentation section.

    The Reference Guide is also in the process of being populated/updated.

    Some of the areas we have been focusing on (and will be recieving updates first) are:

    *Note: Some pages are still being built. If you see "permission denied" for a page, that page is not live yet.

  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Have the content packages been updated too?

    The "Default Lights and Shaders for DAZ Studio 4.8+" package has been updated; it now includes files that were previously included as "Built In Content" with the application package itself. It has also been renamed to "Default Resources for DAZ Studio 4.9+" so that it better reflects the fact that it contains more than just lights and shaders.

    *Note: Install Manager users, and users of Daz Studio 4.9 when the products are installed through the application, are notified of product updates when they occur.

  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Has the NVIDIA Iray renderer been updated?

    Yes, it has.

    *Note: The entries below come directly from the NVIDIA Iray 2015.3.11 release notes. Some entries, such as the mention of Linux support, have no bearing on Daz Studio itself but are included for completeness.

    Iray 2015.3.11, build 246000.20154

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Trial licensing is now supported on Linux as well.

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • A memory leak when displacement changes got applied has been fixed
      • When changing displacement settings interactively, resetting these to the original value was not handled properly. This has been fixed.
      • Some issues with trial licensing have been resolved. When trial licenses for Iray-based plugins were used either by multiple users or multiple applications on one machine, some issues occurred. The same was true when the system time was changed (e.g. daylight saving time was switched). All of these problems have been addressed.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • An issue in detecting invalid geometry when running Iray Photoreal with "iay optix prime" off has been fixed.
      • Problems with procedural noise functions used as displacement have been fixed.
      • Occasional rendering failures when a single host failed while rendering with multiple hosts have been fixed.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Code generation for the terniary operator in the JIT backend has been fixed.


    Iray 2015.3.10, build 246000.18637

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Multiple users are now allowed to run the same trial license of a product on the same machine. It is not possible for multiple users to use individual trial licenses on the same machine.

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • An RDMA hang that previously occurred with multiple concurrent transmissions (e.g., heavy load) has been fixed.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • The warning "’n’ is written but not read" has sometimes been issued wrongly. This has been fixed.


    Iray 2015.3.9, build 246000.16951

    Added and Changed Features

    • Iray Bridge
      • The Iray Bridge snapshot context now supports the "bridge address" and "bridge security token" options, same as for the cloud render contexts. This is the preferred way of configuring the bridge address and security token, both for cloud render contexts and snapshot contexts.
      • Cloud render/snapshot contexts will no longer react to changes to the global bridge application address and security token. The global value will be used as a default if "bridge address" and "bridge security token" options are not set on the render context or snapshot context. The preferred way is to configure each context individually rather than use the global setting.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • The non-standard \X escape code has been removed from the MDL compiler (use \x instead).

    Fixed Bugs

    • Iray Bridge
      • A problem when database elements larger than 953 MB were transmitted over Iray Bridge has been fixed.
      • When multiple users were saving snapshots to Iray Server at the same time this could lead to failures. This has been fixed.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • An infrequent hang with the caustic sampler enabled after a scene edit has been fixed.
      • Unexpected noise after editing a light source in scenes with very few light triangles has been fixed.
      • An issue with huge geometry/triangle counts when using "iray optix prime off" has been fixed.
    • Iray Interactive
      • A bug has been fixed that caused a driver timeout or system crash on graphics drivers of version 364 or later.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • The auto type analysis of uniform array types inside the MDL core compiler that could lead to wrong/missing error messages has been fixed.
      • The auto type analysis calculating wrong dependencies for multiple assignments in the MDL core compiler that could lead to wrong/missing error messages has been fixed.
      • Rare crashes in the MDL compiler if an enum type must be implicitely converted to an integer has been fixed.
      • The MDL compiler now correctly inlines material presets if used inside the body of other materials.
      • The auto type dependency calculation for array constructor calls in the MDL core compiler that could lead to wrong/missing error messages has been fixed.
      • The MDL compiler now correctly issues an error if the material preset default values do not form a continuous set at the end of the parameters.
      • A rarely occuring memory leak in MDL has been fixed.
      • The MDL core compiler erroneously ate up the next character following an octal or hexadecimal escape code. This and the \0 escape have been fixed.
      • Escape codes \r, \v and \\ are now handled correctly when exporting MDL string constants.
      • The MDL preset export which missed necessary imports for user defined types in some rare cases has been fixed.


    Iray 2015.3.8, build 246000.12076

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • Interactive changes to the scene unit attribute (meters per scene unit) were not reported to the Iray Interactive and Iray Realtime renderers. This has been fixed.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Incorrect handling of nested base::transform coordinate has been fixed.
      • The incorrect implementation of the projection transform in cylinder mode of base::coordinate projection (only triggered in conjunction with JIT-compiled MDL code) has been fixed.
      • A bug has been fixed that resulted in noise or energy loss after editing light sources like changing intensity, moving around, etc.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Iray supports only uniform values for material.volume.absorption coefficient and material.volume.scattering coefficient while the MDL specification allows varying values here. A warning is now issued in that case and the values are set to 0.0 in the non-uniform case.
      • Rare cases have been fixed, where expressions containing math operators were identified as varying instead of uniform. The wrong detection caused either unsupported value warnings or runtime penalties.
      • The MDL core compiler auto type analysis on array types when modifiers are involved has been fixed. In some rare cases this could have led to wrong calculations of varying/uniform property of values, causing either wrong errors to be generated or wrong code to be passed.
      • Auto type analysis calculating wrong dependencies for multiple assignments has been fixed. For assignments like a = b = c or implicit assignments like return a = b, the dependency was calculated faultily, causing either wrong errors to be generated or wrong code to be passed.
      • The MDL core compiler’s implicit type conversion rules for enum types has been fixed, avoiding crashes in some rare cases.
      • The MDL compiler’s handling of material presets has been fixed. These can now be correctly inlined when used inside material bodies. This enhances the precision of several analyses inside the compiler and avoids some "possible different transmission on both side of a material" errors.
      • The auto type dependency calculation for array constructor calls has been fixed. This could have led occasionally to wrong calculations of varying/uniform property of values, causing either wrong errors to be generated or wrong code to be passed.


    Iray 2015.3.7, build 246000.10766

    Added and Changed Features

    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Error detection for unsupported varying values on the absorption and scattering coefficients of the MDL volumetric material properties has been added.
      • Builtin support for the nested use of the base::transform coordinate() functions in MDL materials has been added.

    Fixed Bugs

    • Iray Photoreal
      • An additional check against unusable devices has been added.
    • Iray Interactive
      • A deadlock when the cpu limit was set to 1 has been fixed.
      • Acrash on exit of the Iray Interactive plugin when it was initialized but no render context was created has been fixed.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • A crash bug in the case that the expression for a MDL material definition was not of type material has been fixed. The compiler reports now a proper error message.
      • A crash bug for certain JIT-compiled MDL materials on Windows 8 has been fixed.
      • An overflow check to protect against huge triangle counts has been added.
      • Wrong results for MDL materials which used a base::transform coordinate() function as argument to another base::transform coordinate() function have been fixed.
      • A problem with transformed cylindrical projections in the base::coordinate projection() function has been fixed that caused the result to look wrong if the function was JIT-compiled.
      • A bug that could have caused undeterministic rendering results on materials with specific uniform expressions on the absorption and scattering coefficients of the MDL volumetric material properties has been added.
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited May 2016

    What is new in this build? Do I need to update my copy?

    Daz Studio 4.9.2.x resolves many issues and implements several improvements since the General Release. The first post contains hightlights and more detail on specific fixes/changes/improvements can be found in the Change Log.  All new downloads of the Daz Studio Pro BETA product (SKU: 12000) will be of this version.

    While this release does address a number of issues relating to the preservation and/or restoration of User Data, it does not address all of them. We have identified, and are actively working on, more fixes that address some remaining User Data issues.

    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    thanks for the new version

    a very simple question about the useability of connect/smart content

    say i want to find a hair for Victoria 6

    how should i search ?

    is it true that there are no categories for characters ?

    for hair i find long, short but no fitting characters

    wouldnt this be usefull ?

    but maybe i just didnt found out how this works

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you have a figure selected in the viewport and the "Filter by Context" box is checked, then it will only show hair compatible with that character.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    Where could I look for an explanation of what is possible with the new Iray Diffuse overlay and how to use it? Also the portals and Draw Style changes?

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598

    Interesting...haven't updated to 4.9 yet mainly as I've been too busy since I finished the project I was working on but I'm kinda intrigued by these options.

    Morph Loader Pro

    • Added mirroring options
    • Added attenuation options

    Anyone tried them out yet? 

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited May 2016

    thank you mike

    found out how to without figure in the scene :

    filter by context checked in files tab

    right click on target in smart content

    then "explore add-ons"

    under default






    Post edited by Ruphuss on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    Pendraia said:

    Interesting...haven't updated to 4.9 yet mainly as I've been too busy since I finished the project I was working on but I'm kinda intrigued by these options.

    Morph Loader Pro

    • Added mirroring options
    • Added attenuation options

    Anyone tried them out yet? 

  • PandaB5PandaB5 Posts: 251

    Dear Daz - about version 4.9.2

    1. Your software license agreement - the parts that are in all CAPS are really hard to read.  Please consider doing them in normal print in bold or red instead.

    2. Since this is now Tellware angry Hey everybody - you can get the latest version of Daz Studio 4.9.2 - well sort of here.  (I also told my mother and her dog but they just looked at me funny.)

    3. Your EULA has ascii characters in them that don't translate:  For example:  

    If User does not agree to the terms of this Agreement, User must not install or use the software.

    The online DAZ store offers for sale a license to Content owned or licensed by DAZ and/or a license to Content owned or licensed by third-party published artists (“PA”). In this Agreement, “DAZ Content” shall refer to Content owned solely by DAZ or to libraries licensed by DAZ; “PA Content” shall refer to Content owned solely by a third-party published artist or to libraries licensed to such third-party published artists; and “Content” shall refer to both DAZ Content and PA Content.

    © DAZ PRODUCTIONS, INC.Productions, Inc. 2013.

     And here you thought nobody would read it!


    *The link on your promo page that says - the forum post can be found here - points to the previous update announcement - not this one.

    Thank you for changing your desktop icon. smiley It's still not your pretty logo, but it's a start!

    In your connect interface -  The way you now have the materials below the actual item - THAT'S AWESOME!



  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    Is it my imagination or does the Studio user interface now account for high resolution displays? Mine is 2650x1440 and I'm sure the text was tiny before the update. Now it seems quite readable.

  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    Interesting to see light portals. How do I use them and will they speed indoor renders up?

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    DigiDotz said:

    Interesting to see light portals. How do I use them and will they speed indoor renders up?



  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    Kerya said:
    DigiDotz said:

    Interesting to see light portals. How do I use them and will they speed indoor renders up?



    Just reading on in that thread it mentions IRay Realtime but it does not look like that made it to the General Release. That's a pity.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598

    Cool video Kerya...but it says 4.8 at the top of the video. Does this mean the features are already in DS 4.8 and if so I wonder what has been added?

    I have a couple of morphs that I did the ears as part of the head which I should be able to use this feature to separtate into separate morphs. Thanks again for the video...

  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    Thanks Kerya, once the light is a portal do you put the light/portal right up against the window?

    ohh hang on, i was wondering where the light will come from,  so when activated, a rectangle spot light is not a light but becomes ..a portal and i then add other lighting.  haha is that right?


  • Pendraia said:

    Cool video Kerya...but it says 4.8 at the top of the video. Does this mean the features are already in DS 4.8 and if so I wonder what has been added?

    What you are seeing demonstrated here is the Publishing Partners Feature Plugin, which is "private", running in 4.8. So this is a plugin and not an update to 4.8 (in any case, of course, superseded versions of Studio are not updated). By the looks of it, this includes the version of Morph Loader Pro which enables import of subdivided morphs (HD).

    Some of the features of that plugin have now been brought into 4.9.2, and presumably work in the way demonstrated by Josh.


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    The morph loader video is linked from the announcement page here: http://www.daz3d.com/studio-4-9-2-is-here


  • AbyMAbyM Posts: 14

    Hi Everyone,

    Can someone pls explain what's wrong. The download seems to be fine at start, but suddenly went stop and failed. All net connection are good.




    686 x 654 - 148K
  • PandaB5PandaB5 Posts: 251


    I did a manual install - it wouldn't even show up in my install manager.  Try that - through your account.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited May 2016
    Pendraia said:

    Interesting...haven't updated to 4.9 yet mainly as I've been too busy since I finished the project I was working on but I'm kinda intrigued by these options.

    Morph Loader Pro

    • Added mirroring options
    • Added attenuation options

    Anyone tried them out yet? 

    I disabled all SQL stuff (or unistalled it) and have been using beta for some weeks/months now; I have no issues with the non-connect stuff. I like lots of the fixes that have been introduced.

    I'm due to reinstall OS from an image, so will be trying 4.9.2 first. I'd actually uninstalled 4.8, and was just using Beta.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    marble said:

    Is it my imagination or does the Studio user interface now account for high resolution displays? Mine is 2650x1440 and I'm sure the text was tiny before the update. Now it seems quite readable.

    Yes, on Windows they have found a way to enable the OS font scaling. Shader Mixer has also been updated to handle that better. This isn't the general update to Qt that was discussed previously, that as far as I know is till being worked on.

  • AbyMAbyM Posts: 14


    Thanks!! It works fine through manual install! :)

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565

    Still supporting content encryption, so I'm still not upgrading from 4.8. I'll only upgrade if/when DAZ announces abandonment of content encryption.

    Yet again a request that store product pages indicate MINIMUM software version required by the product, not just list the latest software version on everything, even products created years ago and unchaged since then. Other stores manage to do this. Even DIM manages to do this. Ir is quite ridiculous that the DAZ store pages do not.

  • HD morphs not yet?

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Is this going to cause any issues with my custom categories?  It makes me very nervous when I see in bright red capitol letters that I should back up everything first.  I did that the last time and it didn't help at all and I had to rebuild my entire content library.  It took me almost 6 weeks of several hours every night to finish it.  And I haven't even started on all the freebies...I have 4.9 installed already, the first version that doesn't kill the categories.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    rf2016 said:

    HD morphs not yet?

    If you mean creation without special tools then no.

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652

    Ice im with you I use them as well

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Is this going to cause any issues with my custom categories?  It makes me very nervous when I see in bright red capitol letters that I should back up everything first.  I did that the last time and it didn't help at all and I had to rebuild my entire content library.  It took me almost 6 weeks of several hours every night to finish it.  And I haven't even started on all the freebies...I have 4.9 installed already, the first version that doesn't kill the categories.

    For most people it hasn't, but it is making changes (or at least additions) to the database structure so you want to have a back-up just in case.

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