smoothing isn't making new polys available
At least that's what looks like is happening. First, I'm still pretty new to Hexagon, so hopefully it's something simple that can be reversed.
I've been following a tutorial (the DigitalTailor Classic Bikini Tutorial). The first couple of starts sucked so I used the User's Guide Tutorial to make the "Wild Space Creature" and messed around a little bit. They both use the Box Modeling method. Then I tried the Bikini tutorial again.
1. Removed the left, top, and right sides, no problem.
2. Shaped the remainder to the Genesis mesh. Good to go.
3. Then clicked on the first level of smoothing. <<<---- Problem: It <i>looks like it accomplishes the first level of smoothing except that the extra polygons, edges, vertices, etc are not individually viewable, selectable, or modifiable.
I tried checking the different object model views. None of them revealed anything different.
It's getting really frustrating being stuck on this. Any help would be marvelous!!
Just a guess, but it maybe because you haven't selected the (control) element which is found in the DG tree. Bottom right panel. Once you've highlighted the bottom item, you should be able to work on the mesh. Although, it would be better to introduce the increased tesselations at the beginning rather than by way of collapsing the DG with the lightning bolt.
DG collapsed thus.
*sigh* THANK YOU! That appears to have been the problem. I'm not a big fan of video tutorials cuz I miss details like that. So does the lightening bolt/control element act like an "Apply" button? The UI on that is a little strange, but... Guess that will be at the top of my reading list today. Thanks again!