Resolution Level and IRay in Daz 4.9.2

I recently picked up Decimator on sale thinking it could be a useful tool for speeding up renders of crowd scenes.  I started testing by loading V7 with hair and outfit into an empty scene and testing a "long shot", render.  It ran about 2 minutes.  Normal.  Then I used Decimator to create a 60% reduced poly version of the scene.  Rendered it.  About 2 minutes.  No change.  So I spent some time playing with all the available sub-d and resolution levels from high res to my decimated version.  All rendered in about 2 minutes.

I'm confused.  Do resolution level and sub-d level not effect render times at all in the current implementation of IRay in Daz 4.9.2?  Am I missing something?


  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Lowering the poly count of the models doesn't affect the time your computer takes to make calculations for renders

    It does however, reduce the load onto your RAM so you can fit more into your scene easier.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited May 2016

    You are also probably running into a 'not long enough render to matter' issue...

    Yes, lower polycount can, in some cases, lower times...but it's on the order of a few seconds to maybe a of long (more than half hour) renders.  You can increase the benefit by also reducing the textures/simplifying the materials for 'background'/filler/crowd people...

    Geometry is 'cheaper' than textures, especially in Iray.  At 2 minutes, it may not even show much reduction with simple materials...

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • tring01tring01 Posts: 305

    Lowering the poly count of the models doesn't affect the time your computer takes to make calculations for renders

    It does however, reduce the load onto your RAM so you can fit more into your scene easier.

    Makes sense.  I obviously had no idea what's going on here.  Thanks.

  • tring01tring01 Posts: 305
    mjc1016 said:

    You are also probably running into a 'not long enough render to matter' issue...

    Yes, lower polycount can, in some cases, lower times...but it's on the order of a few seconds to maybe a of long (more than half hour) renders.  You can increase the benefit by also reducing the textures/simplifying the materials for 'background'/filler/crowd people...

    Geometry is 'cheaper' than textures, especially in Iray.  At 2 minutes, it may not even show much reduction with simple materials...

    Good to know.  Thanks.

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