Andrey Pestryakov - Forest and single Trees

cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
edited December 1969 in The Commons


I just want to make a tribute to Andrey Pestryakov and his products, they are great. Most I like the single trees he has, the tall pine tree for example.

I am just building me an own wooded canyon landscape and use these trees but there is one thing, if you Andrey Pestryakov read this, please take it as a suggestion for your next products.

1. one more tall pine tree that is different than this one in the shop right now and maybe one standing tall pine just with less needles in generell or one without needles, like the fallen ones, the problem with the fallen ones are to position them right in the scene as standing pines.
Of course right now it is possible to hide the needles of the tall pine but it is recource eating because if you use a lot of these pines because of all the needles (hidden or not)
2. single different brenches for the ground
3. a broken pine tree (fallen)
4. a bróken pine tree (standing)
5. just a stump of a pine tree

all these as single items for single use not as preset sets

here are some examples of what I am building right now :)

1658 x 936 - 483K
1600 x 900 - 518K
1600 x 900 - 414K


  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    here is another one in which I have used the tall pine tree

    1600 x 900 - 331K
  • Testing6790Testing6790 Posts: 1,091
    edited December 1969

    These trees are outstanding!

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    These trees are outstanding!

    yes, you are right, they are really great products and look so damn real that it is brilliant. but as I have suggested, more of them as single items not as preset sets like in the "forest" products would be great.

    also branches as single items and just stumps and two broken trees (one standing, one fallen) that would be really great. Also some standing with just a few needles or without.

    the thing is, for the first version of my canyon I have used I guess 10 of these standing tall pine trees and each pine tree has over 350 single "needleplanes" (don`t know the right word for that) each you can sepertatly rotate and each you can seperatly hide. it is like you have on item and has over 350 items with transmaps parented to it. if you use 10 of these trees and then also a lot of other stuff in the scene also and parent all items to your ground floor, you easily can imagen what it takes to move the whole scene :) (what I sometime do if I have a lot of characters (people) in the scene, it is much easier to move the "landscape" than to position all characters)

    If I have a huge landscape and want the story to take place in another area it is much easier to move the landscape than every character I need in this scene because there is no need to fix lights and camera angles new also.

  • Andrey PestryakovAndrey Pestryakov Posts: 172
    edited December 1969

    cosmo71 said:

    I just want to make a tribute to Andrey Pestryakov and his products, they are great. Most I like the single trees he has, the tall pine tree for example.

    I am just building me an own wooded canyon landscape and use these trees but there is one thing, if you Andrey Pestryakov read this, please take it as a suggestion for your next products.

    1. one more tall pine tree that is different than this one in the shop right now and maybe one standing tall pine just with less needles in generell or one without needles, like the fallen ones, the problem with the fallen ones are to position them right in the scene as standing pines.
    Of course right now it is possible to hide the needles of the tall pine but it is recource eating because if you use a lot of these pines because of all the needles (hidden or not)
    2. single different brenches for the ground
    3. a broken pine tree (fallen)
    4. a bróken pine tree (standing)
    5. just a stump of a pine tree

    all these as single items for single use not as preset sets

    here are some examples of what I am building right now :)

    Great images!

    We are preparing now release Forest Autumn. Next I plan to add another supplement to Forest and Forest Suprior.
    In this addition, I would like better to break the scene so that work with the camera has become even more convenient. Also in this addition, I plan to do some separate props objects for trees, fern, bushes, rocks, roots, grass and etc.. So that users can set them as desired. True, they will not be presented as a figure, and resizing the foliage will be impossible.

    1024 x 768 - 1M
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    cosmo71 said:

    I just want to make a tribute to Andrey Pestryakov and his products, they are great. Most I like the single trees he has, the tall pine tree for example.

    I am just building me an own wooded canyon landscape and use these trees but there is one thing, if you Andrey Pestryakov read this, please take it as a suggestion for your next products.

    1. one more tall pine tree that is different than this one in the shop right now and maybe one standing tall pine just with less needles in generell or one without needles, like the fallen ones, the problem with the fallen ones are to position them right in the scene as standing pines.
    Of course right now it is possible to hide the needles of the tall pine but it is recource eating because if you use a lot of these pines because of all the needles (hidden or not)
    2. single different brenches for the ground
    3. a broken pine tree (fallen)
    4. a bróken pine tree (standing)
    5. just a stump of a pine tree

    all these as single items for single use not as preset sets

    here are some examples of what I am building right now :)

    Great images!

    We are preparing now release Forest Autumn. Next I plan to add another supplement to Forest and Forest Suprior.
    In this addition, I would like better to break the scene so that work with the camera has become even more convenient. Also in this addition, I plan to do some separate props objects for trees, fern, bushes, rocks, roots, grass and etc.. So that users can set them as desired. True, they will not be presented as a figure, and resizing the foliage will be impossible.

    Thank you :) you have great products :)

    I have made myself an autumn landscape :) and here it is :)

    1600 x 900 - 508K
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    slowly but surely it comes to the point that the canyon seems to be finished :)

    1600 x 900 - 577K
    1600 x 900 - 574K
  • Andrey PestryakovAndrey Pestryakov Posts: 172
    edited December 1969

    With fog looks great!

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    With fog looks great!

    and that is very less fog, I have used the Age of Amour Athmosphere camera with fog and very low intensity for that image :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    With fog looks great!

    I have a question to "Forest superior"

    the bushes and trees and also the stumps and roots, are these preset sets like the branches from the forest?

    Or can I use just one single bush for another scene for example, means, can I use just one bush from "Forest superior" for my canyon scene or is it like the branches from "the forest" and you have not single branches but a preset that loads more than needed? I just wanted to use some branches for my canyon but I can load one single branch and pose it, just the whole branch preset.

    So, would be great if the bushes would be single items not only presets sets.

  • Andrey PestryakovAndrey Pestryakov Posts: 172
    edited October 2012

    cosmo71 said:
    With fog looks great!

    I have a question to "Forest superior"

    the bushes and trees and also the stumps and roots, are these preset sets like the branches from the forest?

    Or can I use just one single bush for another scene for example, means, can I use just one bush from "Forest superior" for my canyon scene or is it like the branches from "the forest" and you have not single branches but a preset that loads more than needed? I just wanted to use some branches for my canyon but I can load one single branch and pose it, just the whole branch preset.

    So, would be great if the bushes would be single items not only presets sets.

    In the Forest and Forest Superior all the elements merged in large groups. These products do not have the individual elements.
    In the following addition I would add individual elements for all trees, bush, branches, rocks, roots, etc.

    Post edited by Andrey Pestryakov on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I am a fan of your Forest and Forest Superior sets. I will admit the FS is a bit heavy on my PC but well worth the render times. It will be used in my up coming work but the Forest much more so. The New sets sound like must haves for me. I look forward to them.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    I am a fan of your Forest and Forest Superior sets. I will admit the FS is a bit heavy on my PC but well worth the render times. It will be used in my up coming work but the Forest much more so. The New sets sound like must haves for me. I look forward to them.

    That is the reason I have asked for all items also as single probs (a single branch, a single tree, a single root, a single stone and so on) because these sets not every PC can handle easily. But the items are looking so brilliant (the single tree sets that are available at the store) I want like to use them also in my own created sets. but the branches for examlpe are just three different presets not single branches an so I can`t use them.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited October 2012

    cosmo71 said:
    With fog looks great!

    I have a question to "Forest superior"

    the bushes and trees and also the stumps and roots, are these preset sets like the branches from the forest?

    Or can I use just one single bush for another scene for example, means, can I use just one bush from "Forest superior" for my canyon scene or is it like the branches from "the forest" and you have not single branches but a preset that loads more than needed? I just wanted to use some branches for my canyon but I can load one single branch and pose it, just the whole branch preset.

    So, would be great if the bushes would be single items not only presets sets.

    In the Forest and Forest Superior all the elements merged in large groups. These products do not have the individual elements.
    In the following addition I would add individual elements for all trees, bush, branches, rocks, roots, etc.

    That is a really good idea :) you can count on me, I will bye that addition for sure :)

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited October 2012

    boah what am I writing, have a wireless keyboard and should charge it :)

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
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