how to get the floor to show
Posts: 506
I am never able to show the floor in my scene's while i am working on items.
it's always black squares, and only able to see the result one I rendered the item.. is there a way to make it visible at all while
I am working on a scene?
The Iray environment? You would, I think, have to use nVidia Iray Preview mode (ctrl(win)/cmd(Mac) 0 - ctrl/cmd 9 to get back to Texture Shaded).
No just the 3Delight. while I add items to my scene, I can just the the floor.. (or does it always need to be rendered first to see the floor?)
I tried with Iray Preview mode, but it takes forever when i move something, then everything is re-rendering again.. so I don't have it enabled..
3Delight does not have a floor by default -the grid is just a guide - so I'm not sure where one is coming from when you render. What is in your scene?
This is like 1 of them
I can see the floor barely and sometimes I won't see it at all. until I render the image.
OK, so the issue may be that you have preview Lights off or that your actual lights are being previewed but are fairly horizontal - things that are at an acute angle to the light direction thnd to preview dark.
ok, I will play around with it..
Bought too many items (1800+) , and barely time to render and build.. (all those darn sales lol)