No Polygons?
Posts: 205
I would like to add a texture map to an area of a jackhammer created by "jlk" i got from CgShare. I believe it has no mesh? see screen shot orange section. thanks.
1366 x 768 - 159K
If you can see the prop, it must have geometry and if it does it will have a surface. It may just be a single polygon, buty it will be there! You can test that out by selecting the surafce and adjusting the diffuse colour to something obvious like pure red or green.
thanks Simon. I can't get a detail texture map to work. it appears as all one color. i adjusted the tiles and nothing. just solid colors and no detail. i can't get a decent uv of it either. from hexagon or the free uv viewer and the uv viewer in daz... no image a white space. humm
I'm just grabbing it now to take a look!
It's quite possible the item wasn't UV mapped (or at least that part of it wasn't.) If so, and you want to use an image texture on it (or any shaders that require UVs) you'll have to UV map it yourself. Not a simple process, but there are modellers out there that can do basic Atlas style, Spherical, Cubic, and Cylindrical projection mapping that work pretty well. But you'll then have to do your own painting of the texture maps to use those UVs.
It all looks to be there - your viewpprt is in wireframe mode, so you won't see a whole lot of detail. The main body of the item looks to be made up of two triangles of mesh per side - the white X you can see in your image is the front and back triangles of the mesh.
ok, i want to create my own texture to add a manufacturer's label on the body of the hammer. but i can't get a decent uv to position the texture. my dilema.
Use a UV alignment texture and put the viewport into Textured mode. You'll be able to see both the alignemnt and spacing where you'll need to put the logo on the actual texture.
Example of UV alignment texture:
(or just google "UV alignment texture" on image google.)
Thanks all! I finally got this. I took the object in hexagon and replaced the uv with the gizmo and streached it and I got this?
At least I have something to work with.
ok, that didn't work. so I used hpheonix's uv grid to see the results. as you can see it works on the primative but look at the hammer when i apply the grid. this is my issue.
Until I get home and can download and look at the object itself, I can't really offer much more advice. The tiling may be set way up, which would cause issues with the texture usage, or any of a dozen other possibilities.
Still can't figure the issue with textures and shaders so i made a primative and parented to the body of the hammer then on the cube created the texture map and added layers of "dirt" to it.
Hmmm, I downloaded the file, exported it from DS to OBJ, and there are no UV coords in the resulting OBJ (and I did tell the exporter to save them.)
I don't think the object HAS UVs. I think you'd have to create a UV map for it. Blender could do so fairly easily, though they wouldn't be optimal.