Daz Studio Pro BETA - version! Release Candidate 5 (*UPDATED*)



  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Richard,,  the PM which you have not read, was,  mainly  to say thank you about you said "you  check the issue which daz dev team had said me , they  could not reproduece,

    but I and other user which I offered to test,,  could reproduce,sad  and I wrote    "no need to hurry up" too.

    because you said you could not check the topic  at that time. about your work. 


    But I said sorry,, to write ,,  when you get time please check it,, and send bug report,, with your manner."   Yes,, actually I was reproachful,,,

     I  need to behave as reprochful to ask  user who can send bug report correctly with clear knowledge ,and english grammer.or they may think , it is bug just happen "my PC" about case they can not easy reproduce,  at current DAZ have no bug tracker, which user can check each topic, and if DAZ team could not reproduce, other user test, and ask DAZ to check again.

    Then  I ask you to check and confirm.  because I do not think at current, DAZ support team can read those bug report from many user, with detail .I feel if you send bug report, they must check it.  

  • I have read the PMs - the email notifications have the content of the message. I'm leaving the last reply unread so my Inbox says 1 new message as a reminder that I need to look at your issue.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I can not clear understand,, what You say about PM ^^;;  But,,, I do not hope to be thought, " Kita is troll and send many PM and annoy forum member "><;   

     just felt  it seems good chance to ask  you again,, then sorry to ask here.   about PM,, I wote,,

    English is difficult for me , then send bug report with English is more difficult, as DAZ team readable,  and cuase them to check more ,



  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited October 2016

    The Public Build of Daz Studio Pro BETA is now available via Install Manager.

    Notice that the title of the thread and the contents of the first post has been updated.


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Has the NVIDIA Iray renderer been updated?

    Yes, it has.

    *Note: The entries below come directly from the NVIDIA Iray 2016.2 release notes. Some entries, such as the mention of Iray Realtime, etc, currently have no bearing on Daz Studio itself but are included for completeness.

    Iray 2016.2, build 272800.6312

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Iray now ships with and is using CUDA 8.0 final. Please note that this requires at least NVIDIA driver 367. It is recommended to use NVIDIA driver 372.XX.
      • The node manager client has been made more robust in situations where a worker stalls or crashes in the middle of a network request which would have led to a freeze on the client.
      • The quality of H.264 encoded images has been improved.
      • The bridge upload of changes to small objects has been improved further.
    • Iray Photoreal & Iray Interactive
      • The iray_camera_near_plane scene option has been removed and the mip_use_camera_near_plane boolean attribute on the camera has been added instead. When switched on, Iray Photoreal and Iray Realtime use the existing min clip distance from the ICamera for new plane clipping. The default is off.
    • Iray Interactive
      • The maximum working memory occupancy has been reduced by capping it to 3GB.
      • The scene option Sint32 irt fast convergence start has been added to allow faster convergence at a lower frame rate after the given iteration number.
    • Iray API
      • The API example for stereo rendering (more possibilities to export the rendered layers) has been improved.

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • Updates to memory-based resources were not always correctly reflected in the rendered image and in compiled materials.
      • The expression duplicate detection has been fixed, reducing the number of texture slots used for some MDL materials.
      • Massive slowdowns due to JIT-compiled base::perlin noise texture have been fixed.
      • An Iray Bridge server side shutdown problem has been fixed that could cause the server to crash if shutting it down while rendering using Iray Interactive with "batch" video mode.
    • Iray Photoreal & Iray Interactive
      • Issues with missing geometry in case the displacement shaders return NaN has been fixed.
      • A crash if base::gradient3_texture().mono is used has been fixed.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Matte objects have been disabled when rendering irradiance probes/buffer.
      • Memory usage of OptiX Prime after hierarchy construction has been decreased.
      • Possible GPU driver timeouts when cancelling and resuming a rendering have been fixed.
      • Striping after scene changes when rendering with Iray Server in a cluster of multiple slaves has been fixed.
      • A crash when switching from interactive mode to batch mode has been fixed.
      • Hangs and crashes when the scene is referencing invalid ies files have been fixed.
      • Rendering is now restarted when switching on/off single pass stereo rendering.
      • Fix wrong lighting for Sun&Sky sun disc parameter being larger than 33.
      • Fix more precision issues when instancing of geometry is enabled (iray_instancing on).
    • Iray Interactive
      • Light profile parameters remained even after resetting the light profile data. This has been fixed.
      • Unnecessary memory occupancy, potentially leading toCPUfallback on large models has been fixed.
      • A bug causing illegal memory errors when using translucent materials on Maxwell and Pascal GPUs has been fixed.
      • Erroneous blurring when using Path-Space Filtering with irt_render_mode==0 has been fixed.
      • A crash when using a negative camera window size has been fixed.
      • A bug causing decals to disappear after creating additional instances of an object with decals has been fixed.
      • Broken decal projections after repeatedly adding more geometry and decals to a scene have been fixed.
      • Line artifacts at horizon when rendering a ground plane with the scene option "progressive_rendering_samples" set bigger than one have been fixed.
      • Fixed a bug preventing the working memory of Iray Interactive to be increased when increasing the irt_working_memory parameter.
      • Fixed a bug causing the virtual ground to appear matte when seen from below, regardless of its glossiness.
      • Fixed a bug causing the cutouts of objects to be ignored when rendering the shadows on the virtual ground plane.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • The export of MDL files for compound literals containing enum values has been fixed. In rare cases, the necessary scope for the enum values was not printed before, exporting wrong MDL code.


    Iray 2016.2 beta, build 272800.3649

    This is a beta release of Iray 2016.2. This is meant for early evaluation and integration prototypes. Do not use this for production code. Please see the list of known bugs and restrictions below.

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • The FreeImage image plugin has been renamed from freeimage.so/dll to nv_freeimage.so/dll to avoid collisions with the DLL name of FreeImage itself.
      • Iray is now using CUDA 8.0.
      • New camera attributes to tweak depth of field/aperture have been added: mip lens radial bias, mip aperture num blades and mip aperture blade rotation angle
      • The internal precision for some texture formats (like 16 bit per channel textures) has been increased.
      • Bridge render modes now log a "video bitrate" progress message when the bitrate changes for rendered frames. Though only when h264 video format is used.
      • The gamma value is now by all render mode objects correctly written to a canvas after rendering. Bridge render modes also propagate gamma for rendered canvases from the server.
    • Iray Bridge
      • Support for the iray cloud option "stereo eye" has been added which works in the same way as the iray option with the same name.
      • The Iray Bridge pages available through the admin pages have been improved.
      • Support for Bridge connection timeouts has been added. If nothing is heard from the peer in 10 seconds, Bridge will consider the connection dead and disconnect it. The timeout can be set by setting the debug option "bridge_network_timeout" to the desired value. Useful to set to a high value when debugging to avoid the connection to time out.
      • Support for the "IQ Interactive" Bridge (iq_irt_cloud) render mode has been added.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Cancel reactivity has been improved when passing the mi::neuraylib::IRender_context::CANCEL_AND_RESTART cancel mode to IRender_context::cancel_render.
      • Single pass stereo rendering has been added. When rendering to a canvas with at least two layers, Iray renders both the left and right eye in one single pass and stores the images in the first two layers.
      • Support for arbitrary numbers of section planes has been added.
      • The performance of texture pre-processing has been improved.
      • The convergence if directional lights are used in combination with "environment_function_intensity" has been improved.
      • Rendering is now restarted, if the backplate constant color is changed.
      • The iray_camera_near_plane option for camera near plane clipping has been added.
    • Iray Interactive
      • Support for Pascal GPUs (Compute Capability 6.0 and 6.1) has been added.
      • Support for cancel render has been added to improve responsivity.
      • Support for deprecated MetaSL has been removed.
      • Single pass stereo rendering has been added. When rendering to a canvas with at least two layers, Iray renders both the left and right eye in one single pass and stores the images in the first two layers.
      • Support for arbitrary numbers of section planes has been added.
      • The iray_camera_near_plane option for camera near plane clipping has been added.
    • Iray Realtime
      • The limitations and the renderer options documentation has been updated.
    • Iray API
      • mi::http::IWeb_socket::get_url() has been obsoleted by mi::http::IWeb_socket::get_url_path().
      • The search paths for MDL, resources, and includes do no longer accept non-existing directories and return with a new return code in such cases.
      • The interfaces ICall, ICall_decl, and ITemporary have been removed. There were only used by the old MDL type system in the context of compiled materials.
      • The method IExport_api::export_lightprofile() has been added which allows to export light profiles.
      • The signature of IRender_context::cancel_render() has been changed to accept a new optional parameter that gives a hint to the render mode how to cancel rendering.
      • The method IExport_api::get_export_elements() has been added. It simplifies the task of exporter writers to generate the list of dependencies in the correct order.
      • The new API component IVideo_codec_factory allows to create video encoders and decoders based on the loaded plugins.
      • The exporter-specific return codes of IExport_api::export_elements() and IExport_api::export_elements_to_string() for MDL modules have been changed to allow better diagnosis of error causes.
      • The method ILightprofile::reset file() rejects now calls where resolution_x or resolution_y is 1.
      • A new parameter has been added to the method IWeb_socket_data_handler::handle() to indicate whether the received data buffer is binary or text.
      • ICluster_manager_cluster::get_head_node returns the head node name rather than a node descriptor. To address this, two new calls have been added. get_head_node_address() returns the ip address of the head node and get_head_node_descriptor() returns a node descriptor of the head node.
      • The cluster manager API did not trigger a cluster change callback on all connected clients run by the same user. This has been addressed.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • The signature of IMaterial_instance::create_compiled_material() has been changed to allow to specify the minimal and maximal wavelength. Previous default arguments have been removed.
      • The MDL exporter has been improved in various ways. It now supports memory based resources, attempts to use the original filename of resources to maintain the meaning, and uses strict-relative file paths to avoid ambiguities.
      • The MDL factories have been extended to dump annotations, annotation blocks, and type/value/expression/annotation lists. IFactory::dump() has been extended to support an optional transaction parameter.
      • Error messages in the MDL core compiler about failing module imports are now suppressed if the module name contains a syntax error.
      • The create_material() API now supports "nameless" resources, i.e. resources that are created in memory without a file on disk.
      • Uniform parameter analysis has been implemented for parameters in the create_material() API.

        This analysis automatically sets the uniform flag for parameters created by create_materials() if this is required by the signature of the prototype instance.

        There should be no need to manually restrict the uniform property. Note that a new error code -15 might be returned.
      • The compatibility of mono mode of base::checker texture has been increased.

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • A potential crash and memory leaks have been fixed for Web socket clients when dealing with too long or ill-formed responses.
      • A crash has been fixed for Web socket clients when handling a timeout while connecting to a HTTP proxy.
      • Gamma has been corrected for render canvases.
      • Geometry with displacement was not re-tessellated when the mdl meters per scene unit option changed. This has been fixed.
      • Geometry was not re-tessellated on certain kinds of geometry changes. This has been fixed.
      • A problem in the .miimporter occurring with deferred-sized array arguments of MDL function calls or material instances has been fixed.
      • A bug in Iray Bridge has been fixed that caused an error about failing to flush the encoder when closing an nvenc (NVIDIA hardware h264) encoder.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Rare issues of ray tracing artifacts (dark spots) when tracing through refractive objects has been fixed.
      • Issues with ray tracing stepping over geometry when using instancing (like thin glass or lamp shades) has been fixed. Self intersection/shadow acne when using instancing has also been fixed.
      • Sometimes occurring wrong values in the alpha buffer and depth buffer have been fixed.
      • Matte objects with transparent materials no longer cast fully opaque shadows if no backplate is used or matte reflections and refractions are configured to go into the environment.
      • A convergence problem of slowly or even never fully vanishing noise when rendering large resolutions on very fast GPUs like a M6000 or GTX Titan X has been fixed.
      • Lens distortion on orthographic cameras has been disabled.
      • Panoramic stereo rendering has been fixed. Left and right eye were not aligned correctly.
      • Clip planes with caustic sampler have been fixed. The light clipping option was inverted for the caustic sampler, leading to wrong shadows.
    • Iray Interactive
      • A bug has been fixed that caused the suppression of light materials to be ignored.
      • An unwanted depth of field effect on the backplate when environment dome ground connect to environment was enabled has been fixed.
      • A crash when a custom tone mapper was applied without its RGB curve data has been fixed.
      • Path Space Filtering was using undefined default parameter values when not explicitly specified in the scene options. This has been fixed.
      • A potential crash when setting a camera exactly located at its point of interest has been fixed.
      • Erroneous picking results when setting a camera exactly located at its point of interest has been fixed.
      • Rendering was not reset when the firefly filter parameters were modified. This has been fixed.
      • A bug causing erroneous firefly filter parameters when not set explicitly in the scene options has been fixed.
      • A potential crash when modifying the firefly filter parameters on multi-GPU configurations has been fixed.
      • A bug causing canvas gamma to be ignored when no tonemapper was present has been fixed.
      • Lens distortion on orthographic cameras has been disabled.
    • Iray Realtime
      • A bug has been fixed that was affecting cascaded shadow maps when lights were added or removed.
      • A bug with cascaded shadow maps that happened when the number of cascades was changed has been fixed.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • A crash in the MDL core compiler has been fixed that happened if a function or material variant used non-existing parameter names to specify a new default value.
      • MDL code generated by the create material() API if a material was created from the material constructor has been fixed.
      • Two bugs in the MDL core compiler regarding uniform and non-uniform values have been fixed. The compiler did not correctly check the parameter types of varying functions.

        Hence, errors like this:
        T f(uniform T x) varying;
        varying T g();
        were not detected. This has been fixed.

        Additionally, functions using varying calls only inside the default parameters are not erroneously marked as varying anymore.

        Calls inside the default parameter are outside the function body, hence they do not influence the varying property. This is now handled correctly.

        Note: Previously the MDL core compiler did not always detect wrong code due to this. Hence, old materials might now be (correctly) marked as erroneous. Typically it is easy to fix them. In most cases this happens because a material or function parameter is not marked as uniform but used to compute an argument value of a function inside the body that must be uniform.

    Iray 2016.1.4, build 261500.12792

    Added and Changed Features

    • Iray Photoreal
      • The convergence performance when using both directional lights and environment function intensity has been improved.
    • Iray Realtime
      • The documentation on renderer options has been updated.
      • The documentation on renderer limitations has been updated.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • IMdl_factory::create_materials() has been extended such that is also supports the function definition for the material constructor as root node of the provided material graph.

    Fixed Bugs

    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • IMdl_factory::create_materials() now automatically detects if a newly created parameter must be uniform because of the used template material instance. A new error code -15 is returned if the passed argument is not uniform in that case.

    Known Issues and Restrictions

    • Iray Realtime
      • Shadow softness has been clamped to 0.3 to avoid artifacts produced by higher values.


    Iray 2016.1.3, build 261500.12088

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • The AxF importer has been updated to AxF 1.3. This adds support for clear coat on SVBRDF representations and support for carpaint (version 2) representations - both only if the clearcoat is non-refracting.
    • Iray API
      • Added the possibility to create instances of IArray with length 0. This can be useful in generic code. Note that it is still not possible to create such attributes.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • The method IFactory::dump() supports now MDL annotations, annotation blocks, and type/value/expression/annotation lists when they occur in untyped arrays or structures. Useful for debugging arguments passed to IMdl_factory::create_variants() or IMdl_factory::create_materials().

    Fixed Bugs

    • General
      • A race condition in a closing TCP socket that could lead to a crash on Windows has been fixed.
      • The .mib importer was storing all data in global scope, regardless of the calling transaction (and its scope). The implementation has been changed to obey the scope’s privacy level.
    • Iray Photoreal
      • Rendering is now restarted on tonemapping changes if a backplate background color is used and tonemapping is disabled for the backplate.
      • In case of JIT-compilation, the mono output of base::checker texture was inverted. This has been fixed.
      • An issue with instanced geometry featuring transmissive materials (no more shadow artifacts) has been fixed.
    • Iray Interactive
      • In case of JIT-compilation, the mono output of base::checker_texture was inverted. This has been fixed.
      • irt_first_frame_antialiasing is now disabled by default, in accordance with the documentation.
    • Material Definition Language (MDL)
      • Ignoring the gamma value of memory-based textures in IMdl_factory::create_variants() has been fixed.
      • A crash that occured with zero-length immediate-sized arrays in annotations has been fixed.
      • A crash if a material or function variant was declared with wrong parameter names has been fixed. Now an error is reported.
      • Support for memory-based resources in IMdl_factory::create_materials() has been added.
      • The MDL compiler now generates useful error messages if module names in import statements contain syntax errors.
  • Does this mean... Pascal is supported?


  • Does this mean... Pascal is supported?


    I would love to know this as well as the change log above is basically gibberish to me lol 

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,725
    edited October 2016

    Does this mean... Pascal is supported?


    Yes. You do need the latest NVIDIA drivers as it uses CUDA 8.

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    really hope new beta work well , (it seems remove many bug which I noticed too, surface group UV problem, joint editor,, etc,,)


    Then,,  would not daz dev team, offer small note, which discribe,    Dev team member pc setting , and user can clear see,,with daz stuido build log page ?

     (eg just discribe,   test with, " windows 8 64,bit PC,  with  geforce970 ,  driver number,   32 GB memory , CPU name etc)


  • It works.

    I did a super quick test with Olympia 7 (no other items) in base render settings, no OptiX, 450x800, Sun-Sky only.

    It takes the GTX 1080 60 seconds to perform a 1000 iterations on it, and around 10 to compile stuff before it renders. So... 50 seconds or so to do it. 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Thanks for checking it out, Thomas. Hope it will work well also with the larger scenes.


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited October 2016

    Sorry, unfortunately this version beta still can  not remove problem,  when I set the draw setting=blend mode ,some scene must shut down when i try to load,, or ds  "Preparing scene" forever..   

    I re-isntall newest driver again, and re-boot with clean install,

    (I could not see any improvement about this intterective (blend mode) problem when test with  each Nvidia driver version , then may not need, ds still just shut down with blend mode)

    windows 10 64bit  gtx980 ti  my render setting (advence)  I check all 2 GPU and CPU with optitx, but it may not change.  I keep render setting as photoreal.. 

    When I render as image , ds can start render, and if I keep draw setting as photoreal,,  ds can show rendered scene in 3d view too.

    It seems work, when I load only one figure, without enviroment . but most of scene seems can not finish "preparing scene" with Blend mode draw setting.

    I think,, blend mode, (interective)  is one of" key future , to improve ds experiment with iray,,  then  hope daz team can remove problem.  


    and thanks finally, this beta remove  the corrupted joint editor  check box bug. . I can play with node scale option again. 

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on

    On a side note, where are the shaders? O.o can't seem to find any in the surface tab


    On a side note, where are the shaders? O.o can't seem to find any in the surface tab

    Which shaders?


    On a side note, where are the shaders? O.o can't seem to find any in the surface tab

    Did you install the Default Resources, and if you did are they in a content directory the beta is set to look in?


    On a side note, where are the shaders? O.o can't seem to find any in the surface tab

    Did you install the Default Resources, and if you did are they in a content directory the beta is set to look in?

    they are installed in my general release Daz Studio and I made the Beta look into the folder where I keep my library. Some content from daz connect is also missing from the smart content tab... What am I doing wrong?

  • It also seems I can't change the rendering resolution (nor the aspect ratio)

  • It also seems I can't change the rendering resolution (nor the aspect ratio)

    You need to change the Dimension Preset from Active Viewport to Custom to enter your own values.

  • FYI, The DzInstall something or other exe on the beta update triggers Avast virus checker.


  • AlienRendersAlienRenders Posts: 793
    edited October 2016

    Oh, are spherical cameras available yet? I REAAAAAAALLLYYYY want this.


    Post edited by AlienRenders on
  • It also seems I can't change the rendering resolution (nor the aspect ratio)

    You need to change the Dimension Preset from Active Viewport to Custom to enter your own values.

    did it, no change

  • RobotHeadArtRobotHeadArt Posts: 917
    edited October 2016

    It also seems I can't change the rendering resolution (nor the aspect ratio)

    You need to change the Dimension Preset from Active Viewport to Custom to enter your own values.

    did it, no change

    I appear to have the same problem.  Change the the ratio, it always renders as if I had Active Viewport selected.

    Also, closing out DS and relaunching it resets the render settings to use Active Viewport, whereas before it would save the ratio and size and restore it on launching.

    Post edited by RobotHeadArt on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    rbtwhiz said:
    Iray 2016.2, build 272800.6312

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Iray now ships with and is using CUDA 8.0 final. Please note that this requires at least NVIDIA driver 367. It is recommended to use NVIDIA driver 372.XX.

    I'm on the Nvidia site now. Using the option to manually find the drivers for my product, I end up on a page for driver version 375.63, (which includes support for the 1050 cards.) I was able to find 372.54 and 372.70 using their site search funtion. Is v375.63 okay, or should I download one of the v372 drivers?

    For anyone else looking, here are the links:

    Common sense would suggest 375 will be fine. But ya' never know...

  • I installed 375.63 today. It appears to be good.

  • Jack238Jack238 Posts: 117

    FYI, The DzInstall something or other exe on the beta update triggers Avast virus checker.



    Avast will do this for any new program (executable) it finds. If it sees the same name and different file size etc., it will trigger a deeper review. I have had Avast do this with several program updates. It can be inconvienent but I guess that is the price of being a little more secure. I received the message and it told me it would take about 111 minutes to get back to me. That was 30 minutes ago.



  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191
    L'Adair said:
    rbtwhiz said:
    Iray 2016.2, build 272800.6312

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Iray now ships with and is using CUDA 8.0 final. Please note that this requires at least NVIDIA driver 367. It is recommended to use NVIDIA driver 372.XX.

    I'm on the Nvidia site now. Using the option to manually find the drivers for my product, I end up on a page for driver version 375.63, (which includes support for the 1050 cards.) I was able to find 372.54 and 372.70 using their site search funtion. Is v375.63 okay, or should I download one of the v372 drivers?

    For anyone else looking, here are the links:

    Common sense would suggest 375 will be fine. But ya' never know...

    I put 375.63 on my laptop today and it seems to be ok; my main system is running 372.54 with no issues.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    It also seems I can't change the rendering resolution (nor the aspect ratio)

    You need to change the Dimension Preset from Active Viewport to Custom to enter your own values.

    did it, no change

    I appear to have the same problem.  Change the the ratio, it always renders as if I had Active Viewport selected.

    Also, closing out DS and relaunching it resets the render settings to use Active Viewport, whereas before it would save the ratio and size and restore it on launching.

    I'm not seeing this - do you have a setting on the camera that is overriding the render settings?

    I've run custom, 16 by 9, golden ratio, and square and all have obeyed my pixel size settings within the shape constraints.

  • namffuak said:

    It also seems I can't change the rendering resolution (nor the aspect ratio)

    You need to change the Dimension Preset from Active Viewport to Custom to enter your own values.

    did it, no change

    I appear to have the same problem.  Change the the ratio, it always renders as if I had Active Viewport selected.

    Also, closing out DS and relaunching it resets the render settings to use Active Viewport, whereas before it would save the ratio and size and restore it on launching.

    I'm not seeing this - do you have a setting on the camera that is overriding the render settings?

    I've run custom, 16 by 9, golden ratio, and square and all have obeyed my pixel size settings within the shape constraints.

    I had been trying to render through Perspective so no camera constraints.  I tried creating a camera, setting it to local dimensions, looked through the camera, render... and still renders as if Active Viewport is selected.  Iray preview in the Viewport does render the correct aspect ratio and inside the Aspect Frame.

  • AlienRendersAlienRenders Posts: 793
    edited October 2016

    Just trying out "Blend Interactive to Render Settings" and it seems WAY faster than before. Looks better too initially (before going to render settings). The delay between moving the mouse and starting to render is MUCH shorter in the viewport. Is it my imagination, but is it faster overall to render? I'll have to run some tests.

    edit: Ooooohhhh, what's this Environment tab with backdrop options. Very nice!


    Post edited by AlienRenders on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I installed 375.63 today. It appears to be good.

    namffuak said:
    L'Adair said:
    rbtwhiz said:
    Iray 2016.2, build 272800.6312

    Added and Changed Features

    • General
      • Iray now ships with and is using CUDA 8.0 final. Please note that this requires at least NVIDIA driver 367. It is recommended to use NVIDIA driver 372.XX.

    I'm on the Nvidia site now. Using the option to manually find the drivers for my product, I end up on a page for driver version 375.63, (which includes support for the 1050 cards.) I was able to find 372.54 and 372.70 using their site search funtion. Is v375.63 okay, or should I download one of the v372 drivers?

    For anyone else looking, here are the links:

    Common sense would suggest 375 will be fine. But ya' never know...

    I put 375.63 on my laptop today and it seems to be ok; my main system is running 372.54 with no issues.

    Thank you, both.

    Once upon a time, my DSL connection was considered fast. Tech has improved considerably, but Qwest doesn't seem to think the second largest city in Oregon is big enough to upgrade the equipment. And I'm so not a fan of either cable company available but I may have to break down and switch... 1.5MB is just too slow!

    Needless to say, I really don't want to have to download more than one driver to find the right one, if I don't have to.

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