I'm trying to download via Install manager but I can't find it. I've ticked public build on the download tab and tried various combinations of Daz studio pro public builld in the search box but nothing pops up. Any suggestions?
Found it by searching on "Beta". Problem solved.
Don't forget to also check "software" in your search options.
Dynamic Cloth seems to have stopped working with this release. Either I get told that there is no cloth item to drape, or (in the case of the American Flag prop) it drapes for several steps and then stops with an error message. Anyone else seeing this?
Are you using the full plugin or the included basic one?
Full plugin. When a dynamic object is selected, the Dynamic Clothing pane says <Not Applicable> for the Active Item.
When I de-install the full plugin, and use just the basic plugin, it works correctly. I removed the plugin and downloaded it again; but got the same result.
Dynamic Cloth seems to have stopped working with this release. Either I get told that there is no cloth item to drape, or (in the case of the American Flag prop) it drapes for several steps and then stops with an error message. Anyone else seeing this?
Are you using the full plugin or the included basic one?
Full plugin. When a dynamic object is selected, the Dynamic Clothing pane says <Not Applicable> for the Active Item.
When I de-install the full plugin, and use just the basic plugin, it works correctly. I removed the plugin and downloaded it again; but got the same result.
I still get this error on a Phenom II X6 with, reported.
DAZStudio.exe caused ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Public Build\libs\iray\libneuray.dll" at 0033:00000000CF503E68, mi_neuray_factory()+7414008 byte(s)
Dynamic Cloth seems to have stopped working with this release. Either I get told that there is no cloth item to drape, or (in the case of the American Flag prop) it drapes for several steps and then stops with an error message. Anyone else seeing this?
Are you using the full plugin or the included basic one?
Full plugin. When a dynamic object is selected, the Dynamic Clothing pane says <Not Applicable> for the Active Item.
When I de-install the full plugin, and use just the basic plugin, it works correctly. I removed the plugin and downloaded it again; but got the same result.
Dynamic Cloth seems to have stopped working with this release. Either I get told that there is no cloth item to drape, or (in the case of the American Flag prop) it drapes for several steps and then stops with an error message. Anyone else seeing this?
Are you using the full plugin or the included basic one?
Full plugin. When a dynamic object is selected, the Dynamic Clothing pane says <Not Applicable> for the Active Item.
When I de-install the full plugin, and use just the basic plugin, it works correctly. I removed the plugin and downloaded it again; but got the same result.
What dynamic item are you using?
I had this with the cloak from the Horror from the Depths figure, though it ddi seem to drape after a few back-and-forths. Please report it. is still showing the same behaviour as rendering on Iray with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 CPU ("GPU only" render on a GeForce GT 730). Rendering the "Material Ball" scene DS crashes with the original 24 bit textures applied ("Ball_NoLogo.jpg" and "Spectrum.png"), but will render as intended when those two are converted to 32 bit (and "Ball_NoLogo.jpg" from JPG to PNG). Support ticket has been updated, including crashlog. and both load genesis 3 so much slower than and The "reading asset" dialog closes at about 30s but the figure doesn't appear in the viewport for another 40s, whereas in and the dialog closes in 5s and the figure appears in another 5s. Please clean this up. I wish I could roll back to but I didn't save it... such a big gap since the last public build I thought for sure it would be a safe bet lol
I've been working on a holiday scene which features a G3F in Belle Dress and a G3M in the Victorian Santa outfit. The collar, waistband and hem of the dress use the fur shaders from JGreenlees and was created in I installed and continued work on the Victorian Santa, adding the same fur shaders to the collar, cuffs and hem of the Santa coat. When doing a test render, I discovered only the cuffs use the displacement that gives the shader that furry look. I saved the scene and opened it in 4.9 Release and all three render correctly. (I've tested it now on several different clothing items and the issue is repeatable. I have not rebooted the computer. though...)
Is anyone else seeing a problem when one object needs displacement on multiple material zones?
(Thankfully, I kept a copy of and will be able to reinstall it to complete my project. Phew!)
I've been working on a holiday scene which features a G3F in Belle Dress and a G3M in the Victorian Santa outfit. The collar, waistband and hem of the dress use the fur shaders from JGreenlees and was created in I installed and continued work on the Victorian Santa, adding the same fur shaders to the collar, cuffs and hem of the Santa coat. When doing a test render, I discovered only the cuffs use the displacement that gives the shader that furry look. I saved the scene and opened it in 4.9 Release and all three render correctly. (I've tested it now on several different clothing items and the issue is repeatable. I have not rebooted the computer. though...)
Is anyone else seeing a problem when one object needs displacement on multiple material zones?
(Thankfully, I kept a copy of and will be able to reinstall it to complete my project. Phew!)
I also get this with the shaders you mention & probably with other things, I just haven't tried them :)
For the fur shaders I had sub-d up at 8 at one point but that made no difference to results - The same scene, using sub-d 3 (how it loads) in the general release the fur renders with displacement as expected.
Okay. If I'm not the only one seeing this, I should definitely send in a bug report. Thanks for your response Tottallou. And Nicstt, I'll have to try upping the sub-D in general. The fur does look a little funky at "only" 3.
Someone with problems with Diosplacement maps in this new build?
In Iray, I was having problems with only one of two or more material zones having displacement applied. I reported it after Tottallou confirmed the same issue. Here's an example render, attached, using Super Dress with JGreenlees' Fur Shader applied to the collar, lower sleeves and hem. Notice only the collar has the displacement. The sleeves and hem look totally flat. All three zones have the exact same settings.
Spherical cameras, yes! Now I need to see if I can render in stereo. OMG... as I'm tying this, I checked and there's a stereo offset parameter. My dreams have come true! LOL!
Hmmm.... Is there a way to render the forward 180 degrees instead of the full 360?
Have any test with 1070 + 970 setup and 1070 is only selected for rendering. I noticed 970 had same memory allocation as 1070 (Asus GPU Tweak II). Is there any other software where I can verity GPU memory allocations?
I haven't tested with larger scene that if this is issue.
Someone with problems with Diosplacement maps in this new build?
In Iray, I was having problems with only one of two or more material zones having displacement applied. I reported it after Tottallou confirmed the same issue. Here's an example render, attached, using Super Dress with JGreenlees' Fur Shader applied to the collar, lower sleeves and hem. Notice only the collar has the displacement. The sleeves and hem look totally flat. All three zones have the exact same settings.
Also when you change the values and return to the original value its get very weird results...
Have any test with 1070 + 970 setup and 1070 is only selected for rendering. I noticed 970 had same memory allocation as 1070 (Asus GPU Tweak II). Is there any other software where I can verity GPU memory allocations?
I haven't tested with larger scene that if this is issue.
GPUz shows what is being used, as well as other useful info.
Some times I have to hit the wall power switch to clear the crash as it goes down opening Daz files. Initially it would go for hours happy rendering video files but crashing has become much more frequent.
That sounds more hardware or OS related than Studio.
How are you rendering the video?
What does the log say when it crashes?
no log, just goes down, have to hit the wall switch if it doesn't come back up. only Daz studio sets it off, not a hardware issue. also goes down on still render and render series, same as with others in this thread. with the public release Daz and the beta using the same drivers, it is not surprising really. happy to wait for the fixes for the fast iray quality, will start playing with hololens while we wait :).
I've seen hard drive problems cause that kind of behavior...that's why I asked about the log file. Nothing in the log is also more likely with a hardware problem. Most of the others have something in the log when the crash occurs.
Don't forget to also check "software" in your search options.
The dark theme still isn't fixed.
What is the problem with the dark theme, please? In which Studio version and platform?
Full plugin. When a dynamic object is selected, the Dynamic Clothing pane says <Not Applicable> for the Active Item.
When I de-install the full plugin, and use just the basic plugin, it works correctly. I removed the plugin and downloaded it again; but got the same result.
I'm guessing that it hasn't been updated yet...
If you can get by with the basic plugin, check back in
What dynamic item are you using?
I still get this error on a Phenom II X6 with, reported.
DAZStudio.exe caused ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Public Build\libs\iray\libneuray.dll" at 0033:00000000CF503E68, mi_neuray_factory()+7414008 byte(s)
Casual Shirt M6 (from http://www.daz3d.com/dynamic-casuals-for-genesis-2-male-s) for example: if I turn off the dynamic control plugin, it selects and drapes.
using new camera lens added
I had this with the cloak from the Horror from the Depths figure, though it ddi seem to drape after a few back-and-forths. Please report it.
AMD A6 3400M and still broken. is still showing the same behaviour as rendering on Iray with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 CPU ("GPU only" render on a GeForce GT 730). Rendering the "Material Ball" scene DS crashes with the original 24 bit textures applied ("Ball_NoLogo.jpg" and "Spectrum.png"), but will render as intended when those two are converted to 32 bit (and "Ball_NoLogo.jpg" from JPG to PNG). Support ticket has been updated, including crashlog. and both load genesis 3 so much slower than and The "reading asset" dialog closes at about 30s but the figure doesn't appear in the viewport for another 40s, whereas in and the dialog closes in 5s and the figure appears in another 5s. Please clean this up. I wish I could roll back to but I didn't save it... such a big gap since the last public build I thought for sure it would be a safe bet lol
I've been working on a holiday scene which features a G3F in Belle Dress and a G3M in the Victorian Santa outfit. The collar, waistband and hem of the dress use the fur shaders from JGreenlees and was created in I installed and continued work on the Victorian Santa, adding the same fur shaders to the collar, cuffs and hem of the Santa coat. When doing a test render, I discovered only the cuffs use the displacement that gives the shader that furry look. I saved the scene and opened it in 4.9 Release and all three render correctly. (I've tested it now on several different clothing items and the issue is repeatable. I have not rebooted the computer. though...)
Is anyone else seeing a problem when one object needs displacement on multiple material zones?
(Thankfully, I kept a copy of and will be able to reinstall it to complete my project. Phew!)
I've had to up the sub d level when using them in general; maybe something to do with that?
And keeping backups is always the way to go. :)
I also get this with the shaders you mention & probably with other things, I just haven't tried them :)
For the fur shaders I had sub-d up at 8 at one point but that made no difference to results - The same scene, using sub-d 3 (how it loads) in the general release the fur renders with displacement as expected.
Okay. If I'm not the only one seeing this, I should definitely send in a bug report. Thanks for your response Tottallou. And Nicstt, I'll have to try upping the sub-D in general. The fur does look a little funky at "only" 3.
ETA: Reported. Request #230462.
Well I have a massive problem with DS 64 bit & also
When ever I try to save anything to prop/figure asset. Studio Crashes to desktop with an error. (Log .zip attached)
Ive a tried a reinstall and the problem still perssists.
Looking at the logs, there is somethign fishy going on with date entries, its reporting the current date as 2016-37-03?
Luckily I still have 4.7 installed so Im not completely sunk.
What are you trying to save as a prop/figure asset?
Lenses? Cool, just what i need. will try them this weekend :)
Someone with problems with Diosplacement maps in this new build?
In Iray or 3Delight?
Iray, look the sholders seams, this dont show up in 4.9 or in the anterior build
Does anyone know what the new spectral rendering options do? I tried turning it on and didn't notice any perceptible difference in my rendered image.
In Iray, I was having problems with only one of two or more material zones having displacement applied. I reported it after Tottallou confirmed the same issue. Here's an example render, attached, using Super Dress with JGreenlees' Fur Shader applied to the collar, lower sleeves and hem. Notice only the collar has the displacement. The sleeves and hem look totally flat. All three zones have the exact same settings.
Spherical cameras, yes! Now I need to see if I can render in stereo. OMG... as I'm tying this, I checked and there's a stereo offset parameter. My dreams have come true! LOL!
Hmmm.... Is there a way to render the forward 180 degrees instead of the full 360?
The stereo offest says mm, but it's actually cm.
Have any test with 1070 + 970 setup and 1070 is only selected for rendering. I noticed 970 had same memory allocation as 1070 (Asus GPU Tweak II). Is there any other software where I can verity GPU memory allocations?
I haven't tested with larger scene that if this is issue.
Also when you change the values and return to the original value its get very weird results...
GPUz shows what is being used, as well as other useful info.
candidate 3 did the trick. both running sweet :)