I wish I could set it to "work offline" permanently (probably since it is a beta that isn't a working option)
Not sure what you mean. Studio runs offline by default, but there is, by default, a login popup at start up. However, that can be turned off, either by checking "don't show this again" in the popup or setting Edit/Preferences/Startup (uncheck Show Login Page. You can also turn off "Show Home Page" here, which I have also done).
With that login popup gone there is no intrusion from Connect login at all—you have to go to the Connect menu and choose login.
I see in the change logs there was supposedly, in a recent unreleased beta, an option in Preferences: 'Added an “Automatically Login With Remembered Credentials” option to Preferences', but I can't find it, so perhaps they took it out again. Anyway, I'm certainly not logged in automatically and I don't get any prompts for logging in, so it's entirely unobtrusive.
...I ticked that box but it still keeps showing up every time I start the programme.
Do you mean you unticked the the box in the pop up? I think if you just close that box it isn't saved, so it may be that. Have you tried unticking the option in Edit/Preferences? Edit/Preferences/Startup uncheck Show Login Page. That's what I did when I first tried 4.9 and I haven't seen the popup since.
The current Public beta has Automatically Login boxes in both the launch and manual Connect dialogues
Am I correct in presuming one needs to log in at least once if using Connect (and its DRM component)?
If using Connect, yes. The Connect FAQ says:
You are required to connect at least once to validate your account, but you can work offline from that point forward. However, working offline will not allow you to benefit from using live product and metadata updates, installing content from our servers, or using the Store page in the Smart Content pane.
This once only also applies if installing DRM products using offline installers. The FAQ specifically says that a connection is not required for each product installation if installing offline.
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
And is that all that is in the saved pose? Are theer pose controls in the non-mirrored saved psoes? The Pose controls add to the values set on the bones themselves, so if you save a preset (and don't include the zero values but save only the non-zeros) then you can end up with the pose control and the setting on the bone from a previous pose both being in effect.
And is that all that is in the saved pose? Are theer pose controls in the non-mirrored saved psoes? The Pose controls add to the values set on the bones themselves, so if you save a preset (and don't include the zero values but save only the non-zeros) then you can end up with the pose control and the setting on the bone from a previous pose both being in effect.
And is that all that is in the saved pose? Are theer pose controls in the non-mirrored saved psoes? The Pose controls add to the values set on the bones themselves, so if you save a preset (and don't include the zero values but save only the non-zeros) then you can end up with the pose control and the setting on the bone from a previous pose both being in effect.
Pose controls? I don't know what your referring to. It's a simple symmetry to mirror the pose. If there are boxes or things I shouldn't have checked that's fine but I don't want anything but rotations checked. When I have transforms and scaling checked strange things happen when applying pose afer pose after pose. Like say from a floor pose to flight pose and then back to a standing pose. So when I leave those boxed unchecked the poses reposition the figure from the floor to the sky to standing just fine. I find that "Mirror across Y Axis" somehow improves the pose. When I don't have anything selected from that drop down I get strange things happening with the poses.... So again I have no idea what Pose controls your referring to. :-(
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
I had never hear of Bake to Transforms, so I tried it. It erased the expression from my G3F character's face. Does it not work with expression pose controls?
And is that all that is in the saved pose? Are theer pose controls in the non-mirrored saved psoes? The Pose controls add to the values set on the bones themselves, so if you save a preset (and don't include the zero values but save only the non-zeros) then you can end up with the pose control and the setting on the bone from a previous pose both being in effect.
Pose controls? I don't know what your referring to. It's a simple symmetry to mirror the pose. If there are boxes or things I shouldn't have checked that's fine but I don't want anything but rotations checked. When I have transforms and scaling checked strange things happen when applying pose afer pose after pose. Like say from a floor pose to flight pose and then back to a standing pose. So when I leave those boxed unchecked the poses reposition the figure from the floor to the sky to standing just fine. I find that "Mirror across Y Axis" somehow improves the pose. When I don't have anything selected from that drop down I get strange things happening with the poses.... So again I have no idea what Pose controls your referring to. :-(
The question is, how did you make the poses (I assume theya re your own)? Did you just seelct bones and use the controls under Transforms, or did you use any of the controls (on the figure or hand for example) that adjust multiple bones in one go (figners grip or arms up, say)?
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
I had never hear of Bake to Transforms, so I tried it. It erased the expression from my G3F character's face. Does it not work with expression pose controls?
The expressions don't use rotations exclusively so if you baked only rotations you would lose the other settings - you can see what any given expression uses by clicking on the gear icon and going to Parameter Settings, then looking at the Sub Componenets tab, or by right-clicking on the Parameters pane and putting it into Edit mode, then right-clicking on the expression slider and showing it in the Property Hierarchy pane and again looking at its sub-compoenets.
And is that all that is in the saved pose? Are theer pose controls in the non-mirrored saved psoes? The Pose controls add to the values set on the bones themselves, so if you save a preset (and don't include the zero values but save only the non-zeros) then you can end up with the pose control and the setting on the bone from a previous pose both being in effect.
Pose controls? I don't know what your referring to. It's a simple symmetry to mirror the pose. If there are boxes or things I shouldn't have checked that's fine but I don't want anything but rotations checked. When I have transforms and scaling checked strange things happen when applying pose afer pose after pose. Like say from a floor pose to flight pose and then back to a standing pose. So when I leave those boxed unchecked the poses reposition the figure from the floor to the sky to standing just fine. I find that "Mirror across Y Axis" somehow improves the pose. When I don't have anything selected from that drop down I get strange things happening with the poses.... So again I have no idea what Pose controls your referring to. :-(
The question is, how did you make the poses (I assume theya re your own)? Did you just seelct bones and use the controls under Transforms, or did you use any of the controls (on the figure or hand for example) that adjust multiple bones in one go (figners grip or arms up, say)?
I get it now. Jared touched base with me from DAZ3D and it made more sense. No, no pose controls were used, those really messed me up so stopped using those a long while back. I did make my own poses from scratch. I belong to Tumblr and have quite a few picture blogs that I get my inspiration from (as in I have about 1000 photos of potential poses I can make from them). So Pen mentioned in a PM that 4.5 runs nicely next to 4.9. If that's the case then I can only hope that Dusk and Dawn can function well enough in that older version to make my poses and use it's symmetry tool. Perhaps things will be less of an issue.
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
I had never hear of Bake to Transforms, so I tried it. It erased the expression from my G3F character's face. Does it not work with expression pose controls?
The expressions don't use rotations exclusively so if you baked only rotations you would lose the other settings - you can see what any given expression uses by clicking on the gear icon and going to Parameter Settings, then looking at the Sub Componenets tab, or by right-clicking on the Parameters pane and putting it into Edit mode, then right-clicking on the expression slider and showing it in the Property Hierarchy pane and again looking at its sub-compoenets.
I had selected all of the checkboxes for rotation, translation and even scale. The problem seems to be that I need to first Show Hidden Nodes on Genesis 3. It doesn't bake the adjustments to the new face nodes if they are hidden. Do you think that is the intended implementation?
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
I had never hear of Bake to Transforms, so I tried it. It erased the expression from my G3F character's face. Does it not work with expression pose controls?
The expressions don't use rotations exclusively so if you baked only rotations you would lose the other settings - you can see what any given expression uses by clicking on the gear icon and going to Parameter Settings, then looking at the Sub Componenets tab, or by right-clicking on the Parameters pane and putting it into Edit mode, then right-clicking on the expression slider and showing it in the Property Hierarchy pane and again looking at its sub-compoenets.
I had selected all of the checkboxes for rotation, translation and even scale. The problem seems to be that I need to first Show Hidden Nodes on Genesis 3. It doesn't bake the adjustments to the new face nodes if they are hidden. Do you think that is the intended implementation?
Hmm, that would crtainly appear to be worth a support ticket.
And this version Auto-fit seems corrupted. I put V4 armor and wears for genesis3female with auto fit.
but the armor are far away from genesis3female body.then locate on ground. it seems wrong axis problem.
then try same armor or wears in daz studio . it work without problem.Though I may send bug report,
but why DAZ need to discribe as highlight?
Made general improvements
Added support for pose data in clones
ERC connections are now temporarily disconnected to avoid issues relating to pose baking
And now I load cr2 figures to know what going on,,
it seems all loaded cr2 figures are locate strange postion, wrong asxis. then I can not load V4 correctly any more.
it is night mare. daz will stop support cr2 figures?
Someone else had an issue with a distorted figure, Michael 4 in that case. If you use File>Import and select an OBJ, then selct the Poser preset, what settings are used?
..but, importing as a .obj, wouldn't you lose all the rigging and morphing?
Yes. I was just wonmdering if the settings had been altered and if, perhaps, that was affecting the Poser import (where the geoemtry is in OBJ even if it is embedded in the library file).
When i return import setting for daz studio cordinate to import obj, with other preset (those change cordinate, and (I need to import something,(obj), to change axis cordinate for obj importer, "cancel" can not change axis cordinate),
ds can load cr2 along to daz studio cordinate correclty. So if it s improvement about "importer"?
I really often import obj from blender,
then everytime, I need to return import setting for DAZ stucio cordinate obj importer, and need to import some obj (which I need not) just to load cr2 A3 or V4 or autofit items etc?
OBJ Importer
Refactored individual options so that they are more consistent with the OBJ Exporter individual options (in both look and feel)
Just to conrifm I did not use cr2 (poser) preset with this beta , to import obj.
I just check blender preset. or 3ds max etc, if you just change one axis eg X to Y, Y to X, and use the custom cordinate,
then import obj, after that, cr2 seems load (import) along to the cordinate of the obj importer.
that means, about this beta , obj importer axis cordinate = cr2 load axis cordinate ?
then I need to return obj importer cordinate (X, Y, Z)= (X,Y,Z) and import something.obj?
When i return import setting for daz studio cordinate to import obj, with other preset (those change cordinate, and (I need to import something,(obj), to change axis cordinate for obj importer, "cancel" can not change axis cordinate),
ds can load cr2 along to daz studio cordinate correclty. So if it s improvement about "importer"?
I really often import obj from blender,
then everytime, I need to return import setting for DAZ stucio cordinate obj importer, and need to import some obj (which I need not) just to load cr2 A3 or V4 or autofit items etc?
OBJ Importer
Refactored individual options so that they are more consistent with the OBJ Exporter individual options (in both look and feel)
Just to conrifm I did not use cr2 (poser) preset with this beta , to import obj.
I just check blender preset. or 3ds max etc, if you just change one axis eg X to Y, Y to X, and use the custom cordinate,
then import obj, after that, cr2 seems load (import) along to the cordinate of the obj importer.
that means, about this beta , obj importer axis cordinate = cr2 load axis cordinate ?
then I need to return obj importer cordinate (X, Y, Z)= (X,Y,Z) and import something.obj?
This sounds like a bug, with some settings "bleeding through" from the OBJ importer to the Poser importer - please report it.
It difinetly bug as same as joint editor inherit scale, attirbute option. I do not hesitate to add one more my bug report,
but I really hope, techinical team , need to retrun message, at least reporter of bug, when It will be corrected, or there is progress about the problem or not.
I sent joint editor attribute bug, when DAZ release DS 4.9.2
Request #218971
Joint editor >node Attribute options corrupted. prop can not convert as figure anymore.
three months ago! then daz up-date beta, many times. but there seems no progress, and I get no message how they try to correct it. or actually they do not check report, just confirm?
But anyway I arelady send bug report about this problem Request #224567
i have take a look at the memory consume. there are improvements between and especialy the shared GPU mem.
this screenshots where taken with the two versions of DAZ Studio and load only the genesis 2 female in a blank scene. The same settings are applied to both versions. texture shaded viewport, GPU Intel, Render engine Iray.
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
I had never hear of Bake to Transforms, so I tried it. It erased the expression from my G3F character's face. Does it not work with expression pose controls?
The expressions don't use rotations exclusively so if you baked only rotations you would lose the other settings - you can see what any given expression uses by clicking on the gear icon and going to Parameter Settings, then looking at the Sub Componenets tab, or by right-clicking on the Parameters pane and putting it into Edit mode, then right-clicking on the expression slider and showing it in the Property Hierarchy pane and again looking at its sub-compoenets.
I had selected all of the checkboxes for rotation, translation and even scale. The problem seems to be that I need to first Show Hidden Nodes on Genesis 3. It doesn't bake the adjustments to the new face nodes if they are hidden. Do you think that is the intended implementation?
Hmm, that would crtainly appear to be worth a support ticket.
I finally got around to submitting this Request #224658.
Short question: Iray 2016.1 supports Subsurface Scattering in full color now, instead of previously only in greyscale (like explained in chapter 7.5 "Subsurface scattering as a model of glass" of the Material Definition Language — Handbook). Will we get a RGB color input field on the Sufarce Tab for the SSS Amount parameter replacing the slider there? Like the one we already have for Transmitted Color.
Nice work on the most recent Iray renderer plugin. Since the very first Beta I usually run some (five) testrenders to see how fast the new build would render, using the default "Material Ball" scene (Instancing Optimization: Speed, Optix Prime Acceleration: ON and GPU Only, on a Gainward GeForce GT 730 2048MB SilentFX). DS needed 935 iterations and 3 minutes 36 seconds, average, to reach default threshold for that scene.
DS had a 158% increase (192 iterations and 5 minutes 42 seconds average), and the actual DS still a 133% increase in render time (1057 iterations, 4 minutes 48 seconds average). Slightly faster, but not as fast as the initial Iradium General Release. Initialisation times had been increased from 4.9 seconds average ( to 72.7 seconds (, and again decreased to 14.7 seconds average for
DS (Beta) is now the first one to be acually faster than the initial Iradium General Release, with 532 iterations and 2 minutes 30 seconds average it's around 31% faster, and initialisation time's now at 4.5 seconds average.
The current Public beta has Automatically Login boxes in both the launch and manual Connect dialogues
...I ticked that box but it still keeps showing up every time I start the programme.
Do you mean you unticked the the box in the pop up? I think if you just close that box it isn't saved, so it may be that. Have you tried unticking the option in Edit/Preferences? Edit/Preferences/Startup uncheck Show Login Page. That's what I did when I first tried 4.9 and I haven't seen the popup since.
Am I correct in presuming one needs to log in at least once if using Connect (and its DRM component)?
Silly me! I reinstalled the old beta instead of installing the new one! No wonder I couldn't see the new options.
If using Connect, yes. The Connect FAQ says:
This once only also applies if installing DRM products using offline installers. The FAQ specifically says that a connection is not required for each product installation if installing offline.
I would be willing to install this beta IF there are no issues with the symmetry. I've submitted a bug report and have yet to hear back from someone about this.
Poses that are mirrored using this in the current "stable" release of DAZ Studio is doubling up numerical values in the exported .duf files, seen prevalently so far in the Collar twist (X). So my mirrored poses are being rejected by the Q&A. Totally sucks and is wasting my time.
Can someone mirror a pose they like and then export that and open it up in a text editor to see if the values are the same for the original? If not then the bug is still there and I'll have to start most of this over in Poser.
Are you sure the pose is using Transforms only, not any pose controls? If you are using the latter you need to bake them to transforms (shift-B, Edit>Figure>Bake to Transforms).
All I'm recording into the mirror poses are the rotations only.
And is that all that is in the saved pose? Are theer pose controls in the non-mirrored saved psoes? The Pose controls add to the values set on the bones themselves, so if you save a preset (and don't include the zero values but save only the non-zeros) then you can end up with the pose control and the setting on the bone from a previous pose both being in effect.
Thank you very much Richard
Pose controls? I don't know what your referring to. It's a simple symmetry to mirror the pose. If there are boxes or things I shouldn't have checked that's fine but I don't want anything but rotations checked. When I have transforms and scaling checked strange things happen when applying pose afer pose after pose. Like say from a floor pose to flight pose and then back to a standing pose. So when I leave those boxed unchecked the poses reposition the figure from the floor to the sky to standing just fine. I find that "Mirror across Y Axis" somehow improves the pose. When I don't have anything selected from that drop down I get strange things happening with the poses.... So again I have no idea what Pose controls your referring to. :-(
I had never hear of Bake to Transforms, so I tried it. It erased the expression from my G3F character's face. Does it not work with expression pose controls?
The question is, how did you make the poses (I assume theya re your own)? Did you just seelct bones and use the controls under Transforms, or did you use any of the controls (on the figure or hand for example) that adjust multiple bones in one go (figners grip or arms up, say)?
The expressions don't use rotations exclusively so if you baked only rotations you would lose the other settings - you can see what any given expression uses by clicking on the gear icon and going to Parameter Settings, then looking at the Sub Componenets tab, or by right-clicking on the Parameters pane and putting it into Edit mode, then right-clicking on the expression slider and showing it in the Property Hierarchy pane and again looking at its sub-compoenets.
I get it now. Jared touched base with me from DAZ3D and it made more sense. No, no pose controls were used, those really messed me up so stopped using those a long while back. I did make my own poses from scratch. I belong to Tumblr and have quite a few picture blogs that I get my inspiration from (as in I have about 1000 photos of potential poses I can make from them). So Pen mentioned in a PM that 4.5 runs nicely next to 4.9. If that's the case then I can only hope that Dusk and Dawn can function well enough in that older version to make my poses and use it's symmetry tool. Perhaps things will be less of an issue.
I had selected all of the checkboxes for rotation, translation and even scale. The problem seems to be that I need to first Show Hidden Nodes on Genesis 3. It doesn't bake the adjustments to the new face nodes if they are hidden. Do you think that is the intended implementation?
I do not have much time to play with these beta, then not check all improvement.,
but how many months I need to wait, to see DAZ correct tool setting tab>>joint editor>>Node attributes option ?
If daz can not correct, it, hope to remove this option. now I can not change inherit parent scale or not.
Why daz try to add new things but remain clear problem in these beta still?
Every time I up-date and re-install DAZ new beta, I still see same broken option , then I lost interesting about daz studio.
And this version Auto-fit seems corrupted. I put V4 armor and wears for genesis3female with auto fit.
but the armor are far away from genesis3female body.then locate on ground. it seems wrong axis problem.
then try same armor or wears in daz studio . it work without problem.Though I may send bug report,
but why DAZ need to discribe as highlight?
And now I load cr2 figures to know what going on,,
it seems all loaded cr2 figures are locate strange postion, wrong asxis. then I can not load V4 correctly any more.
it is night mare. daz will stop support cr2 figures?
Hmm, that would crtainly appear to be worth a support ticket.
Someone else had an issue with a distorted figure, Michael 4 in that case. If you use File>Import and select an OBJ, then selct the Poser preset, what settings are used?
..but, importing as a .obj, wouldn't you lose all the rigging and morphing?
Yes. I was just wonmdering if the settings had been altered and if, perhaps, that was affecting the Poser import (where the geoemtry is in OBJ even if it is embedded in the library file).
I see. I check setting of import obj for blender with tweaking import axis. , before load these cr2 figures.
so that means, if I use obj importer, with preset, (it change axis) , I should return obj importer setting in this beta, to cr2 load ?
When i return import setting for daz studio cordinate to import obj, with other preset (those change cordinate, and (I need to import something,(obj), to change axis cordinate for obj importer, "cancel" can not change axis cordinate),
ds can load cr2 along to daz studio cordinate correclty. So if it s improvement about "importer"?
I really often import obj from blender,
then everytime, I need to return import setting for DAZ stucio cordinate obj importer, and need to import some obj (which I need not) just to load cr2 A3 or V4 or autofit items etc?
OBJ Importer
Just to conrifm I did not use cr2 (poser) preset with this beta , to import obj.
I just check blender preset. or 3ds max etc, if you just change one axis eg X to Y, Y to X, and use the custom cordinate,
then import obj, after that, cr2 seems load (import) along to the cordinate of the obj importer.
that means, about this beta , obj importer axis cordinate = cr2 load axis cordinate ?
then I need to return obj importer cordinate (X, Y, Z)= (X,Y,Z) and import something.obj?
This sounds like a bug, with some settings "bleeding through" from the OBJ importer to the Poser importer - please report it.
It difinetly bug as same as joint editor inherit scale, attirbute option. I do not hesitate to add one more my bug report,
but I really hope, techinical team , need to retrun message, at least reporter of bug, when It will be corrected, or there is progress about the problem or not.
I sent joint editor attribute bug, when DAZ release DS 4.9.2
Request #218971
Joint editor >node Attribute options corrupted. prop can not convert as figure anymore.
three months ago! then daz up-date beta, many times. but there seems no progress, and I get no message how they try to correct it. or actually they do not check report, just confirm?
But anyway I arelady send bug report about this problem Request #224567
i have take a look at the memory consume. there are improvements between and especialy the shared GPU mem.
this screenshots where taken with the two versions of DAZ Studio and load only the genesis 2 female in a blank scene. The same settings are applied to both versions. texture shaded viewport, GPU Intel, Render engine Iray.
I finally got around to submitting this Request #224658.
Short question: Iray 2016.1 supports Subsurface Scattering in full color now, instead of previously only in greyscale (like explained in chapter 7.5 "Subsurface scattering as a model of glass" of the Material Definition Language — Handbook). Will we get a RGB color input field on the Sufarce Tab for the SSS Amount parameter replacing the slider there? Like the one we already have for Transmitted Color.
Nice work on the most recent Iray renderer plugin. Since the very first Beta I usually run some (five) testrenders to see how fast the new build would render, using the default "Material Ball" scene (Instancing Optimization: Speed, Optix Prime Acceleration: ON and GPU Only, on a Gainward GeForce GT 730 2048MB SilentFX). DS needed 935 iterations and 3 minutes 36 seconds, average, to reach default threshold for that scene.
DS had a 158% increase (192 iterations and 5 minutes 42 seconds average), and the actual DS still a 133% increase in render time (1057 iterations, 4 minutes 48 seconds average). Slightly faster, but not as fast as the initial Iradium General Release. Initialisation times had been increased from 4.9 seconds average ( to 72.7 seconds (, and again decreased to 14.7 seconds average for
DS (Beta) is now the first one to be acually faster than the initial Iradium General Release, with 532 iterations and 2 minutes 30 seconds average it's around 31% faster, and initialisation time's now at 4.5 seconds average.
Nice improvements.