gen3 materials..?

any reason the starter materials for gen3 female wouldnt load onto figure?



  • Not if you had the figure selected - did you get any kind of error? How do you know they didn't apply - had you applied a different set?

    If you see no textures on load and none on applying the materials that probably means you are in Smooth Shaded view - Genesis 3 Female loads with textures. You change the viewport display mode via the sphere icon to the left of the camera/view picker button at top-right, or by hitting cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) plus a number key - 9 gives Texture Shaded view.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok, i will try texture shaded. i have not noticed on gen3 female , i use th4.2 the most. will let you know.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok,i tryed every thing you suggested and more. i tryed  other materials for other modle and some would apply others nothing and even some of the iray shadders would apply,,,but the textures jeanne that it loadswith would only show up as 

    dark grey...i bet i installed it wrong....thanks 


  • If it's installed wrong you should get a missing file error when applying the preset. Exactly which file are you trying to use, and what do you have selected at the time?

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok, yes i did get the file error,,,the scene was empty as i try to put the main chracter in first,,,whats the best way to either start over from scratch or try to fix a directory issue like this,,,i should say i had tryed to install my conten to an external drive,,,it didnt work so well. so what i have now is in the c: drive from install manager only.

  • What is the full path on your conputer to the \Data\Daz 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Genesis3Female.dsf file?

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    D:\my_daz_libererery\data\cloud\1_21630\people\genesis 3 female\ were right. I didnt catch it, i thought ounce i had re-installed to new location it would get it there,,,,that address has been wiped from that drive and all content is now back on c: drive and it was put there by the install manager after i figured out how to change that back,,ok thanks......should i reset the data base to get the program to look in new place or reinstall every thing?

  • If you are using DS 4.9 then the database uses relative paths, so as long as the content diectory (the folder that holds the Data and so on folders) is set correctly the database should find things within it wherever it is.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok. i got the idea,,,i did get the error that file does not esist,,,,best course of action?

  • Where is the file on your system? And whata re your content directories set to?

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    its all dfault now..C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library.........there is also one here....C:\Users\Owner\Documents\daz_studio\data\auto_adapted.............there otheres in downloads where i am trying to install some optitex stuff  plus other things i am evaluating to see if i could make some money in down loads,,,thats about it...thanks


  • Documents\DAZ_Studio isn't a default location, and the AutoAdapted folder should be for imported content in scenes saved by you (though the current version of DS isn't using it for OBJ and so on imports, so nothing new should be added there). Please confirm the exact path for one of the problem files, along with the full missing file message that is appearing when you try to load, and the folders selected as content directories.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    i hate to be such a pain,,, but that is where every thing is located ,,,its ben like that from the strart of install manager took over,,,should i completly uninstall ever thing and give it a new start?,,,,,,is there a script or program that will completely remove evry thing ? thanks 

  • Which is wheer everything has been located? The C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library is the default, it was the other path I was querying - and I was asking where the "missing" files are on your system.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok,,yes the c:/.../public is where the bulk is,,,,,,,the.C:\Users\Owner\Documents\daz_studio\data\ the odd ball in the librarey that setts up with windows......on the missing files "they are exactly where the " Browse to file location" says they are but the only way to use them from the menue icon is to "merege in scene" you cant just double click an have them inter the scene,,,any more....thanks


  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    and the error code is "xxx file doesnt exist" thanks


  • If you paste the exact path here we can double-check that it is right, general descriptions are not useful for troubleshooting.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    this a pastestraight from my windows pane...:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library......the other one is.....C:\Users\Owner\Documents\daz_studio\data\auto_adapted.............given my lack of knowledge i hate to say its possible i am completly missing the boat on what you asking me to give you,,,you and daz staff are very patient,,,try aga in,,,or can i do a "scan known directories and do screen shot of that,,would that help?

    1345 x 798 - 144K
  • I am asking where one of the files that is coming up missing is on your hard drive, assuming it is there at all. The full path, from the start to the folder that holds the file itself.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    here is the simpiest i can do this,,,note...when the camle icon is bouble clicked"it give pic number 1..........when you right click the icon you get the menue to browse to folder location which is pic number 2....finally when tell it to go to said location you find the cr2 and icon right where it ought to be,,,ta-dahhhhaaaa. sorry i cant give you any more than that.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    i hope i got this right

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok,,so not sure what happened,,,,you are the mistro,,,thanks g3 loads with textures now! thanks

  • Well, I will of course take credit, however little deserved - glad it's working

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok,,so this morning its tarted breaking down,,,not fitting clothing to figures it used to work on,,,how do i just start over?

  • It's still worth double-checking that there are no path issues, which is most easily done if you post the path (from a file browser) to one of the items being reproted as missing - assuming you can find it on your system. It would also help to open the Content Directory Manager (Edit>Preferences for WIndows or Daz Studio>Preferences for Mac, then in the Content Library tab click the Content Directory Manager button, expand to show the list of directories for Daz Studio under Current and post a screenshot.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok,,here is gen 3 female again,,,the duf file is there and it has data,,,also here is the preferences tab directory pic. i amguessing there should only be one destination here and it should be the "public" path?

    3840 x 2160 - 770K
    3840 x 2160 - 1M
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Under Poser Formats you have created a nested library situation with C:/User/Owner/Documents being set as library and other libraries set within that one.  You very shouldn't have your Connect library be set to one of your normal libraries.

  • 1234MATT1234MATT Posts: 219

    ok,,so i guess its not so easy for you guys to see that i havent made any progress on this. yes my time is limited to 1-2 hours in the morning before work and some in the evening,,,,the thing i am trying to say is " why cant i start over here and make this right,,,,or do you know that wont work cause there is something else going on here that i cant see from my screne,,,cause i di uninstall and reinstll the program but it comes back just the sme with the same problem of not finding things that really are there?..........just askin!

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Uninstalling the program alone won't fix anything because all the user data remains so when you re-install it is right back to its old self.  You have to plan out your libraries in advance.  Make sure you don't create nesting problems like the one I pointed out, libraries must unique paths and cannot be inside another library.  I have posted a screen shot of my DIM's Installation tab to give you an idea of how multiple libraries can be done

    551 x 562 - 94K
  • jestmart said:

    Under Poser Formats you have created a nested library situation with C:/User/Owner/Documents being set as library and other libraries set within that one.  

    Yes, that needs fixing.

    jestmart said:

    You very shouldn't have your Connect library be set to one of your normal libraries.

    No, that isn't a problem.

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