Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works
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Well I can understand now why you refused to do post work! Affinity Photo looks good. I downloaded a trial but ran out of time to trial it :(
I have so many painting programs already I put the skids on buying others as I am sure what I have will do what I need.
I like the subtlties of some of the plugins when used in combination and then used as a base for a 'paintover' = I think that's the way to go.
Interestingly my old Art School painting teacher hates my three d work - he went far enough to send me an email out of the blue (unprompted) last year to tell me just how much he dislikes it.! We are still good friends though.
Of my painting programs I think I like the latest Artrage best. Corel Painter has lost its way. Procreate is very good but just for an Ipad. Rebelle as a watercolour sim is good but far too slow for the image sizes I need.
thanks for posting your work btw
.Fascinating jobs, Vyusur. I am always impressed by the variety of backgrounds and skills of folks on the forum.
Headwax, thanks for the random links here, in addition to the Art Studio forum NPR posts. Very useful to help find stuff.
Slightly different topic. Are there similar guides If someone wanted to preserve one of these blended NPR looks in an animation? Might be better to ask at Carrarators.
Thank you, Diomede. Glad that you like my stuff.
Andrew, Artrage is not enough flexible program for me. So I stopped to use it soon after beginning. For digital painting I prefer Krita. It's free and it has surprisingly advanced tools and is fully customizable. The only issue is slowness of some brushes. Sometimes I work in Gimp. Corel Photopaint is pretty clumsy app for any task. Corel Painter is even worse.
Its great to have such a software choice now, including no cost or open source apps that work as well or better than the paid ones.
Thank you Andrew! That was a well-done video. I actually easily followed the DS part. The PhotoShop layers part was new, but also understandable. Slowly starting to understand.
For the past week I've been getting my feet wet with PSE, using it for doing various things in Challenge renders. It's very similar to Gimp, but PSE is easier to use (in my opinion).
Haven't got to this yet. Soon. Thanks again!
Krita is free and everyone can use it for his own purposes, be it digital painting or photo editing, or photo filtering. But Carrara's NPR abilities simply amazed me.
pleasure @Diomede - there was that chap did dinner for few animation - he wrote some scripts for photoshop - looked good
@Vyusur that looks pretty wonderful so much movement and great viewpoint - I have Krita but it is useless on my microsoft surface as it hasn't been optimised (asfarasiknow) for tablets and there is no chance at all of reading the drop down menus.
Artrage 5 is well designed for tablets and has that new brush engine and masking and other' stuff' - still not perfect but it appears to be what I want,
@cdordoni yes, life is good :)
pleasure @UnifiedBrain there are simpler explantions for the blend modes but his is very complete - yes it's a good video!
Here's a render mainly using depth pass shadow pass toon pro pass coverage pass and NPR - which I revisted after seeing Vysur's excelent image.
Postwork with Topaz and overlays by Fotosketcher.
Today's quickie. An attempt at a reasonably impressionist landscape.
Carrara renders worked on with Topaz etc etc.
wow.. spooky...
believe it or not I did the exact same render the other day... Thursday to be exact... but I decided not to save it.... no bull!
I believe! I just tried Toon Pro plugin and the bull was simple enough to setup all those shaders.
it's a halley-loo-yah moment
Forging on,
Wabbit by Noggins, Hair and Passes by Carrara, usual plugins, Idea by Dürer.
An old blogger friend's dissertation on Medieval Illustration
Last ones.
Carrara render passes worked up in topaz and fotosketcher.
Viking rendered on a shadow catcher plane then superimposed on previous landscape posted a few posts ago.
Like it !!!!!!!
Headwax, Viking render looks great.
thanks Bunyip02 :)
approached this one differently, started with the shadows pass as the base then added coverage pass toonpro for outlining, depth passes for sculpting over the top, plus a little of the beauty pass to get back the luminosity,then did some hand colouring.
background and foreground rendered separately
just a heads up
The yearly songbird render contest is on again over at Hivewire... great for Carrara users to enter ( I did come 1st one year )
great prizes.
< You can now return to normal programming >
New carrara test --
Bc Rice, I have no idea how you are doing that. Amazing that's coming out of Carrara.
Stezza, thanks for the heads up. I couldnt find any mention of it on the net. I searched emperor ken, songbird contest etc. Ken was kind enough to give me a few goodies a few years ago too. Nice chap.Nice render of yours too. Hope everything is okay down your way.
Found this metal dragon fly in my runtime. Rendered out a garoud and wireframe pass as well. Very Interesting. Filter Forge and Topaz. Thanks for the heads up on Filter Forge Bunyip02.
The first more tasteful one o ne is an NPR render laid over an OldBookFilter (Black and white) which was then coloured with a colour layer. The NPR was used both as a normal blend mode and then duplicated and used with a colour burn blend mode.
Just the character is Carrara. The background is just a generic background.
BC Rice, Thanks, it certainly works well.
Here's something else I found in my runtime. It's a combination of render passes and Garoud, wireframe, toonpro, npr. If you click on the image to make it bigger you can see how mush texture and patina the wireframe has given the back part of the hull.
The spaceship was the thing rendered in Carrara. The background is 'painted' in in photoshop. Filter Forge used. Oldbook illustrator. thanks again Bunmyip.
Headwax, nice effect on the spaceship, like the dragonflys as well.
Hammer Tail Dragon - Filter Forge - Chinaware Painting filter.
Your normal genius here, HW. I like the pirates and all, but these kind of images (what do you call them?) amaze me.
Was this the image that you won with? Awesome creativity.
I found the contest announcement. Hope the mods don't mind me posting it.
thanks, bunyip02 :) the hammer tail dragon render looks pretty superb, would be wonderful to get some steam and stuff in there to give that dinosaur forest look!
Thanks UB! The pirates have just been fluff to be honest, I've been using them to practice the postwork techniques on.
I call myself an artist (doesnt everyone :) ) and illustrator.
The traditional use of illustrators (they are really illuminators) is that they add to (or create) a narrative.
My ' serious' artist frends think that any narrative in 'fine' art is twee. Ie it brings it down a level. Which is silly of course, it's been the bread and butter of many artists down through the ages and will continue to be.
Anyways, I, studied eng lit for quite a while, became interested in Jungian archetypes.... so the serious Christ image still has a narrative, but the narrative is emotional and on a few different levels rather than sequentially (or non-linear) plot driven.
I have two sides, the pirate side and stigmata side, and am fortunate enough to be having a show next year in a big regional gallery and the work will be Carrara generated but not twee :).
As for a name for that type of work I don't have one :) )
Getting backgrounds done. Got it moving in the link below
that's very effective, what shaders etc are you using to get that effect?