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You're welcome, not sure what you mean about the style though, I always thought grunge had less style due to the nature of the music (less melodic). But It was nice to see you call it "Pure Goth". I bought some guitar synths a while back and intend to try my hand at some Gothic tracks and I'd be majorly pleased if they had that sort of feel to them. I dread to think how they'll turn out, but hope they'll be melodic even if they turn out crap!
@Kettu the Cassette Girl
Hah, me cassette boy, me has a Sony KA6ES and loves it (can't beat the warmth of the analogue tape format)!
Yes, those Finnish tracks have nice production, very important. I think both Charon and Indica are ok, but I still don't like Tik Tak much. I don't dislike the music, it just doesn't click with me. You refer to it as being like J-Rock, but to be honest, when it comes to the Japanese stuff, I prefer J-Pop. That said, I do like it when Rock or Metal comes into J-Pop:
Here's a slick example, this Aya Ueto track blends guitars and synths together really well:
Jaderail, what I know about guitar music can be written on the back of a stamp, so be prepared to give up!
I knew what you meant by grunge, it's what you meant by "style" I wasn't sure about. Like you say, grunge is more a sort of, well, noise. Things don't seem to matter as much. Beyond the Void is melodic so I was puzzled when you said grunge had more style. It's a different style, but I wouldn't say grunge had more style than Goth Rock or Goth Metal or whatever it is.
The Grunge comment was only about Alice in Chains. I did not mean for it to apply to the rest of the post. Sorry I was not clear about that.
Thanks for the clarification.
BTW, after that conversation we had in cosmo's thread, you might want to check-out the babe from the video I'm about to post. She's not visible in this video, but if you check-out some of their other videos you just might find yourself picturing her in a pair of 70's hotpants, I certainly did.
Listening to some of those Indica tracks I thought of this band, "Blackmore's Night". They're sort of Medieval Gothic, and in a lot of ways they do remind me of Indica so I think you might like it. Very melodic, very talented, it's a beautiful track!
Blackmore's Night - Ocean Gypsy:
Those that haven't heard of Blackmore's Night might at least of heard the old song they're covering here:
Blackmore's Night - Streets of London:
PS: Still waiting for this thread to be moved to the Bryce forum as requested.
Ah yeah, I still remember the day I first heard them on the radio =) I grew up a Deep Purple fan, so naturally I was interested in all the members´ side projects... I remember we believed it was a "phase" for Blackmore, that he was going to return to heavy rock, but thankfully he didn't. Candice is awesome! This one's a Renaissance cover, BTW. It may be blasphemy, but I do tend to like Ritchie and Candice's version better than the original... Annie Haslam's a bit overhyped, to my ears. There's a live version of Renaissance I found:
Overall, Blackmore's Night do lovely covers, like this one of a Jethro Tull tune: - the one hardcore DP fans love best because ZOMG Blackmore plays electric guitarzzz !!oneone!!
And then there's one of Joan Osborne's St Theresa :
It was recorded later in studio in 2006, I think, but there's a lot of charm to this live version, 1997 was when Blackmore's Night were just beginning...
Haven't got a clue what she's singing about on that Aya Ueto track. She's removing a bandage but acting all cool and stuff, so I get the impression she got dumped, smacked him one and hurt her fist. Now she's kicking-off about it while acting like it doesn't bother her. She definitely looks pissed-off about something! But yup, I totally agree about it being "cool", that's the first thing that comes into my head with that one, absolutely.
Regards the Spice and Wolf thing, I've never heard of that one. I love Anime but I prefer stuff like Ghost in the Shell and Akira (it was Ghost in the Shell that got me into it). For the more family-orientated Anime, I prefer Studio Ghibli films, I really can't fault any of them, it's just truly amazing storytelling - every single one of them.
Regards Blackmore's Night, I also think Candice has a nicer vocal than Annie, although having just listened to it, I have to say I picked out a few words from Annie that I wasn't sure about with Candice. Candice has a gorgeous, sweet vocal, but I think Annie pronounces better. But anyway, I'm glad I hit the right note with that one, you might like this next artist even more.
I think it's fair to say this artist went down extremely well in the previous thread, although I got the distinct impression she's nowhere near as recognised across the world as she deserves to be, she's a really good singer songwriter. If you've never heard of her, you're in for a real treat providing those lamers (UK produced so it's too special for the rest of the world) haven't blocked it from your country (please let me know if you could play these three links).
Amy McDonald - Don't Tell Me That It's Over:
Amy McDonald - Spark:
Amy McDonald - This is The Life:
. something I listen to lately...:)
Allibaba, I was just about to hit the sack when you posted that, I really like that second one!
I couldn't watch it at the link you gave but I found it at another link. Yeah, now I know where you get some of the ideas from for your renders mate. Bloody hell it was full of retro babe, just like the ones I see on my rickety old projector in my basement where I watch lots and lots of sexy 70's films!
Now why can't all women dress like that?
Here's another link for Allibaba's post if anyone couldn't access the other one:
That was great, Allibaba, both musically and visually, cheers mate!
The first one is from one of my all time favourite bands (The Cure) and the second is from Placebo which - I think - is a great video with a real story.
I agree, that Placebo video is good storytelling!
@Richard and his moderator friends
I can't help but notice that this thread still remains in the Art Studio forum, and while I'm sure you were all desperately wanting to move it to the Bryce forum for me as requested, I just wanted to say that I've changed my mind as it seems to be picking up momentum now. Might as well leave the thread here.
You are still peasants though.
I've opened the links fine, but haven't yet had a chance to listen (bad speakers at work), so I'll let you know a bit later how I liked her, OK?
*frowns* Hey don't forget there's an actual woman in the thread, OK...
Unfortunately, most women's careers are indeed dependent on their looks. Triply unfortunately that it happens in music. But I believe that in a few centuries' time, history will sort everything out.
And speaking of Lemmy (thanks Allibaba!), here's a lovely duet of him and Doro Pesch (a totally amazing person and, for those who have a superficial appreciation of women, a beautiful one)
Lemmy also reminds me of Hawkwind, an awesome prog rock band (he started out with them actually). Their music is visual, touchable...
And then version3 reminded me of Placebo... I'm not a fan, but I totally adore this Placebo cover by Before the Dawn, a top Finnish MDM band!! Sadly Lars (clean vox) has left the band recently...
I also wanted to link some early music I love (artists like Gisela Bellsola), but can't find it on youtube =(((
Don't mind me, I'm not anywhere near as shallow as some people think I am. Believe me, I'm probably the last guy on this earth who would have only a superficial attraction to women. Personality is the most important aspect, always, it's just that I prefer how women acted, dressed, did their hair, and wore their makeup back in the 60's and 70's. I'm only in my thirties, but even so, I still prefer the retro thing over anything of today's values.
That video Allibaba posted, the one with Natalia Avelon is a perfect example. That was the most enjoyment I got out of a track in a very long time, not just because of her, but because it worked really well the way the visual and music matched. A very retro woman singing a retro track, even though the woman is one of today's women (she's not actually a 70's pinup, she's a 20th century pinup made better by being retro).
To me, "retro" means a time when women looked natural and feminine (like she does), not just feminine.
I'm somewhat puzzled now... You say you like women who look natural, yet - as a woman - I don't see that much "natural" stuff going on with the 70s and especially the 60s look... Just look at those puffed-up hairstyles which require a lot of effort - volumising mousse, back-combing, litres of hairspray and sometimes even getting a perm if your hair is naturally straight- to stay voluminous through the day. Besides, wearing makeup is never "natural", and the 60s and 70s look usually called for a LOT of it, even in this vid... So, I'm confused...
That's great! They were an awesomely diverse band. Check this track out too, if you please? It's a different side of theirs, and I love the science fiction spoken lyrics:
lol - You make a really interesting point there, and it's not one I'm going to be able to answer very easily. I suppose I'd better divide it up into sections and try to explain it that way, because while what you say makes sense in some ways, it doesn't in others.
Her Hair:
I like most styles from that time, but the ones I like most tend to be the natural ones. I think women today have lost the plot, not just with hair, but with make-up as well. How many women nowadays (especially younger women influenced by "trends") have taken the time to have their hair how it naturally is? Long and flat or naturally wavy, and that's the thing, there was a lot of that about in the 60's and 70's, not now though. Even those that attempt it somehow manage to spoil it, even the simplest things.
For example, a woman with long hair in the 70's would probably take a shower and comb it, that's it, and that's all it needed to look "natural". Today, even the woman who wants to look retro manages to screw it up because she doesn't understand the "natural" part of it. Sure, she'll take a shower and comb it just like a real retro girl would, but then she'll get all modern about it and start trimming any stray ends and going into a fit if she so much as finds - OMFG - A SPLIT END!!! She'll make sure every hair is perfectly placed, and make it all nice and shiny with her tongs.
Now then, stick the real retro girl next to the fake retro girl and guess who'll look natural and who won't?
The real retro girl will ooze sex appeal. Her hair has the natural sheen to it, hasn't been dyed, it has natural kinks and waves to it - the way she grew it, it wasn't polished using a set of tongs. And here's the thing, what is it that makes the modern woman assume that shiny is better? The fact is it looks ridiculous, shiny, fake, and "put on" - because that's what it is - there's no getting away from it.
Her Makeup:
That's easy, the styles then we simply better. The difference between the makeup styles then and now is that back then, the makeup was used to enhance what was there, whereas now, it's more an attempt to totally recreate a look. Again, it's the difference between something that was naturally appealing and something that is overdone.
Her Dress Sense:
Doesn't matter whether it's figure hugging or loose, the clothes were way sexier then. Again, it's not something that's easy to pinpoint why, but "naturalness" comes into it a lot of the time. It's no coincidence that men like images of women with scruffy hair who are dirty, filthy, blood on their thigh, rips in their jeans - and looking like they just escaped a war-zone. The reason is that (I think) we subconsciously see the beauty of "naturalness", because in such images her scruffy hair is no longer combed to perfection, her dirty skin no longer looks like it's made of plastic, and the rips in her jeans would never be allowed in her normal state of dress; it's the closest she'll ever get to showing her "natural" beauty because she doesn't understand how to do it on her own - she watches too much TV, listens to too many know-it-all's on YouTube, and reads too many "gossip" magazines. In her scruffy imperfect state, however, she comes across sexy because she's no longer trying to be perfect, she's no longer that robot that follows the same perfectly groomed trend the rest follow.
Not all women are like modern women, there are exceptions, there are women who couldn't give a crap about what everyone else does and chooses the "retro" or some other look. Those are the ones that stand out as exceptional to me, not just because of the resulting individuality, but because a person who practices it is more a rebel and non-conformist - and I've always respected that.
Same can be said for audio, do you Digital or do you Analogue? - same thing. Analogue audio is far superior to anything we have in digital systems, yet some people people actually think digital is better because they've been brainwashed and haven't a clue what they're talking about. It's the difference between something that is real (analogue) and something that is fake (digital). Same thing with women that have natural breasts and ones that carry silicone. Anyone can falsify, buy no one can make something fake that is better than it's real equivalent - it's physically impossible.
The Way She Acts:
Women (and men) are far too influenced by the media nowadays. The media is dangerously powerful to say the least - certainly a lot more than it was in the 70's. In the 70's the public run rings around the powers that be, whereas nowadays it seems everyone (almost everyone) is wrapped around the fingers of companies like Apple, Goole, and Microsoft.
If you were to present an iPod to a modern woman she'd say something like "oooh, shiny!" If you were to present an iPod to a woman of the 70's, however, she would have been inclined to start a protest against it in order to protect industry and peoples jobs. She'd have gone topless in the street and all she would ask in return is that you let her drop a rock on the iPod - that's my kinda woman. Attitudes have changed for the worse though, so sadly there aren't that many women around who would love to drop a rock on an iPod (she'll throw a fit if the price of hair spray rises above inflation though).
So that's my explanation, it was a long reply but I can't explain it any other way. Think of it of a combination of everything I said above, and it's that combination that made a 70's woman more "natural" than a woman (most women) of today's values.
Thanks, I'll take a closer look at that stuff, seems ok.
BTW, I assume you've heard this album then, but just in case, here's something in return as you said you liked the Sci-fi lyrics.
This is a track from an epic recording that plays like a film; it's a musical about alien invasion:
Forget your speakers for this one, just plug in your headphones and switch YouTube to the highest possible resolution for the best sound. Not only is it a fantastic musical piece (the whole album), but some will even be able to pick-up on the unmistakable fact that it's an analogue recording. Being originally recorded in analogue means it actually sounds good (even when blessed with YouTube conversion).
Oh the beauty of things that are natural; natural women, natural audio, natural this, natural that (now I sound like a dieting ad). But anyway, I suppose I'd better get off and watch Spice and Wolf episode 2.
OMG! I'm so old I had WOTW on tape, I really need to get it again. LOVE IT!
No, no, I haven't heard it, thanks a lot!! I've only read the original book. It's weird actually how I never came across it, I'm reading the wiki article now and it says Phil Lynott, Justin Hayward and Chris Thompson were on it!
I only use the speakers at work. I much prefer headphones.
It's a fave flame war subject on the recording and audiophile forums... Now I won't be arguing... it's always pointless... we're all entitled to our own perceptions... but I'll say this one bit.
It's not about the tools, it's about THE ARTIST. // + the producer and the sound engineer //
If you can't record, the most expensive analogue gear won't save you. Digital recording is cheaper = more amateurs do digital = lesser quality overall.
// It's this ages old adage of DAZ Studio vs Poser vs Carrara vs Maya vs Lightwave vs hand drawn art... //
To sum it up, everything has its uses. A time, a place for everything and everyone (c) Van Halen. // this is actually the way I approach life on the whole... //
And now I owe y'all a Justin Hayward track, and no Nights in White Satin it´s gonna be... That one is great but waaaay overplayed =) So now we're speaking science fiction, let it be a track off To Our Children's Children's Children...
And a cover of another overplayed-but-great song... By Justin:
And... by Doro (the video may be "cheesy" but I like it a lot, it suits the music):
Not that I care anymore seeing as the government makes sure I can't afford to run a car.
It's not about the tools, it's about THE ARTIST. // + the producer and the sound engineer //
If you can't record, the most expensive analogue gear won't save you. Digital recording is cheaper = more amateurs do digital = lesser quality overall.
// It's this ages old adage of DAZ Studio vs Poser vs Carrara vs Maya vs Lightwave vs hand drawn art... //
To sum it up, everything has its uses. A time, a place for everything and everyone (c) Van Halen. // this is actually the way I approach life on the whole... //
And now I owe y'all a Justin Hayward track, and no Nights in White Satin it´s gonna be... That one is great but waaaay overplayed =) So now we're speaking science fiction, let it be a track off To Our Children's Children's Children...
And a cover of another overplayed-but-great song... By Justin:
And... by Doro (the video may be "cheesy" but I like it a lot, it suits the music):
Your "little hobby" wouldn't happen to be audio would it? Analogue recording isn't designed to save you (and can't save you), people practiced the art of analogue recording before we even had digital. But I know what you mean, you can push analogue and it's forgiving, digital isn't. But then that's what is expected when a superior technology is compared to an inferior one. I'm quite passionate about the subject although I never participate in such forums. I prefer watching YouTube videos of people who have just got around to realising what they've been missing. They pick up some recording gear or a real analogue Hi-Fi and can't wait to show it off to fellow fanatics - love it.
As for the music links, here's a cool track you might like (Jaderail might like this one as well):
That's one from my past for sure. Did you ever hear Billy Thorp's Childern of the Sun. Another Sci-Fi concept album.
Nope, never heard of that one. It wasn't melodic enough for me to like it but the animation looked really good!
I just realised I listened to your links, posted something similar, but forgot to comment on yours. Of those I think the Doro one was best. The unsigned band you posted, I didn't like it much but I did get the impression they're a capable band. I'm pretty clueless about guitar music, so even if there was some fancy technique it wouldn't be blazingly obvious to me.
No Sci-Fi
The best part was the turntable shots, but as we're onto girls dancing around trying to look sexy, here's a bunch of girls (Russian Girls) that actually do look sexy, in fact it's easy the hottest music video I've seen to date.
This HD video contains images of extreme sexuality and is NOT recommended for males working in an office environment. If your office desk starts levitating, you'll have only yourself to blame.
You have been warned in red, Soviet Red:
Don´t get me started on those idiotic clothing stores... I had to buy men's shirts because the stores I can afford here haven't carried a simple white or black blouse for YEARS - it´s apparently out of fashion. I keep meaning to buy a sewing machine, but then, it's not like you could just walk in into any store and buy quality cloth to sew your own garments - it's either too pricey or too horrible to ever waste your time sewing stuff out of it... and the buttons etc cost a fortune too!
Pre-made Goth-styled and other subculture outfits are hard to come by here, and the prices are totally over the top for anything that is above a sub-par Korean sweatshop quality-wise. And the styles are same old same old. So I've never really looked the part, LOL
There are some local fashion designers that create beautiful stuff, like, I totally adore these garments made in the Russian tradition of gold embroidery, but you may imagine they aren't particularly affordable, either...
Too true. In Russia, though, we think less about family being involved, but more about who sleeps with whom.
Major labels are evil anywhere, though. I've seen major labels ruin my favourite bands, either by "art direction" (WHY sign a band you would want to forcibly change later????) or simply by contracts that won't allow them do stuff for other labels - and their label simply refuses to release their stuff. And so on.
Fortunately, there are new business models entering the market, so I hope all those labels are going to die out some day.
Speaking of which - the band I mentioned in one of the posts, Nostalghia, is gathering funds for their new album, so if anyone liked their stuff, you could help them out here:
Yeah, you got it right, recording is one of my little hobbies. I still wouldn't call digital inherently inferior, though - just different. As for me, I'm passionate about "different courses for different horses" =) This is why I'm mostly a lurker everywhere as I see no point in defending the middle ground... the DAZ forums are the only place I am active in (I just had to defend 3Delight from the ignorant assumptions that come from mostly seeing the work of those who fired a 3D app only yesterday... and then I just felt good here LOL)
Actually now I've said it, I'd liken 3Delight to digital recording and unbiased renderers like Lux to analogue. Both can produce great art, but the approaches are very different, and analogue/Lux is much more intuitive, though often unwieldy.
Besides, you've just said it yourself - "what they have been missing", i.e. those people are not noobs. An experienced person may very well be able to perceive the difference, but not everyone may... Hell, the loudness war was started by pros, so not even they are "holy".
Ah, Joakim Larsson... Thanks, this is nostalgic... I used to like his band a lot when I was younger, though I liked the album that came after that best. Here's one of my top tracks (though this vid is definitely cheesy, to my mind - I never thought the guys from Europe that attractive, especially Joey, but I know a lot of girls would disagree)
I see. Well, Doro IS the best!!! (yes I'm a huuuuuuge fan) And it's true, it takes some intimacy with the guitar to actually be able to appreciate the technique.
Impressive stuff... reminded me of Rush, who are among the kings of the concept album. Actually the track I thought of was this one - not SF, but they do have a lot of SF stuff, in case there are folks here who've never heard them before...
Impressive stuff... reminded me of Rush, who are among the kings of the concept album. Actually the track I thought of was this one - not SF, but they do have a lot of SF stuff, in case there are folks here who've never heard them before... not get me started on Rush. Way to many great songs to pick from, I saw 2112 live. Great concert.
I grew up listening to Rush. Great band, great songs. My wife is a die-hard.
Oh, that's nothing, there's a lot worse than that throughout the film. You're watching a hand-drawn character one minute, then all of a sudden it's a silky-smooth CG figure for certain shots. And yes indeed, the "The Matrix Code" design people recognise was actually taken from Ghost in the Shell. A lot of big movies are based on anime, especially Tarantino films. Spielberg is about to have a go now, he's been granted the job of making a live action version of Ghost in the Shell. Should be good if he keeps it true to the anime and manages to capture the mood of the film.
Regards the two links, I couldn't reach the first one, seems like it's blocked in the UK.
The other link, regards the minimum wage in Russia, well, I can totally understand why the guy is happy now, so he should be. My complaint about the bills here is warranted though, because the difference between the UK and most other countries is this: Most countries where people complain about the standards of living, the wage, even if it's low, is more in keeping with the rest of the economy. Here, it's just totally out of control, because here, the standard of living in comparison to how much we pay out is totally out of balance. I mentioned water because that's a perfect example of it. There is no way on this earth that £50 per month for water can be justified. They're not pumping liquid gold through the taps, it's just water.
So although we have a higher minimum wage, the poor in this country are left with nothing net taxes and utilities. It's like I said, we're screwed senseless here - the UK is for rich people - nice place if you can afford it. Even as we speak I'm looking into emigrating. I tried Bulgaria a few years ago, was going to buy a run-down wreck of a place for around four to five thousand and do it up a bit at a time. That was going to be my escape from this place. It would have meant a totally different lifestyle and I was really looking forward to it, didn't work out though - couldn't find anywhere.
I must spend 90% of my online time figuring a way out of this place, thank god for the internet!
Regards the Russian bloodline, I agree, I think that makes sense due to all the countries that border Russia, and actually, I just posted that "Russian Girls" video out of fun to see if you'd call me anything. I used Ascania's post as an excuse to post it. I thought after all that stuff I posted about retro women, me getting excited about a stereotypical babe video, you might say something witty.
I was expecting to be called a sexist pig or something like that :-D
Regards the clothes and you wanting to make your own; now that's what I'm talking about. I say good on you because not only is it a feminine thing to do (making clothes), but you end up with something unique out of it. It's a shame you have trouble getting your preferred fabric and stuff, I'm sorry to hear it. Typical that is, I mean here we have a dedicated superstore that's packed to the seams with fabric yet I don't see any women here wearing anything original (hardly ever). The clothes you linked to look nice quality and are feminine. They just don't wear fancy stuff like that over here, most women here wear boring stuff they pick-up at the superstore, and apart from them having slight differences between them, they're practically all the same (and therefore so are the women that wear them).
Regards the Europe video, have to say I got the hots for that big Gothic house in the background :-P
Anyway, time for me to grab a midnight snack, a can of Strongbow, and watch Spice and Wolf episode 3.