Victoria 8 Launch This month?



  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited June 2017

    Well, I don't see why DAZ couldn't write an exporter
     to export 'standard HumanIK rig format' for 
    MotionBuilder, iClone, and so on and another 
    export format that includes all the DAZ technical 

    What technical embellisments??
    Millenuim figures 1,2,3,4
    Genesis figures 1,2 were much more
    motionbuilder& Iclone friendly as 
    demonstrated here...Kind of funny vid:laugh


    "It's time AutoDesk, iClone, Unity and others
    also improve what their rigs can do although
    I expect it from Unity before the others.
    I don't want stuck exporting to
     FBX2006 or whatever that old
     'standard' is while DIsney and
     others move on to more advanced
     techniques. Learning animation is
     difficult enough without having to
    stick to antiquated techniques."

    The cross application rig transfer technique
    has nothing to do with process of learning character
    animation itself .
    The problem with the Genesis 3 rig is that it added
    an unnecessary layer of difficulty to just getting the rig
    Characterized to accept the motion editing Data in other
    It still works in Motionbuilder(with some extra steps) and Reallusion
    has updated their Character templates to recognize Genesis 3.
    I am not keen to go thru this again with Genesis4 however


    Daz claims the new extra limb bones are vital
    "because using a single weight map for each bone means that twists
     (spread along the length of the limb) and bends (at the hinge point)
    have separate requirements This is how other engines handle bends,

    I dont debate this claim, but clearly the Daz implementation
    was buggered up somehow as it did not improve the
    user experience for that 98 percent that only renders stills.
    and it broke the previous level of  compability with not only those"other engines"
    But with Daz's own internal  software such aniMate2 and Carrara

    and  G3 BVH Data created in those "other engines"
    DOES NOT Work on G3 when imported back to DAZ studio.
     I believe it is no coincedence that the MCS figures for Unity
    ,being sold at daz Morph3D, are based on Genesis2  .

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    nicstt said:
    Llynara said:

    It would be wonderful to see V8 out tomorrow. It is the second Tuesday of the month. Fingers crossed...

    It sounds like you're running out of items to buy. cheeky

    Oh heck no, LOL. Though I did make a good dent in the M4/V4 blowouts! laugh

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    wolf359 said:

    Well, I don't see why DAZ couldn't write an exporter
     to export 'standard HumanIK rig format' for 
    MotionBuilder, iClone, and so on and another 
    export format that includes all the DAZ technical 

    What technical embellisments??
    Millenuim figures 1,2,3,4
    Genesis figures 1,2 were much more
    motionbuilder& Iclone friendly as 
    demonstrated here...Kind of funny vid:laugh


    "It's time AutoDesk, iClone, Unity and others
    also improve what their rigs can do although
    I expect it from Unity before the others.
    I don't want stuck exporting to
     FBX2006 or whatever that old
     'standard' is while DIsney and
     others move on to more advanced
     techniques. Learning animation is
     difficult enough without having to
    stick to antiquated techniques."

    The cross application rig transfer technique
    has nothing to do with process of learning character
    animation itself .
    The problem with the Genesis 3 rig is that it added
    an unnecessary layer of difficulty to just getting the rig
    Characterized to accept the motion editing Data in other
    It still works in Motionbuilder(with some extra steps) and Reallusion
    has updated their Character templates to recognize Genesis 3.
    I am not keen to go thru this again with Genesis4 however


    Daz claims the new extra limb bones are vital
    "because using a single weight map for each bone means that twists
     (spread along the length of the limb) and bends (at the hinge point)
    have separate requirements This is how other engines handle bends,

    I dont debate this claim, but clearly the Daz implementation
    was buggered up somehow as it did not improve the
    user experience for that 98 percent that only renders stills.
    and it broke the previous level of  compability with not only those"other engines"
    But with Daz's own internal  software such aniMate2 and Carrara

    and  G3 BVH Data created in those "other engines"
    DOES NOT Work on G3 when imported back to DAZ studio.
     I believe it is no coincedence that the MCS figures for Unity
    ,being sold at daz Morph3D, are based on Genesis2  .

    Well the way I understood it Genesis 3 added definitions so that one could properly pose and animate people to walk pigeon-toed or crow-footed, something that the unfortunate acrobat didn't demonstrate during her tumbling routines.

    Yes, I know about the unfortunate usuability problems of Genesis 3 outside of DAZ Studio poses only and DAZ Studio should begin by fixing Carrara and DAZ Studio plugins to animate with it's Genesis 3 improved articulation configurations. 

    And there is still no reason why DAZ can't add to Genesis 3 and Genesis 4 dual rigging articulation definations and bones structures and have the exporter prmpt the user which rigging to export. Programmers do that all the time with polymorphisms and overloading class definitions for their code.  

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited June 2017

    "Well the way I understood it Genesis 3 added definitions so that one could properly pose 
    and animate people to walk pigeon-toed or crow-footed, "

    Why would we need new bones for that??
    This has been possible since at least Millenium 2

    Here is My Low poly realtime proxy rig based on G2 rigging,....walking "pidgeon toed"

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • VisuimagVisuimag Posts: 571
    Llynara said:

    It would be wonderful to see V8 out tomorrow. It is the second Tuesday of the month. Fingers crossed...

    I remember Genesis 3/Victoria 7 released on June 23, 2015. I'd expect it to be next week.

  • Visuimag said:
    Llynara said:

    It would be wonderful to see V8 out tomorrow. It is the second Tuesday of the month. Fingers crossed...

    I remember Genesis 3/Victoria 7 released on June 23, 2015. I'd expect it to be next week.

    Cant wait for next week :D 

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200

    I would just like to know when they are going to fix autofit so that it works on shoes. 

  • I would just like to know when they are going to fix autofit so that it works on shoes. 

    Maybe the next version has support for that built in :D That would be awesome 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    wolf359 said:

    "Well the way I understood it Genesis 3 added definitions so that one could properly pose 
    and animate people to walk pigeon-toed or crow-footed, "

    Why would we need new bones for that??
    This has been possible since at least Millenium 2

    Here is My Low poly realtime proxy rig based on G2 rigging,....walking "pidgeon toed"

    The toes are pointed but look at the angle of the legs and the gait. all wrong. It needs improvement. Also bend improvements.

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200

    I would just like to know when they are going to fix autofit so that it works on shoes. 

    Maybe the next version has support for that built in :D That would be awesome 

    That would be awesome but at the same time its been broke since V4 to Genesis so I am not going to hold my breath for it.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "The toes are pointed 
    but look at the angle of the 
    legs and the gait. all wrong.

    It needs improvement.
     Also bend improvements.



    LOL !!
    The scientists have determined that human gate is as unique as his finger print:

    There is no such thing as  gait being "wrong" for an individual
    unless he is injured and his "normal" walk is affected
    But in any case IMHO the supposed enhanced ability of G3 to walk
    with odd feet angles is sundered rather moot when one considers
    the extra work or $$$expensive external application$$$ required to get
     G3 to walk in the first place so those extra bones are more of a hinderance than an enhancement.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    wolf359 said:


    There is no such thing as  gait being "wrong" for an individual
    unless he is injured and his "normal" walk is affected

    Apologies I stand corrected ..there is such at thing as a"wrong" gait.blush
    This is the one from the free aniblock for G3 that Daz 
    gave away with their walk tutorial last year before the 
    late Draagonstorms  or zaz777's script to retarget motion
    from G2,V4 etc.

    Those extra leg bones do not appear to be helping
    when you dont use $$$Motion builder,Iclone$$ or one 
    of the retargeting scripts for G2
    Those of us who actually animate, Like Ivy summers,BigH,Brian Seagal, etc
    Know the difference between a theoretical improvement
    repeated second hand, and a real world

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    wolf359 said:
    wolf359 said:


    There is no such thing as  gait being "wrong" for an individual
    unless he is injured and his "normal" walk is affected

    Apologies I stand corrected ..there is such at thing as a"wrong" gait.blush
    This is the one from the free aniblock for G3 that Daz 
    gave away with their walk tutorial last year before the 
    late Draagonstorms  or zaz777's script to retarget motion
    from G2,V4 etc.

    Those extra leg bones do not appear to be helping
    when you dont use $$$Motion builder,Iclone$$ or one 
    of the retargeting scripts for G2
    Those of us who actually animate, Like Ivy summers,BigH,Brian Seagal, etc
    Know the difference between a theoretical improvement
    repeated second hand, and a real world

    LOL, I guess retargeting is not considered animation but that's fine by me. I like posing with G3, it is easier and more accurate, although not much use outside of DS. At any rate, we'll see soon enough if DAZ drops those extra bones or not, at least those not related to a facial rig. It's not like they haven't backtracked before.


  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 795

    I hope this isn't like the Millerites and the Second Coming of Christ.  I'm missing some good sales in anticipation of the Fourth Coming of Genesis!!

  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 830


    I hope this isn't like the Millerites and the Second Coming of Christ.  I'm missing some good sales in anticipation of the Fourth Coming of Genesis!!

    Its really tough figuring out what to grab on the sales while keeping funds available for the hopefully imminent release of Genesis 4.


    so far, I have taken advantage of the recent sales to get the last of Zevo's products I want for Genesis 3 as I plan to use G3 quite a lot while waiting for the Genesis 4 morphs , poses, outfits, and most importantly the backwards compatibility tools to be developed.  I am also thinking about knocking a few Iray shader packs off my wishlist and into my library but that's prolly gonna be the extent of it for now.


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "LOL, I guess retargeting is not considered
    animation but that's fine by me"

    Retargeting is a vital part of a professional
    Character animation workflow
    when you have a dedicated motion creation application
    with realtime viewport feed back( Iclone MOBU)
    to create motion data to be retargeted to your Hi poly
    figures for final rendering.

    However ,unlike Millineum1,2,3,4 Genesis 1,2,
    G3 Does not accept its
    own BVH data exported from
    the dedicated  motion creation applications to Daz studio

    Even though you imported the G3 rig into those apps via FBX
    to create the motion.

    You have to first go through an intermediary figure Like G2
    or V4 and run a script in Daz studio to get the motion to G3.

    This is why many of us would just rather use G2 for animation.
    and avoid the extra hassle.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Daikatana said:


    I hope this isn't like the Millerites and the Second Coming of Christ.  I'm missing some good sales in anticipation of the Fourth Coming of Genesis!!

    Its really tough figuring out what to grab on the sales while keeping funds available for the hopefully imminent release of Genesis 4.


    so far, I have taken advantage of the recent sales to get the last of Zevo's products I want for Genesis 3 as I plan to use G3 quite a lot while waiting for the Genesis 4 morphs , poses, outfits, and most importantly the backwards compatibility tools to be developed.  I am also thinking about knocking a few Iray shader packs off my wishlist and into my library but that's prolly gonna be the extent of it for now.


    Well, as there will always be another sale: nothing was what I decided to buy... And nothing has a very low cost, so my wallet was grateful.

  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131

    Please no more throw away UV Maps. Just have all the female characters including Victoria use the Genesis 4? Female UV map and all the male characters including Michael use the Genesis 4? Male UV map.

  • The new PowerPose tools for facial expressions for V8 is pretty cool, but I will stick to my G2 for now ;)

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,998

    And yeah, I hope to see the Flexion/accurate joint morphs and some backwards compatibility for the characters, though it won't stop me from eventually getting it though! And I agree that animation flexibility should be higher priority than simply for still images.

    Daz actually fulfilled my request, without hearing/reading my request!  wink DAZ really stepped up with this release!

  • will2powerwill2power Posts: 270

    I'll be perfectly honest. I'm just not all that thrilled with Victoria 8. It's not because of the figure itself --I have nothing against the advancements of the figure. I'm just tired of Autofit, conforming clothes, no dynamics and a complete lack of animation friendly tools --no offense to Animate2, Keymate and Graphmate --all of which could use some overhauling. They keep making advancements on the figure, but everything else about DAZ Studio is largely ignored and I find myself looking at other applications because of it. These days I spend more time wishing for advancements to the platform and not advancements to the figure. Just from my personal point of view --until the platform changes I don't really see myself re-buying all the Victoria 8/Genesis 4 stuff. To me, the money is better spent on softwares like Marvelous Designer or Syflex  and MDD/Alembic exports to other packages that allow for far greater flexiblity/control. I'm tired of NO PHYSICS, NO Improvements to VIEWPORT PERFORMANCE, NO STRAND BASED HAIR, and NO ANIMATION CONTROL RIGS, so until that changes I doubt I will be doing much more in DAZ other than creating figures or applying animations and exporting them to somewhere else to rig or render.  I might get a new figure, but I still get the same old headaches when it comes to working, and I'm really not keen on continuing the cycle. 

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited June 2017

    "To me, the money is better spent on softwares
     like Marvelous Designer or Syflex 
     and MDD/Alembic exports to other packages
    that allow for far greater flexiblity/control. 
    I'm tired of NO PHYSICS, NO Improvements
     so until that changes I doubt I will be
     doing much more in DAZ other than 
    creating figures or applying animations 
    and exporting them to somewhere else to rig or render."

    I reached that point essentially at the release of Genesis 3.

    Ionly use Daz studio as a staging ground for import of 
    animation Data from Iclone along with some aniMate graphMate,keymate.
    Mimic live for lipsinc.

    still using G2 M/F
    Still running 4.8
    No interest in IRay 

    I model my own dynamic& conforming clothing peices
    and I export as .obj/MDD to Maxon Cinema 4D for rendering

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    I'll be perfectly honest. I'm just not all that thrilled with Victoria 8. It's not because of the figure itself --I have nothing against the advancements of the figure. I'm just tired of Autofit, conforming clothes, no dynamics and a complete lack of animation friendly tools --no offense to Animate2, Keymate and Graphmate --all of which could use some overhauling. They keep making advancements on the figure, but everything else about DAZ Studio is largely ignored and I find myself looking at other applications because of it. These days I spend more time wishing for advancements to the platform and not advancements to the figure. Just from my personal point of view --until the platform changes I don't really see myself re-buying all the Victoria 8/Genesis 4 stuff. To me, the money is better spent on softwares like Marvelous Designer or Syflex  and MDD/Alembic exports to other packages that allow for far greater flexiblity/control. I'm tired of NO PHYSICS, NO Improvements to VIEWPORT PERFORMANCE, NO STRAND BASED HAIR, and NO ANIMATION CONTROL RIGS, so until that changes I doubt I will be doing much more in DAZ other than creating figures or applying animations and exporting them to somewhere else to rig or render.  I might get a new figure, but I still get the same old headaches when it comes to working, and I'm really not keen on continuing the cycle. 

    Wow. For the most part, those are my thoughts exactly. 

    Though for the physics part I'm very impressed with VWD. I'd love to see that fully integrated into Studio though. 

  • will2powerwill2power Posts: 270

    I don't mind spending money on new things from DAZ. But in this economy, I'm more apt to spend my money on things more conservatively and I'm just not seeing the value of switching at the moment. the Puppet Controller is basically a recycling of the puppet control they had in previous versions. I'm willing to spend my money, but not in rebuying new figures and old technology. The last two years have shown me that DAZ is more intent on content than they are in listening to user input. I put some money to good use and bought Cinema 4D/turbulenceFD and Syflex because while I love the figures --but I do not love working in DAZ studio. Like Wolf359, I'm finding myself doing more and more in other applications and that tells me that aside from the Models --DAZ has not innovated in a long time. 

    At this point it amazes me that they have been hearing us make the same requests for years now and most of what we have been asking for has been largely ignored. Optitex is outdated beyond belief and without Marvelous Designer or VWD's efforts there'd be no way at all to have any sort of efficient workflow when it comes to getting a good result. Then there's the weird deformations you get with the Geometry based hair that no one seems intent on addressing. It's maddening that they seem more intent on treading water than they are on moving forward which is a shame because they are about 75%there to an application that would blow the doors off of anything else when it comes to hobbyists enthusiasts like myself. They're letting Carrara die on the vine when they should be working like hell to get it's features into Studio --the same with Bryce.  And like before, they introduced a bunch of new figures just before springing V8 on us. So not cool. Ophelia 7 and Dante 7 are a raw deal -made obsolete two months after launch basically. 

  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 795

    The G8 era is here!!  No disappointment, as in the Millerites.  Now to determine if we like this New Age..........

  • Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
    edited June 2017
    wolf359 said:

    "Because Daz has to keep advancing and improving their figures, they cant stay still, technology improves every day and Daz needs to improve with it or get left behind"

    Agreed But such "improvements"
    need to be more than superfical marketing Hyperbole and add value to the product and user experience in objectively tangible ways.


    Genesis 3 Added tow extra bones to each Limb over Genesis 2

    Did this "improvement" objectively enhance the appearance of the deformation of joints??

    Did it make it easier for the content PA's to dev new content for G3 ...NO made  it more difficult.

    Did this make Genesis easier to animate?..NO.. made G3 unusable for animation until
    THIRD PARTY motion retargeting solutions were Developed to Move  existing animation Data from G2.

    Oh!! and to this day G3 will NOT accept its own BVH motion Data reimported back to Daz from any source
    unlike its predecessors G2,G1, Millenuims 4,3,2,1,
    ....and G3  will not work  with Daz studios native nonlinear motion system AniMate 2

    Genesis 3 Added a new Facial Bone rig.

    Did This improve G3 Facial Expressions.??The general  public forum consensous is ...NO

    Compatibilty with other "Pro Applications"??

    G3 broke compatibilty with Iclones motion retargeting system until Reallusion got around to updating the 3DExchange app to support G3.

    G3 requires special tutorials to get it reasonably working in the king of Character Motion programs ,The Mighty Autodesk Motionbuilder.

    Cant wait for G4.. should be a blast!!

    is this done with a reason? make it difficult use/export the figures not that easly in other software?

    Post edited by Fixme12 on
  • jaebeajaebea Posts: 454

    I agree with ebergerly.  The VWD dynamic script for clothing and hair is really amazing!


  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    edited June 2017

    The posting on Facebook says the new genesis 8 figures are coming June 20th.. I assume it meant to say Victoria 8

    Yeah, why is it genesis 8 and not genesis 4? OK, I saw some of the comments about this after I posted this. I'll include my own thoughts in another post.

    Post edited by inquire on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    AllenArt said:

    And Stephanie jumped from just plain old Stephanie to Stephanie 3 Petite ;). David in his first incarnation was David 3 (because Mike and Vicky at the time were in Generation 3). So Daz HAS renumbered a figure before ;).


    Well, yes, DAZ has "renumbered a figure." But, in this case, David3 came along because there was so much disappointment with Michael3. There had been a Michael1 and Michael2, I believe. There had not been a David1 nor a David2, if I'm remembering correctly. But this was the THIRD generation (or whatever you want to call it) of DAZ figures. So, it made sense to call David "David3" as he was part of this THIRD generation, and was meant to disperse all the disgust surrounding Michael3. 

    In the case of going from genesis3 to genesis8, however, we do not have the same situation. Here, it's the whole generation that is being renumbered. The only way that would make sense to me is if the new genesis is so mind-blowingly better than genesis3 that we'd have to think something like this: "It's out of this world believable! We can't just call it genesis4. That doesn't do it justice. No, not genesis5, either. So, not even  6; again, not 7. It has to be genesis8." Now, I don't know. Perhaps genesis8 is that much better than genesis3. Is it? Comments above don't seen to suggest that.

    But I haven't tried the new figure yet. I have downloaded the latest version of DAZ Studio. I usually work more with the guys anyway. But the genesis8 males probably won't be around for some time, judging from all the products DAZ is offering now, most of which are for the ladies.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    inquire said:
    AllenArt said:

    And Stephanie jumped from just plain old Stephanie to Stephanie 3 Petite ;). David in his first incarnation was David 3 (because Mike and Vicky at the time were in Generation 3). So Daz HAS renumbered a figure before ;).


    Well, yes, DAZ has "renumbered a figure." But, in this case, David3 came along because there was so much disappointment with Michael3. There had been a Michael1 and Michael2, I believe. There had not been a David1 nor a David2, if I'm remembering correctly. But this was the THIRD generation (or whatever you want to call it) of DAZ figures. So, it made sense to call David "David3" as he was part of this THIRD generation, and was meant to disperse all the disgust surrounding Michael3.

    I'm pretty sur your explanation is wrong - Michael 3 after all continued to be the main male figure. It is true, however, that daz geernally tweaks the process for new figures (now just the male after the female, but in previous generations there were other figures with their own mesh, mapping perhaps, and rigging)

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