Victoria 8 Launch This month?



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Well, even if I were wrong about David3, my main point is that starting David out as David3 because he belongs in  the Third Generation along with Michael 3, is not the same kind of reasoning as naming the next generation of genesis genesis 8 because some of the figures will be named Victoria8 and Michael8. In the first case, the figure (David) has been named to indicate the generation in which he belongs. In the second case, iterations of genesis have been skipped. For what reason: to make the genesis number correspond with the Victoria and Michael numbers? My argument is that this only makes sense if the new iteration of genesis is so much better than its predecessor that calling it genesis 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, just can't be justified. It has to be called genesis8. And I'm stating that the comments, so far, do not reflect this  reasoning. I, however, have not yet tried the new genesis8 figures, so I'm not offering an opinion of them.

    I did read an argument to the effect that DAZ users would be confused if the new iteration were named genesis4 because there was a generation 4. That seems to argue that DAZ users can't differentiate between the terms generation and genesis. Such a level of vocabulary usage might be expected among fifth or sixth grade students.  No, actually, I think DAZ users can make the appropritate distinctions. I'm often impressed by the brillance of the comments DAZ users make. 

    So, I'm confused as to why the naming of the genesis iterations went from genesis3 to genesis8. I'm still trying to find a comment that offers what I see as a reasonable explanation.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    inquire said:
    I did read an argument to the effect that DAZ users would be confused if the new iteration were named genesis4 because there was a generation 4. That seems to argue that DAZ users can't differentiate between the terms generation and genesis.

    Problem is, a very common abbreviation is Gen4 or G4. That's where the confusion comes in, and many of us here in the forums have been using the abbreviations for so many years it takes a conscious effort not to use them. It's not even a new problem; it cropped up now and then with Generation 3 and Genesis 3, but the old V3/M3 figures are much less commonly used than V4/M4 — in many non-DAZ stores, characters and clothes for V4/M4 still outnumber anything made for any other figure.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    inquire said:

    Well, even if I were wrong about David3, my main point is that starting David out as David3 because he belongs in  the Third Generation along with Michael 3, is not the same kind of reasoning as naming the next generation of genesis genesis 8 because some of the figures will be named Victoria8 and Michael8. In the first case, the figure (David) has been named to indicate the generation in which he belongs. In the second case, iterations of genesis have been skipped. For what reason: to make the genesis number correspond with the Victoria and Michael numbers? My argument is that this only makes sense if the new iteration of genesis is so much better than its predecessor that calling it genesis 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, just can't be justified. It has to be called genesis8. And I'm stating that the comments, so far, do not reflect this  reasoning. I, however, have not yet tried the new genesis8 figures, so I'm not offering an opinion of them.

    I did read an argument to the effect that DAZ users would be confused if the new iteration were named genesis4 because there was a generation 4. That seems to argue that DAZ users can't differentiate between the terms generation and genesis. Such a level of vocabulary usage might be expected among fifth or sixth grade students.  No, actually, I think DAZ users can make the appropritate distinctions. I'm often impressed by the brillance of the comments DAZ users make. 

    So, I'm confused as to why the naming of the genesis iterations went from genesis3 to genesis8. I'm still trying to find a comment that offers what I see as a reasonable explanation.

    Actually, I think the original David and Hiro were just referred to as David and Hiro, without the number 3 appended.  M3, V3, SP3, and A3 all had predecessors (and if you look in the texture folders some textures for AIko 3 were in folders named Aiko 2, as there was only one predecessor).  David and Hiro (and the Freak) got the 3's appended when there were later versions.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    inquire said:

    Actually, I think the original David and Hiro were just referred to as David and Hiro, without the number 3 appended.  M3, V3, SP3, and A3 all had predecessors (and if you look in the texture folders some textures for AIko 3 were in folders named Aiko 2, as there was only one predecessor).  David and Hiro (and the Freak) got the 3's appended when there were later versions.

    Well, I don't want to quibble too much, but I was using David3 and  calling him David3, and reading comments by others calling him David3, before any other David came out. 

    Anyway, I just think it is illogical to skip genesis 4, 5, 6, and 7, unless genesis8 can be demonstrated to be astonishingly better than genesis3. If this doesn't bother other people, OK.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well whatever you say about it, it makes sense to call the newest Genesis 8 because that's what it has been called.

  • vitriks1vitriks1 Posts: 30

    I run few tests and see no point in new genesis. And the funny thing that nobody really ask them to release it. Sure G3 have problems but G8 doesn't fix them.

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