samples of my renders - by cosmo



  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    very nice work cosmo..especially like the steel room...nice lighting

    Happy new year to you :)

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    classy chassis :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Kharma said:
    very nice work cosmo..especially like the steel room...nice lighting

    Happy new year to you :)

    thank you :) happy new year also :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    classy chassis :)

    I will upload another render of a nice chassi :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    two more :)

    1650 x 875 - 296K
    1730 x 1125 - 177K
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    here is a second version the outback rider with post work motion blur for the wheels, tell me please what you think looks better, the original or the post work version.

    1650 x 875 - 289K
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    I would think her hair would be blowing back as well....looks like she is moving with the motion blur.....Trish

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    I would think her hair would be blowing back as well....looks like she is moving with the motion blur.....Trish

    I have used the move back and wind morphs :down: or do you mean a bit more unsharp?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    like that?

    158 x 125 - 5K
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited January 2014

    I don't know that hair... are their movements for the bangs......or front part....but yes it looks better in my mind...Trish

    Post edited by Trish on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    I don't know that hair... are their movements for the bangs......or front part....but yes it looks better in my mind...Trish
    ups yeah, it has all that morphs and I have to admit I have forgotten the bangs and the front because I have put my attention more on the texture of the bike and the lighting, shame on me :red: but unfortunatelly I haven`t save the scene so...I have to live with my fault (damn)
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Ha I have an explanation. Dixie have used hair spray LoL 3 weather taft power hair spray

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I know my posts do not count for much, but your post worked version gives it more power to me. The Action just leaps out in that version.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    I know my posts do not count for much, but your post worked version gives it more power to me. The Action just leaps out in that version.

    hey jader, happy new year, well every post counts :) and critique and opinoins are welcome :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    down the river with a riverboat :) btw. the riverboat is freeware at deviant art and as poser format (the update) the only thing is that if you load it in ds4.5 and up doors and crane get scaled up 100% while the ship is scaled to 8.4% (daz people size) so if you load the boat you have to scale down doors and crane to 8.4 like the boat is, nothing else, the doors and crane fit. no x,y,z adjustents necessary after scaling.

    In this render I have used edited textures because I like the white/grey color more than the original :)

    1730 x 1125 - 335K
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,332
    edited December 1969

    It's a very nice model I haven't loaded it in DS4 but have used it in DS3
    Something must have changed between 4 and 3 because it loaded perfectly in 3

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited January 2014

    So, today I have watched "The Hobbit - Part II" and I have to say, very very very disappointing, no drama, no atmosphere, bad acting, bad storyboard, bad soundtrack. If lord of the rings is 100% the hobbit so far gets 0% okay 2% for the second half of the first part

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    My first render with "The Lost World" by AM :) hope you like it.

    1650 x 875 - 309K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Pretty nice but you have a BIT of Uber lighting pixelation going on this time.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Pretty nice but you have a BIT of Uber lighting pixelation going on this time.

    yeah, but this was the light preset of this set, next render will be with the advanced ambient light and just one distant

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ah yes, I understand the need to test a set. Now as you say its time to improve it by doing your own.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Ah yes, I understand the need to test a set. Now as you say its time to improve it by doing your own.

    I also haven`t looked what the lights in whole are, I have had a look only at the "sun" light, maybe there is an uberenvironment used in this or some other lights with other shadows on, I had such pixle things when using uberenvironment light, that was the reason why I have created my own ambient light with six parented distant lights without any shadow and just with diffuse light until the advanced ambient light came out which is really great :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Dixie is looking for a second home :) I think she likes it :)

    1650 x 875 - 382K
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    FULL MOON ;-)

    850 x 1675 - 219K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ROTFLMAO!!! Really? Ya went there did ya? Nice Um... well... um, moon.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    ROTFLMAO!!! Really? Ya went there did ya? Nice Um... well... um, moon.

    what does this mean? "ROTFLMAO" the last four letters okay, I know but the first four?

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,332
    edited December 1969

    ROTF = Rolling on the floor

    Nice pic

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    ROTF = Rolling on the floor

    Nice pic

    ah, thank you :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969


    1250 x 1250 - 79K
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited January 2014

    name needed, someone an idea for a name that this guy could have?

    1000 x 1600 - 186K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
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