

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Would it be a good idea (and politically correct) to maybe advertise the challenge on or deviant art for those who are members at those two places. I see a lot of really good Brycing around the internet and yet our community here is relatively small.

    Also, we get a lot of beginners posting questions and sometimes they then disappear. If they can be enticed into stopping around and joining in more it would be great. Posting on a particular forum is quite habitual and we need to get more people into the habit of posting here instead of where they hang out at the moment. :)

    BTW: You have nothing to apologise for Chohole... You know we're not the type to sulk over a slight delay... we are Brycers, we are used to delays in development cycles, render times etc. :lol:

    That sounds like a good idea. I could also post a link over in the Rendo Bryce forum, although that is deader than this one at the moment, almost moribund in fact. We do need to get as many Brycers as possible posting on this forum, as it is the "Official" Bryce forum, and hopefully, once the Galleries do eventually go on Line we need lots of Brycers to post bryce images there as well.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    I wonder if we can find out why people who might have entered the challenges decided not to? Maybe some people are to shy or nervous to enter, or forgot about it or didn't find out until too late, or were put off by the contest theme, were too busy to get it done in the required time period, or got stuck on some detail that maybe the forum could help with, or... I don't know. I'm making things up here. But if there were a bunch that didn't enter for one specific reason, possibly knowing the reason could allow adjustments to increase participation.
    I'm fine with the seasonal rather than monthly time lengths, more time always helps me. However TheSavage64 does have a point about potentially running out of momentum with longer gaps, so I'm not sure which is better.
    If we can get the contests advertised on other sites, that could definitely help. I thought about mentioning them on the Renderosity Bryce forum, however since it seemed like mentioning Renderosity contests in the DAZ forums was frowned on, I was afraid the same might be true of the Renderosity forums so I did not. Chohole, if you could post the link in the Renderosity forum that would be great.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Well I did used to be a regular over there, it used to be my main go to forum till I somehow got lured over here, but nowadays I am only an occasional poster, although I do lurk a bit..

    It is a good point about not advertising our site or forum over there. Didn't actually think of that.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    And we have winners. Posted in the other thread, here.

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