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As always, many thanks Horo
Recently saw 'The Farthest' movie (YouTube link to intro) - directed by our own Emer Reynolds (Biog details etc.,) on TV - so, hence, the inspiration etc.
While [it] showed Voyager imagery/video, it brought to mind the Cassini-Huygens mission that also did so too.
Good work, Ed3D, and thanks.
adbc: Now, that is something, a sun in the middle of a planet! (or is that their energy factory?)
mtnmen: Nope, I won't go there, because I don't like lurking things! Thanks.
Mermaid: thank you too.
Great looking work, S Ray.
Jamahoney: Wow, what spectacular colours! Casini is very far over our horizon.
S Ray: Reaching the Atlas _not sure of the meaning
But, Outstanding
Jamahoney: agree with Horo -Very good
mermaid010: Thanks very much
Hansmar: Thanks _and you're welcome
Yellow Pen: for an idea , how about one of these Lost Horizon Shangri-La
@ Jamahoney: can almost hear space music. Well done
Jamahoney : very realistic and detailed image.
Hansmar : thanks for your comment !
My second entry : Horizon on fire
A bit of modeling with wings3D, a poser figure, an HDRI sky and a lot of patience since it took more than 3 hours to render.
adbc - beautiful and very soothing scene.
adbc: Horizon on fire: very nice image. Hope the fire doesn't come closer!
Ed3D...also thanks
Henryhor...I loved Strauss's music (link to tune on YouTube) as a sort of space music in the film 2001: A space Odysssey...super. Nearly everyone knows it at this stage.
AdBc...much appreciated. Btw, love the pose of the model in your work - it can be quite difficult at times to get the body to balance out I find, but you've clinched it here
Ps. apologies if I'm not currently commenting on previous works above - out network provider is messing about with Wifi and wires at the moment...etc., + stuck in project demanding too much time...tic, toc, tic...
@ adbc: romantic and apocalyptic at the same time. Is well worth waiting for.
Horo, Hansmar, Jamahoney, Henryhor : thank you for the kind comments.
@ S Ray: Wonderful picture and great idea.
@ Jamahoney: Colorful and impressive work. Very good!
@ adbc: Very romantic and dreamy work. Great.
Ah thanks, Drachenlords
Did a work sometime back concerning David's high power ambient recipe (link to David's YouTubes), and so threw in an astronaut, adjusted colours etc., - kinda harks back to 2001: A space odyssey but with a change in words...hahe.
Title for chohole: 'My god, it's full of people'
PS. The Earth globe can be found in Bryce's: Create/Misc/Chrome Earth.
Jamahoney - great idea Jay to have the chap mirrored in the Earth ball.
Jay – awesome space render, love it. The second entry is superb.
Adbc – beautiful scene, nice modelling.
Cheers, Horo - the film (hope you've seen it - trailer link is YouTube) has humans looking at a rectangular monolith - essentially, an alien marker for monitoring human development in Intelligence, Time, Space, the Universe etc. So I reversed it round an alien looking at a globe of terrestrials - as a human marker for monitoring alien presence...hahe.
Thanks, Mermaid...both entries represent the empty space (pun intended ) that resides in the head, between the ears
Jay - yup, I've seen the movie, in the cinema and on TV a long while ago and read the books 2001, 2010 (Odyssee II) and 2061 (Odyssee III). I still have the books on the shelf just right of the HHG ones. Empty space in the head is good: cool ideas have room to develop.
Clicked , Horo.
On the Hitch or even the Doc Who (not mentioned) - never connected with both. Weird!
_yeah, in the cinema(drive-in) and on TV _ a long time ago _and read the books 2001 and 2010_ and me both...(oh, and Horo, too, of course ).
Loved the books. I recall as an immature youth at an open-aired paladium concertered lawn in Vienna during a warm summer's eve listening to Strauss works. The conductor referenced the music played to a space film - that of 2001: A space odyssey.
Since than...mind blowed.
@ Jamahoney: reflecting on the earth, some people should do that. Interesting render experiment.
Henryhor... reflecting on the Earth
Followed Lewis Pugh's (link to his site) recent swim and efforts - pheew, just look at the length of coast he covered. Simply amazing.
Jamahoney : Awesome image and very cool idea !
mermaid : thanks.
Jamahoney: cool image also , well done
adbc: very good
Title: undecided
and made the stairs with Blender
Very nice stairs, Ed3D...a Blender user has always to be respected (a the right direction).
ed3D - the stairs do look very good.
Very good looking stairs, Ed3D!
_yeah, Let's hope it is _LOL
Horo, Hansmar, Jamahoney: Thanks very much_