What i wonder know is, since 3dsmax is supporting python scripting, is it would be possible to make phyton scripts to use your daz generated scripts to create vray converted max scenes? Or the daz scripts should be altered, too?
I have no experience in daz scripting nor python scripting. But ihave a background of flash scripting. I bougth a python scripting book and it didnt look harder than acion script.
it would basically be a rewrite
an important part of the script is dedicated to building node-based materials which must be quite different in 3ds
then there's a script which is a to-do list, for loading then discarding obj files, when rendering animations
I have quick look at your code, if i hadnt got it wrong you are doing most of the work in the blender side. You use daz script just to tell python what to do. Am i right?
I have quick look at your code, if i hadnt got it wrong you are doing most of the work in the blender side. You use daz script just to tell python what to do. Am i right?
on daz studio's side, it exports the scene as .obj files
it then creates a blender-python file that will, later on, load the obj file, position the camera, add lights, go through the materials and create node-based materials
then it launches a batch file, which launches blender,
in the command-line that launches blender,
blender is told to launch the python script created by the daz script
the python script is basicaly a to-do list, and the parameters to use
i also wrote 5 or 6 python scripts, which never change, that do the actual work
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for me. If I export the file from DAZ, it will boot Blender, but only give me a grey cube (my default scene), no figure. Help?
If it's any help, I installed the scripts in \Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.63\scripts\modules
This is still not working. I'd kindly like an answer. :)
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for me. If I export the file from DAZ, it will boot Blender, but only give me a grey cube (my default scene), no figure. Help?
If it's any help, I installed the scripts in \Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.63\scripts\modules
This is still not working. I'd kindly like an answer. :)
in the "Export" section of mcjTeleblender
it's important to checkmark the "Export scene as obj" check-box
then click on the "browse button ( circled in red )
then browse up to a folder on your hard disk
and type in a name like "test.obj"
because, mcjTeleblender will export your scene as an obj and an mtl file
and it must do so in a folder that does exist on your hard disk
after you launch the render, you could go in this folder of yours and see if the obj and mtl files are indeed there
there should also be a .py file and a .bat file
if you check-marked the "collect maps" check-box, then there will me a folder named Maps containing all the texture images in your scene.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for me. If I export the file from DAZ, it will boot Blender, but only give me a grey cube (my default scene), no figure. Help?
If it's any help, I installed the scripts in \Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.63\scripts\modules
This is still not working. I'd kindly like an answer. :)
in the "Export" section of mcjTeleblender
it's important to checkmark the "Export scene as obj" check-box
then click on the "browse button ( circled in red )
then browse up to a folder on your hard disk
and type in a name like "test.obj"
because, mcjTeleblender will export your scene as an obj and an mtl file
and it must do so in a folder that does exist on your hard disk
after you launch the render, you could go in this folder of yours and see if the obj and mtl files are indeed there
there should also be a .py file and a .bat file
if you check-marked the "collect maps" check-box, then there will me a folder named Maps containing all the texture images in your scene.
Well, the fun thing is, I've done this with every option combination imaginable. It either doesn't boot Blender, or boots it and leaves me with a gray box. It DOES leave an Object, but it ends up with none of its materials assigned.
Well, the fun thing is, I've done this with every option combination imaginable. It either doesn't boot Blender, or boots it and leaves me with a gray box. It DOES leave an Object, but it ends up with none of its materials assigned.
something else you could try is to go in File / User preferences and pick the "Compure Renderer" used by Cycles
then save those settings by clicking on "Save Default Settings"
also shown below,mcjTeleblender's default settings
this should work in all cases since it will render using the CPU renderer
the setting i use is GPU CUDA since i have an NVidia CUDA card
if you have an ATI card then you'd pick GPU OpenCL
Also, in your target folder (form the export section), you should have (if u collected maps) an OBJ file, a MTL file, a PY file, a BAT file..and a folders called MAPS (that should be filled with the materials collected from the scene). probably good to see if you got that after running the script.
If that is all there, and Blender Launched, you may want to make sure you have set the factory Defaults for Blender, in the off chance that you had the scale set "off" and it is actually importing really, really small. (ya never know)
If that all looks good, then after import in blender, you can look in the top right, and it lists the objects that are in the scene, You should have more than a Cube, lgiht and camera
if all goes well, Blender will start, and just as ordered, it will run our poser7test.py script which, in turn, will load the scene poser7test.obj, and create for us all the gazillions of special materials
We just have to add some lights, position the camera and render
Poser can use the alpha layer of a given image for transparent materials like the corneas, eyelashes, hair etc but Daz and my scripts expect standalone transparency maps, so you will have to fix transparent materials.
if your PC is not equipped with an NVidia CUDA card (and recent drivers) but instead uses an ATI/AMD card with OpenCL then replace the line that reads
Did you have trouble with the figure scaling coming from Poser in the shot above? My Poser OBJ export is very small...and I dont see a scale option out of Poser, and I don't see a scale option coming into Blender?
One other question...I tried a V4 portrait from DS, but her eyes are black.
So after reading some stuff earlier on here, I changed the cornea to a white Transparent BDSF, and the Tear to the same...but it looks like I still have some issues. (see pic)
Are there some "known" settings that go wrong for eyes (and eyelashes actually)
EDIT: I also posted over at the Blender forum on Rendo to see if folks had some material setting tips as well. Here is the link to the similar thread as this post: LINK
Did you have trouble with the figure scaling coming from Poser in the shot above? My Poser OBJ export is very small...and I dont see a scale option out of Poser, and I don't see a scale option coming into Blender?
One other question...I tried a V4 portrait from DS, but her eyes are black.
So after reading some stuff earlier on here, I changed the cornea to a white Transparent BDSF, and the Tear to the same...but it looks like I still have some issues. (see pic)
Are there some "known" settings that go wrong for eyes (and eyelashes actually)
EDIT: I also posted over at the Blender forum on Rendo to see if folks had some material setting tips as well. Here is the link to the similar thread as this post: LINK
didn't have problems but i did notice the scene was quite small and it made the control of the camera harder
i'm not extra experienced in Blender, but is you type A it selects everything in the scene
if you type . (period ) it zooms to the selected object
if you type Ctrl Alt 0 it moves the camera to the current [point of view
if you type S 100 it scales everything selected by 100
you could re-import the obj in poser using a scaling factor of 10 or 100
then re-export it
i too use the "transparent BSDF" material for corneas
in daz studio i can also use an entirely black image as the opavity map for things i want to be fully tyransparent
poser tends to use the alpha layer of images PNG, and TGA
those images have red green blue layers plus an opacity/alpha layer in the same image file
but daz studio and the materials built by my script in Blender want a standalone grayscale image for the transparency
in cases like that i use a paint program and extract the alpha layer, save it to disk, then apply it to the opacity channel
Did you have trouble with the figure scaling coming from Poser in the shot above? My Poser OBJ export is very small...and I dont see a scale option out of Poser, and I don't see a scale option coming into Blender?
If you want to export an object from Blender in Poser scale you have to scale it down to 0,41 times (rounded) its Blender size.
In reverse that means to if you export an obj from Poser into Blender, you'll have to scale it up to 2,439 times it's original size.
For example, this way Vicky4 will be 1,73 Blender units (equivalent of 173 cm) tall, which seems about right.
So after you import your scene as an OBJ, make sure it's selected and type S (for "scale") and 2,439 for the ratio.
Just playing with this script of yours - c'est vachement geniale!! Bon boulot!
Got a question: I'm running Blender 2.63a (various builds - my Linux machine updates constantly, my Windows box I have to do manually) and in the Render settings, next to Feature Set, I have a dropdown with "Supported" and "Experimental". I'm going to be running this script on my laptop, which runs Mint 13/Ubuntu12.04, has a built-in NVidia CUDA card but Blender doesn't see it as usable for Cycles (too old, not enough features). Question: for this script, I mean, the one you call poser7test.py...
. . . is it okay to do a bit of substitution? mcjBlendBot.setCyclesSettings( "SUPPORTED", "GPU", "CUDA", 1000 ) Also, is it possible to run that script on its own from within Blender - that you're meant to run as you bring up Blender with this: "C:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/Blender/blender.exe" -P "C:/test/poser7test.py"
yes you can do substitutions, you just have to make sure you use the exact spelling and upper case
the setCyclesSetting function expects 4 parameters in quotes
"Feature set:" can be "EXPERIMENTAL" or "SUPPORTED" "Device:" can be "CPU" or "GPU" ) "Gpu type:" can be "CUDA" or "OPENCL" the 4th parameter is the number of render passes
also a yes on launching test/poser7test.py in Blender's "Text Editor" panel
(i'm testing it now ...... Alt-O to open a new block . . . babaorhum.py . . . (i forgot what's in that scene) . . .
note the "addCamera function that gives the position (x,y,z) the rotations (x.y.z) and the focal length in mm
the setGloss function is the amount of gloss and the roughness of the material
in the loadfix function, if you replace "CYCLESMATS" with "USEMATLIB" then the blender scene file that follows "C:/matLib.blend" will be used as a material library, this works only if the same materials exist in your scene and that scene. there's also "BLENDERFIX" which creates/fixes the materials in your obj file, to ready them for the internal Blender render engine. and there's "NONE" to just leave the materials as they are in the obj/mtl
in the setRenderEngine function, you can replace "CYCLES" with "BLENDER_RENDER" if you completely omit the setRenderEngine statement, then your default render engine will be used
note that this i tested and tweaked this with daz studio in mind, so poser compatibility is not as good
turns out babaorhum.blend was Aiko4 sitting in the air ...
oh now i remember it's my entry for the June contest
Thanks for that, Jacques! This is really quite exciting, you know. Since I don't use DS at all, the fact that you've created a mechanism for Poser users earns you enormous credit. :) Well, from me, definitely!
In Poser is a collectSceneInventory script that brings all the textures and stuff used in the scene into one folder. Then, I just save the scene as an obj in that folder and it's all together.
It seems your poser7Test.py does a few more things in terms of setting up the whole scene in Blender. This warrants a bit of study. For example, when I import an obj from poser into Blender, I use my own defaults (call them Poser01... thinking I'll probably be developing better import parameters as I learn more LOL) ... I generally untick nGons, Lines and Smooth Groups and go with Keep Vert Order with the PolyGroups box ticked. Scale I'm still unclear about, and I do an Image Search. So, I'm imagining all these parameters are addressed by mcjBlendBot? Might have a look and see what other goodies you've got hidden away. :)
This is the scene I've rendered in Poser... all exported and ready to mess with. :)
. So, I'm imagining all these parameters are addressed by mcjBlendBot?
the scene you were showing is interesting, she has a unique look
i wonder if it would not be better with a 3-point-light setup
although, since she's standing outside on a cloudy day, the way you rendered it is closer to what it would look like in reality
mcjBlendBot uses the OBJ importer that is bundled with Blender3d ( if i wrote my own it would have some advantages )
i forgot, but, i think mcjBlendBot can fix issues in the .mtl file before calling the obj importer
then mcjBlendBot notes which materials are in your scene
then it loads the obj
once the obj is loaded, if CYCLESMATS is specified, mcjBlendBot goes through the new materials and converts them into node-based-cycles materials. To get full control of the materials you need to use Blender;s "Node Editor panel"
shown below you can see a complex material, Aiko3's hair has a color map, a transparency map and a bump map
building this node-based-material by hand would take time, and mcjBlendBot does this for the dozens of materials in the scene.
"the scene you were showing is interesting, she has a unique look. i wonder if it would not be better with a 3-point-light setup
although, since she’s standing outside on a cloudy day, the way you rendered it is closer to what it would look like in reality."
Interesting you should say that: I realise it's hard to tell but I've got three point lights that are *meant* to look like they're coming from a cafe on sort-of like an esplanade, if you will. I've got the sky acting as light-source (ambient at 2) and the point lights have inverse square fall-off applied. But the effect isn't strong enough, to my view. It needs to be starker.
But thank you for the critique: all my stuff remains WIPs so any ideas on how to improve the effect is always incredibly welcome. :)
I think that I find MOST exciting about what you're doing are your shaders, Jacques! This is where "je suis bouleversée! absolument genial!" I programmed shaders in Python (matmatic by Bagginsbill) - no, they weren't 'terrible', but they did the job. Now, the goal is to stay on top of Cycles development, get their idea of what SSS represents when OSL matures and the node happens, incorporate that into skin, and you have a winner!
You see, in Poser, we do have scatter nodes, which make for some pretty nice renders of skin. With EZSkin2 by Snarlygribby, applying those shaders is fairly trivial. Recreating this sort of thing for Cycles would definitely be just exactly where I'd love to be going. Room for *growth*!
BTW, this forum is a ridiculopathy - logs you out after x-number of *minutes*??? What century are they from?
Yes, I'm still boggled after using Blender since last year! =)
I was hoping the script would allow me to render Carrara scenes in Blender as well, but it appears to be just for
DS(?) Maybe there's a collada workaround(?)
Anyway, that's great of Casual to create the DS>Blender Cycles script.
I built an Octane box last year with 2 NVIDIA CUDA cards.......one for the renders (GTX460 2gb) and a cheaper one for the display.
Works great, but really shines with Cycles.......10X faster than the Phenom II 955 CPU!!! =O
If interested in Blender, check this site I created to help others with it. www.blenderportal.com
Yes, I'm still boggled after using Blender since last year! =)
I was hoping the script would allow me to render Carrara scenes in Blender as well, but it appears to be just for
DS(?) Maybe there's a collada workaround(?)
Anyway, that's great of Casual to create the DS>Blender Cycles script.
I built an Octane box last year with 2 NVIDIA CUDA cards.......one for the renders (GTX460 2gb) and a cheaper one for the display.
Works great, but really shines with Cycles.......10X faster than the Phenom II 955 CPU!!! =O
If interested in Blender, check this site I created to help others with it. www.blenderportal.com
Happy rendering. =)
hi there
on page 3 of this thread , post 43, named "How to use mcjTeleblender’s kit of blender-python scripts to render a Poser scene" i show how to use part of the teleblender kit to render Poser scenes --- possibly it can be used with Carrara ---
This looks interesting. Before I get deep into trying it out for myself, would anybody care to offer their opinion about how the Blender Cycles renderer compares with the DAZ 3D onboard software and hardware renderers. I tend to create animations, so rendering time is important, as well as visual quality. Any comments welcome.
Just having some more time to work with this! Just to get back into it, I dropped a quick scene in DS, and exported, but Blender appeared and came up empty. I may have upgraded Blender since I last worked with this. I know I updated DS. Blender I am running 2.63.22 r50890.
Looks like everything got in the directory correctly. I tried to run the "py" file from Blender as well, but no luck. Maybe they changed their interface?
Just having some more time to work with this! Just to get back into it, I dropped a quick scene in DS, and exported, but Blender appeared and came up empty. I may have upgraded Blender since I last worked with this. I know I updated DS. Blender I am running 2.63.22 r50890.
Looks like everything got in the directory correctly. I tried to run the "py" file from Blender as well, but no luck. Maybe they changed their interface?
i'm using blender 2.63.0 since 2.63.22 should be a minor revision, i doubt they change much, but , i'll update mine and see if there's a problem
when you send a non-animated scene using mcjTelenlender it writes to disk a small batch file unfortunately its not usable as-is
example i exported a scene as F:\testme.obj
lets say the scene opened blank in blender i close Blender
i go in F:\
mcjTeleblender produced, testme.obj, testme.mtl, testme.py and testme.bat
i can now see the error messages generated during the unsuccessful Load
and possibly see what the problem was
note that in the example below, the scene was loading without problem, the messages shown are just warning us that Blender disregards the bump-map strength "Km" from the .mtl file
it would basically be a rewrite
an important part of the script is dedicated to building node-based materials which must be quite different in 3ds
then there's a script which is a to-do list, for loading then discarding obj files, when rendering animations
a recent render
wild speculation on my part - maybe you'd need to go in the user preferences and specify Cycles rendering options , then save the user preferences
I have quick look at your code, if i hadnt got it wrong you are doing most of the work in the blender side. You use daz script just to tell python what to do. Am i right?
on daz studio's side, it exports the scene as .obj files
it then creates a blender-python file that will, later on, load the obj file, position the camera, add lights, go through the materials and create node-based materials
then it launches a batch file, which launches blender,
in the command-line that launches blender,
blender is told to launch the python script created by the daz script
the python script is basicaly a to-do list, and the parameters to use
i also wrote 5 or 6 python scripts, which never change, that do the actual work
Hey, I just saw this, and it looks cool, thanks! Are the settings in the dialog saved with the DAZ scene file?
they are saved independently of the scene when you close the script
so nect time you use the script, you get the settings from the previous use
( unrelated image to decorate the pose )
Wow! This script rocks! I am surprised there are not 30 pages of discussion here, versus 3. Great Job! Will post a render a little later on.
This is still not working. I'd kindly like an answer. :)
This is still not working. I'd kindly like an answer. :)
in the "Export" section of mcjTeleblender
it's important to checkmark the "Export scene as obj" check-box
then click on the "browse button ( circled in red )
then browse up to a folder on your hard disk
and type in a name like "test.obj"
because, mcjTeleblender will export your scene as an obj and an mtl file
and it must do so in a folder that does exist on your hard disk
after you launch the render, you could go in this folder of yours and see if the obj and mtl files are indeed there
there should also be a .py file and a .bat file
if you check-marked the "collect maps" check-box, then there will me a folder named Maps containing all the texture images in your scene.
in the "Export" section of mcjTeleblender
it's important to checkmark the "Export scene as obj" check-box
then click on the "browse button ( circled in red )
then browse up to a folder on your hard disk
and type in a name like "test.obj"
because, mcjTeleblender will export your scene as an obj and an mtl file
and it must do so in a folder that does exist on your hard disk
after you launch the render, you could go in this folder of yours and see if the obj and mtl files are indeed there
there should also be a .py file and a .bat file
if you check-marked the "collect maps" check-box, then there will me a folder named Maps containing all the texture images in your scene.
Well, the fun thing is, I've done this with every option combination imaginable. It either doesn't boot Blender, or boots it and leaves me with a gray box. It DOES leave an Object, but it ends up with none of its materials assigned.
something else you could try is to go in File / User preferences and pick the "Compure Renderer" used by Cycles
then save those settings by clicking on "Save Default Settings"
also shown below,mcjTeleblender's default settings
this should work in all cases since it will render using the CPU renderer
the setting i use is GPU CUDA since i have an NVidia CUDA card
if you have an ATI card then you'd pick GPU OpenCL
Also, in your target folder (form the export section), you should have (if u collected maps) an OBJ file, a MTL file, a PY file, a BAT file..and a folders called MAPS (that should be filled with the materials collected from the scene). probably good to see if you got that after running the script.
If that is all there, and Blender Launched, you may want to make sure you have set the factory Defaults for Blender, in the off chance that you had the scale set "off" and it is actually importing really, really small. (ya never know)
If that all looks good, then after import in blender, you can look in the top right, and it lists the objects that are in the scene, You should have more than a Cube, lgiht and camera
How to use mcjTeleblender's kit of blender-python scripts to render a Poser scene
In blender you can import an obj file, for example a Poser7 scene which was exported as an obj/mtl file
but before rendering that scene using the wonderful Cycles engine you must create special materials
which can be very tedious
that's one of the main purpose of the whole mcjTeleblender kit
You still need to install the mcjBlendBot part of the kit from mcjTeleblender's web page.
Lets say i exported the default poser7 scene in my c:\test\ folder under the name poser7scene.obj
unfortunately poser was not nice enough to save the needed texture images
so i manually copy them from poser's textures folders and paste them in the c:\test\ folder
i open notepad and type the following
i save this as poser7test.py in the c:\test\ folder
using Windows's Start/Run or by running a batch file i do
if all goes well, Blender will start, and just as ordered, it will run our poser7test.py
script which, in turn, will load the scene poser7test.obj, and create for us all the gazillions of special materials
We just have to add some lights, position the camera and render
Poser can use the alpha layer of a given image for transparent materials like the corneas, eyelashes, hair etc
but Daz and my scripts expect standalone transparency maps, so you will have to fix transparent materials.
if your PC is not equipped with an NVidia CUDA card (and recent drivers) but instead uses an ATI/AMD card with OpenCL
then replace the line that reads
mcjBlendBot.setCyclesSettings( "EXPERIMENTAL", "GPU", "CUDA", 1000 )
mcjBlendBot.setCyclesSettings( "EXPERIMENTAL", "GPU", "OPENCL", 1000 )
if your video card supports neither, replace it with
mcjBlendBot.setCyclesSettings( "EXPERIMENTAL", "CPU", "OPENCL", 1000 )
I will give this a try tomorrow. Poser does have a CollectSceneInventory script, which will gather all the materials for you. Thanks!
Did you have trouble with the figure scaling coming from Poser in the shot above? My Poser OBJ export is very small...and I dont see a scale option out of Poser, and I don't see a scale option coming into Blender?
One other question...I tried a V4 portrait from DS, but her eyes are black.
So after reading some stuff earlier on here, I changed the cornea to a white Transparent BDSF, and the Tear to the same...but it looks like I still have some issues. (see pic)
Are there some "known" settings that go wrong for eyes (and eyelashes actually)
EDIT: I also posted over at the Blender forum on Rendo to see if folks had some material setting tips as well. Here is the link to the similar thread as this post: LINK
didn't have problems but i did notice the scene was quite small and it made the control of the camera harder
i'm not extra experienced in Blender, but is you type A it selects everything in the scene
if you type . (period ) it zooms to the selected object
if you type Ctrl Alt 0 it moves the camera to the current [point of view
if you type S 100 it scales everything selected by 100
you could re-import the obj in poser using a scaling factor of 10 or 100
then re-export it
i too use the "transparent BSDF" material for corneas
in daz studio i can also use an entirely black image as the opavity map for things i want to be fully tyransparent
poser tends to use the alpha layer of images PNG, and TGA
those images have red green blue layers plus an opacity/alpha layer in the same image file
but daz studio and the materials built by my script in Blender want a standalone grayscale image for the transparency
in cases like that i use a paint program and extract the alpha layer, save it to disk, then apply it to the opacity channel
( more about this in my next post
Aiko4 dialed back into a V4 with the free textures, exported from poser 7
there's just the lacrimal that could be made pink or transparent
in your image you possibly used "glass" or "translucent" materials instead of transparent, those two i think tend to cast a shadow
or you didnt apply transparency to something that covers the iris
well i'm not sure what's the issue actually, but by trial and error you'll get it
replacing the "tear" material by transparent BSDF
If you want to export an object from Blender in Poser scale you have to scale it down to 0,41 times (rounded) its Blender size.
In reverse that means to if you export an obj from Poser into Blender, you'll have to scale it up to 2,439 times it's original size.
For example, this way Vicky4 will be 1,73 Blender units (equivalent of 173 cm) tall, which seems about right.
So after you import your scene as an OBJ, make sure it's selected and type S (for "scale") and 2,439 for the ratio.
Just playing with this script of yours - c'est vachement geniale!! Bon boulot!
Got a question: I'm running Blender 2.63a (various builds - my Linux machine updates constantly, my Windows box I have to do manually) and in the Render settings, next to Feature Set, I have a dropdown with "Supported" and "Experimental". I'm going to be running this script on my laptop, which runs Mint 13/Ubuntu12.04, has a built-in NVidia CUDA card but Blender doesn't see it as usable for Cycles (too old, not enough features). Question: for this script, I mean, the one you call poser7test.py...
mcjBlendBot.setCyclesSettings( "EXPERIMENTAL", "GPU", "CUDA", 1000 )
is it okay to do a bit of substitution?
mcjBlendBot.setCyclesSettings( "SUPPORTED", "GPU", "CUDA", 1000 )
Also, is it possible to run that script on its own from within Blender - that you're meant to run as you bring up Blender with this:
"C:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/Blender/blender.exe" -P "C:/test/poser7test.py"
Thanks for your help! I do as much as I can in Linux whilst doing a render in either PP2012 or Blender (Windows) - best of both worlds. :)
yes you can do substitutions, you just have to make sure you use the exact spelling and upper case
the setCyclesSetting function expects 4 parameters in quotes
"Feature set:" can be "EXPERIMENTAL" or "SUPPORTED"
"Device:" can be "CPU" or "GPU" )
"Gpu type:" can be "CUDA" or "OPENCL"
the 4th parameter is the number of render passes
also a yes on launching test/poser7test.py in Blender's "Text Editor" panel
(i'm testing it now ...... Alt-O to open a new block . . . babaorhum.py . . . (i forgot what's in that scene) . . .
it contains this
note the "addCamera function that gives the position (x,y,z) the rotations (x.y.z) and the focal length in mm
the setGloss function is the amount of gloss and the roughness of the material
in the loadfix function, if you replace "CYCLESMATS" with "USEMATLIB" then the blender scene file that follows "C:/matLib.blend" will be used as a material library, this works only if the same materials exist in your scene and that scene. there's also "BLENDERFIX" which creates/fixes the materials in your obj file, to ready them for the internal Blender render engine. and there's "NONE" to just leave the materials as they are in the obj/mtl
in the setRenderEngine function, you can replace "CYCLES" with "BLENDER_RENDER"
if you completely omit the setRenderEngine statement, then your default render engine will be used
note that this i tested and tweaked this with daz studio in mind, so poser compatibility is not as good
turns out babaorhum.blend was Aiko4 sitting in the air ...
oh now i remember it's my entry for the June contest
the full scene is
Thanks for that, Jacques! This is really quite exciting, you know. Since I don't use DS at all, the fact that you've created a mechanism for Poser users earns you enormous credit. :) Well, from me, definitely!
In Poser is a collectSceneInventory script that brings all the textures and stuff used in the scene into one folder. Then, I just save the scene as an obj in that folder and it's all together.
It seems your poser7Test.py does a few more things in terms of setting up the whole scene in Blender. This warrants a bit of study. For example, when I import an obj from poser into Blender, I use my own defaults (call them Poser01... thinking I'll probably be developing better import parameters as I learn more LOL) ... I generally untick nGons, Lines and Smooth Groups and go with Keep Vert Order with the PolyGroups box ticked. Scale I'm still unclear about, and I do an Image Search. So, I'm imagining all these parameters are addressed by mcjBlendBot? Might have a look and see what other goodies you've got hidden away. :)
This is the scene I've rendered in Poser... all exported and ready to mess with. :)
the scene you were showing is interesting, she has a unique look
i wonder if it would not be better with a 3-point-light setup
although, since she's standing outside on a cloudy day, the way you rendered it is closer to what it would look like in reality
mcjBlendBot uses the OBJ importer that is bundled with Blender3d ( if i wrote my own it would have some advantages )
i forgot, but, i think mcjBlendBot can fix issues in the .mtl file before calling the obj importer
then mcjBlendBot notes which materials are in your scene
then it loads the obj
once the obj is loaded, if CYCLESMATS is specified, mcjBlendBot goes through the new materials and converts them into node-based-cycles materials. To get full control of the materials you need to use Blender;s "Node Editor panel"
shown below you can see a complex material, Aiko3's hair has a color map, a transparency map and a bump map
building this node-based-material by hand would take time, and mcjBlendBot does this for the dozens of materials in the scene.
"the scene you were showing is interesting, she has a unique look. i wonder if it would not be better with a 3-point-light setup
although, since she’s standing outside on a cloudy day, the way you rendered it is closer to what it would look like in reality."
Interesting you should say that: I realise it's hard to tell but I've got three point lights that are *meant* to look like they're coming from a cafe on sort-of like an esplanade, if you will. I've got the sky acting as light-source (ambient at 2) and the point lights have inverse square fall-off applied. But the effect isn't strong enough, to my view. It needs to be starker.
But thank you for the critique: all my stuff remains WIPs so any ideas on how to improve the effect is always incredibly welcome. :)
I think that I find MOST exciting about what you're doing are your shaders, Jacques! This is where "je suis bouleversée! absolument genial!" I programmed shaders in Python (matmatic by Bagginsbill) - no, they weren't 'terrible', but they did the job. Now, the goal is to stay on top of Cycles development, get their idea of what SSS represents when OSL matures and the node happens, incorporate that into skin, and you have a winner!
You see, in Poser, we do have scatter nodes, which make for some pretty nice renders of skin. With EZSkin2 by Snarlygribby, applying those shaders is fairly trivial. Recreating this sort of thing for Cycles would definitely be just exactly where I'd love to be going. Room for *growth*!
BTW, this forum is a ridiculopathy - logs you out after x-number of *minutes*??? What century are they from?
Sorry, sort-of got sidetracked: this tutorial got my interest.
This is free software. Boggles the mind. I have yet to see anything commercial that come close.
Yes, I'm still boggled after using Blender since last year! =)
I was hoping the script would allow me to render Carrara scenes in Blender as well, but it appears to be just for
DS(?) Maybe there's a collada workaround(?)
Anyway, that's great of Casual to create the DS>Blender Cycles script.
I built an Octane box last year with 2 NVIDIA CUDA cards.......one for the renders (GTX460 2gb) and a cheaper one for the display.
Works great, but really shines with Cycles.......10X faster than the Phenom II 955 CPU!!! =O
If interested in Blender, check this site I created to help others with it.
Happy rendering. =)
hi there
on page 3 of this thread , post 43, named "How to use mcjTeleblender’s kit of blender-python scripts to render a Poser scene" i show how to use part of the teleblender kit to render Poser scenes --- possibly it can be used with Carrara ---
attached, an old cycles render
This looks interesting. Before I get deep into trying it out for myself, would anybody care to offer their opinion about how the Blender Cycles renderer compares with the DAZ 3D onboard software and hardware renderers. I tend to create animations, so rendering time is important, as well as visual quality. Any comments welcome.
Just having some more time to work with this! Just to get back into it, I dropped a quick scene in DS, and exported, but Blender appeared and came up empty. I may have upgraded Blender since I last worked with this. I know I updated DS. Blender I am running 2.63.22 r50890.
Looks like everything got in the directory correctly. I tried to run the "py" file from Blender as well, but no luck. Maybe they changed their interface?
i'm using blender 2.63.0
since 2.63.22 should be a minor revision, i doubt they change much, but , i'll update mine and see if there's a problem
when you send a non-animated scene using mcjTelenlender
it writes to disk a small batch file
unfortunately its not usable as-is
example i exported a scene as F:\testme.obj
lets say the scene opened blank in blender
i close Blender
i go in F:\
mcjTeleblender produced, testme.obj, testme.mtl, testme.py and testme.bat
testme.bat reads
to make it usable i change it to
i launch testme.bat by double-left-clicking on it
blender opens
the scene is probably still empty
if i go in Help / View System Console
i can now see the error messages generated during the unsuccessful Load
and possibly see what the problem was
note that in the example below, the scene was loading without problem, the messages shown are just warning us that Blender disregards the bump-map strength "Km" from the .mtl file