WIP, but forgot how to...



  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Thanks Jonny, will have to take a look at these, unfortunately that work thing is getting in the way again...

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Thanks Jonny, not sure why this didn't post this morning but I'll take a look at these in a bit after i "get home"

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    So been a while, haven't done much. you know, life, liberty and the pursuit of a paycheck all get in the way of modeling time.

    That said, I have made some progress in the 20 minutes "free-time" I have before work. So I present the base frame for the bus, pardon the unfinished render, I got carried away with it, and somehow wound up with a 3hr render before I just killed it.

    Couple things I see here happening that I do NOT see on the model. There appears to be a weird triangulation or something in front of the crassmember framing, that does NOT exist (as far as I know,) on the model. And in checking, yep, it is on the model, as it came into DAZ. (2nd image) Image 3 shows the HEX model.

    So, interesting maybe, framing is done by cloning the cross member, then welding all the parts to the main subframe. so this is just ONE big part. Since the issue is in all the crossmembers, reasonable to assume the problem was there from the start. Question becomes, how do I "SEE" what is wrong, so I can fix what is wrong. This issue never showed it's ugly head in the modeling.

    Export as OBJ, then import into DAZ if that helps, but again, I suspect the issue was there before the cloning.

    Bus Frame 0001.png
    1013 x 626 - 1003K
    1000 x 398 - 39K
    no Triangle.png
    947 x 375 - 60K
  • ShawnDriscollShawnDriscoll Posts: 375
    edited May 2019

    N-gons is all. Make sure your polygons are not more than 4-sided.

    Post edited by ShawnDriscoll on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited May 2019

    So that "Alpha" symbol look to the cross members can be the root to the problem?

    In last picture if I select that end face, it is actually all one piece that goes all the way through the main structure. I only broke it in places to be able to bend it up. It has a square arch shape inside the main frame.


    Post edited by Vially on
  • ShawnDriscollShawnDriscoll Posts: 375

    The good and the bad.

    906 x 544 - 68K
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    I have no idea how to fix that other than starting over, think this happens on another project I am working on as well. (T intersection of walls in a building)

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited May 2019

    Aaaannnd Figured out how to fix it. :)


    And thank you, that turned out to be an easy fix :)

    Post edited by Vially on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited June 2019

    Okay, so now I face the same issue again, but probably twice as complex. I've made a U shape, and punched a hole in it. It is for all intents and purposes exactly the shape I want, except that the faces that now have a hole, are solid faces, there are no polygons in them at all, so I know this shape is going to cause issues when I go to render it. So just as before I have nPoly's but not clear on how to correct the issue.


    Edit to add: Yeah in fact Daz doesn't like this shape at all and Hex even crashes to desktop when trying to export it as an OBJ.

    Edit again to ask: How the heck do I flip or mirror an object in Hex, can't seem to find a direct command.


    859 x 716 - 76K
    Post edited by Vially on
  • The Symmetry tool does mirroring. Use the Tesselate tool to get rid of the n-gons.

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited June 2019

    The Symmetry tool does mirroring. Use the Tesselate tool to get rid of the n-gons.

    Okay, so HOW does the symmetry tool mirror, when I select it it just puts a green plane down the middle of my model and changes things on both sides of the green plane. What I want to do is copy flip/mirror the whole object, which does not appear to be an option.

    Edited with Solution: Found this thread and now I know how: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/236731/is-there-a-way-to-mirror-and-object


    With the tesselation, it does not work on planes with a hole, so I am guessing my resolution on that one is "Start Over", which to be honest, makes that "hole" very unimportant. (It is a design/weight resolution within the subframe, there are holes at various points to make the subframe lighter, it is also where some tubes and wires pass through, but I'm still thinking about forgetting them altogether.)

    Post edited by Vially on
  • ShawnDriscollShawnDriscoll Posts: 375
    edited June 2019

    That's not the Symmetry tool. What you're doing is turning on Symmetry. You don't want that. You'll find it.


    The Tesselation... you have to do by hand. It's not going to be automatic.

    Post edited by ShawnDriscoll on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Just updating with progress, Have 1 side of the rear suspension "mostly" finished.

    Need to complete the seperation for bottom half of springs, then it is just tweeking, potentially taking it into UV mapper.

    Leaf Springs.png
    1013 x 626 - 225K
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Okay, so trying to get a grip on UV mapping and well... can you hear the heavy shigh.

    Attached is my subframe, I use a box UV, and this is what I get, a UV map with 5 different directions and scales.

    Any ideas what might be causing this and how to resolve?

    Frame UV.png
    1292 x 447 - 104K
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited June 2019

    BTW, Leaf Springs came out well I think, just need to add the tie/support for rear axle.

    P.S. you can really see what the frame UV map is doing in this picture, it's all messed up.


    Added view of just the leaf springs.

    1013 x 626 - 1M
    Springs 02.png
    1013 x 626 - 316K
    Post edited by Vially on
  • RakudaRakuda Posts: 931
    edited June 2019

    Interesting project. Like how it is coming along with the chassis. There's a lot of detail on those springs.

    Post edited by Rakuda on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    Rakuda said:

    Interesting project. Like how it is coming along with the chassis. There's a lot of detail on those springs.

    Thanks, took me forever (still not finished) but only because I started over as I found new ways to do things. Layon tool was a HUGE difference in modeling technique for the springs, AND 1000% easier and quicker..

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,849
    Vially said:

    Okay, so trying to get a grip on UV mapping and well... can you hear the heavy shigh.

    Attached is my subframe, I use a box UV, and this is what I get, a UV map with 5 different directions and scales.

    Any ideas what might be causing this and how to resolve?

    It's probably derived from the way you modeled it. It get's confuced in which direction the faces are facing. Resolving it might be as easy as exporting it to obj and re-importing it and then trying again or as complex as having to aligh the faces by hand in the UV editor.

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    Ascania said:

    It's probably derived from the way you modeled it. It get's confuced in which direction the faces are facing. Resolving it might be as easy as exporting it to obj and re-importing it and then trying again or as complex as having to aligh the faces by hand in the UV editor.

    Hmmm... so would redoing those effected faces with the bridge resolve?

    Trying to also understand what might have caused this, I created a box, deleted one side, and broke it where I created the arch, those planes are just moved up, didn't do anything special to them.

  • Vially said:

    Any ideas what might be causing this and how to resolve?

    It's been a decade since I used Hexagon's UV tool. I do remember a seam for cutting out pieces to UV separately.

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Yeah I'm going to have to rewatch some of these UV mapping tutorials multiple times. I got the main part to map correctly using a plane, but as expected all the other parts went to "no Bueno"...

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Okay, new issue that I cannot figure out what I might be doing wrong. Hex keeps crashing, no note or warning, it just crashes, thing is it is in the same procedure over and over.

    1. Draw a line square 12x12
    2. Champher top left corner 4 Dia, 1 segment
    3. Apply... (All is good in the universe)
    4. Champher top Right, same units.
    5. Apply... (Spinning cursor and Boom, desktop)

    Try it a little different.

    1. Draw a line square 12x12
    2. Champher top left corner 4 Dia, 1 segment
    3. Select "A" to apply to all
    4. (Spinning cursor and Boom, desktop)

    I don't get it, I've recreated the square, I've saved after first champher, exit Hex and re-opened. I've even gone so far as to shutdown for about 10 minutes, (was ticked off,) before reloading.

    Same exact issue every time, hex refuses to champher more than one corner of the square I draw.

    Any ideas?

  • I got both examples to work. I followed your route with no problems, then I tied it the proper way (the way I picked things up throught various tutorials) - Chamfer, Apply, Accept then click the lightning bolt in the DG.

    But I did manage to crash things, When I finished example 1  - Abort then CTRL and Z to go back to the start (12 by 12 square) gave me a warning message then exited the program for me.

    Because I was able to repeat it I took a screengrab of the error message.

    Any chance you could fill in the "Help Ticket" ?  - Contact Us button at the bottom of the screen.

    chamfer crash.jpg
    917 x 478 - 46K
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited July 2019

    Hi John,

    Not what my work flow was, and I never got an error message, just the desktop.

    Let me see if adding the 2 extra steps resolves the issue.


    Edit for results: and with no further explaination it worked fine. Have to keep in mind I wasn't ever able to get to the Lightning bolt as Hex would crash once I selected accept. (BTW, I think the lightening bolt & accept do the same thing in this type of case, I watched and once I selected Accept, the options under Dynamic Geometry disappeared.)

    So a couple hours wasted on an unexplained error, that the next day is not able to be reproduced... on my system being currently being heavely taxed by a DAZ Studio render... (18 hours and only 15% complete, no worries, system is just olde, kind of like my spelling.)

    Thanks for the reply and help

    Post edited by Vially on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    And just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...


    So now I have a square that looks more like a barn. (Image 1) this is what I want.

    1. I select my curve from scene, it get the universal tool applied in it.
    2. I go to the surface modeling tab and select chamfer. I get the option properties.
    3. Change radius to 3
    4. Change Range to 4
    5. I select my Point, operation is performed and I get the correct shape for what I am trying to create. (Image 3)
      1. Note Dynamic Geometry does show curve control information for curve0
    6. I select apply. good
    7. I select Accept... Desktop, no errors no warning, nothing, just closes.

    Also note, I cancelled the render I mentioned in previous post (I can come back to it) to free up RAM

    Chamfer 001.png
    547 x 396 - 3K
    Chamfer 002.png
    471 x 380 - 5K
    Chamfer 003.png
    424 x 352 - 4K
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Rear axle assembly is finished, just need to add the Drive shaft.

    Done for this weekend, Hex decided to take a dump on me just as I was finishing the universal joint, sick of looking at it right now, so will finish later.


    Rear Axle Assembly.png
    1280 x 791 - 733K
  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    Vially said:

    And just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...


    So now I have a square that looks more like a barn. (Image 1) this is what I want.

    1. I select my curve from scene, it get the universal tool applied in it.
    2. I go to the surface modeling tab and select chamfer. I get the option properties.
    3. Change radius to 3
    4. Change Range to 4
    5. I select my Point, operation is performed and I get the correct shape for what I am trying to create. (Image 3)
      1. Note Dynamic Geometry does show curve control information for curve0
    6. I select apply. good
    7. I select Accept... Desktop, no errors no warning, nothing, just closes.

    Also note, I cancelled the render I mentioned in previous post (I can come back to it) to free up RAM


    There is a bug in Hexagon versions and that causes this crash if you attempt to chamfer a vertex. It appears that increasing the "Radius" setting too far beyond the initial default value triggers the crash when the geometry is collapsed during the "Accept" step.

    Hexagon did not have this problem. It was introduced when Daz developers began the last round of "updates". I reported this bug about a year and a half ago via the Daz recommended Help Ticket method at:


    The response was:
    "Thank you for the report. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    I am reporting this to the bug tracker. We will let you know when the issue has been resolved.
    Please let me know if you have further questions."

    There has been no further comment.

    The issue is still listed as "open" under my Help Center Activities. It might help if other users reported this problem as well.


  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    de3an said:
    Vially said:

    And just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...


    So now I have a square that looks more like a barn. (Image 1) this is what I want.

    1. I select my curve from scene, it get the universal tool applied in it.
    2. I go to the surface modeling tab and select chamfer. I get the option properties.
    3. Change radius to 3
    4. Change Range to 4
    5. I select my Point, operation is performed and I get the correct shape for what I am trying to create. (Image 3)
      1. Note Dynamic Geometry does show curve control information for curve0
    6. I select apply. good
    7. I select Accept... Desktop, no errors no warning, nothing, just closes.

    Also note, I cancelled the render I mentioned in previous post (I can come back to it) to free up RAM


    There is a bug in Hexagon versions and that causes this crash if you attempt to chamfer a vertex. It appears that increasing the "Radius" setting too far beyond the initial default value triggers the crash when the geometry is collapsed during the "Accept" step.

    Hexagon did not have this problem. It was introduced when Daz developers began the last round of "updates". I reported this bug about a year and a half ago via the Daz recommended Help Ticket method at:


    The response was:
    "Thank you for the report. I apologize for the inconvenience.
    I am reporting this to the bug tracker. We will let you know when the issue has been resolved.
    Please let me know if you have further questions."

    There has been no further comment.

    The issue is still listed as "open" under my Help Center Activities. It might help if other users reported this problem as well.


    Thanks for that information - there also appears to be a related issue with the chamfer option just sitting there and looking at you like your stupid (does nothing). Doesn't crash, just doesn't do anything at all, no chamfer, nothing... move on.

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    I'm not at all certain it would help with the chamfer command, but a general rule of thumb I follow when I try something and Hex crashes.

    1. Finish grumbling about the lost work
    2. Re-open Hex
    3. Re-load the last project save I have
    4. Advance to just before the command that caused the crash
    5. CTRL-SHIFT-S (on Windows) to do an Incremental Save
    6. Click the lightning bolt in the dynamic geometry window to bake in all of the dynamic changes
    7. Cross my fingers and try again cheeky

    What I have found is that some commands don't like other dynamic geometry changes to be in the hierarchy when they execute. So baking in those changes seems to help keep Hex more stable.

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343
    edited July 2019

    Hi Johnny,

    Yeah there was nothing else in the hierarchy that I was doing.

    I even started a new model to just get this part I was doing, Hex crashed to desktop on the first chamfer. It took about 9 tries to get the first one to "Set" and save.

    The next one was first try, that gave me the "barn" shape I mentioned.

    The third chamfer (rounded, bottom corner) I never did get to work, gave up after 9 or 10 tries and figured out a different route to get the same concept. Not what I wanted, but it works.

    Post edited by Vially on
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