User Galley



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yes but it is "Likes", ie thumbs up, that generate the placing in the the most popular category, and the 5 images with the most likes are the ones that are featuring in the winners banner. So it is a popularity contest, not a true judging by the standard of the art type contest.

    Until they got the system for policing the galleries in place I was browsing them a lot to check uploads, and I think there are some really great images that have just been buried and therefore not getting any "likes" This one for example

    The ones that don't have any credits or tags are exempt from the contest anyway.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @Pam - I think judging is by the number of thumbs-up. The prices look great but the caveat is that you have to purchase for $50+ to get $25 off for the 1st place, or $50+ for a $15 return as 2nd place and $20+ for $5 in the 3rd place. That is for premier artist items. For DOs it is different but those prices are not what most winners may think.

    @GussNemo - well, the gallery was flooded once it was opened. Some folks just dumped the content of their folder into the upload frame. No info about program and things, picture name is the file name. Without any information, it is difficult set a thumb up. Then, tastes are different. Do you put a thumb up if you like the image or do you put it up because you think it is a great piece of art - even though you don't like the subject matter?

    I agree, Horo, it looks like folders were emptied into the Gallery instead of posting the best of their work. I too saw images without any information, or the ability to leave a comment. Without the ability to leave a comment a person can never know which part, if any, of the image a person liked or didn't like. Or the persons general feeling about the image.

    As to giving thumbs up, that is something I have wrestled with in regards to a few images. While I wasn't interested in the subject matter, they were very nice as art works. There are some images, while nice pieces, I could never give a thumbs up simply because of the subject matter.

    The image I tried to link to, thanks to Pam it got posted, and the link she gave, which is a another lovely facial image, are prime examples why the Gallery should be divided into sections. Unless an image is thumbed up to the point is stays in the Most Popular 24 Hour section then they get buried by hundreds of images.

    And this begs up another thought, should there be a limit to the number of images from one person posted for all to see? This is not to say their images can't be kept in their Gallery, but only a certain number from their Gallery would be permitted on the main section. This would go a long way in enabling more works to be seen.

  • egehlinegehlin Posts: 29
    edited November 2013

    I have finally been able to post some of my best images into the user gallery using my new computer which has IE 10. No problems so far. New images to follow very soon. Many thanks to fixmypcmike and GussNemo for your suggestions!!

    Post edited by egehlin on
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