How can I UVmap a cake?
![Sfariah D](
How can I UV Map a cake? I found a cake model online and tried to import it into DS but the uv mapping is messed up. I want to remap it so I can use it in DS or Poser (or Carara maybe?)
Maybe I can find a tutorial on YouTube after I find my missing tv remote again. until then how do I uv map a cake?
Many ways
depends on the cake ....
What does the cake look like? screenshot?
Oh I thought I post them earlier. I will try to post them later today.
Probably a cylindrical projection along the y axis, unless it'ss oemthing like a Battenburg which would want cubic. But you are going to find the seams a pain whatever.
I just got hexagon open and looked at the time. I start work in 7 to 8 minutes.
The same way you UVmap any other object. There is nothing in any way special about a cake.
This is the cake.
So it's basically a cylinder.
It depends on what kind of geometry you have in the cake; if it is a round cylinder with radiating geometry,
or non-uniform or decimated geometry? If it is non-uniform when you unfold it, you may have to work your
way around the model definining some seams and dividing off areas of your model to be flat so that when
you export the image map, you can open it in Photoshop or another program and paint on it. Unfortunately,
Hexagon only exports low resolution maps, so you may have to upscale it. before painting color on it,
or use another program like uvmapper to export a higher resolution image map to work on.
Hexagon Exported Map
Uvmapper(free) Exported Map (which you can customize size of export). This one is only 1200 x1200px
There are also many tutorials out there on how to paint on a 3d object in Photoshop: