Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6



  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Trish for posting the links. This is the only forum I visit, (unless something is linked to another forum) so I would have missed all the goodies. :)

    user.operator - the red ones -wow

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Love the melting Snowman. How would you tweak it?

    Um... well now that you've put a nice blue ring around the drain – I can see it really well, the eye is drawn to it. In fact now I don't even have to enlarge the image to see it.

    Oh right, well it's always down to the individual artist. And it is a beautiful image.

    @ user.operator
    Interesting shape you've chosen there.

    (UV Mapper Classic) Yes I tried that first, and got... well, rubbish, frankly. It's the UVMapped version I used in the 4 days render – unfortunately, but then if that render hadn't taken 4 days – I wouldn't have had nothing else to do thus freeing me up for UVMapping... Lol.
    But it hurt so much I haven't done any UVing since.
    I will though, I just need a breathing space to forget a little. (puff pant!) Lol!

    Has anyone around here done much Bryce animating? I'm just wondering about animating a ship's exhaust, and I wondered if anyone had done that, and if so how they did it.

    I was thinking to maybe animate the exhaust's material and maybe change the size of it a little – but I also want a hiccup in it somewhere along the path the ship is travelling, and for that I was thinking to just turn it off for a frame or so...
    But looking at my initial render I think I'll need some red light inside the exhaust ports... it looks too dark to me.

    So far this first frame has taken a day to render, hopefully it might finish that at any moment – it's on 99%. And I even reduced the image size to 720x576 too, and it still took ages!
    Maybe Ian will get me my render farm sorted out soon – then I'll be able to use Bryce Lightning for the 1st time – has anyone else used Bryce Lightning?

    Any hints & tips on Lightning?

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Fran, this is how I tweaked it, refined the terrains a wee bit, tweaked the light and shadows a wee bit, and then did a tad of post work to add a border and title.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 1969

    Maybe Ian will get me my render farm sorted out soon – then I'll be able to use Bryce Lightning for the 1st time – has anyone else used Bryce Lightning?

    Any hints & tips on Lightning?

    Ask specific questions, otherwise I'll fill up this thread. First thing, make sure your firewalls let the UDP and TCP ports used by Bryce Lightning through. Bryce uses ephemeral ports. Use the fastest machine as host. Make sure each client has enough memory to hold the source file. You can get some information about the ports and other things here: Lightning 1 to 2c are covered. I haven't updated the page for Bryce 7.1 because it uses Lightning 2c like Bryce 6.
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Crikey! Take your eyes off this thread for a second and WAM! Loads more pages!
    @user.operator – on page 15 (shows how out of things I am!) that object looks a bit like my dog's favourite toy – how did you make it?
    Hopefully in Wings3d.
    Did you say you were going to do a tut for it? (hopeful expression)

    Love that image with the stars on the curtains – I think that suits the cubes really well. (How did you make those cubes?)

    Nice curtains image – great idea to use a mesh as a mat too!
    Love the Kitchen render, the shadows are very good, the rolls and the pizza could do with some bump I think and the nearest newspaper looks a little too faded and the teapot shadow on the paper looks a bit too light to me, but that may be just me. (this could be from the original file though.)
    I love that bamboo basket/bowl. What is the item just to the right of the teapot? I can't quite tell.

    Nice cup of tea you have there – could do with a reheat though, (i.e. steam) very nice mug, nice big handles! P.S. Lovely shadows under that red rabbit of yours.

    Love that latest image of yours, dunno what it is, but I love that green beam effect.

    @Mermaid & user.operator:
    Love the gems.

    Wow! Love the canyon scene, especially that gorgeous green in the water. Excellent!

    Nice, the shadows look better in this one – have you thought of trying this scene in TA?, snowman reflecting ambient light onto snow might be interesting.

    Thanks, I'll take a look at that link. I didn't ask specific questions because never having used Lightning before I didn't know what to ask, specifically.
    By the way, I've been playing with volume lights again – thanks for the info you sent me, in looking at that, and doing some research in the Bryce4Bible – still relevant thank goodness – I decided to try something I haven't attempted since I first got Bryce...3 I think it was.
    This is the result:
    Just a regular render, no premium or anything, but with 'Volumetric World' turned up to 96 – around 96 anyway, I'll look when the Premium render is finished.
    Back then just clicking on 'Volumetric World' used to halt Bryce dead in its tracks, now, with the greater PC power available to us these days, it suddenly works!

    I have rays!!!

    I'm gonna take another look at what Dave posted and see if 'Volumetric World' might be interesting on the lantern scene too.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 1969

    @franontheedge - oh cool, you did it, the light rays. Lighting: it's actually very easy to make it work though there may be a trap or two to fall into. That's when the specific questions pop up. One tip: start Lightning on your main machine only, and do a network render on only that machine. Once that works, you can swarm out to include the rest. Another thing, the priority setting of the host machine sets it for all clients.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Trish: Thanks for the links, now, after a bit of a problem with one of those packages, I've all three.

    @mermaid: Boy, that place looks hot. And you didn't provide a dipper for the well.

    @user.operator: New gems look great.

    @franontheedge: Scene really looks neat. It's as though "they're here..."

    @Horo: Thank you for the information. I will give it a try sometime.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013

    I don't even remember exactly which primitive shape I used to create those heh. possibly an octahedron, icosahedron or a cube, along with a selective point chamfering or two near the start, and some doo sabin subdivision and/or bezier interpolation smoothing algorithms along the way. it definitely took some trial and error to keep the faces blocky and at the right angles for refraction without adding too many faces. It would be better to use those guidelines to experiment with yourself, than to create an exact tutorial. once you start seeing how the shapes start giving a faceting look, you'll know you're on the right track. a good starting point though, is to chamfer all the points on a given primitive shape with a range of 0, then do a doo sabin subdivision, you'll see the general direction it came from.

    here's my latest render. one of the faces are in an incorrect angle, so the texture doesn't show up properly in the center of the saucer, but the render gives you the gist of what I wanted to accomplish. I've actually been trying to come up with some stuff to put up on shapeways.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    When will I ever learn to come home when the Darkside beats me up all day........Here is Mikey in his new purple outfit in my favorite program....BRYCE

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  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    I'm grateful that you thought to post such links. I do keep hoping that there are possibilities in Wings3D's UV Mapping for this model, I do know that there is still a lot of stuff in there that I know nothing about. So I can hope that Wings can accomplish it yet, I know it can be done in Wings, (I've gotten various UV Maps out of it already) but can it be done easily and quickly as well as resulting in a good map?... that's the hard part, getting those 3 things together.

    I'm reluctant to give in as yet, and allow someone else to UVMap it - that would feel a little like giving up.
    But I'll keep your offer in mind, thank you for that.

    I completely understand and appreciate what you're saying about giving in and with that spirit, I have no doubt you'll accomplish it. Nice lighting renders.

    @Hansmar: Nice abstract and hope to see more.

    @StuartB4: That's a very convincing render! Are you sure it's not a photo?! ;)

    @user: Nice gems and shapes. They all look very nice.

    @fran444: Those cars look great!

    @chohole: you did a very nice job on the render. Did you win the contest?

    @Guss: That render keeps getting better. Nice work!

    @Trish: Thanks so much for the links to the freebies....picked mine up today! Mikey looks good! Did you make the new outfit for him?

    @Horo and David: Thanks so much for the Christmas present! Do I have to wait to unwrap my gift or can I play with it now?! :) Very nice abstract, Horo!

    @mermaid: Nice canyon landscape. Did Horo and David say you could open your present early?! Hmmm?!?!?!? LOL

    Ok, I'm finished typing and I have nothing graphically to offer. :D

  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969

    Thanks fencepost52.
    It would have been a lot easier if it was a photo. :)

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Here is todays Free thing..........

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @user.operator: That's a mighty fine cup and saucer.

    @Trish: Sure is a dark purple outfit. Nice looking though.

    @fencepost: Thank ye sar. Maybe you'll like the one below better.

    Had a wild hair of an idea to trying something with my rusty bench scene. I thought the results were rather interesting. I also gave user.operator"s tutorial a go and some of the results are below. A couple were done in Wings 3d.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Guss: like your black and white scene that came out great also the foil diamond is really cool...yes you know me and purple (best friends) the outfit has 4 other flavors but I haven't tried them yet....this was just a test from the American broadcasting system if it had been a real emergency..........Here they are..... My Headless Men in Tall saw the dk purple one already...This was my Christmas present to me....I am a sucker for guys in tall boots just ask Rashad and Horo.........Horo has a picture to prove it ....throw it up here Horo.....I lost my copy

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    Post edited by Trish on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 2013

    Nice curtains image - great idea to use a mesh as a mat too!
    Love the Kitchen render, the shadows are very good, the rolls and the pizza could do with some bump I think and the nearest newspaper looks a little too faded and the teapot shadow on the paper looks a bit too light to me, but that may be just me. (this could be from the original file though.)
    I love that bamboo basket/bowl. What is the item just to the right of the teapot? I can't quite tell.

    Love that latest image of yours, dunno what it is, but I love that green beam effect.

    I haven't answered those yet. Yes, bump is missing on the food, a general issue when using image textures. Bryce is not good in creating bump from them. All the food parts are from Pizzeria Italia (Studio). When the New York Times arrives in Switzerland it is a bit faded ... The item is my signature. You'll find it in all my renders if you look hard enough - also on the beam abstract.

    @user.operator - though the cup looks excellent, it will be difficult to drink out of it without having the coffee spilled out at the corners of the mouth.

    @GussNemo - the walls look like concrete. Nice effect. Lapidaries are nice, too; the first one is awesome.

    @Trish - the only Darkside I know is the other side of myself. And as you wished: here's that image requested.

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    Post edited by Horo on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Jamie, my cat says that the 3rd one of those shapes looks almost like the tinfoil toy she had lost, can she have it back please, they are down to only 3 that they can find at the moment, and 3 is difficult to share between 2 cats.

    Horo, I seem to remember that Photo.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392
    edited December 2013

    Horo said:
    @mermaid010 - nice lapidary.

    @Trish - thank you for putting this up. Yes indeed, Golden Lighting is up as new release as scheduled.

    @GussNemo - thank you. The setup is rather simple. IBL from inside has the HDRI in a tiny invisible sphere at the world centre. You can put an object with a material with transparent parts, or an object that consists of holes, in the world centre. The IB light shines through the holes or transparencies. To capture the shadow pattern, surround the whole mess with a large sphere and put the camera inside it. Now you can give that sphere which is lit by the HDRI shining through the transparent parts of the object in the centre some reflection if you wish. And/or make it fully or partly transparent and use the same HDRI also as backdrop that is visible through this outer sphere. It is worth a try.

    In my particular case, I used a specular map (blurred) as HDRI and on the transparent and reflecting outer sphere a medium resolution high contrast gel that matches the HDRI. So a sharp and a blurred background are combined. HDRIs and gels are from a forthcoming product David and myself have been labouring now for almost 2 months. However, every HDRI works and the gel on the surrounding sphere is not mandatory.

    I’ve been playing with this and couldn’t understand what you meant by "IBL from inside has the HDRI in a tiny invisible sphere at the world centre." so I checked out your video

    I think you are referring to the 1st part of the video, where you used an Hdri with a small sphere in the world center. Is there any way to make this Hdri in Bryce?

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Trish, Franontheedge, Guss, Fencepost for your comments on my renders.

    Franontheedge-It’s good you are giving the UVMapping a break for now and it will be easier when you try it again later. That is what I normally do when something does not work out. ;) Regarding the object in my curtain renders, it’s a Wings 3D following one of David’s tutorials, I’m sorry I couldn’t find the link for it, but it was one of the earlier one’s he did. Your light rays image is very nice.

    User.operator – nice cup and saucer.

    Trish – Mikey looks cool against the desert background,

    Guss- the gray or black/white render looks fantastic, I prefer this to the others. The gems are very nicely done too, like the 3rd one what material did you use?

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Horo, I seem to remember that Photo.
    I bet you do. Len made it from Rashad's and my Avatar, the main picture came from Trish. Now I hope Rashad won't beat me up for resurrecting it on Trish's request.

    I’ve been playing with this and couldn’t understand what you meant by "IBL from inside has the HDRI in a tiny invisible sphere at the world centre." so I checked out your video

    I think you are referring to the 1st part of the video, where you used an Hdri with a small sphere in the world center. Is there any way to make this Hdri in Bryce?

    The video was made with Bryce 7.0, the IBL tab misses yet a few controls. Nevertheless, the subject matter works the same in 7.1. You can use any HDRI.

    The image based light shines either from around the scene onto the scene - or you can enable Light from Inside. In this case, the HDRI backdrop can still be used but it is a backdrop only, no light comes from it. The light comes from the world centre and shines into the scene. You have to build the scene around the world centre where the light is.

    We had asked for an option to scale the light sphere of the HDRI but got somehow misunderstood. However, this is also an interesting option. You could use a radial at the world centre but such a light has only one colour. The HDRI has many colours. IBL from inside is also used for Obscure Light.

    The tiny HDRI sphere in the world centre is invisible in the wireframe and the light emanated from it is invisible as well. The effect can only be seen on the surfaces that are lit by its light.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Horo for the explanation, let's see if I can come up with something cool like your render. ;)

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 2013

    My first attempt at a portrait-type render in Bryce. Used an HDRI from the Golden Lighting product,* and added a spotlight and a couple of radial lights. The character is FW Darc (Genesis 2 Male). Far from perfect, but all things considered I was happy with how it turned out.

    *Thank you for the freebie, David and Horo! I should mention that I haven't had a chance to look at the tutorials yet, but I'm looking forward to doing so.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Horo: Thanks I lost that when My old HD crashed I don't think Rashad will beat you up you guys look good........Darkside=DAZ Studio

    Scott: Very cool!! looking forward to you being in our forum...

    mermaid: Thanks

    what happened was that this new outfit is Poser based and Jaderail said that the lighting in Darkside does materials different than in Poser and I have to mess with the surfaces tab to get the lighting the easy correction was for me to render him in Bryce with his new clothes...Poser plays good with Bryce

    Post edited by Trish on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 1969

    @Scott-Livingston - looking good. Thank you for showing what the golden HDRIs can do. Bryce is not very good in rendering skins, you did a great job here.

    Horo: Thanks I lost that when My old HD crashed I don't think Rashad will beat you up you guys look good........Darkside=DAZ Studio

    Ah, thank you. At least, Darkside is an acceptable name for the forums.
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969


    Just wanted to thankyou for your sugesstion on about using a Partly Transparent 2D Face between the light and the scene.
    It worked really well and has removed a lot of the white light.
    The colour changed slightly but I can live with that.

    This is the original and the result of adding the 2D face, which is sitting just above the car out of view..
    The Material settings are:
    Diffuse colour = Black and 100%
    Transparency = 10.1 (seemed to work best)

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  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    WoW! That's all I can say!

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Two Brycies...the inner ‘arty’ one, and the outer one with hand...etc.

    Initially wanted to do a work using Luft’s wonderful ‘Ivy Generator’ (see also David’s vid), however...things got...‘out-of-hand’ ;).

    Title: “Magdalene”

    Stuart/Horo...that 'Partly Transparent 2D Face' method really is one to note (love how it changed the car screen reflection...etc., - even though both views still worked.


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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Jay : that is really cool !! Trish

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I agree, that is something else.

    And I like the neat trick with Stuart's renders, amazing how much difference it makes.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Yep: nobody paints better than Stuart and Rolls Royce.....I hope Stuart (Santa) follows through on the delivery this time though...It really has to be purple or plum ...(Santa)

    David: Do you ever model anything in Carrara???

    Post edited by Trish on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    Jay, that is a very creative idea. Nice render!

This discussion has been closed.