Checkout bug



  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited December 1969

    Cho, I worked as an IT Network specialist at HP for over 14 years... trust me, I have tried everything I could think of.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    well from that link I posted it does appear that PayPal may have another problem today as well, only none of us can view it to see what it is.

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969

    Has there been a resolution to the OP's question? I.e. the Credit Card CVN issues?

  • murmelmurmel Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    Hello Team.

    In case of the Paypal problem. Today I could observe the following.
    I bought some items from stonemason without any problems. OK problem is solved was my thinking.
    Then I filled my cart with the objects from weekend, which I couldn´t buy due to the problems.
    And the problems are still there.
    So I did a closer look.
    I make a screenshot so you can see my results.

    Top part of this screenshot shows the paypal login, if it works.

    I could figure out that the 3 month Platinum Plus Membership in cart is the rerason for my problem.
    If this object is in my cart, the old paypal login will be opened and I get the error message after login.
    This is the bottom part of the screenshot.

    So I guess the problem is not with paypal.

    Best regards

    1206 x 1516 - 190K
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