BRYCE RENDER CHALLENGE ►►►Winners Announced◄◄◄ Theme is »ᴥᴥ» MOVIE SCENES «ᴥᴥ«



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    #31 Wall-E

    640 x 960 - 113K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    #32 Western Front (stereo)

    2000 x 521 - 161K
    2000 x 521 - 161K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    #33 Wolfman

    1434 x 695 - 364K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    OK    Sorry to be so late posting this

    AS you may have gathered the Forum Team (and others) have been a bit busy.


    However we do now have winners


    Ist palce was Orbital  with  #3  The Battle of Hoth

    2nd Place was Drachenlords with  $2  Argonath

    3rd Place was Hansmar  with   #22 Psycho


    HMS were

    adbc  with   #30 Tron

    Tim Bateman with #1  Anaconda

    StuartB  with  #5  Dambusters


    Well done everyone, it was a very hard contest to judge once again. 


    Orbital  can you let me have a them for the next Challenge please.

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    congrats to all the winners and entries, so many great renders....well done to everyone, also to the judges who had the hard task of choosing the winners out of so many awesome renders :)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Thank you for the HM.

    Congrats to the winners and to everyone who entered !

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105

    Congratulations to all winners and HMS's, well done the judges for sifting through some great renders.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,542

    Congratulations to the winners and all that participated in this challenge. Well done everyone!


  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2015

    Yeah, congrats to the winners...well done

    Don't take this the wrong way (you lucky winners, you ;) ), but my choices are always different - mainly because in past themes I think the judges, in my opinion, anyway, lacked good judgement due to artistic experience, and were not really judging Bryce renders, but more works with too much post work where the Brycing just wasn't, well, Bryce. Sorry, if that sounds harsh to those who do post-work (I've done it myself, but always try to limit it to leave, at least, some Bryceness coming through). If I ever win (heh he), I'll defintely stipulate no post work - it might separate the men/women from the boys/girls...just to see what kind of works we then get.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    congratulations to all winners :-)

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509

    Congratulations to all!  This was another excellent turnout and I'm sure the judges had a difficult time with their selections.  Orbital, no pressure, but good luck in picking the next theme. We're all counting on you. <<< had to  paraphrase Leslie Neilsen. :)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392

    Congrats to all the winners and participants,  many great renders....well done to everyone.

  • drachenlordsdrachenlords Posts: 821

    Congratulations to all the winners. Fantastic and very beautiful work of everyone here.

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    Congrats to all the winners and HMs..  Lots of great art


  • orbitalorbital Posts: 120
    edited July 2015

    Well done everyone. 

    @ Jamahoney. Only postwork in that image was  some colour correction. I've won a couple of these now and postwork is always kept to minimum because I feel it's not a challenge otherwise. Looking at the other images in second and third I can't see where there is a massive amount of postwork either.

    In any event I'd be happy if all challenges in future were Bryce only. But how far do you take it then? No imports? I'd happily take that as well but then you would loose many others because not everyone can model or has the time to learn.

    I've enjoyed the challenges here because everyone takes part regardless of expertise. It's meant to be fun.


    Post edited by orbital on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,542

    Well, I'm not the boss here; for me, everything external is permitted but the render must be pure Bryce. Whenever I have to fine adjust in post, I think I failed setting up the lighting correctly. But that's my own weird idea of things and I stick to it; no need others have to agree. After all, the artwork counts, not the means how it was arrived at.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    So Orbital, do we have a them for the next challenge?


  • orbitalorbital Posts: 120
    edited July 2015

    @Horo. I know you are as pure as they come, and I applaud you for that. I think the fact that the emphasis in Jamahoneys post being too much postwork doesn't have any ground in relation to this challenge from what I know I did and from what I can see from the other winners on show.

    I've included the raw Bryce render from the challenge. The original was rendered on a premium render with dof settings along with true ambience soft shadows etc.

    Post edited by orbital on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2015

    @Orbital...oh jeez, sorry, it really wasn't a comment on any particular work entered here, but more from the judging experiences of past simply the ones I would have chosen never agree with the judges (or, judge...hehe he, as I really think there's just one, a male, in his mid-fifties, he was born in the UK, and hasn't been in the art scene for quite awhile, that is, he knows more about, say Van Gogh, Constable...and all those oldies, oh, and he's biased towards certain areas of art, and hasn't a clue about other areas.)

    Yeah, I'm paranoid, skeptical, never believe in anything I can't touch, and am the best artist here in the Forum (now, that's a joke). No, really, the comment was just that, as with post work I'm always torn between including it at expense of improving (or in some case worsen) a work, or not including it at expense of the natural, rawness of a software's potential. So, again, apologies (I, too have won a work in these themes...some time back, in the Stonemason competition, too), and hope it doesn't come across like sour grapes, but I really didn't intend it that way. My mouth, and thoughts, always get me in trouble, so, without reservation, congrats again.

    And yes, I agree's all for fun (have entered every theme since it started, so I'm a fan), but I always enter to win, I'd be only kidding myself if that wasn't a part.



    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • orbitalorbital Posts: 120


    No worries mate. Truth be told I hit this thread in a grouchy mood so took it personal. Trouble with the internet is it's hard to convey emotion like you can when talking to someone so sometimes things can be taken too literal. I'm from the uk and in my forties so we're not all like that lol. I've shown my work locally at exhibitions and you'd be suprised how receptive people of all ages are towards digital art these days. 

    Anyway on to the next challenge.

    My Kingdom

    Think castles, Game of Thrones, or slightly less grand your own house. a tree fort or a den you had as a kid. Imports are allowed but no postwork because to some extent I agree with what Jamahoney said and I think it adds to the challenge. Hope thats ok.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Ooh,  that's a nice one.    Thanks,  I will get to working on the new thread.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Cheers again, Orbital...and Game of it, love it, love many twists and turns. I wouldn't like to be an actor on it, though, you could get 'killed off' (and so become unemployed) at any time...heh he.

    So, 'My Kingdom' it is for us all...hmmm, where to begin...well, there was that shed once in the woods where I lived in for several years ;)


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    BTW all winners should now find they have Store Credit added to their accounts  

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I forgot to add this.  One of the guest judges di leave some feedback on some images.

    1: 27 - I got goospimples when I saw this entry, I remembered what's coming.

    2: 22 - again goospimples, Hitchcock's movie came fully back.

    3: 2 - great sense of scale of landscape, ships and the Argonauts (I haven't seen the movie but it must be from the Lord of the Rings, just before the Breaking of the Fellowship).

    4: 17 - again the movie came back; the weather in the render is as I remember it.

    5: 15 - I haven't seen this one. It could be a still taken out of the movie, the scale and POV of the shot are perfect with the houses in the distance, the poses great and the pipe an awesome detail.

    6: 28 - beautifully made time machine and landscape (I don't remember having seen this movie).

    I could easily add another 6, I shuffled things around a few times.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,542

    @Orbital - I took the comments only as an anchor. Like Jay, nothing personal and nothing related to any artwork in this or any previous challenge. And I'm not always fully consistent, either. I suggested to export a render as HDRI and tone-map it down to increase vibrancy, contrast, or whatever. This is, of course, also post. Game of Thrones, I'm currently reading the last of the 5 books.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Thanks for the store credit.

    BTW I never use postwork, except for converting the image into jpg. I suppose postwork means some adaptation of the image with paintshop pro or other photo editor.

    I mostly import stuff, just because my modeling skills.... are almost non existing. Sometimes I use Wings3D, but I would need more specific tutorials, for example how to model a castle or anything else that can be used in Bryce.

    Now it's up to My Kingdom and find some inspiration. 


  • vivienvivien Posts: 184

    Congratulation to all the winners. There was some amazing work.  I look forward to the next challenge.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2015

    I kinda, sorta knew I was stirring a hornets nest re: the postworking comment etc., however, as mentioned, I was referring to past themes, and, judges' judements to my own. We're, really, all judges, and so agreements/disagreeents will always be there, so, let the dice roll where they may.

    This next competition should be interesting, and, perhaps, push some limits of Bryce, and who knows, we all (and I defintely include myself in this) may learn way-arounds in creating effects simply using what's there in the software.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    Bit late but congratulations to all the winners. Some excellent renders and worthy winners once again.

    Thanks very much for the honorable mention.



  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    Congrats to Orbital and the other winners and HM. But also to all others, because there were so many great works!

    Regarding postwork, I must admit that I sometimes beef-up my renders a bit, mostly increasing contrast. Strangely enough: not this time and, wow, 3rd place! Still, A little postwork is no problem for me. Though, I have to admit that Horo is mostly right about postwork often being a replacement of good lighting (at least, for me). Still, I feel that the Bryce renders, once saved, either to TIFF or HDR, are not as crisp as they look on my screen in Bryce. It can't be the screen-calibration, because both the render still in Bryce and the Tiff or HDR (or JPEG) are seen on the same screen with the same settings. So, after doing all the work and being convinced of the perfect look, I sometimes see a slightly disappointing picture after saving. I don't know whether any of you have that experience? Anyway, with my computer being slow (and me too), I then often decide to do a little postwork. Maybe I should do black and white more often, because now I needed no help of postwork.

    I'm also happy that I could give shivers to one of the judges with two of my works. And, to be honest, I am even glad that my ET was not in the top 6, because that was actually too simple Bryce-wise, compared to my other entries. I would have been disappointed with the judges if they would have gone for the simple effective render and not value more work.

    Still, I have not always agreed with the judges and I have participated in several painting contests too, where the professionals judging the works in my view sometimes also made strange choices. I think that's just the thing about judging: there is no right or wrong, it is all about choices and preferences. 

    Those are just my pennyworth sort of thoughts.

    Now, I will withdraw into my kingdom; My kingdom come!

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