Female poses are so oversexualized

iDiruiDiru Posts: 700
edited September 2015 in The Commons

I mean I have mad respect for Pose makers. I use poses all the time and then alter them to suit my needs

but some of them are just so sexual

I mean I want a woman standing

I don't want her leg jutted out five hundred feet from her body and her hip cropped up in an impossible position to draw attention to them

on her tippy toes no less

i mean who stands like that

i mean some of the poses even need to have limits turned off

that's like enough for me right there to know these poses aren't even possible lol

i mean it's good when i'm trying to create sexy poses but if i want to do anything dynamic it's difficult because it looks like they're about to rbeak their backs

who stands liek this:

just as an example.

i have like 50 others.


I guess it could be good for a Silent Hill nurse

Post edited by frank0314 on


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,908

    That pose looks more like where is the ladies room pose than a sexy pose to me.

  • It is what it is.

    This is why I am constantly shopping for new poses and pose packs.

    Love the sexy, but sometimes you just need more options.

  • iDiruiDiru Posts: 700

    It is what it is.

    This is why I am constantly shopping for new poses and pose packs.

    Love the sexy, but sometimes you just need more options.

    A lot of poses I get from bundles and I'm like 'wtf is this' half the time

    and sometimes when I'm looking around on Rendo or something I'll see these really weird weird poses for V4

    I remember seeing a prison one where a woman was sitting in a chair like half bent over but her back was like really arched?

    it was so weird like it looked like she had a serious spinal deformity lol

  • iDiruiDiru Posts: 700

    That pose looks more like where is the ladies room pose than a sexy pose to me.


    There's a lot of them like that for some reason

    I could totally use them for..nefarious purposes but I don't get the chance to do it often.

  • Real-world poses are a complete pain to find... But then a lot of the market seems to buy and redner pinups. My problem is the question of just how many ways can you modify and sell the same ten poses?

  • I often find I have to use male poses and just tweak them for my female figures. It's super annoying. Especially the tippy-toe thing. I mean, unless you're wearing heels you're not going to just stand on your tip-toes.

  • iDiruiDiru Posts: 700

    I often find I have to use male poses and just tweak them for my female figures. It's super annoying. Especially the tippy-toe thing. I mean, unless you're wearing heels you're not going to just stand on your tip-toes.

    and often when you do use heels they still end up wonky and you have to use the heel pose which still looks weird like one leg is higher htan the other for some reason

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,575
    edited September 2015

    I sometimes use men's poses. I hate the sway back, hip jut look of the female poses which I never see real ladies stand like short of photoshoots for models.

    It used to bother me more but now I see it so often I'm becoming desensitized.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    remember the m4 hip pose?  never gets old  gigglz

    was just lookin at poses she's laying down on a sidewalk.  pigeons shoo shoo

  • I am not the world's greatest poser... so I often try to use an existing/purchased pose as a base, and then tweak from there.  This is a constant problem for me, as I am doing a superhero comic-book, not a lengerie catalog, with my CGI artwork.  Fortunately, most fo the female fight/superhero poses are pretty good. But when my characters are just having a conversation, it can often be hard to find enough variety of poses not meant to be sexy poses, or modeling poses.  I guess I understand why there are so many of these -- many artists are just doing still-shots that are equivalent to real-life modeling shots.  But when I'm trying to do a 3-page, 19-panel argument between two female characters in my comic, findning the right poses is quite a hassle.

    I do like the 'don't just stand there' set for G2F... they are very well done and not overly sexualized. I just wish there were more of them.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,916

    Yeah, the sway back thing really irritates me. I usually use male poses if I can. Otherwise I go through the abdomens to straighten out the spine. Sheesh.


  • iDiruiDiru Posts: 700

    I sometimes use men's poses. I hate the sway back, hip jut look of the female poses which I never see real ladies stand like short of photoshoots for models.

    It used to bother me more but now I see it so often I'm becoming desensitized.

    I often have to use female poses on males

    which can result in being hilarious... 

    so it's even worse on them

    with their hips jutting out 4400 feet and their arms like six feet away from it


  • Yeeessss, everyday standing, actions, eating, drinking, slouching around  - I would throw all my money at a good standing pose set that's not sexy, sensual or stupid. If I see one slightly sexy hip or sultry glance over the shoulder, it's a big nope for me. 

    I'm sprawled, slouched on the couch now, very unladylike, legs up on another lounge, laptop on lap, bad posture all round. Where are those poses for women? :p


  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310

    Part of the problem is the figures themselves, the DAZ ladies do not have very good posture. I've actually whipped up a preset for myself  (a pose controlling slider in fact, because I've gotten fancy) That I have labled "unbreak spine" because thats what it does. Below are renders of default gen3 and my fixed version notice how, because shes not sticking her butt out she's actually about an inch taller. It really does help to remove some of the pinup out of pose sets (It tones down the butt/boob element at least)  Mind you, I wouldnt say I render "everyday" scenes but I also do try to avoid the whole dislocated spine look.


    I also have to say, This is one area where Gen3's extra bones to come in handy. Its much easier to re-straighten the spine than previous generations.

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  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,916

    Zombie: HA!

    I invite people to go look at this page from my webcomic, with oh so sexy poses (warning, one F bomb): http://thefarshoals.webcomic.ws/comics/4/


  • iDiru said:

    I sometimes use men's poses. I hate the sway back, hip jut look of the female poses which I never see real ladies stand like short of photoshoots for models.

    It used to bother me more but now I see it so often I'm becoming desensitized.

    I often have to use female poses on males

    which can result in being hilarious... 

    so it's even worse on them

    with their hips jutting out 4400 feet and their arms like six feet away from it


    Lol! Sometimes I do too. In general I find Gia's work best on the men. Now that I have the v4 converter I hav I have so much to choose from.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,047
    edited September 2015
    iDiru said:

    I mean I have mad respect for Pose makers. I use poses all the time and then alter them to suit my needs

    but some of them are just so sexual

    I mean I want a woman standing

    I don't want her leg jutted out five hundred feet from her body and her hip cropped up in an impossible position to draw attention to them

    on her tippy toes no less

    i mean who stands like that

    i mean some of the poses even need to have limits turned off

    that's like enough for me right there to know these poses aren't even possible lol

    i mean it's good when i'm trying to create sexy poses but if i want to do anything dynamic it's difficult because it looks like they're about to rbeak their backs

    I have no idea what you are talking about! ;)

    Vicky and Cuke02.jpg
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    Vicky and Cuke02.jpg
    1200 x 900 - 146K
    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,562

    The best natural poses I've come across are the Saltaor's Coffee Break series over at Rendo. Good standing poses and a lot of other ones. Just wish I could use them with G2/G3.

  • I wonder when some PA will release common poses like holding a videogame controller being sat, even conducing a car, playing a piano or drums, most of them we can find isolated and in some subterranean sites but not like a whole set available.

    more actually when posing G3F is a PITA posing her!!! AGH!!!

  • I wonder when some PA will release common poses like holding a videogame controller being sat, even conducing a car, playing a piano or drums, most of them we can find isolated and in some subterranean sites but not like a whole set available.

    more actually when posing G3F is a PITA posing her!!! AGH!!!

    I've actually had an easier time posing G3F than previous figures... Holding video game controller poses (and even a handheld game unit) are going to get made soon.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,777

    ...to fix the swayback, I dial in a bit of "youth posture:" from Zevo's Growing Up morphs as it adjusts the pelvic angle as well as the back without affecting the legs or upper torso.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    Yes, some more just simple everyday poses. Back on V4 I often have used M4 poses for V4 because they looked much more normal than the V4 poses itself. So if you create poses for g2f or g3f please do some more normal poses. Walking and standing poses for example. M4 poses for M4 looked sometimes strange but for V4 they were excellent. What I mean with strange on M4, no normal guy walks through the streets with his shoulders lifted up over the ears. I have noithing against gay people but most m4 poses on m4 looked if they are coming right out of an gay magazine. So if you create male poses do some normal poses and not model poses.

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71 said:

    Yes, some more just simple everyday poses. Back on V4 I often have used M4 poses for V4 because they looked much more normal than the V4 poses itself. So if you create poses for g2f or g3f please do some more normal poses.

    I'll keep you posted on that. I have some nice ones working now, although they'll probably get split up with the character kits. Last time I tried to submit a posekit here, it didn't go very well.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I've got some of the kids' poses available and converted them; they look - usually - more natural. They are easy to tweak and (woohoo) no damn heals - or tiptoes. But yeh generally how many times do I have to get given in packs the same damn poses.

    It isn't adding value if they irritate the heck out of customers.

  • Have you thought of using the base pose as a starting point then using powerpose to adjust it to where you want the pose to be? Since switching to Studio from Poser, I use Powerpose quite a bit. 

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    j Cade the pelvis tilts forward in adult females, the amount of tilt varies with it usually being less with athletic females but it is always there, so your fix is actually a break.  And speaking of pelvic tilt, the pelvis should tilted sideways so that which ever leg has the most weight on it that side is higher.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited September 2015

    I have to agree with this issue. I generally want poses so that I can have a good starting block from which to modify them, accordingly, for a new scene, but the overly flirtatious nature of some poses seem to have become more the norm than exception, these days.

    With that said, ever since I was informed that G2M poses often work without problem on G2F, I've been using that compromise more. The problem is, they generally won't show up in the smart content when G2F is selected, for obvious reasons! And I have far too many products than I ever have a hope of remembering I own, let alone which letter they begin with. So, it forces me to load a G2M in the same scene, so that I can look down the poses which show up in Smart Content, before deciding on the right item and deleting G2M after that.

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    I have to agree with this issue. I generally want poses so that I can have a good starting block from which to modify them, accordingly, for a new scene, but the overly flirtatious nature of some poses seem to have become more the norm than exception, these days.

    With that said, ever since I was informed that G2M poses often work without problem on G2F, I've been using that compromise more. The problem is, they generally won't show up in the smart content when G2F is selected, for obvious reasons! And I have far too many products than I ever have a hope of remembering I own, let alone which letter they begin with. So, it forces me to load a G2M in the same scene, so that I can look down the poses which show up in Smart Content, before deciding on the right item and deleting G2M after that.

    It takes a bit of work to set it up, but you can "force" the poses to acknowledge G2F - all you have to do is use the DB editor to tell DAZ that G2F is a compatable figure.  It's how I get older texture sets for Mil 4 clothing  to show up for their Genesis/Genesis 2 Refits.  (Not that I use Smart Content often - usually just for those older texture sets that I don't feel like hunting for over and over again)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,844
    jestmart said:

    j Cade the pelvis tilts forward in adult females, the amount of tilt varies with it usually being less with athletic females but it is always there, so your fix is actually a break.  And speaking of pelvic tilt, the pelvis should tilted sideways so that which ever leg has the most weight on it that side is higher.

    The fix is perfectly fine, the tilt forward comes with heeled shoes and trained posture. There is a huge expectation on how you stand as a woman. When I was a teeny I was constantly reminded that I stand like a cowboy...

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