Female poses are so oversexualized



  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,423

    I think the problem (for me) with many of these poses is that the figure is, well, posing for the camera. What I need is people standing/walking/sitting/acting naturally. For that reason, most pose sets are of little use to me, so I don't but them. I do make sure I buy any "normal" pose sets such as:

    Thanks for the tip about the coffee shop set at Rendo, that looks really useful.

    100% Agreement, and thank you for the list. Here are some other nice 'normal' sets:


    http://www.daz3d.com/ex-libris-poses-for-genesis (I don't own it, but I think it is good)




  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,423
    edited September 2015
    Even the subtle is not so subtle - standing on toes; take a look around you Daz. It happens, but the ratio is way off the pose availability.
    There are two reasons for this.  1. To accomadate high heels  2. Again we encounter the classic comicbook style, where even barefoot characters fight and make their striking poses in tiptoes.  2.5 This is a sexualized thing-- high heels and tiptoes are viewed as sexy due to the way that they accentuate the calf muscles.  Apparently that is the main reason why high-heeled sneakers exist.  I'm serious.  High heel tennis shoes. 

    I could go mad or burst out laughing (depending on my actual mood) when I see all those 3D girls in flat heels or barefoot, but walking on tiptoes. I often wondered if nobody except me saw it that way, and I'm happy there are at least a few others. Maybe it is because I grew up without the 'classic comic book'-culture...

    Post edited by caravelle on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882
    caravelle said:
    Even the subtle is not so subtle - standing on toes; take a look around you Daz. It happens, but the ratio is way off the pose availability.
    There are two reasons for this.  1. To accomadate high heels  2. Again we encounter the classic comicbook style, where even barefoot characters fight and make their striking poses in tiptoes.  2.5 This is a sexualized thing-- high heels and tiptoes are viewed as sexy due to the way that they accentuate the calf muscles.  Apparently that is the main reason why high-heeled sneakers exist.  I'm serious.  High heel tennis shoes. 

    I could go mad or burst out laughing (depending on my actual mood) when I see all those 3D girls in flat heels or barefoot, but walking on tiptoes. I often wondered if nobody except me saw it that way, and I'm happy there are at least a few others. Maybe it is because I grew up without the 'classic comic book'-culture...

    Barefoot girls on tiptoe with no clear reason for being on tiptoe drives me up the wall.  Whenever I see that, I want to challenge the artist to stand like that (and it's usually some non-sensical pin up pose on top of that) for 20 minutes.  It can be done, but it's not fun.  If you want to show off the chick's calves, put her in heels at least.  Yes, even if she's otherwise naked.

  • caravelle said:
    Even the subtle is not so subtle - standing on toes; take a look around you Daz. It happens, but the ratio is way off the pose availability.
    There are two reasons for this.  1. To accomadate high heels  2. Again we encounter the classic comicbook style, where even barefoot characters fight and make their striking poses in tiptoes.  2.5 This is a sexualized thing-- high heels and tiptoes are viewed as sexy due to the way that they accentuate the calf muscles.  Apparently that is the main reason why high-heeled sneakers exist.  I'm serious.  High heel tennis shoes. 

    I could go mad or burst out laughing (depending on my actual mood) when I see all those 3D girls in flat heels or barefoot, but walking on tiptoes. I often wondered if nobody except me saw it that way, and I'm happy there are at least a few others. Maybe it is because I grew up without the 'classic comic book'-culture...

    Barefoot girls on tiptoe with no clear reason for being on tiptoe drives me up the wall.  Whenever I see that, I want to challenge the artist to stand like that (and it's usually some non-sensical pin up pose on top of that) for 20 minutes.  It can be done, but it's not fun.  If you want to show off the chick's calves, put her in heels at least.  Yes, even if she's otherwise naked.

    Yes, I've made at least my fair share of snarky comments about invisible high-heels.

  • I've never understood the whole high-heels to accentuate the calves thing. Does it really make that much difference to people? If a pretty girl is wearing flat heels it doesn't make me say "She's pretty, but shame about the calves".

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,926

    Hey All!

    Two caveats - I deeply respect my fellow PAs here at DAZ, and while I might not always like a particular set, my opinion is not a reflection on their work/skill/talent, nor is it a statement meant to belittle another's work. And second, as a PA, I am in a business arrangement with DAZ, and therefore I try to conduct myself professionally in regards to this arrangement, especially in a public arena.

    That being said -

    So this thread was brought to my attention, and as a pose maker, I couldn't agree with what's been said here more. Lately I feel like I'm the only one trying to provide non-hip-thrusty-look-at-my-tush-sexy poses, given what's been showing up in the store. (Ironically, when I tried to update MY pinup pose set for Genesis 3 Females, DAZ turned it down. Guess it wasn't hip-thrusty-look-at-my-tush-sexy enough. But, don't get me started... Lol.)

    To me, poses should be about movement and action. The models should be doing something (reasonably and plausibly), because it's my firm belief that people are trying to tell a story with their renders. Whether it's a portrait picture, or for a graphic novel, people need to make their images "say" something in order for the artwork to reach its audience, and to do that, the pose has to relay that visually. Even pin-up poses tell a story. But the base pose has to make sense, or the image falls apart quickly.

    I have a long list of pose sets to build, and near all of them are not hip-thusts (thank goodness!) Unfortunately there are not enough hours in the day for me to get them all made. And I'm not the fastest of content makers. It would be easy to just crank out set after set, but I tend to take my time with my poses because I want to make sure that I get them right. I check the balance, I check that the poses are within limits, I check to make sure that the pose is plausible, and then I check to make sure that the pose looks good visually. I hold myself to a high standard when making sets because, to be frank, it's MY name on the set. When I started this journey five years ago, I wanted to be the Stonemason of poses. Whether I'm there or not remains to be seen, but my opinion has changed. Now I just want to be the FeralFey of poses, which as I understand it, is no small thing. laugh (I couldn't have done it without the support of you all, the customers. Thank you!)

    I do have to apologize, though. I had intended on having more pose sets out now than I currently do. Personal issues in real life (four kids, sick husband) have on occasion gotten in the way of my production of sets, but I keep plugging along. I have plenty of sets to build, I assure you. The PC + clamors for more. So I am reading this thread with interest and I will incorporate what's been said in some of my future sets. 

    And if anyone has any specific poses they'd like to see in the store, feel free to drop me a line, or come catch me on my facebook page: www.facebook.com/FeralFey  My door is always open.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,423
    tl155180 said:

    I've never understood the whole high-heels to accentuate the calves thing. Does it really make that much difference to people? If a pretty girl is wearing flat heels it doesn't make me say "She's pretty, but shame about the calves".

    laugh YES!

    But I think it's not only because of the calves. The legs look longer in high heels or on tiptoes (are we spiders, or what?), and, most of all, high heels make the woman look a bit helpless and handicapped. She can't run away on high heels and tiptoes, and this is probably regarded as 'sexy' ... surprise In old China, the ladies' crippled feet were regarded as highly sexy - a similar effect.

  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015
    FeralFey said:
    To me, poses should be about movement and action. The models should be doing something (reasonably and plausibly), because it's my firm belief that people are trying to tell a story with their renders. Whether it's a portrait picture, or for a graphic novel, people need to make their images "say" something in order for the artwork to reach its audience, and to do that, the pose has to relay that visually. Even pin-up poses tell a story. But the base pose has to make sense, or the image falls apart quickly.

    Couldn't agree more FeralFey. I don't buy many pose sets but thats only because I don't come across many that I consider to have a good selection of "everyday poses" and by that I mean action poses where people are doing everyday stuff like reading a book, walking, chatting, getting angry at someone, etc etc. Most of what I see tends to be either portrait poses for the camera or very dynamic (almost manga-esk) combat poses, neither of which I have that much use for.

    The thing I always look out for and almost never see is crawling poses. I've had the odd occasion where I've wanted to make a character crawl on all fours through a tunnel, or under a desk, or cleaning the floor with a rag (I was disappointed this didn't feature with the diner sets, as thats what I needed it for) and I've had to make do with adapting kneeling poses for the purpose. I'm not asking for a full set of crawling poses, cos that might not sell well, but I'd definitely buy a set that had a few options in it.


    I think what it all boils down to is that some people like to render straight portrait images while others, like me, do comics or image sets and need more movement in the poses. Its probably difficult to cater to both at the same time.

    Post edited by tl155180 on
  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    People seem to forget that real world models are not comfortable when they pose. Trust me, I've been to a few photo shoots, and they are not enjoying many of the poses. So as mentioned many people do pinup art, and art mimics life to an extent.

    I can understand the need for non-pinup artworks and poses, I often have a hard time finding normal stuff myself(on the random occassion I need them). But we shouldn't pretend the hip thrusting, challenging pose issue is unique to this space.

    Try being a model wearing a swimsuit in freezing waters pretending it's warm out while standing on stones that are cutting your feet in a pose that twists your spine so your bust and bottom are both equally visible with a smile on your face smiley People do this in real life, and there is a reason they get paid and call it work devil

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015
    caravelle said:

    She can't run away on high heels and tiptoes, and this is probably regarded as 'sexy' ...

    Thats just creepy, lol. Why would she be running away in the first place? frown. If a lady feels like she needs to run away from me I usually take that as a sign its going poorly.

    Personally I like strong women who stand up for themselves (pardon the pun), so looking vulnerable isn't much of a turn on to me.

    Post edited by tl155180 on
  •   If you want to show off the chick's calves, put her in heels at least.  Yes, even if she's otherwise naked.


    What kind of a world are we living in where people don't want their naked chicks in heels?

    Interesting that some people here see most poses sets as heeled ones. I find they are always flats and just applying the foot pose that usually comes with the shoe is very rarely enough to make it work. Indeed if there is any bend in either leg then you have a long struggle to maintain the pose whilst sorting the feet out.

    Why would you produce a, "Sexy" pose with flat feet?

    If some bright spark could figure out a way to automatically bring the sole, toe or sole and heel of a shoe, depended upon shoe style and pose, to the zero plane then I would be very happy.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015
    tl155180 said:
    caravelle said:

    She can't run away on high heels and tiptoes, and this is probably regarded as 'sexy' ...

    Thats just creepy, lol. Why would she be running away in the first place? frown


    Brains. For two reasons. First she has brains and wants to get away from a situation she can't win alive. Secondly, zombies want to eat her brains. Running is good sometimes. Running is not mutually exclusive from being strong.

    Superman has proven being invulernable is boring.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • tl155180 said:
    caravelle said:

    She can't run away on high heels and tiptoes, and this is probably regarded as 'sexy' ...

    Thats just creepy, lol. Why would she be running away in the first place? frown


    Brains. For two reasons. First she has brains and wants to get away from a situation she can't win alive. Secondly, zombies want to eat her brains. Running is good sometimes. Running is not mutually exclusive from being strong.

    Superman has proven being invulernable is boring.

    Hahaha - don't say that in this thread whatever you do www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/62676/ot-batman-vs-superman-your-thoughts

    I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why a woman who can't run away from 'me' should make her more attractive wink.

  • tl155180 said:

    I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why a woman who can't run away from 'me' should make her more attractive wink.

    Good point. I can work with that.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,423
    tl155180 said:

    I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why a woman who can't run away from 'me' should make her more attractive wink.

    Well, a woman on high heels signalises "I can't run away with this footwear, but this doesn't matter because I don't WANT to run away. I want to stay with you. YES, YOU." And the recipient of this message feels flattered … - subconsciously, lol. Maybe this is what makes high heels 'sexy', at least in our hemisphere.


  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,123
    caravelle said:
    tl155180 said:

    I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why a woman who can't run away from 'me' should make her more attractive wink.

    Well, a woman on high heels signalises "I can't run away with this footwear, but this doesn't matter because I don't WANT to run away. I want to stay with you. YES, YOU." And the recipient of this message feels flattered … - subconsciously, lol. Maybe this is what makes high heels 'sexy', at least in our hemisphere.


    Then logically, an amputee would be even sexier?

  • NaviNavi Posts: 452

    I think it might help if more pose sets had the upper/lower body, hands, head and feet all seperate. Then bits and pieces could be used of different poses to make a more natural looking stance. But I'm sure that would be nightmarishily difficult to do.

    Just adding my 2 cents, for what it's worth :) : I don't include partials in my sets, but just in case you didn't know, Ds can make them on the fly, in any way you want, just select the body part you want to edit , and press ctrl when double-clicking your pose file. Pick "recursive" if you want the related body parts to follow (ie. left collar with "recursive" on will edit the full arm pose, from collar to fingers. Right hand, with "recursive" left off will alter the hand only)... Done. You can mix and match just about anything you want, that way.

  • andya_b341b7c5f5andya_b341b7c5f5 Posts: 694
    edited September 2015

    Normality is in short supply in many things in this context, not just poses: clothes & shoes, characters body shapes also.  I have been acutely aware of this while recently producing renders which are meant to be of deeply ordinary people - the target audience for these needs to be able to identify with the people in them.  Even when I find some sufficiently ordinary clothing, as soon as you dial a morph such as weight or pear-shaped to introduce a bit of reality and mitigate the supermodel size zero figure, bam! - the clothes look painted on or shrink wrapped in a very unreal way, and show poke through.  I've spent more time trying to fix these issues than I dare to think about.  I had to model a boiler suit and a lab coat myself.

    Sex and sexualisation sells. I understand that, and realise I am fighting against the tide.  But it gets creepy (at best) where the characters clearly intended to be younger teenagers are concerned.

    Post edited by andya_b341b7c5f5 on
  • Whoa, Jakiblue read my mind!  I was just about to post a link to some of FeralFay's work.  Here's one example that has a great variety of subtle poses, both standing and sitting:


  • Navi said:

    I think it might help if more pose sets had the upper/lower body, hands, head and feet all seperate. Then bits and pieces could be used of different poses to make a more natural looking stance. But I'm sure that would be nightmarishily difficult to do.

    Just adding my 2 cents, for what it's worth :) : I don't include partials in my sets, but just in case you didn't know, Ds can make them on the fly, in any way you want, just select the body part you want to edit , and press ctrl when double-clicking your pose file. Pick "recursive" if you want the related body parts to follow (ie. left collar with "recursive" on will edit the full arm pose, from collar to fingers. Right hand, with "recursive" left off will alter the hand only)... Done. You can mix and match just about anything you want, that way.

    I didn't know this, thank you for this bit of information. :D

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015
    Navi said:

    I think it might help if more pose sets had the upper/lower body, hands, head and feet all seperate. Then bits and pieces could be used of different poses to make a more natural looking stance. But I'm sure that would be nightmarishily difficult to do.

    Just adding my 2 cents, for what it's worth :) : I don't include partials in my sets, but just in case you didn't know, Ds can make them on the fly, in any way you want, just select the body part you want to edit , and press ctrl when double-clicking your pose file. Pick "recursive" if you want the related body parts to follow (ie. left collar with "recursive" on will edit the full arm pose, from collar to fingers. Right hand, with "recursive" left off will alter the hand only)... Done. You can mix and match just about anything you want, that way.

    Yes you can do this, and sometimes I do. But I love the partial poses and have picked up tons from i13 because of it. As with everything in the DS/Poser world, we often buy for convenience, not simply because we can't do something without it.

    Good tip for those who where not aware.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • Normality is in short supply in many things in this context, not just poses: clothes & shoes, characters body shapes also.  I have been acutely aware of this while recently producing renders which are meant to be of deeply ordinary people - the target audience for these needs to be able to identify with the people in them.  Even when I find some sufficiently ordinary clothing, as soon as you dial a morph such as weight or pear-shaped to introduce a bit of reality and mitigate the supermodel size zero figure, bam! - the clothes look painted on or shrink wrapped in a very unreal way, and show poke through.  I've spent more time trying to fix these issues than I dare to think about.  I had to model a boiler suit and a lab coat myself.
    Sex and sexualisation sells. I understand that, and realise I am fighting against the tide.  But it gets creepy (at best) where the characters clearly intended to be younger teenagers are concerned.
    There's more to it than that.  The OVERWHELMING majority of customers make characters who are either desirable to them sexually, or as an alter ego/avatar of themselves, which will almost always have an idealized appearance regardless of gender (good looking, sexy, tall or unusually tall, and between the age of 18 to 25)  Or they are fiction writers, who again typically give their main characters idealized figures (though in this case, there is a wider bellcurve in age for the main protagonists.)
    FWIW, I don't do ordinary, either (except for minor or stock characters).  I do either anime/toon characters or Sword & Sorcery type characters.

  • Navi said:

    Just adding my 2 cents, for what it's worth :) : I don't include partials in my sets, but just in case you didn't know, Ds can make them on the fly, in any way you want, just select the body part you want to edit , and press ctrl when double-clicking your pose file. Pick "recursive" if you want the related body parts to follow (ie. left collar with "recursive" on will edit the full arm pose, from collar to fingers. Right hand, with "recursive" left off will alter the hand only)... Done. You can mix and match just about anything you want, that way.

    Thank you Navi, thats an excellent tip! laugh

  • Talking of normal poses ... do you think poses like these (which I made for my own use) could be useful to others?

    937 x 809 - 802K
  • Talking of normal poses ... do you think poses like these (which I made for my own use) could be useful to others?

    I do think some folks may find them useful. At least it seems that way to me.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Talking of normal poses ... do you think poses like these (which I made for my own use) could be useful to others?

    Is always possible; maybe upload them somewhere: shareCG, or DeviantArt

  • LintonLinton Posts: 542

    Not only oversexualised, but more of the same poses.

    Genesis, Genesis 2 and now Genesis 3, the almost exact same pose sets. 

    I am so glad FeralFey is creating content that's different in terms of poses and stances. Action poses is almost an oxymoron Action = movement, Pose = position. While I love i13s sets, FeralFey's and Aeon Souls' pose sets, the latter are too sexualised and almost cartoony, i13 as somewhat sexualised, and FeralFeys there are just not enough of! (alreadyhave majority fo yours).

    I'd like to see bike-riding poses, car driving, talking with friends poses, banter poses, charades poses, exacerbated psoes, illustrating poses, painting poses, dialing phone numbers on cell phone, and many other types

  • I aggree, completley oversexualized. Weird though: even sexy poses seems oversxualized. Those poses have become some anoying stereotypes: strechting butt out and tounge between lips.

    Linton said:

    Not only oversexualised, but more of the same poses.

    Genesis, Genesis 2 and now Genesis 3, the almost exact same pose sets. 

    I am so glad FeralFey is creating content that's different in terms of poses and stances. Action poses is almost an oxymoron Action = movement, Pose = position. While I love i13s sets, FeralFey's and Aeon Souls' pose sets, the latter are too sexualised and almost cartoony, i13 as somewhat sexualised, and FeralFeys there are just not enough of! (alreadyhave majority fo yours).

    I'd like to see bike-riding poses, car driving, talking with friends poses, banter poses, charades poses, exacerbated psoes, illustrating poses, painting poses, dialing phone numbers on cell phone, and many other types

    I aggree, completley oversexualized. Weird though: even sexy poses seems oversxualized. Those poses have become some anoying stereotypes: strechting butt out and tounge between lips. Allways the same manners, even if it's just driving a car.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Agreed completely :)


    FRIENDS poses!!!! Not romantic lover poses, but poses that complement EACH OTHER in a friend setting.

    Figure A pointing off to left while walking - Figure B has hand on A's arm and the other hand over her mouth....

    "OMG like, will you just LOOK at what Amy is wearing over there???"

    "OMG gross!!! Didn't she look in the mirror this morning??"

    You get the picture. LOL. 

    So if Feral Fey is still reading.....companion/friend poses? :D :D  

    Linton said:

    Not only oversexualised, but more of the same poses.

    Genesis, Genesis 2 and now Genesis 3, the almost exact same pose sets. 

    I am so glad FeralFey is creating content that's different in terms of poses and stances. Action poses is almost an oxymoron Action = movement, Pose = position. While I love i13s sets, FeralFey's and Aeon Souls' pose sets, the latter are too sexualised and almost cartoony, i13 as somewhat sexualised, and FeralFeys there are just not enough of! (alreadyhave majority fo yours).

    I'd like to see bike-riding poses, car driving, talking with friends poses, banter poses, charades poses, exacerbated psoes, illustrating poses, painting poses, dialing phone numbers on cell phone, and many other types


  • Talking of normal poses ... do you think poses like these (which I made for my own use) could be useful to others?

    Absolutely. These are the types of poses I'm always on the lookout for. Incredibly normal. Incredibly useful!

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