Sobald ich mehr als 30 Personen (25% Instanzen) generiere, benötigt mein PC ca. 1 Minute pro Person. Bei den 30 Personen kann dies innerhalb einer Gesamtzeit von 3 Minuten erledigt werden. Es werden nur 4 Begrenzungsmarkierungen verwendet. ElDie CPU arbeitet mit minimaler Last und auch der Arbeitsspeicher ist mit nur 7 GB belegt. Ich verwende einen AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Prozessor 3,20 GHz mit 16 GB RAM und eine GEFORCE RTX 4060 TI Grafikkarte. Wie kann ich es beschleunigen?
The problem is not Crowd Generator, but things that slows it down. One thing is the Animate 2 Plugin, which analyses ever skeleton (rigged figure) loaded into the scene, which takes a bunch of time. The also Studio internally do stuff, but you can get a bit of speedup by disabling the Animate 2 plugin. There might be other plugins as well that tries to keep track of everything loaded into the scene.
The reason for the slowdown, which is directly related to the number of skeletons loaded (rigged figures, clothes etc), is that it seems like "something" is walking through the scene for every item loaded and process everything for every item load.
So, first dressed LowPi, it scans about 4 items, the second 8, the third 12, the fouth 1t etc, so the time it takes is increased by items. Hopefully this will be taken care of in Studio or I can figure out what effects other other people more, as if there are 5 plugins scanning the scene for every loaded item, the time will increase 5 times for every loaded dressed LowPi.
Sobald ich mehr als 30 Personen (25% Instanzen) generiere, benötigt mein PC ca. 1 Minute pro Person. Bei den 30 Personen kann dies innerhalb einer Gesamtzeit von 3 Minuten erledigt werden. Es werden nur 4 Begrenzungsmarkierungen verwendet. ElDie CPU arbeitet mit minimaler Last und auch der Arbeitsspeicher ist mit nur 7 GB belegt. Ich verwende einen AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Prozessor 3,20 GHz mit 16 GB RAM und eine GEFORCE RTX 4060 TI Grafikkarte. Wie kann ich es beschleunigen?
Das Problem ist nicht der Crowd Generator, sondern Dinge, die ihn verlangsamen. Eine Sache ist das Animate 2 Plugin, das jedes Skelett (geriggte Figur), das in die Szene geladen wird, analysiert, was eine Menge Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Das macht auch Studio intern Sachen, aber man kann ein bisschen Tempo bekommen, indem man das Animate 2 Plugin deaktiviert. Es könnte auch andere Plugins geben, die versuchen, den Überblick über alles zu behalten, was in die Szene geladen wurde.
Der Grund für die Verlangsamung, die in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Anzahl der geladenen Skelette (manipulierte Figuren, Kleidung usw.) steht, ist, dass es so aussieht, als würde "etwas" für jeden geladenen Gegenstand durch die Szene laufen und alles für jede Artikelladung verarbeiten.
Also, zuerst angezogener LowPi, scannt er etwa 4 Artikel, der zweite 8, der dritte 12, der fünfte 1t usw., so dass die benötigte Zeit um Gegenstände erhöht wird. Hoffentlich wird sich das in Studio darum kümmern oder ich kann herausfinden, was andere Leute mehr beeinflusst, denn wenn es 5 Plugins gibt, die die Szene für jedes geladene Element scannen, erhöht sich die Zeit für jeden geladenen angezogenen LowPi um das 5-fache.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Unterstützung. Ich werde es versuchen, wenn das Animate-Plugin ausgeschaltet ist
Just for fun, I made a simple clothing Wearable for LowPi that is just a geoshell. I made a bunch of material presets for it from shader presets in my library. I used things like food, tiles, quilted leather, perforated metal, scales, etc. I especially like "Cherry Pie" LowPi and "Corn Ear" LowPi, and "Strawberry" LowPi.
Low Pi many shell materials including quilted leather and metal screens.jpg
2000 x 1500 - 1M
Low Pi many shell materials including quilted leather and metal screens 2.jpg
Grabbed the update list (not at office so had to grab from PASS)
Fixed prop attachment with poses that broke in the update
Fixed an issue with LP Direction Marker and Packing introduced in
Fixed an issue with Attention Markers when areas were introduced in
Fixed a regression where partial sitting poses were not properly applied
Fixed a compatibility issue between sets using poses and sets using hierarchical poses
Fixed an issue with DS select/unselect scene items not being consistent, due to postload scripts
Fixed a strange issue where several WearKits with the only one child item, of the same type got parented wrong in the list
@Artini: The clothes, props and poses all come with the Winter Wonderland Expansion for LowPi, which is coming soon too. These are two separate expansions that are built to work together, but none requires the other.
When I use this script, if I task away from Daz Studio and comback, it just hang Daz. If I let it run to completion without tasking away, I get the it took x time to make y figures and z instances popup and everything just fine. Is this normal?
When I use this script, if I task away from Daz Studio and comback, it just hang Daz. If I let it run to completion without tasking away, I get the it took x time to make y figures and z instances popup and everything just fine. Is this normal?
could be studio or windows not liking it, doesn't happpen for me though.
The problem is not Crowd Generator, but things that slows it down. One thing is the Animate 2 Plugin, which analyses ever skeleton (rigged figure) loaded into the scene, which takes a bunch of time. The also Studio internally do stuff, but you can get a bit of speedup by disabling the Animate 2 plugin. There might be other plugins as well that tries to keep track of everything loaded into the scene.
The reason for the slowdown, which is directly related to the number of skeletons loaded (rigged figures, clothes etc), is that it seems like "something" is walking through the scene for every item loaded and process everything for every item load.
So, first dressed LowPi, it scans about 4 items, the second 8, the third 12, the fouth 1t etc, so the time it takes is increased by items. Hopefully this will be taken care of in Studio or I can figure out what effects other other people more, as if there are 5 plugins scanning the scene for every loaded item, the time will increase 5 times for every loaded dressed LowPi.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Unterstützung. Ich werde es versuchen, wenn das Animate-Plugin ausgeschaltet ist
Here is a LowPi archer "FilaTooned".
The bow and arrow are from Z Fearless Archer - Bow and Arrow Prop and Poses for Genesis 8 Female and Olympia 8.
LowPi crowd at the fashion show.
Nice one Barbult!!
Great images, @barbult, especially FilaToon one.
Thanks, Totte and Artini.
Just for fun, I made a simple clothing Wearable for LowPi that is just a geoshell. I made a bunch of material presets for it from shader presets in my library. I used things like food, tiles, quilted leather, perforated metal, scales, etc. I especially like "Cherry Pie" LowPi and "Corn Ear" LowPi, and "Strawberry" LowPi.
I got some updates in DIM for LowPi yesterday.
Do we know what was changed?
Bug fixes and prep for the next Crowd Generator expansion - check the readme,
Grabbed the update list (not at office so had to grab from PASS)
Fixed prop attachment with poses that broke in the update
Fixed an issue with LP Direction Marker and Packing introduced in
Fixed an issue with Attention Markers when areas were introduced in
Fixed a regression where partial sitting poses were not properly applied
Fixed a compatibility issue between sets using poses and sets using hierarchical poses
Fixed an issue with DS select/unselect scene items not being consistent, due to postload scripts
Fixed a strange issue where several WearKits with the only one child item, of the same type got parented wrong in the list
Thanks for the information, @Totte
Great to know that you plan the next Crowd Generator expansion - will wait for it.
It will come, hopefully not so long after the next set, which is coming soon.
Teasers will come here also very soon.
All Daz Soon (™)
A little sneak peak what is coming for LowPi...

Totte, that looks so much like images of the skiers on the runs in our Rockies shown on the news in Denver. That is great work.
Thanks! I spent like 4 1/2 months on this "little" project ;-)
Then the other parts of the team made super cool clothes, props and poses.
Another teaser...

Well you all done good! I love the project and hope my finances will allow me to buy on day one. If not, I will wishlist.
And another teaser ...
Snowball fight! That's a great one!
I like this one!
Great one. Will the clothes be included?
@Artini: The clothes, props and poses all come with the Winter Wonderland Expansion for LowPi, which is coming soon too. These are two separate expansions that are built to work together, but none requires the other.
Oh, great. Will watch for the release, then.
When I use this script, if I task away from Daz Studio and comback, it just hang Daz. If I let it run to completion without tasking away, I get the it took x time to make y figures and z instances popup and everything just fine. Is this normal?
could be studio or windows not liking it, doesn't happpen for me though.
It is in the store: