LIVE! In the store NOW!! LowPi - the Low Poly Figure, and Crowd Creator Scripts



  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,085

    barbult said:

    Speaking of skeletons, why does it have a displacement map? I don't understand how a gray-ish displacement map, with a strength of 0.01, default min and max displacement, on a base resolution character, rendered in Iray can possibly have any impact. I can't see any difference, even in very closeup renders. What am I missing?

    That one is for Lyrra! 

  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    I dont have time to check, taking the car to the shop.  The displacement map is to add the sternal notch and some detail to the vertebra. It has not been at .01, so something might have gotten reset on accident.  I'll check when I get back

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    FeralFey said:

    barbult said:

    I noticed today that all my LowPi in the helicopter image are posed basically the same way, with the right leg forward, running. I know that the attention marker strength modifies the pose to make them run if the attention value is strong, but I thought it would just exaggerate the existing pose. Does it completely change the pose to a right leg forward running pose? I'll have to turn down the attention strength and see if they all started  with right leg forward or whether they got changed. It does look strange to see them all running in the same pose.

    It sounds to me like the Crowd Generator is pulling from the right hand version of the pose more than the left hand version. I'm not sure why that is. It's a question for Totte, I'm afraid.  

    We'll wait for his take on it, then.

    This is what my crowd looks like with attention = 0, for reference.

    Need to check the PoseKit but I guess it might have both versions setup as upper poses for that lower pose and randomly picks one, or the posekit might have issues, been a real pain to have to update them after rig updates etc. PoseKits can be easily tweaked in PoseKit Builder and saved out to use them with your own WearKits, and also, the jitter settings can me refined a lot, depnding on your likings...

     But  will check the FF Moving PoseKit soon.

    I used a Pose Kit that I created, It consists of a few poses I created and a few poses that came with the product. I didn't fully understand the Speed setting in the Pose Kit creation. I went back and looked at it, and of the two running poses I created, left leg forward is Dash and right leg forward is Run. So, I guess my attention marker setting of 3 equates to Run. My pose kit has only one Run pose. I guess that explains it all! This has been a great education. Thanks, Totte!

    Screenshot 2024-05-24 130648.jpg
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  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,085

    You're welcome. This whole product is kind of complicated, even with like 60 pages in total of manual, but great to keep the gathered knowledge in this thread so people can learn from each other.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823
    Totte said:

    You're welcome. This whole product is kind of complicated, even with like 60 pages in total of manual, but great to keep the gathered knowledge in this thread so people can learn from each other.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    So, from what I learned about pose sets and attention markers, I added a couple poses to my pose kit so I have left and right run and left and right dash. Then I rebuilt my set and my crowd setup. Now my helicopter image has some left leg forward and some right leg forward poses. yes

    Racing for the helicopter_003 PS.jpg
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  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781

    barbult said:

    So, from what I learned about pose sets and attention markers, I added a couple poses to my pose kit so I have left and right run and left and right dash. Then I rebuilt my set and my crowd setup. Now my helicopter image has some left leg forward and some right leg forward poses. yes

    Looks great! Thanks for sharing these.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    Lyrra Madril said:

    I dont have time to check, taking the car to the shop.  The displacement map is to add the sternal notch and some detail to the vertebra. It has not been at .01, so something might have gotten reset on accident.  I'll check when I get back

    What have you concluded?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823
    edited May 2024

    I think the LowPi corrective morphs are misorganized, and at least one corrective morph is missing entirely. Most LowPi corrective morphs are in "data\Lyrra Madril\LM LowPi\LM LowPi\Morphs\Lyrra Madril\LM LowPi", but two of them are in "data\Lyrra Madril\LM LowPi\LM LowPi\Morphs\Lyrra Madril\Base". This probably causes no harm other than confusion. They still seem to get activated when bones are rotated.
    However there is no LowPi corrective for left thigh side-side. There is a corresponding corrective morph for the right thigh. The missing corrective morph makes LowPi look lopsided with a notch in his hip when his hips are rotated side to side. See screenshot. Can this be updated, please?

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 231316 LowPi missing correctives.jpg
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    Post edited by barbult on
  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    well I know that I  corrected the left side to side bend at least twice. Feel sorry for my tester becasue we went through QA about six times just for Lowpi. I think he got very tired of us.  I'll go check my archive version of Lowpi adn the store version and send in a patch. 

    I did try very hard to put the morphs in the same place, but DS got very stubborn.  It does make no change to function, just a tiny bit messy.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    Lyrra Madril said:

    well I know that I  corrected the left side to side bend at least twice. Feel sorry for my tester becasue we went through QA about six times just for Lowpi. I think he got very tired of us.  I'll go check my archive version of Lowpi adn the store version and send in a patch. 

    I did try very hard to put the morphs in the same place, but DS got very stubborn.  It does make no change to function, just a tiny bit messy.


    It's a very complex product bundle. There are bound to be some mistakes along the way. Users always find things that the most diligent PAs and testers don't notice. The important thing to me is that errors get fixed, so thanks for sending in a patch.

    I looked at the DIM package to be sure I didn't accidentally delete the missing left thigh morph, but no, it is not in the DIM package. When searching the DIM package for that morph, I think I see other missing morphs. Please look at this list from the DIM contents. Dress Template and Dress have left thigh morphs but no corresponding right thigh morphs. I only searched for "88" so it is possible that other things got left out, too.

        Line   94: /data/Lyrra Madril/LM LowPi/LP Dress Template/Morphs/Lyrra Madril/Base/CBS_body_lThigh_p88.dsf
        Line  105: /data/Lyrra Madril/LM LowPi/LP Dress/Morphs/Lyrra Madril/Base/CBS_body_lThigh_p88.dsf

    I'm trying to understand the LowPi ecosystem and create my own LowPi clothing and poses, wear kits, pose kits, etc, so I am probably digging deeper into the product details than many casual users. I can tell that a tremendous amount of thought and work went into this! Thank you.

  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    Ok I've gone over Lowpi and yes somewhere between the last file Is ent in and the store copy the left thigh side corrective vanished. Strange. Easy enough to shove it back in and it seems to work fine.  I'll be sending that in shortly after I check over everything else to make sure nothing else fell off in transit. 

    I looked at the skeleton displacement issue and now I remember what is going on here.  The displacement does very little for a lowpoly mesh, the normal and bump map are doing the hevay lifting to add the detail (sternal notch, hand and foot bones, spine). However, other programs/render engines need displacement not normals/bump.  So the displacement map is there and on at a low level so that users know its in there and can turn it up as needed.  (also QA doesnt like us having maps in the product that are not being used)


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    I'm creating poses and ran into another issue. The left and right hand Bend limits don't look right. The hands do not bend symmetrically. Please correct it.

    Screenshot 2024-05-27 232032 LowPi hand bend limits not symmetrical.jpg
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    Screenshot 2024-05-27 232506 LowPi hand bend limits not symmetrical.jpg
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  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277


    my working of Lowpi and the store copy don't match. I think an update got misplaced duriong the process.  I'm doublechecking everything, and hopefully we should get this sorted.  Its perfectly functional but judging from the issues I'd say you are missing some adjustments to the rigging and possibly poses that we found later in the process.

    Incidentally, I'd like to make a special mention of Code66's excellent script ' Bone Symmetriser' whioch helps match left and right rigging.  


  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    and I see the patch I sent yesterday is in DIM already so I'm going to check that and make sure we are good. 

  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    in theory the version I just downloaded from the store now matches my working copy, the hands bend properly and the leg corrective is there. So we might be all sorted out.  There had been back end technical issues with a fileserver so I'm thinking something got a little mixed up wh9ile this was in testing. I just went back and checked my last six rounds of fixes , and they appear to be in the store version now. 

    Mind you the launched version still works, but we did a few refinements to amke everything cleaner.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    Great! I'll go look for it in DIM now.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823
    edited May 2024

    I updated with DIM. My LowPi's left hip is fixed, but his hand Bends are not. Both left and right still go from -50 to 80. Left and Right should have opposite +- signs. Do you see something different, Lyrra? I closed DS and restarted it after updating and before testing. What file should have been updated to fix the hand bends?
    It is the morph limits that are wrong, I believe.

    Screenshot 2024-05-28 173010.jpg
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    Post edited by barbult on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781

    I've converted a genesis baseball cap and two beenies from genesis (and Decimated one that needed it.) They fit fine until the figure is posed - then they follow it somewhat but are off sideways enough to look really bad. 

    hats in place.jpg
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    hats move.jpg
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  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823
    edited May 2024

    luci45 said:

    I've converted a genesis baseball cap and two beenies from genesis (and Decimated one that needed it.) They fit fine until the figure is posed - then they follow it somewhat but are off sideways enough to look really bad. 

    I had an issue like that with converted hair. I think my solution was to export to OBJ and use TU to rig it to LowPi without either template.If you don't need to decimate and export as OBJ, try just autofitting, and don't select either template.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823

    LowPi Thigh Bend morphs seem to be asymmetrical. This is with the latest update 5/28/2024.
    I was making clothes and adjusting correctives when I noticed this. Currently Used does not show any morphs active that shouldn't be there, so I don't think i broke him. I even reinstalled the product update, and restarted DS, but that didn't correct the problem. Please fix this poor lopsided LowPi.


    Screenshot 2024-05-29 044440 LowPi Thigh Morphs not symmetrical.jpg
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    Screenshot 2024-05-29 045649 LowPi thigh bend n110 not symmetrical.jpg
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  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    ok I'm going to check over everything , this is very irksome becasue I know i've fixed this before.

    Incidentally .. the second expansion Dinner and a Show is out.


    Luci - since Lowpi is so lowpoly compared to other figures it was difficult to get the conversion clones precise. Dense polys over chunky polys almost always gets clipping issues.  I've found it best to convert the item, adjust the obj so it fits better and then rig it.  However if thats a bit much for you, there should be an ExpandAll morph so you can make the item a bit bigger which should help.

  • SauronLivezSauronLivez Posts: 150

    If this hasn't already been requested, I'd love to see a Regency / Victorian expansion set, and possibly an Edwardian set, based on market demand, of course.  Keep up the great work.  I love how easy it is to bring a set to life with just a few clicks.  It makes the renders feel so much more immersive.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    @SauronLivez - We have a long list of expansion ideas that we've put together. Currently we're working on a more historical expansion for the next release After that, I suspect the team will have a discussion on what to build next. My personal want is something battle related, because I love making war poses, especially with swords and the like. Well. actually, I just like making poses, no matter what, if I'm honest. Today's expansioin grew out of me going nuts one day and making a ton of seated poses for Lowpi, lol. 

    But yeah, we have a Victorian expansion on our list. ;) I can't guarantee when, but it's definitely on the list.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Re: the left and right hand bends. This was something that kept coming up when I was making poses. Lyrra's fixed it once before, but I think something got goobered along the way, because it's now wonky again. :( 

  • SauronLivezSauronLivez Posts: 150

    FeralFey said:

    But yeah, we have a Victorian expansion on our list. ;) I can't guarantee when, but it's definitely on the list.


    Awesome. I'll be a Day One buyer as soon as it releases! ;)

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781

    Lyrra Madril said:

    Luci - since Lowpi is so lowpoly compared to other figures it was difficult to get the conversion clones precise. Dense polys over chunky polys almost always gets clipping issues.  I've found it best to convert the item, adjust the obj so it fits better and then rig it.  However if thats a bit much for you, there should be an ExpandAll morph so you can make the item a bit bigger which should help.

    The strange part is that converted genesis hair fits perfectly, clothes fit OK too. It's just that every hat I try moves over 2-4 inches (DAZ World scale) when the figure is posed. Enlarging doesn't help. I haven't ever rigged anything, but I don't see the point of rigging if that means putting joints in the hat. I just want it to stick on the center of the head, and not shift over. 

    The new set looks great! And I bought it.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823
    @luci45 if it is an unrigged prop, did you parent it to the LowPi head, so it moves with the head? What is an example of a problem hat. I'll try it if I have it.
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,823
    FeralFey said:

    Re: the left and right hand bends. This was something that kept coming up when I was making poses. Lyrra's fixed it once before, but I think something got goobered along the way, because it's now wonky again. :( 

    Thank you for the confirmation that I am not the only one seeing the hand bend problem. Do you also see the hip bend problem I showed above?
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781

    barbult said:

    @luci45 if it is an unrigged prop, did you parent it to the LowPi head, so it moves with the head? What is an example of a problem hat. I'll try it if I have it.

    The two in the renders are by smay for genesis; and

    I also tried this one that does not autofit, just parents to head and has adjustments:

    I noticed your army guys are wearing hat. No problems with those? Which uniform is that?

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