Murt's Place [Released]

Hello beautiful people, and welcome to Murt's Place. I'm putting the finishing touches on this now, so I figured it was safe to show a few shots. These are daytime shots with the sun streaming through the large wall of windows, but I'll be posting some night time shots very soon (added). Murt's Place was inspired by several real-world bars, and is designed to be super customizable. Nothing is welded in place, and you can change the layout, rearrange the furnishings and decor, move the lights, change colors, etc. Add your own pieces from your own prop collection, and make something uniquely your own. Murt's Place can be a neighborhood dive bar. Take away the televisions, old-school video games and the POS terminals, and Murt's Place feels straight from the 1960's. Get rid of the pool table, add some spotlights and a Jazz band, and Murt's Place is a Jazz bar. Murt's place is also designed to be rich in places to shoot portraits and fashion style shots, and there is a wealth of interesting nooks and corners. Anyway, yadda yadda yadda, here are some shots. If there's anything you'd like to see closer, let me know in the comments:
9/16/2024 UPDATE: This set has high resolution textures on practically everything. In fact, when the full scene with everything in it is loaded, it uses almost 8k of GPU texture memory. This is no problem if you've got a high-end GPU, but since most people don't, I've made it so that every single prop and subset comes with a lower resolution version. The full scene loaded in the lower resolution, uses under 4k of GPU texure memory. For most scenes, the only objects that need higher resolution textures, are those close to the camera, so you'll be able to swap those out for their higher resolution versions on the fly, and still render everything without breaking the bank. In addition, almost everything in the set is built from instances, so it's very geometry light and renders very quickly. So if you were gazing at these pictures and thinking "good heavens, look at all those 4k textures, my GPU will catch on fire" don't worry, I've got you covered. :)

Wow!!! You've clearly put a lot of detail and love into that! Looks awesome, and I can't wait to play with it!
Thank you so much, SilverGirl!
Sometimes you wanna go
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came
Norm! :D
That looks great! How long I've waited for someone to do an environment like this that didn't need days of set design. The brick looks fabulous too. Thanks for all the fictional brands of liquor. Are the lights outside the window in promos 11 and 13 included?
Thank you! The light lights outside are are just an HDRI. If I'm not mistaken, Cyberpunkcity #4 from this product: Prometheus HDRI | Daz 3D It was on sale one day for under five bucks and I couldn't resist. Turns out I use it alllll the time when I need night time city lights outside of windows.
Thanks for the recommendation and also for the video games. You obviously put a lot of thought and work into this. I hope Daz will release it in a position to succeed.
Now this is looking really good.
Can i ask has it got an enterance from the street?
Thank you! Alas, it's just an interior environment, so nothing modeled on the outside. That said, the walls and doors carry their textures outside, so someone creative could probably bash an entrance with parts from another set.
Looks great.
I need this today!
I don't see the front door lol. But yes, an exterior would have been the icing on the cake.
The front entry hallway, and the entrance door, are in #12 above!
Thank you!
Update in the OP!
It is good to know, thank you. That will be very helpful indeed.
You have a done a wonderful thing with the double texture option. Thank you!
Any updates on this? I would have liked puchasing it like yesterday
Very impressive work and design and looks so realistic! This looks like some of the local bars in my area. Will be looking forward to its release.
Sorry But.
i was not asking for an outside of the building. Just a door onto the street.
This is something I would buy. It looks really really good. you have put alot of work into this.
the detail is top shelf work.
But. I still cannot see the "front door to the street" I can see a "fire exit" to what would be a back ally.
So i will be passing on this, as I will not pay for something,
that I am going to have to spend time on kit bashing into something that looks like a real world place.
I really have had it with models of rooms and building that dont have doors let along ones that open.
you have a lot of talent and this looks really good.
But I dont do harry potter images on platform 19 3/4s
I understand completely. But, you should know, it has an entry door and and exit door, and both of them open. It's nearly an exact copy of the layout of a bar of this type in Lisbon.
It's just waiting for Daz to inspect it and put it in the store. Shouldn't be too much longer...
Heck I've seen clubs and bars with similar doors here in Portland, it's not that uncommon. If you want it to be a 'door out to the street' then just put a street outside the door to be seen through the window.
Thank you! I'm not sure where you live, but it's possible a bar near you was one of the inspirations.
In the store and purchased!
I should mention, because it's not shown in any of the images, that behind that door leading to the bar is another door that leads to an empty room. It's not really a feature of the set (just a consequence of the overall layout), but it is fully textured and ready to go, so I suppose some creative person out there might use it for something. An office? A storage room? Maybe a little kitchen? Anyway, it's there if anyone wants to fool around with it. Have fun, bash wizards.
Also, for some reason known only to my forgetful little brain, I didn't include any shots of the lounge area behind the bar (where the jukebox lives) in the promos for the product page.
Fantastic, and thank you! I look forward to seeing what you make!
So do I
I've sent a PM.
Sorry if I'm late to mention this, but the bar actually seems to be a bit... low. It seems like people sitting on the stools will have to hunch over quite far to rest their elbows on the bar, so I hope the textures don't stretch too noticably if I were to adjust its height?
Not really. Attached are some quick and dirty setups.
The 1st image shows the default bar height, which looks good to me.
The 2nd image is the bar Y upscaled to 105%, textures look good (Lo-Rez version).
Thought someone should add the link: Murt's Place