Installing with DIM and Daz 4.9 Pro connect issues.

  • What will happen with the content already on my hard drive(s)?

    Your previously installed content remains untouched after installing Daz Studio 4.9. Content that is not available through Daz Connect will remain untouched. Content available through Daz Connect will indicate they are installable using Daz Connect. If you decide to install these products using Daz Connect, then they will be managed by Daz Studio and will benefit from live updates to metadata and files. If you decide not to install these products using Daz Connect, then they will continue to work as they did before and will not benefit from live updates.

The above just sucks big time.
Ok , Since that Daz connect nonsense,  Daz 4.9 is getting more and more frustrating to work with. I installed  ALL my content  with DIM  and still more than half of my DIM installed products has black and white thumbnails and must be downloaded with connect in Daz 4.9 Pro, . WHY?

What is the use for DIM installment if Daz STILL forces you to download the same articles that will eventually take up double the diskpace? Spare me the so called advantages because with only using DIM the same can be achieved.
How can I get Daz 4.9 Pro to use ALL my DIM installed products WITHOUT Daz connect? I REFUSE to buy a bigger HDD just because DAZ Studios does not have a logical company-vision on how to offer content.
The last couple of days I tried uninstalling and  installing Daz 4.9 Pro  and all of its conent with DIM but still no solution, even worst, the submenu in the smart content pane is gone.


a more and more frustrated Daz user.


640 x 512 - 109K
1280 x 1024 - 337K
1280 x 1024 - 219K


  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    You don't have to reinstall your products in order to get them to show as installed in 4.9, it will work with your DIM installed products just fine.


    I'm guessing one of two things happened:

    1. Some of your content mappings aren't correctly setup in 4.9

    2. DIM was operating with a corrupt Valentina database that was managing to limp by but didn't handle the conversion to Postgres well, if you reimport your metadata in DIM it should get it all back.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2016

    So,, if you check Content library,, Can you see your root directories (which installed daz  contents by DIM, and set by DIM option  ) ?

    If you check Content directory manager,,  Can you see all directory are correctly set as DAZ contrent directory, (and poser content directory?)

    I do not know why I need to re-assgin them,, but actually I sometimes need to set directory again (so that CMS can serch contents)  when I up-date beta or product version.

    (though some user seems still have trouble,, even though tose directory are set correctly, and install all meta-data)sad

    644 x 745 - 89K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • SyphonapteraSyphonaptera Posts: 190
    edited March 2016

    All of a sudden I cannot connect to CMS!After restarting Daz 4.9 Pro the 'start CMS' and 'stop CMS' options are even greyed oiut.  I reinstalled everything via DIM but still not possible , resource error. Tried starting CMS , still nothing happens. Firewall automatically prompted me to permit Daz as an exception rule , added Daz , but no CMS connection possible.
    I changed nothing in the CONTENT DIRECTORY MANAGER. All of a sudden after start up , some 'updates(?) occured (little orange progress bar showed up at the bottom of Daz) and 'poof' all gone , no CMS possible. I read the same happened in the forums and some came up with deleting temp here and that , adding a script here and so etc. etc.
    I will not go that far and deep , it worked perfectly untill  3 days ago, so something changed either from my site (I really cannot guess what) or something went wrong in Daz 4.9 Pro.
    I attached some files , maybe thay can shine a light on anything.
    PC specs;

    		Operating System
    			Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    			Intel Pentium D 930
    			Presler 65nm Technology
    			4,00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 265MHz (4-4-4-12)
    			Hewlett-Packard 09F8h (XU1 PROCESSOR)	63 °C
    			ADI M700 (1280x1024@60Hz)
    			1024MB NVIDIA GeForce 210 (Point of View)	60 °C
    			232GB Western Digital WDC WD2500JS-60MHB1 ATA Device (SATA)	33 °C
    			1863GB Packard Bell Carbon USB Device (USB)
    		Optical Drives
    			PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-216D ATA Device
    			Realtek High Definition Audio
    Operating System
    	Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    	Computer type: Low Profile Desktop
    	Installation Date: 31-12-2015 19:00:23
    	Serial Number: 
    		Windows Security Center
    			User Account Control (UAC)	Enabled
    			Notify level	0 - Never Notify
    			Firewall	Enabled
    		Windows Update
    			AutoUpdate	Download Automatically and Install at Set Scheduled time
    			Schedule Frequency	Every Day
    			Schedule Time
    		Windows Defender
    			Windows Defender	Enabled
    			Antivirus	Enabled
    			Display Name	Windows Defender
    			Virus Signature Database	Up to date
    		.NET Frameworks installed
    			v4.5 Full
    			v4.5 Client
    			v3.5 SP1
    			v3.0 SP2
    			v2.0 SP2
    		Internet Explorer
    			Version	11.0.9600.18231
    			Version	4.0
    				Java Runtime Environment
    					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_73\bin\java.exe
    					Version	8.0
    					Update	73
    					Build	02
    		Environment Variables
    			USERPROFILE	C:\Users\PeterNauts
    			SystemRoot	C:\WINDOWS
    				User Variables
    					TEMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    					TMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    				Machine Variables
    					ComSpec	C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    					LUXRENDER_ROOT	C:\Program Files\LuxRender
    					OS	Windows_NT
    					Path	C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
    					PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER	Intel64 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
    					PSModulePath	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
    					windir	C:\WINDOWS
    		Power Profile
    			Active power scheme	Hoge prestaties
    			Hibernation	Enabled
    			Turn Off Monitor after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Turn Off Hard Disk after: (On AC Power)	20 min
    			Suspend after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Screen saver	Disabled
    				Current Session
    					Current Time	23-3-2016 06:05:49
    					Current Uptime	52.347 sec (0 d, 14 h, 32 m, 27 s)
    					Last Boot Time	22-3-2016 15:33:22
    			Running	Adobe Acrobat Update Service
    			Running	Adobe Active File Monitor V14
    			Running	Application Information
    			Running	Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 Service
    			Running	Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    			Running	Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
    			Running	Base Filtering Engine
    			Running	Bonjour-service
    			Running	CNG Key Isolation
    			Running	COM+ Event System
    			Running	Computer Browser
    			Running	Credential Manager
    			Running	Cryptographic Services
    			Running	DCOM Server Process Launcher
    			Running	Device Association Service
    			Running	DHCP Client
    			Running	Diagnostic Policy Service
    			Running	Diagnostic Service Host
    			Running	Diagnostics Tracking Service
    			Running	Distributed Link Tracking Client
    			Running	DNS Client
    			Running	Function Discovery Provider Host
    			Running	Function Discovery Resource Publication
    			Running	HomeGroup Listener
    			Running	HomeGroup Provider
    			Running	Human Interface Device Service
    			Running	IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
    			Running	IP Helper
    			Running	IPsec Policy Agent
    			Running	Local Session Manager
    			Running	Multimedia Class Scheduler
    			Running	Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
    			Running	Network Connection Broker
    			Running	Network Connections
    			Running	Network List Service
    			Running	Network Location Awareness
    			Running	Network Store Interface Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Display Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Service
    			Running	Peer Name Resolution Protocol
    			Running	Peer Networking Grouping
    			Running	Peer Networking Identity Manager
    			Running	Plug and Play
    			Running	PMBDeviceInfoProvider
    			Running	postgresql-x64-9.2 - PostgreSQL Server 9.2
    			Running	Power
    			Running	Print Spooler
    			Running	Process Monitor
    			Running	Program Compatibility Assistant Service
    			Running	Realtek Audio Service
    			Running	Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    			Running	RPC Endpoint Mapper
    			Running	Security Accounts Manager
    			Running	Security Center
    			Running	Server
    			Running	Shell Hardware Detection
    			Running	SSDP Discovery
    			Running	Superfetch
    			Running	System Event Notification Service
    			Running	System Events Broker
    			Running	Task Scheduler
    			Running	TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
    			Running	Themes
    			Running	Time Broker
    			Running	User Profile Service
    			Running	Windows Audio
    			Running	Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
    			Running	Windows Connection Manager
    			Running	Windows Defender Network Inspection Service
    			Running	Windows Defender Service
    			Running	Windows Event Log
    			Running	Windows Firewall
    			Running	Windows Font Cache Service
    			Running	Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
    			Running	Windows Management Instrumentation
    			Running	WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
    			Running	Workstation
    			Stopped	ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
    			Stopped	Adobe Flash Player Update Service
    			Stopped	App Readiness
    			Stopped	Application Experience
    			Stopped	Application Identity
    			Stopped	Application Layer Gateway Service
    			Stopped	Application Management
    			Stopped	AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
    			Stopped	BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
    			Stopped	Block Level Backup Engine Service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Hands-free-service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Support Service
    			Stopped	BranchCache
    			Stopped	Certificate Propagation
    			Stopped	COM+ System Application
    			Stopped	Defragmentation-Service
    			Stopped	Device Install Service
    			Stopped	Device Setup Manager
    			Stopped	Diagnostic System Host
    			Stopped	Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Encrypting File System (EFS)
    			Stopped	Extensible Authentication Protocol
    			Stopped	Family Safety
    			Stopped	Fax
    			Stopped	File History Service
    			Stopped	Group Policy Client
    			Stopped	Health Key and Certificate Management
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Gastservice-interface
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
    			Stopped	Interactive Services Detection
    			Stopped	Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
    			Stopped	Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service
    			Stopped	KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
    			Stopped	Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
    			Stopped	Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
    			Stopped	Microsoft Keyboard Filter
    			Stopped	Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
    			Stopped	Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
    			Stopped	Mozilla Maintenance Service
    			Stopped	Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Netlogon
    			Stopped	Network Access Protection Agent
    			Stopped	Network Connectivity Assistant
    			Stopped	Offline Files
    			Stopped	Optimize drives
    			Stopped	Performance Counter DLL Host
    			Stopped	Performance Logs & Alerts
    			Stopped	PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
    			Stopped	Portable Device Enumerator Service
    			Stopped	Printer Extensions and Notifications
    			Stopped	Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
    			Stopped	Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
    			Stopped	Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Access Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Configuration
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector
    			Stopped	Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
    			Stopped	Remote Registry
    			Stopped	Routing and Remote Access
    			Stopped	Secondary Logon
    			Stopped	Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
    			Stopped	Sensor Monitoring Service
    			Stopped	Skype Updater
    			Stopped	Smart Card
    			Stopped	Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
    			Stopped	Smart Card Removal Policy
    			Stopped	SNMP Trap
    			Stopped	Software Protection
    			Stopped	Sony PC Companion
    			Stopped	Spot Verifier
    			Stopped	Still Image Acquisition Events
    			Stopped	Storage Service
    			Stopped	Telephony
    			Stopped	Thread Ordering Server
    			Stopped	Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
    			Stopped	UPnP Device Host
    			Stopped	Virtual Disk
    			Stopped	Volume Shadow Copy
    			Stopped	WebClient
    			Stopped	Windows Biometric Service
    			Stopped	Windows Color System
    			Stopped	Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
    			Stopped	Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
    			Stopped	Windows Encryption Provider Host Service
    			Stopped	Windows Error Reporting Service
    			Stopped	Windows Event Collector
    			Stopped	Windows Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Location Framework Service
    			Stopped	Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Windows Modules Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache
    			Stopped	Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    			Stopped	Windows Search
    			Stopped	Windows Store Service (WSService)
    			Stopped	Windows Time
    			Stopped	Windows Update
    			Stopped	Wired AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WLAN AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WMI Performance Adapter
    			Stopped	Work Folders
    			Stopped	WWAN AutoConfig
    			TimeZone	GMT +1:00 Hours
    			Language	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Location	Nederland
    			Format	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Currency	€
    			Date Format	d-M-yyyy
    			Time Format	HH:mm:ss
    			23-3-2016 06:31;	Adobe Flash Player Updater
    			23-3-2016 23:40;	CCleanerClean
    			24-3-2016 02:00;	AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Peter-PeterNauts
    			Adobe Acrobat Update Task
    			Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-2807548272-2206894790-4006324073-1001

    Daz Studio 4.9 Pro Log file 23-03-2016:

    		Operating System
    			Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    			Intel Pentium D 930
    			Presler 65nm Technology
    			4,00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 265MHz (4-4-4-12)
    			Hewlett-Packard 09F8h (XU1 PROCESSOR)	63 °C
    			ADI M700 (1280x1024@60Hz)
    			1024MB NVIDIA GeForce 210 (Point of View)	60 °C
    			232GB Western Digital WDC WD2500JS-60MHB1 ATA Device (SATA)	33 °C
    			1863GB Packard Bell Carbon USB Device (USB)
    		Optical Drives
    			PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-216D ATA Device
    			Realtek High Definition Audio
    Operating System
    	Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    	Computer type: Low Profile Desktop
    	Installation Date: 31-12-2015 19:00:23
    	Serial Number: 
    		Windows Security Center
    			User Account Control (UAC)	Enabled
    			Notify level	0 - Never Notify
    			Firewall	Enabled
    		Windows Update
    			AutoUpdate	Download Automatically and Install at Set Scheduled time
    			Schedule Frequency	Every Day
    			Schedule Time
    		Windows Defender
    			Windows Defender	Enabled
    			Antivirus	Enabled
    			Display Name	Windows Defender
    			Virus Signature Database	Up to date
    		.NET Frameworks installed
    			v4.5 Full
    			v4.5 Client
    			v3.5 SP1
    			v3.0 SP2
    			v2.0 SP2
    		Internet Explorer
    			Version	11.0.9600.18231
    			Version	4.0
    				Java Runtime Environment
    					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_73\bin\java.exe
    					Version	8.0
    					Update	73
    					Build	02
    		Environment Variables
    			USERPROFILE	C:\Users\PeterNauts
    			SystemRoot	C:\WINDOWS
    				User Variables
    					TEMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    					TMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    				Machine Variables
    					ComSpec	C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    					LUXRENDER_ROOT	C:\Program Files\LuxRender
    					OS	Windows_NT
    					Path	C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
    					PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER	Intel64 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
    					PSModulePath	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
    					windir	C:\WINDOWS
    		Power Profile
    			Active power scheme	Hoge prestaties
    			Hibernation	Enabled
    			Turn Off Monitor after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Turn Off Hard Disk after: (On AC Power)	20 min
    			Suspend after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Screen saver	Disabled
    				Current Session
    					Current Time	23-3-2016 06:05:49
    					Current Uptime	52.347 sec (0 d, 14 h, 32 m, 27 s)
    					Last Boot Time	22-3-2016 15:33:22
    			Running	Adobe Acrobat Update Service
    			Running	Adobe Active File Monitor V14
    			Running	Application Information
    			Running	Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 Service
    			Running	Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    			Running	Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
    			Running	Base Filtering Engine
    			Running	Bonjour-service
    			Running	CNG Key Isolation
    			Running	COM+ Event System
    			Running	Computer Browser
    			Running	Credential Manager
    			Running	Cryptographic Services
    			Running	DCOM Server Process Launcher
    			Running	Device Association Service
    			Running	DHCP Client
    			Running	Diagnostic Policy Service
    			Running	Diagnostic Service Host
    			Running	Diagnostics Tracking Service
    			Running	Distributed Link Tracking Client
    			Running	DNS Client
    			Running	Function Discovery Provider Host
    			Running	Function Discovery Resource Publication
    			Running	HomeGroup Listener
    			Running	HomeGroup Provider
    			Running	Human Interface Device Service
    			Running	IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
    			Running	IP Helper
    			Running	IPsec Policy Agent
    			Running	Local Session Manager
    			Running	Multimedia Class Scheduler
    			Running	Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
    			Running	Network Connection Broker
    			Running	Network Connections
    			Running	Network List Service
    			Running	Network Location Awareness
    			Running	Network Store Interface Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Display Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Service
    			Running	Peer Name Resolution Protocol
    			Running	Peer Networking Grouping
    			Running	Peer Networking Identity Manager
    			Running	Plug and Play
    			Running	PMBDeviceInfoProvider
    			Running	postgresql-x64-9.2 - PostgreSQL Server 9.2
    			Running	Power
    			Running	Print Spooler
    			Running	Process Monitor
    			Running	Program Compatibility Assistant Service
    			Running	Realtek Audio Service
    			Running	Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    			Running	RPC Endpoint Mapper
    			Running	Security Accounts Manager
    			Running	Security Center
    			Running	Server
    			Running	Shell Hardware Detection
    			Running	SSDP Discovery
    			Running	Superfetch
    			Running	System Event Notification Service
    			Running	System Events Broker
    			Running	Task Scheduler
    			Running	TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
    			Running	Themes
    			Running	Time Broker
    			Running	User Profile Service
    			Running	Windows Audio
    			Running	Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
    			Running	Windows Connection Manager
    			Running	Windows Defender Network Inspection Service
    			Running	Windows Defender Service
    			Running	Windows Event Log
    			Running	Windows Firewall
    			Running	Windows Font Cache Service
    			Running	Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
    			Running	Windows Management Instrumentation
    			Running	WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
    			Running	Workstation
    			Stopped	ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
    			Stopped	Adobe Flash Player Update Service
    			Stopped	App Readiness
    			Stopped	Application Experience
    			Stopped	Application Identity
    			Stopped	Application Layer Gateway Service
    			Stopped	Application Management
    			Stopped	AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
    			Stopped	BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
    			Stopped	Block Level Backup Engine Service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Hands-free-service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Support Service
    			Stopped	BranchCache
    			Stopped	Certificate Propagation
    			Stopped	COM+ System Application
    			Stopped	Defragmentation-Service
    			Stopped	Device Install Service
    			Stopped	Device Setup Manager
    			Stopped	Diagnostic System Host
    			Stopped	Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Encrypting File System (EFS)
    			Stopped	Extensible Authentication Protocol
    			Stopped	Family Safety
    			Stopped	Fax
    			Stopped	File History Service
    			Stopped	Group Policy Client
    			Stopped	Health Key and Certificate Management
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Gastservice-interface
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
    			Stopped	Interactive Services Detection
    			Stopped	Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
    			Stopped	Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service
    			Stopped	KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
    			Stopped	Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
    			Stopped	Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
    			Stopped	Microsoft Keyboard Filter
    			Stopped	Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
    			Stopped	Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
    			Stopped	Mozilla Maintenance Service
    			Stopped	Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Netlogon
    			Stopped	Network Access Protection Agent
    			Stopped	Network Connectivity Assistant
    			Stopped	Offline Files
    			Stopped	Optimize drives
    			Stopped	Performance Counter DLL Host
    			Stopped	Performance Logs & Alerts
    			Stopped	PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
    			Stopped	Portable Device Enumerator Service
    			Stopped	Printer Extensions and Notifications
    			Stopped	Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
    			Stopped	Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
    			Stopped	Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Access Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Configuration
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector
    			Stopped	Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
    			Stopped	Remote Registry
    			Stopped	Routing and Remote Access
    			Stopped	Secondary Logon
    			Stopped	Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
    			Stopped	Sensor Monitoring Service
    			Stopped	Skype Updater
    			Stopped	Smart Card
    			Stopped	Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
    			Stopped	Smart Card Removal Policy
    			Stopped	SNMP Trap
    			Stopped	Software Protection
    			Stopped	Sony PC Companion
    			Stopped	Spot Verifier
    			Stopped	Still Image Acquisition Events
    			Stopped	Storage Service
    			Stopped	Telephony
    			Stopped	Thread Ordering Server
    			Stopped	Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
    			Stopped	UPnP Device Host
    			Stopped	Virtual Disk
    			Stopped	Volume Shadow Copy
    			Stopped	WebClient
    			Stopped	Windows Biometric Service
    			Stopped	Windows Color System
    			Stopped	Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
    			Stopped	Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
    			Stopped	Windows Encryption Provider Host Service
    			Stopped	Windows Error Reporting Service
    			Stopped	Windows Event Collector
    			Stopped	Windows Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Location Framework Service
    			Stopped	Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Windows Modules Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache
    			Stopped	Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    			Stopped	Windows Search
    			Stopped	Windows Store Service (WSService)
    			Stopped	Windows Time
    			Stopped	Windows Update
    			Stopped	Wired AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WLAN AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WMI Performance Adapter
    			Stopped	Work Folders
    			Stopped	WWAN AutoConfig
    			TimeZone	GMT +1:00 Hours
    			Language	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Location	Nederland
    			Format	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Currency	€
    			Date Format	d-M-yyyy
    			Time Format	HH:mm:ss
    			23-3-2016 06:31;	Adobe Flash Player Updater
    			23-3-2016 23:40;	CCleanerClean
    			24-3-2016 02:00;	AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Peter-PeterNauts
    			Adobe Acrobat Update Task
    			Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-2807548272-2206894790-4006324073-1001


    1280 x 1024 - 204K
    1280 x 1024 - 214K
    1280 x 1024 - 208K
    1280 x 1024 - 191K
    Post edited by Syphonaptera on
  • Hello all ,

    .  I reinstalled everything via DIM but still not possible , resource error. Tried starting CMS , still nothing happens. Firewall automatically prompted me to permit Daz as an exception rule , added Daz , but no CMS connection possible.
    I changed nothing in the CONTENT DIRECTORY MANAGER , I changed anything. . All of a sudden after start up , some 'updates(?) occured (little orange progress bar showed up at the bottom of Daz) and 'poof' all gone , no CMS possible. I read the same happened in the forums and some came up with deleting temp here and that , adding a script here and so etc. etc.
    I will not go that far and deep , it worked perfectly untill  3 days ago, so something changed either from my site (I really cannot guess what) or something went wrong in Daz 4.9 Pro.
    I attached some files , maybe thay can shine a light on anything.
    PC specs;

    		Operating System
    			Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    			Intel Pentium D 930
    			Presler 65nm Technology
    			4,00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 265MHz (4-4-4-12)
    			Hewlett-Packard 09F8h (XU1 PROCESSOR)	63 °C
    			ADI M700 (1280x1024@60Hz)
    			1024MB NVIDIA GeForce 210 (Point of View)	60 °C
    			232GB Western Digital WDC WD2500JS-60MHB1 ATA Device (SATA)	33 °C
    			1863GB Packard Bell Carbon USB Device (USB)
    		Optical Drives
    			PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-216D ATA Device
    			Realtek High Definition Audio
    Operating System
    	Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    	Computer type: Low Profile Desktop
    	Installation Date: 31-12-2015 19:00:23
    	Serial Number: 
    		Windows Security Center
    			User Account Control (UAC)	Enabled
    			Notify level	0 - Never Notify
    			Firewall	Enabled
    		Windows Update
    			AutoUpdate	Download Automatically and Install at Set Scheduled time
    			Schedule Frequency	Every Day
    			Schedule Time
    		Windows Defender
    			Windows Defender	Enabled
    			Antivirus	Enabled
    			Display Name	Windows Defender
    			Virus Signature Database	Up to date
    		.NET Frameworks installed
    			v4.5 Full
    			v4.5 Client
    			v3.5 SP1
    			v3.0 SP2
    			v2.0 SP2
    		Internet Explorer
    			Version	11.0.9600.18231
    			Version	4.0
    				Java Runtime Environment
    					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_73\bin\java.exe
    					Version	8.0
    					Update	73
    					Build	02
    		Environment Variables
    			USERPROFILE	C:\Users\PeterNauts
    			SystemRoot	C:\WINDOWS
    				User Variables
    					TEMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    					TMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    				Machine Variables
    					ComSpec	C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    					LUXRENDER_ROOT	C:\Program Files\LuxRender
    					OS	Windows_NT
    					Path	C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
    					PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER	Intel64 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
    					PSModulePath	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
    					windir	C:\WINDOWS
    		Power Profile
    			Active power scheme	Hoge prestaties
    			Hibernation	Enabled
    			Turn Off Monitor after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Turn Off Hard Disk after: (On AC Power)	20 min
    			Suspend after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Screen saver	Disabled
    				Current Session
    					Current Time	23-3-2016 06:05:49
    					Current Uptime	52.347 sec (0 d, 14 h, 32 m, 27 s)
    					Last Boot Time	22-3-2016 15:33:22
    			Running	Adobe Acrobat Update Service
    			Running	Adobe Active File Monitor V14
    			Running	Application Information
    			Running	Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 Service
    			Running	Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    			Running	Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
    			Running	Base Filtering Engine
    			Running	Bonjour-service
    			Running	CNG Key Isolation
    			Running	COM+ Event System
    			Running	Computer Browser
    			Running	Credential Manager
    			Running	Cryptographic Services
    			Running	DCOM Server Process Launcher
    			Running	Device Association Service
    			Running	DHCP Client
    			Running	Diagnostic Policy Service
    			Running	Diagnostic Service Host
    			Running	Diagnostics Tracking Service
    			Running	Distributed Link Tracking Client
    			Running	DNS Client
    			Running	Function Discovery Provider Host
    			Running	Function Discovery Resource Publication
    			Running	HomeGroup Listener
    			Running	HomeGroup Provider
    			Running	Human Interface Device Service
    			Running	IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
    			Running	IP Helper
    			Running	IPsec Policy Agent
    			Running	Local Session Manager
    			Running	Multimedia Class Scheduler
    			Running	Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
    			Running	Network Connection Broker
    			Running	Network Connections
    			Running	Network List Service
    			Running	Network Location Awareness
    			Running	Network Store Interface Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Display Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Service
    			Running	Peer Name Resolution Protocol
    			Running	Peer Networking Grouping
    			Running	Peer Networking Identity Manager
    			Running	Plug and Play
    			Running	PMBDeviceInfoProvider
    			Running	postgresql-x64-9.2 - PostgreSQL Server 9.2
    			Running	Power
    			Running	Print Spooler
    			Running	Process Monitor
    			Running	Program Compatibility Assistant Service
    			Running	Realtek Audio Service
    			Running	Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    			Running	RPC Endpoint Mapper
    			Running	Security Accounts Manager
    			Running	Security Center
    			Running	Server
    			Running	Shell Hardware Detection
    			Running	SSDP Discovery
    			Running	Superfetch
    			Running	System Event Notification Service
    			Running	System Events Broker
    			Running	Task Scheduler
    			Running	TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
    			Running	Themes
    			Running	Time Broker
    			Running	User Profile Service
    			Running	Windows Audio
    			Running	Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
    			Running	Windows Connection Manager
    			Running	Windows Defender Network Inspection Service
    			Running	Windows Defender Service
    			Running	Windows Event Log
    			Running	Windows Firewall
    			Running	Windows Font Cache Service
    			Running	Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
    			Running	Windows Management Instrumentation
    			Running	WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
    			Running	Workstation
    			Stopped	ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
    			Stopped	Adobe Flash Player Update Service
    			Stopped	App Readiness
    			Stopped	Application Experience
    			Stopped	Application Identity
    			Stopped	Application Layer Gateway Service
    			Stopped	Application Management
    			Stopped	AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
    			Stopped	BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
    			Stopped	Block Level Backup Engine Service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Hands-free-service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Support Service
    			Stopped	BranchCache
    			Stopped	Certificate Propagation
    			Stopped	COM+ System Application
    			Stopped	Defragmentation-Service
    			Stopped	Device Install Service
    			Stopped	Device Setup Manager
    			Stopped	Diagnostic System Host
    			Stopped	Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Encrypting File System (EFS)
    			Stopped	Extensible Authentication Protocol
    			Stopped	Family Safety
    			Stopped	Fax
    			Stopped	File History Service
    			Stopped	Group Policy Client
    			Stopped	Health Key and Certificate Management
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Gastservice-interface
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
    			Stopped	Interactive Services Detection
    			Stopped	Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
    			Stopped	Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service
    			Stopped	KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
    			Stopped	Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
    			Stopped	Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
    			Stopped	Microsoft Keyboard Filter
    			Stopped	Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
    			Stopped	Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
    			Stopped	Mozilla Maintenance Service
    			Stopped	Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Netlogon
    			Stopped	Network Access Protection Agent
    			Stopped	Network Connectivity Assistant
    			Stopped	Offline Files
    			Stopped	Optimize drives
    			Stopped	Performance Counter DLL Host
    			Stopped	Performance Logs & Alerts
    			Stopped	PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
    			Stopped	Portable Device Enumerator Service
    			Stopped	Printer Extensions and Notifications
    			Stopped	Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
    			Stopped	Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
    			Stopped	Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Access Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Configuration
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector
    			Stopped	Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
    			Stopped	Remote Registry
    			Stopped	Routing and Remote Access
    			Stopped	Secondary Logon
    			Stopped	Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
    			Stopped	Sensor Monitoring Service
    			Stopped	Skype Updater
    			Stopped	Smart Card
    			Stopped	Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
    			Stopped	Smart Card Removal Policy
    			Stopped	SNMP Trap
    			Stopped	Software Protection
    			Stopped	Sony PC Companion
    			Stopped	Spot Verifier
    			Stopped	Still Image Acquisition Events
    			Stopped	Storage Service
    			Stopped	Telephony
    			Stopped	Thread Ordering Server
    			Stopped	Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
    			Stopped	UPnP Device Host
    			Stopped	Virtual Disk
    			Stopped	Volume Shadow Copy
    			Stopped	WebClient
    			Stopped	Windows Biometric Service
    			Stopped	Windows Color System
    			Stopped	Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
    			Stopped	Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
    			Stopped	Windows Encryption Provider Host Service
    			Stopped	Windows Error Reporting Service
    			Stopped	Windows Event Collector
    			Stopped	Windows Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Location Framework Service
    			Stopped	Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Windows Modules Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache
    			Stopped	Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    			Stopped	Windows Search
    			Stopped	Windows Store Service (WSService)
    			Stopped	Windows Time
    			Stopped	Windows Update
    			Stopped	Wired AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WLAN AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WMI Performance Adapter
    			Stopped	Work Folders
    			Stopped	WWAN AutoConfig
    			TimeZone	GMT +1:00 Hours
    			Language	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Location	Nederland
    			Format	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Currency	€
    			Date Format	d-M-yyyy
    			Time Format	HH:mm:ss
    			23-3-2016 06:31;	Adobe Flash Player Updater
    			23-3-2016 23:40;	CCleanerClean
    			24-3-2016 02:00;	AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Peter-PeterNauts
    			Adobe Acrobat Update Task
    			Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-2807548272-2206894790-4006324073-1001

    Daz Studio 4.9 Pro Log file 23-03-2016:

    		Operating System
    			Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    			Intel Pentium D 930
    			Presler 65nm Technology
    			4,00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 265MHz (4-4-4-12)
    			Hewlett-Packard 09F8h (XU1 PROCESSOR)	63 °C
    			ADI M700 (1280x1024@60Hz)
    			1024MB NVIDIA GeForce 210 (Point of View)	60 °C
    			232GB Western Digital WDC WD2500JS-60MHB1 ATA Device (SATA)	33 °C
    			1863GB Packard Bell Carbon USB Device (USB)
    		Optical Drives
    			PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-216D ATA Device
    			Realtek High Definition Audio
    Operating System
    	Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
    	Computer type: Low Profile Desktop
    	Installation Date: 31-12-2015 19:00:23
    	Serial Number: 
    		Windows Security Center
    			User Account Control (UAC)	Enabled
    			Notify level	0 - Never Notify
    			Firewall	Enabled
    		Windows Update
    			AutoUpdate	Download Automatically and Install at Set Scheduled time
    			Schedule Frequency	Every Day
    			Schedule Time
    		Windows Defender
    			Windows Defender	Enabled
    			Antivirus	Enabled
    			Display Name	Windows Defender
    			Virus Signature Database	Up to date
    		.NET Frameworks installed
    			v4.5 Full
    			v4.5 Client
    			v3.5 SP1
    			v3.0 SP2
    			v2.0 SP2
    		Internet Explorer
    			Version	11.0.9600.18231
    			Version	4.0
    				Java Runtime Environment
    					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_73\bin\java.exe
    					Version	8.0
    					Update	73
    					Build	02
    		Environment Variables
    			USERPROFILE	C:\Users\PeterNauts
    			SystemRoot	C:\WINDOWS
    				User Variables
    					TEMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    					TMP	C:\Users\PeterNauts\AppData\Local\Temp
    				Machine Variables
    					ComSpec	C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    					LUXRENDER_ROOT	C:\Program Files\LuxRender
    					OS	Windows_NT
    					Path	C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\
    					C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
    					PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER	Intel64 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
    					PSModulePath	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
    					windir	C:\WINDOWS
    		Power Profile
    			Active power scheme	Hoge prestaties
    			Hibernation	Enabled
    			Turn Off Monitor after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Turn Off Hard Disk after: (On AC Power)	20 min
    			Suspend after: (On AC Power)	Never
    			Screen saver	Disabled
    				Current Session
    					Current Time	23-3-2016 06:05:49
    					Current Uptime	52.347 sec (0 d, 14 h, 32 m, 27 s)
    					Last Boot Time	22-3-2016 15:33:22
    			Running	Adobe Acrobat Update Service
    			Running	Adobe Active File Monitor V14
    			Running	Application Information
    			Running	Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 Service
    			Running	Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    			Running	Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
    			Running	Base Filtering Engine
    			Running	Bonjour-service
    			Running	CNG Key Isolation
    			Running	COM+ Event System
    			Running	Computer Browser
    			Running	Credential Manager
    			Running	Cryptographic Services
    			Running	DCOM Server Process Launcher
    			Running	Device Association Service
    			Running	DHCP Client
    			Running	Diagnostic Policy Service
    			Running	Diagnostic Service Host
    			Running	Diagnostics Tracking Service
    			Running	Distributed Link Tracking Client
    			Running	DNS Client
    			Running	Function Discovery Provider Host
    			Running	Function Discovery Resource Publication
    			Running	HomeGroup Listener
    			Running	HomeGroup Provider
    			Running	Human Interface Device Service
    			Running	IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
    			Running	IP Helper
    			Running	IPsec Policy Agent
    			Running	Local Session Manager
    			Running	Multimedia Class Scheduler
    			Running	Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
    			Running	Network Connection Broker
    			Running	Network Connections
    			Running	Network List Service
    			Running	Network Location Awareness
    			Running	Network Store Interface Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Display Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Network Service
    			Running	NVIDIA Streamer Service
    			Running	Peer Name Resolution Protocol
    			Running	Peer Networking Grouping
    			Running	Peer Networking Identity Manager
    			Running	Plug and Play
    			Running	PMBDeviceInfoProvider
    			Running	postgresql-x64-9.2 - PostgreSQL Server 9.2
    			Running	Power
    			Running	Print Spooler
    			Running	Process Monitor
    			Running	Program Compatibility Assistant Service
    			Running	Realtek Audio Service
    			Running	Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    			Running	RPC Endpoint Mapper
    			Running	Security Accounts Manager
    			Running	Security Center
    			Running	Server
    			Running	Shell Hardware Detection
    			Running	SSDP Discovery
    			Running	Superfetch
    			Running	System Event Notification Service
    			Running	System Events Broker
    			Running	Task Scheduler
    			Running	TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
    			Running	Themes
    			Running	Time Broker
    			Running	User Profile Service
    			Running	Windows Audio
    			Running	Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
    			Running	Windows Connection Manager
    			Running	Windows Defender Network Inspection Service
    			Running	Windows Defender Service
    			Running	Windows Event Log
    			Running	Windows Firewall
    			Running	Windows Font Cache Service
    			Running	Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
    			Running	Windows Management Instrumentation
    			Running	WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
    			Running	Workstation
    			Stopped	ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
    			Stopped	Adobe Flash Player Update Service
    			Stopped	App Readiness
    			Stopped	Application Experience
    			Stopped	Application Identity
    			Stopped	Application Layer Gateway Service
    			Stopped	Application Management
    			Stopped	AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
    			Stopped	BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
    			Stopped	Block Level Backup Engine Service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Hands-free-service
    			Stopped	Bluetooth Support Service
    			Stopped	BranchCache
    			Stopped	Certificate Propagation
    			Stopped	COM+ System Application
    			Stopped	Defragmentation-Service
    			Stopped	Device Install Service
    			Stopped	Device Setup Manager
    			Stopped	Diagnostic System Host
    			Stopped	Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Encrypting File System (EFS)
    			Stopped	Extensible Authentication Protocol
    			Stopped	Family Safety
    			Stopped	Fax
    			Stopped	File History Service
    			Stopped	Group Policy Client
    			Stopped	Health Key and Certificate Management
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Gastservice-interface
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
    			Stopped	Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
    			Stopped	Interactive Services Detection
    			Stopped	Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
    			Stopped	Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service
    			Stopped	KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    			Stopped	Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
    			Stopped	Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
    			Stopped	Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
    			Stopped	Microsoft Keyboard Filter
    			Stopped	Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
    			Stopped	Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
    			Stopped	Mozilla Maintenance Service
    			Stopped	Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Netlogon
    			Stopped	Network Access Protection Agent
    			Stopped	Network Connectivity Assistant
    			Stopped	Offline Files
    			Stopped	Optimize drives
    			Stopped	Performance Counter DLL Host
    			Stopped	Performance Logs & Alerts
    			Stopped	PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
    			Stopped	Portable Device Enumerator Service
    			Stopped	Printer Extensions and Notifications
    			Stopped	Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
    			Stopped	Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
    			Stopped	Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Access Connection Manager
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Configuration
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services
    			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector
    			Stopped	Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
    			Stopped	Remote Registry
    			Stopped	Routing and Remote Access
    			Stopped	Secondary Logon
    			Stopped	Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
    			Stopped	Sensor Monitoring Service
    			Stopped	Skype Updater
    			Stopped	Smart Card
    			Stopped	Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
    			Stopped	Smart Card Removal Policy
    			Stopped	SNMP Trap
    			Stopped	Software Protection
    			Stopped	Sony PC Companion
    			Stopped	Spot Verifier
    			Stopped	Still Image Acquisition Events
    			Stopped	Storage Service
    			Stopped	Telephony
    			Stopped	Thread Ordering Server
    			Stopped	Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
    			Stopped	UPnP Device Host
    			Stopped	Virtual Disk
    			Stopped	Volume Shadow Copy
    			Stopped	WebClient
    			Stopped	Windows Biometric Service
    			Stopped	Windows Color System
    			Stopped	Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
    			Stopped	Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
    			Stopped	Windows Encryption Provider Host Service
    			Stopped	Windows Error Reporting Service
    			Stopped	Windows Event Collector
    			Stopped	Windows Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Location Framework Service
    			Stopped	Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
    			Stopped	Windows Modules Installer
    			Stopped	Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache
    			Stopped	Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    			Stopped	Windows Search
    			Stopped	Windows Store Service (WSService)
    			Stopped	Windows Time
    			Stopped	Windows Update
    			Stopped	Wired AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WLAN AutoConfig
    			Stopped	WMI Performance Adapter
    			Stopped	Work Folders
    			Stopped	WWAN AutoConfig
    			TimeZone	GMT +1:00 Hours
    			Language	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Location	Nederland
    			Format	Nederlands (Nederland)
    			Currency	€
    			Date Format	d-M-yyyy
    			Time Format	HH:mm:ss
    			23-3-2016 06:31;	Adobe Flash Player Updater
    			23-3-2016 23:40;	CCleanerClean
    			24-3-2016 02:00;	AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Peter-PeterNauts
    			Adobe Acrobat Update Task
    			Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-2807548272-2206894790-4006324073-1001



    1280 x 1024 - 204K
    1280 x 1024 - 214K
    1280 x 1024 - 208K
    1280 x 1024 - 191K
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I remember, the erroer message,, Now I checked old support ticket,,

     when I ask it support,, I was suggested  to shut down DS , then Un-install,,  Re-install Postgre  CMS by DIM.

    but  It could not solve my problem,, ,, after all,, as for me,,  I needed reset DB again.. ( I had alraedy reset DB once ,about category problem of ds 4.9 )

    then suddenly ds work correctly.  (after all,,  I can not detect what actually needed to solve the problem. indecision and what cause problem,

    I felt,, migration step for ds 4.9  failed ,then DB corrupted,, )

    but anyway ,, try un-install postgre sql then re-install postgre spl again.  if it not work well, I suggest reset DB,,

    Of course,, you may better,, export your user_data.dsx  and keep  buck up DB, in temp directory)



  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    All of a sudden I cannot connect to CMS!After restarting Daz 4.9 Pro the 'start CMS' and 'stop CMS' options are even greyed oiut.  I reinstalled everything via DIM but still not possible , resource error. Tried starting CMS , still nothing happens. Firewall automatically prompted me to permit Daz as an exception rule , added Daz , but no CMS connection possible.
    I changed nothing in the CONTENT DIRECTORY MANAGER. All of a sudden after start up , some 'updates(?) occured (little orange progress bar showed up at the bottom of Daz) and 'poof' all gone , no CMS possible. I read the same happened in the forums and some came up with deleting temp here and that , adding a script here and so etc. etc.
    I will not go that far and deep , it worked perfectly untill  3 days ago, so something changed either from my site (I really cannot guess what) or something went wrong in Daz 4.9 Pro.
    I attached some files , maybe thay can shine a light on anything.

    I would suggest to close Daz Studio, wait about 15 seconds, open DIM and uninstall and reinstall the postgres package. After that shut down DIM, wait another 15 seconds and open Daz Studio, if that doesn't fix it open a ticket with support and they will be able to get you through it.

  • SyphonapteraSyphonaptera Posts: 190
    edited March 2016

    I remember, the erroer message,, Now I checked old support ticket,,

     when I ask it support,, I was suggested  to shut down DS , then Un-install,,  Re-install Postgre  CMS by DIM.

    but  It could not solve my problem,, ,, after all,, as for me,,  I needed reset DB again.. ( I had alraedy reset DB once ,about category problem of ds 4.9 )

    then suddenly ds work correctly.  (after all,,  I can not detect what actually needed to solve the problem. indecision and what cause problem,

    I felt,, migration step for ds 4.9  failed ,then DB corrupted,, )

    but anyway ,, try un-install postgre sql then re-install postgre spl again.  if it not work well, I suggest reset DB,,

    Of course,, you may better,, export your user_data.dsx  and keep  buck up DB, in temp directory)




    I already uninstalled and reinstalled PostgreSQL CMS ,any times via DIM. Also DB maintenance.....all variety's. No result.
    I really do not know anything about exporting user data, after this is done , how to import the file again?

    After checking the installed files in DIM I noticed that the 'PostgreSQL CMS From Valentina CMS Conversion' was installed. Strangest thing is is that it is about 830 bytes in size but after installing it has 0 byets(!???) and NO install folder(??) See attachements.

    After reinstalling PostgreSQL CMS the option to start/stop CMS was no more greyed out but really nothing happens  Can someone check the install directory management (attachement included) if the paths are OK?

    I really am lost here. Only thing I can guess is that the PostgreSQL CMS and/or   PostgreSQL CMS From Valentina CMS Conversion  are either installed in the wrong path (this is strange because I did not alter this , this always was done by DIM itself) or 'corrupt/broken/defect. I cannot download and install other PostgreSQL CMS and/or   PostgreSQL CMS From Valentina CMS Conversion because DIM just provides these files.

    ps, cannot upload some screen prints just because this site malfunctions appearantly   , I am staring at 'uploading'  for already 15 minutes but still the other files are not uploaded , what a crap. :(

    1280 x 1024 - 438K
    1280 x 1024 - 134K
    Post edited by Syphonaptera on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited March 2016

    Please don't post the same question in multiple threads, it just leads to unnecessary duplication of effort. I have now split the posts from the main DS thread and merged them with this one.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Roboman28Roboman28 Posts: 210

    Yes but this problem has not been solved in any of the multiple threads. If there is a solution please provide link. A new hobby of mine is to search through the forums hoping for some inspiration on how to solve this problem. Without our content managers we cant really go on to use DS 4.9.

  • Roboman28 said:

    Yes but this problem has not been solved in any of the multiple threads. If there is a solution please provide link. A new hobby of mine is to search through the forums hoping for some inspiration on how to solve this problem. Without our content managers we cant really go on to use DS 4.9.


    I opened a ticket at support.  If any news , I'll come back here, OK?

  • DAZ_Rawb said:

    All of a sudden I cannot connect to CMS!After restarting Daz 4.9 Pro the 'start CMS' and 'stop CMS' options are even greyed oiut.  I reinstalled everything via DIM but still not possible , resource error. Tried starting CMS , still nothing happens. Firewall automatically prompted me to permit Daz as an exception rule , added Daz , but no CMS connection possible.
    I changed nothing in the CONTENT DIRECTORY MANAGER. All of a sudden after start up , some 'updates(?) occured (little orange progress bar showed up at the bottom of Daz) and 'poof' all gone , no CMS possible. I read the same happened in the forums and some came up with deleting temp here and that , adding a script here and so etc. etc.
    I will not go that far and deep , it worked perfectly untill  3 days ago, so something changed either from my site (I really cannot guess what) or something went wrong in Daz 4.9 Pro.
    I attached some files , maybe thay can shine a light on anything.

    I would suggest to close Daz Studio, wait about 15 seconds, open DIM and uninstall and reinstall the postgres package. After that shut down DIM, wait another 15 seconds and open Daz Studio, if that doesn't fix it open a ticket with support and they will be able to get you through it.

    Sorry, did not work  :(

  • Roboman28Roboman28 Posts: 210

    I've put in a support ticket now but not hopeful of any fast response as been bouncing around the forums now for a few months. Dont usually bother with support tickets. Used to. Nothing happens. Then after a month they identify that your ticket has the same topic as another submitted so they close yours (but don't solve it). Submitted about 5 tickets in my time but never ever got a useful response. People in the forums far more helpful. Usually get a solution there and much faster.

  • RuthvenRuthven Posts: 659

    It worked for me (on a Macintosh) uninstaling the PostGre CMS by DIM, then downloading the manual installer and installing it again from that. In the CMS control panel in the preferences panel try cheching if the "cluster directory" path is set up correctly to the CMS directory (not sure if it's important, actually)

  • SyphonapteraSyphonaptera Posts: 190
    edited March 2016
    Ruthven said:

    It worked for me (on a Macintosh) uninstaling the PostGre CMS by DIM, then downloading the manual installer and installing it again from that. In the CMS control panel in the preferences panel try cheching if the "cluster directory" path is set up correctly to the CMS directory (not sure if it's important, actually)

    Ok guys, I have a tech ticket and all offered did not help a bit.....
    Tech pointed out my 'error'  and suggested a few handlings, the most important one did not solve the problem (I was certain this was not the solution and I was right)

    The Valentia conversion package is most likely what was causing your issue. That package is only for users who are still using the old database and cannot use PostgreSQL. Please leave that package uninstalled.
    My action ; deleted the The Valentia conversion package via DIM and some installed content was visible again.

    Suggestion 2:
    As you your content showing up as available. Daz studio is checking you default file paths and since you have content installed in custom directories Daz doesn't see the content and lets lists the products available to download.
    My action; I configured DIM management exactly as support asked me to. But still the majority of my installed via DIM content was not recognized as content by Daz 4.9 and therefor needs still to be downloaded via Daz connect.

    Now what you can do is remove your custom directories and install everything via the Daz Connect or install everything via the install manager but install to the default file path only.
    My action : . I want their  'cloud' or my DAZ 4.9 to recognize what I installed via DIM so it adds these as my installed and available to use prods. I don't want to use that 'connect' 'cloud based' nonsense.

    I am waiting for their reply .

    Post edited by Syphonaptera on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    The Valentina to PostgreSQL does its stuff when it installs, so if it was installaed any damage was done and over. Uninstalling will have no effect.

    Rob has posted a couple of scripts (which you can download and run directly) for matching the paths in DIM to DS and vice versa:

    They may help with bad pathing-related issues.

  • Ruthven said:

    It worked for me (on a Macintosh) uninstaling the PostGre CMS by DIM, then downloading the manual installer and installing it again from that. In the CMS control panel in the preferences panel try cheching if the "cluster directory" path is set up correctly to the CMS directory (not sure if it's important, actually)

    Ok guys, I have a tech ticket and all offered did not help a bit.....
    Tech pointed out my 'error'  and suggested a few handlings, the most important one did not solve the problem (I was certain this was not the solution and I was right)

    The Valentia conversion package is most likely what was causing your issue. That package is only for users who are still using the old database and cannot use PostgreSQL. Please leave that package uninstalled.
    My action ; deleted the The Valentia conversion package via DIM and some installed content was visible again.

    Suggestion 2:
    As you your content showing up as available. Daz studio is checking you default file paths and since you have content installed in custom directories Daz doesn't see the content and lets lists the products available to download.
    My action; I configured DIM management exactly as support asked me to. But still the majority of my installed via DIM content was not recognized as content by Daz 4.9 and therefor needs still to be downloaded via Daz connect.

    Now what you can do is remove your custom directories and install everything via the Daz Connect or install everything via the install manager but install to the default file path only.
    My action : . I want their  'cloud' or my DAZ 4.9 to recognize what I installed via DIM so it adds these as my installed and available to use prods. I don't want to use that 'connect' 'cloud based' nonsense.

    I am waiting for their reply .

    I got the reply and Daz still does not undertsand anything or pretend they do not.

    Their claim:
    The greyed out "Available" products you are seeing are what Daz Studio sees as installed via Install Manager, but it wants to update the products via the Connect system. You do not need to do this if you do not want to. You will still receive updates via the Install Manager.

    My thoughts: NONSENSE , ...those are NOT UPDATES, they are full installs and I can use these products only after installing them through Daz connect EVEN if the same prods were al;ready installed via DIM. . I am repeating myself over and over here and at tech support but I cannot help this.

    I shall find out how and where to address an complaint and I'll try to find a way back to use 4.7 or 4.8 . I HATE that Daz 4.9 Pro online cloudbased connect ecryption idioticy

    It  is ridiculous.


  • 8 Gig extra waisted on my C-drive on double installed DAZ products!

  • The Valentina to PostgreSQL does its stuff when it installs, so if it was installaed any damage was done and over. Uninstalling will have no effect.

    Rob has posted a couple of scripts (which you can download and run directly) for matching the paths in DIM to DS and vice versa:

    They may help with bad pathing-related issues.

    Wow, I really don't know anything on 'scripts and where or how to use them . What must be done with these? If it gets me to use ALL my DIM installed products without having to download and install 300 already installed products again I will give it a try.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Download the script - there's a link just above the source code - and then run it by dragging it into the viewport of a running copy of Daz Studio or via File>Merge. If you want DS to sue the directories from DIM the script you want is

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    Their claim:

    The greyed out "Available" products you are seeing are what Daz Studio sees as installed via Install Manager, but it wants to update the products via the Connect system. You do not need to do this if you do not want to. You will still receive updates via the Install Manager.

    The greyed out items are not installed - items installed by DIM will have coloured thumbnails with the Connect icon at top-right. Scroll down from the link to the DAZ Connect heading to see the possible states for thumbnails

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    I've had at least one insance where a DIM-nstalled product was greyed out and inaccesable from either smart content or the content library. My fix was to go into CMS Maintenance and re-import metadata. I only checked the products that were causing me trouble; after the re-mport they worked just fine.

  • Their claim:

    The greyed out "Available" products you are seeing are what Daz Studio sees as installed via Install Manager, but it wants to update the products via the Connect system. You do not need to do this if you do not want to. You will still receive updates via the Install Manager.

    The greyed out items are not installed - items installed by DIM will have coloured thumbnails with the Connect icon at top-right. Scroll down from the link to the DAZ Connect heading to see the possible states for thumbnails

     they are full installs and I can use these products ONLY after installing them through Daz connect EVEN if the same prods were already installed via DIM!!

  • Download the script - there's a link just above the source code - and then run it by dragging it into the viewport of a running copy of Daz Studio or via File>Merge. If you want DS to sue the directories from DIM the script you want is

    I'll give it a try. Thnks .

  • namffuak said:

    I've had at least one insance where a DIM-nstalled product was greyed out and inaccesable from either smart content or the content library. My fix was to go into CMS Maintenance and re-import metadata. I only checked the products that were causing me trouble; after the re-mport they worked just fine.

    Been there. done that many times  but no result. 300  DIM installed products need to be installed AGAIN  through Daz connect or else I cannot work with these.   :(

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    Their claim:

    The greyed out "Available" products you are seeing are what Daz Studio sees as installed via Install Manager, but it wants to update the products via the Connect system. You do not need to do this if you do not want to. You will still receive updates via the Install Manager.

    The greyed out items are not installed - items installed by DIM will have coloured thumbnails with the Connect icon at top-right. Scroll down from the link to the DAZ Connect heading to see the possible states for thumbnails

     they are full installs and I can use these products ONLY after installing them through Daz connect EVEN if the same prods were already installed via DIM!!

    I should have said "are not installed as far as the Content Management Service can tell".

  • SyphonapteraSyphonaptera Posts: 190
    edited April 2016


    Well , after 2 weeks with tech support still no solution . I set all there is to set in Daz 4.9 Pro as Daz support suggested me but there are still the white thumbnails with exclamation marks with many that even don't show any products after clicking on them and the black and white thumbs that have no prods I can use after clicking on them (yah yah I get it , blah blah Daz 4.9 supposedly  wants to update them but DIM should also update these prods and DIM doesn't ) DAZ forces me to install these updated prods and I cannot use these prods without the 'update" .
    This is the latest suggestion by support;
    'You may need to move your My DAZ 3D Library path to the top of the Poser Formats in the Content Directory Manager. In the Content Library pane, you should be able to see the Kids 4 Toddler under Poser Formats\My DAZ 3D Library\pose\DAZ's The Kids 4\Morph Injections\Toddler.'

    My reply;
    indeed , toddler can be found this way. But that is not a solution , that is an annoying work around that makes me search for my products that also have these annoying white thumbs with exclamation marks (a coloured thumb is easier to work with in my opinion, even after typing the needed prods in the search bar )
    And what about the other 50 or so white thumbnails in the smartpane with a majority that don't have even the products available when I click on these thumbs?
    And what about the black and white thumbs that Daz forces me to install ?
    DIM installed these prods already but does not update them .
    I want all available in the smartcontent pane again , all products that I can use with coloured thumbnails and NO updates via Daz connect. Like it was before, like you at Daz claim Daz 4.9 Pro does.

    Also , most of the white thumbs with exclamation marks have 'Studio CF' in the end and are double! After fooling around with the conetent library view settings ( view as list , view as tree etc.)  I now found out these white exclamation thumbs have the same name with coloured thumbs and when clicking on the coloured the prods are visible. Does  the CF file (Poser/ companion file) have to be visible in DAz 4.9 Pro?

    Does anyone have the same problem? Please help. PS , The last 2 weeks I cannot upload any screen prints here, also that sucks big time.

    Post edited by Syphonaptera on
  • Download the script - there's a link just above the source code - and then run it by dragging it into the viewport of a running copy of Daz Studio or via File>Merge. If you want DS to sue the directories from DIM the script you want is

    I'll give it a try. Thnks .

    Actually nothing changed after doing this  :(

  • ShelLuserShelLuser Posts: 749
    edited April 2016

    Sorry if I'm responding to an older message but yeah... I just wanted to share that I'm having the exact same problem, I know where you're coming from and the eventual cause is a bug in the way the Daz Install Manager ("DIM") handles the way it installs meta data which causes Daz Studio ("DS") to pick up the package as being available but doesn't recognize the installed items. Even though, you guessed correctly, they're already installed. Installing them through Daz Connect ("DC") will basically set you up with a 2nd copy of the same product. The main difference being that it'll be installed in your Daz Connect library instead of the main library (where the main difference between the two is the hierarchy; in Daz Connect every product is installed into its own individual directory instead of sharing 1 main library directory).

    My solution was to force the re-installation of meta data. So right click on the content library tab, use the library maintenance option and re-import metadata. Problem solved. For now ;)

    This issue annoyed me heavily so eventually I opened a support ticket and today I figured out more: it's caused by a bug which is expected to get fixed with release 9.2. Source of my info is here. To quote for the lazy amongst us:

    Installing a product through Install Manager once metadata has been retrieved through Daz Connect can be a little tricky. The current version of Install Manager ( at the time of this post) still installs Vendor Data to the 4.8 tables and the initial launch of 4.9 installs various triggers that serve to migrate newly inserted data to the 4.9 tables, provided certain conditions are met.

    Highly frustrating indeed. I can understand that Daz3D wants to protect their products from copy-abuse and wants to ensure that their users pay for their products and services. I can understand and respect that oh so well. But this is a dangerous road to take because right now their new protection scheme is annoying and frustrating legit users whereas "the others" can enjoy their stuff no questions asked. The whole thing somewhat takes me back to the early C64 days, where at one time you could end up buying games which wouldn't run on your C64 because the protection scheme was incompatible with some 1541 diskdrives. You bought the game and still couldn't play it :)

    Anyway, Daz Connect can be dangerous to rely on. In the last 2 weeks I had some Internet connection issues, so did a lot of my work offline. During that period DS suddenly considered that the configuration of my PC had changed and that I had to re-authenticate before I could use my Daz Connect products again. Of course nothing had changed, maybe apart from the default route (network option) to prevent annoying time-outs in certain internet-based software. But yeah; very reassuring indeed if you don't have access to the Internet right there. And highly annoying because every time I fired up Daz Studio I got reminded about this issue without having an option to keep it quiet. Not too much of a big deal, but annoying if you're preparing to load a larger scene (takes some time), start it, get some coffee and come back only to find DS waiting for you to click ok before actually loading in the file.

    So far all I'm using DC for is the freely available contents and nothing else. I don't buy packages often these days, but if I do I'm relying on DIM anyway, even with the extra hassle of installing it.



    Post edited by ShelLuser on
  • I am not a techie ..but reading through these comments i can see i have similar issues...but my main one is i redirected all of my content onto an external drive as i have no room on my ssd, no where is there a option to have the connect content redirected.

    It has taken up my ssd and now i dont have enough memory to add much in my images.

    I had googled this issue and others had said moving the connect folder would work , i tried that and my content could not be was nightmare. i had to clean out daz completely and reload everything..its rediculous to have content loaded twice . i have over 1700+ products and all thier files to go with..way too much for me to keep having to reload. if anyone can help or explain in very easy instructions how i can move that connect content off my ssd and not lose all the data info.(i did try reloading the meta data it didnt work.)

    thanks to any and all 


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, change "Daz Connect Data" to th new location.

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