Daz Studio Pro BETA - version! Release Candidate 5 (*UPDATED*)



  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    I'm currently not able to access preferences in this build. I get a crash when attempting to launch Preferences with error report:

    DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 Public Build\QtCore4.dll" at 0033:0000000064C14DC0, QObject::parent()

    I don't have this problem with the general release.

    We're already looking into it. Its odd, but reproducable here on at least one machine.


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    So I should go look for that error? And report it?

    Yes, please do.


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    For those of you getting the crash when attempting to launch preferences...

    Even if you do not own ZBrush, install the GoZ Bridge plugin (at least until the next update to the Public Build channel).


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841
    edited June 2016

    The transfer utility doesn't work in this version it deform my cloth into an unknown pose

    It's not reversing the pose - did it do so in the previous build? It's not soemthing I've ever tried, though I recall that translations weren't reversible at one stage (which caused issues making clothes for one of the Daz numbered characters). In fact I am fairly sure it doesn't work - if you want to model high-heels around a posed foot you have to bake the figure rotations, run the Transfer Utility, pose the shoes to reverse the foot pose and bake the rotations again - I would expect the same steps to be needed to model for an A pose.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited June 2016
    rbtwhiz said:

    @Lindsey, @evilded777

    It looks like the DB update failed for both of you, and as a result neither of you have the column in the table that holds the value used to determine whether or not a particular categorization is hidden (which is being interpreted as "yes, hide it"). There should be an error in the log and/or cloudLog that indicates what caused the update to fail.


    @rbtwhiz  Did the beta attempt to insert this new column to the CMS tables? and do I need to reinstall the update again to capture the error message(s) and where would I find a recorded error message(s)?

    Edit: I noticed the "Upgrading CMS" message when Launching as evilded777 did below.  I also have a bunch of other errors that may be unrelated. I'll also submit a service ticket with a fresh log from a launch.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    2016-06-24T00:41:18Z Upgrading database from version: 39
    2016-06-24T00:41:22Z Query (INSERT INTO category_content(content_id, category_id, is_vendor) VALUES (521152,6394,'f'),(521445,6391,'f'),(521381,6390,'f'),(521386,6387,'f'),(520915,6386,'f'),(521063,6390,'f'),(520903,6386,'f'),(521082,6215,'f'),(514157,4613,'f'),(521427,6393,'f'),(521258,6217,'f'),(521191,6394,'f'),(521170,6391,'f'),(521256,6217,'f'),(521495,6394,'f'),(521055,6394,'f'),(521277,6217,'f'),(521227,6402,'f'),(521021,6215,'f'),(521036,6216,'f'),(521349,6391,'f'),(521419,6391,'f'),(521114,6398,'f'),(521415,6404,'f'),(521441,416,'f'),(521378,6392,'f'),(521406,6404,'f'),(521328,6393,'f'),(521255,6394,'f'),(521184,6392,'f'),(521455,6393,'f'),(521264,6217,'f'),(521371,6387,'f'),(521224,6391,'f'),(521504,6393,'f'),(521008,6394,'f'),(521088,6216,'f'),(521334,6404,'f'),(467028,7446,'f'),(521038,6215,'f'),(521446,6390,'f'),(520923,6386,'f'),(521051,6215,'f'),(521031,6216,'f'),(44204,7593,'f'),(49837,7593,'f'),(69891,7593,'f'),(178703,7593,'f'),(612663,7593,'f'),(630704,7593,'f'),(631577,7593,'f'),(631826,7593,'f'),(632140,7593,'f'),(635969,7593,'f'),(521124,6391,'f'),(521230,6393,'f'),(521196,6400,'f'),(521269,6394,'f'),(521066,6215,'f'),(521275,6392,'f'),(521109,6390,'f'),(521187,6393,'f'),(521336,6392,'f'),(521413,6394,'f'),(521095,6398,'f'),(521289,6217,'f'),(521392,6387,'f'),(521397,6404,'f'),(520930,6386,'f'),(521306,6394,'f'),(520895,6386,'f'),(521344,6404,'f'),(521439,6404,'f'),(520934,6386,'f'),(520907,6386,'f'),(467043,7446,'f'),(467066,7446,'f'),(521345,6394,'f'),(521249,6391,'f'),(520986,6394,'f'),(521154,6392,'f'),(520965,6394,'f'),(521179,6400,'f'),(521180,6394,'f'),(520957,6393,'f'),(521281,6393,'f'),(521326,6393,'f'),(521111,6391,'f'),(520997,6390,'f'),(521404,6387,'f'),(521502,6390,'f'),(521160,6393,'f'),(521177,6400,'f'),(521259,6392,'f'),(520995,6391,'f'),(521151,6400,'f'),(521083,6392,'f'),(521252,6217,'f'),(521015,6393,'f'),(521103,6398,'f'),(520979,6394,'f'),(521268,6217,'f'),(521085,6390,'f'),(520963,6393,'f'),(521294,6217,'f'),(520984,6393,'f'),(521409,6404,'f'),(467283,7445,'f'),(521319,6394,'f'),(521005,6392,'f'),(521155,6400,'f'),(521309,6390,'f'),(521168,6392,'f'),(521094,6392,'f'),(520978,6393,'f'),(521424,6404,'f'),(521365,6404,'f'),(521520,6389,'f'),(521387,6404,'f'),(521198,6391,'f'),(520948,6386,'f'),(521394,6404,'f'),(521435,6404,'f'),(521316,6390,'f'),(521523,6389,'f'),(521149,6400,'f'),(521452,6390,'f'),(521172,6390,'f'),(521279,6393,'f'),(520983,6392,'f'),(521035,6394,'f'),(467054,7446,'f'),(520960,6392,'f'),(521068,6393,'f'),(521118,6398,'f'),(521302,6390,'f'),(521171,6400,'f'),(520913,6386,'f'),(521092,6394,'f'),(521140,6393,'f'),(520910,6386,'f'),(521211,6402,'f'),(521303,6393,'f'),(520908,6386,'f'),(521380,6387,'f'),(520931,6386,'f'),(521148,6393,'f'),(521093,6398,'f'),(520955,6390,'f'),(521225,6402,'f'),(521311,6393,'f'),(521166,6394,'f'),(521431,6404,'f'),(521271,6217,'f'),(521444,6392,'f'),(521013,6393,'f'),(521282,6217,'f'),(521237,6402,'f'),(521362,6404,'f'),(521265,6393,'f'),(521189,6393,'f'),(521464,6394,'f'),(520917,6324,'f'),(521428,6404,'f'),(521393,6394,'f'),(521107,6398,'f'),(521396,6394,'f'),(521002,6394,'f'),(521333,6390,'f'),(467324,7445,'f'),(521411,6393,'f'),(521190,6400,'f'),(521412,6404,'f'),(521143,6394,'f'),(520944,6386,'f'),(521244,6393,'f'),(521398,6387,'f'),(521516,6390,'f'),(521457,6394,'f'),(521335,6404,'f'),(521242,6393,'f'),(521020,6392,'f'),(521039,6216,'f'),(521033,6216,'f'),(521479,6394,'f'),(520897,6386,'f'),(521274,6217,'f'),(521162,6393,'f'),(520996,6392,'f'),(521342,6404,'f'),(521403,42,'f'),(434678,399,'f'),(521204,6394,'f'),(521012,6390,'f'),(521026,6393,'f'),(434681,407,'f'),(521508,6394,'f'),(520885,6386,'f'),(521363,6404,'f'),(521327,6404,'f'),(521470,6390,'f'),(521058,6392,'f'),(521298,6217,'f'),(521076,6215,'f'),(521139,6392,'f'),(521188,6400,'f'),(521131,6394,'f'),(521044,6216,'f'),(521101,6398,'f'),(521169,6400,'f'),(521022,6390,'f'),(521219,6394,'f'),(521104,6394,'f'),(521138,6391,'f'),(521290,6392,'f'),(521347,6392,'f'),(520977,6393,'f'),(521401,6387,'f'),(521468,6392,'f'),(521324,6391,'f'),(520982,6391,'f'),(521019,6215,'f'),(520884,6386,'f'),(521288,6390,'f'),(521405,6390,'f'),(520962,6391,'f'),(521091,6398,'f'),(521425,6393,'f'),(467058,7446,'f'),(521004,6390,'f'),(467032,7446,'f'),(521069,6215,'f'),(521202,6394,'f'),(521047,6216,'f'),(467070,7446,'f'),(521367,400,'f'),(521081,6216,'f'),(520970,6393,'f'),(521458,6390,'f'),(521250,6390,'f'),(521156,6391,'f'),(521025,6216,'f'),(521474,6393,'f'),(521074,6394,'f'),(521453,6391,'f'),(521246,6394,'f'),(521339,402,'f'),(467310,7445,'f'),(521450,6394,'f'),(467017,7446,'f'),(521448,6393,'f'),(520886,6386,'f'),(520889,6386,'f'),(521512,6391,'f'),(520878,6386,'f'),(467233,7445,'f'),(521338,6391,'f'),(521388,6393,'f'),(520926,6386,'f'),(521283,6394,'f'),(521276,6391,'f'),(520988,6391,'f'),(521238,6391,'f'),(521442,6394,'f'),(520973,6394,'f'),(521053,6216,'f'),(521001,6394,'f'),(521236,6402,'f'),(521125,6398,'f'),(520891,6386,'f'),(520893,6386,'f'),(520894,6386,'f'),(521262,6217,'f'),(521451,6392,'f'),(521287,6217,'f'),(521217,6394,'f'),(521100,6393,'f'),(520946,6386,'f'),(521477,6393,'f'),(521395,6387,'f'),(520947,6386,'f'),(521518,6389,'f'),(521297,6394,'f'),(467172,7445,'f'),(521483,6390,'f'),(521272,6217,'f'),(521525,6389,'f'),(520976,6391,'f'),(521041,6216,'f'),(521158,6390,'f'),(521003,6391,'f'),(521426,6404,'f'),(514155,4613,'f'),(521373,6404,'f'),(521296,6217,'f'),(521385,6391,'f'),(521173,6400,'f'),(520896,6386,'f'),(521027,6215,'f'),(521370,6404,'f'),(521046,6393,'f'),(520971,6393,'f'),(521220,6402,'f'),(44189,7593,'f'),(49814,7593,'f'),(69881,7593,'f'),(178700,7593,'f'),(612660,7593,'f'),(630701,7593,'f'),(631574,7593,'f'),(631819,7593,'f'),(632137,7593,'f'),(635968,7593,'f'),(520881,6386,'f'),(520967,6392,'f'),(467007,7446,'f'),(521205,6402,'f'),(520936,6386,'f'),(521456,6394,'f'),(520945,6386,'f'),(521315,6392,'f'),(521050,6216,'f'),(467013,7446,'f'),(520898,6386,'f'),(521514,6392,'f'),(521175,6400,'f'),(467074,7446,'f'),(521402,6392,'f'),(467166,7445,'f'),(521472,6391,'f'),(521102,6393,'f'),(521135,6398,'f'),(521332,6394,'f'),(467222,7445,'f'),(521487,6392,'f'),(521400,6404,'f'),(521144,6392,'f'),(520969,6390,'f'),(520999,6393,'f'),(520949,6393,'f'),(520888,6386,'f'),(521374,6394,'f'),(520994,6394,'f'),(467024,7446,'f'),(521147,6393,'f'),(521222,6402,'f'),(521434,6390,'f'),(520911,6386,'f'),(521178,6394,'f'),(521292,6217,'f'),(521141,6393,'f'),(521510,6394,'f'),(520968,6391,'f'),(521325,6404,'f'),(520956,6393,'f'),(521126,6390,'f'),(521105,6398,'f'),(521176,6393,'f'),(521437,6404,'f'),(467005,7446,'f'),(521375,6387,'f'),(520880,6386,'f'),(521270,6394,'f'),(521199,6393,'f'),(521462,6393,'f'),(520985,6393,'f'),(521233,6402,'f'),(521343,6394,'f'),(520882,6386,'f'),(521372,6394,'f'),(521215,6393,'f'),(521110,6398,'f'),(520890,6386,'f'),(520980,6394,'f'),(520939,6386,'f'),(521377,6387,'f'),(521408,6393,'f'),(521018,6394,'f'),(520932,6386,'f'),(520998,6215,'f'),(521054,6215,'f'),(521499,6392,'f'),(521065,6215,'f'),(521221,6390,'f'),(521466,6394,'f'),(521132,6398,'f'),(520941,6386,'f'),(521536,87,'f'),(521368,6393,'f'),(521245,6402,'f'),(521293,6393,'f'),(521376,6404,'f'),(520902,6386,'f'),(521048,6215,'f'),(521323,6404,'f'),(521161,6400,'f'),(520958,6394,'f'),(521382,6404,'f'),(521206,6391,'f'),(521390,6393,'f'),(521420,6404,'f'),(521304,6393,'f'),(521060,6391,'f'),(521024,6391,'f'),(520940,6386,'f'),(521200,6393,'f'),(521121,6398,'f'),(467263,7445,'f'),(520921,6386,'f'),(521017,6215,'f'),(521489,6393,'f'),(521192,6400,'f'),(521280,6217,'f'),(467047,7446,'f'),(521341,6393,'f'),(521352,399,'f'),(521163,6400,'f'),(521491,6393,'f'),(521359,6394,'f'),(521116,6398,'f'),(521080,6391,'f'),(521497,6391,'f'),(521358,6404,'f'),(521301,6392,'f'),(521379,6404,'f'),(521077,6394,'f'),(521059,6216,'f'),(521073,6215,'f'),(521348,6404,'f'),(521243,6402,'f'),(521043,6390,'f'),(520943,6386,'f'),(521460,6391,'f'),(521366,6392,'f'),(467214,7445,'f'),(521322,6392,'f'),(521049,6393,'f'),(521045,6215,'f'),(521098,6391,'f'),(521029,6393,'f'),(521072,6216,'f'),(521120,6394,'f'),(467187,7445,'f'),(520877,6386,'f'),(521493,6394,'f'),(521430,6394,'f'),(520927,6386,'f'),(514161,4613,'f'),(521165,6400,'f'),(521057,6215,'f'),(521090,6394,'f'),(467180,7445,'f'),(521321,6390,'f'),(521481,6394,'f'),(520914,6386,'f'),(520966,6394,'f'),(521248,6392,'f'),(521223,6402,'f'),(521181,6400,'f'),(521436,6391,'f'),(520991,6393,'f'),(521438,6393,'f'),(521157,6400,'f'),(467035,7446,'f'),(467050,7446,'f'),(521042,6215,'f'),(520990,6392,'f'),(521318,6393,'f'),(521384,40,'f'),(521129,6393,'f'),(521310,6393,'f'),(520924,6386,'f'),(521174,6393,'f'),(521064,6216,'f'),(520905,6386,'f'),(521218,6402,'f'),(521194,6400,'f'),(521449,6394,'f'),(521240,6392,'f'),(521087,6393,'f'),(521214,6402,'f'),(521056,6216,'f'),(521229,6402,'f'),(521117,6394,'f'),(520992,6393,'f'),(521208,6390,'f'),(520951,6393,'f'),(521011,6391,'f'),(467253,7445,'f'),(521112,6398,'f'),(521079,6215,'f'),(521185,6400,'f'),(521186,6390,'f'),(521432,6392,'f'),(521089,6393,'f'),(521295,6393,'f'),(521317,6393,'f'),(521150,6394,'f'),(521197,6390,'f'),(521461,6393,'f'),(44248,7593,'f'),(49895,7593,'f'),(69917,7593,'f'),(178712,7593,'f'),(612672,7593,'f'),(630713,7593,'f'),(631586,7593,'f'),(631845,7593,'f'),(632149,7593,'f'),(635972,7593,'f'),(521529,6389,'f'),(520904,6386,'f'),(521429,6394,'f'),(521119,6398,'f'),(521142,6394,'f'),(520899,6386,'f'),(521195,6392,'f'),(521113,6393,'f'),(520928,6386,'f'),(467293,7445,'f'),(520989,6390,'f'),(521115,6393,'f'),(521247,6394,'f'),(467021,7446,'f'),(520900,6386,'f'),(521346,6404,'f'),(520925,6386,'f'),(520972,6394,'f'),(521330,6394,'f'),(521329,6404,'f'),(520937,6386,'f'),(521183,6400,'f'),(521263,6390,'f'),(520918,6324,'f'),(521201,6402,'f'),(521213,6402,'f'),(521266,6217,'f'),(521235,6390,'f'),(514153,4613,'f'),(467039,7446,'f'),(520954,6392,'f'),(521028,6216,'f'),(520938,6386,'f'),(521106,6394,'f'),(521440,6393,'f'),(521443,6394,'f'),(467273,7445,'f'),(520961,6390,'f'),(521226,6392,'f'),(467063,7446,'f'),(521123,6398,'f'),(521086,6216,'f'),(521062,6216,'f'),(467195,7445,'f'),(521231,6402,'f'),(521099,6398,'f'),(520942,6386,'f'),(521133,6398,'f'),(517114,2398,'f'),(521241,6402,'f'),(521285,6394,'f'),(520950,6394,'f'),(521350,399,'f'),(521108,6392,'f'),(521010,6392,'f'),(521391,6404,'f'),(521084,6216,'f'),(521399,6391,'f'),(521023,6215,'f'),(521389,6387,'f'),(520920,6386,'f'),(521300,6391,'f'),(521061,6215,'f'),(521000,6393,'f'),(521210,6392,'f'),(521164,6394,'f'),(521422,6404,'f'),(521261,6391,'f'),(520935,6386,'f'),(521075,6216,'f'),(363580,400,'f'),(520987,6394,'f'),(521331,6404,'f'),(520887,6386,'f'),(521340,6393,'f'),(467011,7446,'f'),(521357,6394,'f'),(521351,6390,'f'),(521232,6394,'f'),(521137,6398,'f'),(521159,6400,'f'),(521459,6392,'f'),(521254,6217,'f'),(521286,6391,'f'),(521182,6391,'f'),(521421,6390,'f'),(520912,6386,'f'),(521355,6393,'f'),(521239,6402,'f'),(520879,6386,'f'),(521320,6394,'f'),(520901,6386,'f'),(521305,6394,'f'),(521284,6217,'f'),(521016,6394,'f'),(521146,6390,'f'),(521383,6387,'f'),(521127,6398,'f'),(521360,6404,'f'),(520916,6386,'f'),(520993,6394,'f'),(521071,6393,'f'),(521531,6389,'f'),(521167,6400,'f'),(44219,7593,'f'),(49852,7593,'f'),(69899,7593,'f'),(178706,7593,'f'),(612666,7593,'f'),(630707,7593,'f'),(631580,7593,'f'),(631832,7593,'f'),(632143,7593,'f'),(635970,7593,'f'),(521145,6391,'f'),(521037,6391,'f'),(521009,6394,'f'),(517113,2398,'f'),(521007,6393,'f'),(521307,6392,'f'),(521418,6404,'f'),(521134,6394,'f'),(520952,6394,'f'),(521203,6402,'f'),(521273,6390,'f'),(520919,6386,'f'),(521207,6402,'f'),(521253,6393,'f'),(521260,6217,'f'),(521447,6393,'f'),(521364,6390,'f'),(520975,6390,'f'),(521193,6394,'f'),(521136,6390,'f'),(467009,7446,'f'),(521361,6391,'f'),(520929,6386,'f'),(521032,6394,'f'),(521354,6404,'f'),(521078,6216,'f'),(521122,6392,'f'),(521299,6394,'f'),(520981,6390,'f'),(467158,7445,'f'),(521267,6393,'f'),(521234,6394,'f'),(521014,6215,'f'),(521314,6391,'f'),(521212,6393,'f'),(521067,6216,'f'),(521369,6393,'f'),(521096,6390,'f'),(521416,6394,'f'),(521291,6217,'f'),(521454,6393,'f'),(521040,6392,'f'),(520906,6386,'f'),(521228,6393,'f'),(467205,7445,'f'),(467243,7445,'f'),(521278,6217,'f'),(521034,6215,'f'),(521251,6393,'f'),(521312,6394,'f'),(521209,6402,'f'),(521356,6404,'f'),(521337,6404,'f'),(521661,87,'f'),(521052,6394,'f'),(520883,6386,'f'),(521533,6389,'f'),(514159,4613,'f'),(521097,6398,'f'),(520933,6386,'f'),(521030,6215,'f'),(521506,6393,'f'),(514163,4613,'f'),(467301,7445,'f'),(521353,6393,'f'),(521257,6394,'f'),(520953,6391,'f'),(520964,6393,'f'),(521128,6393,'f'),(521006,6393,'f'),(520909,6386,'f'),(521130,6398,'f'),(520922,6386,'f'),(521216,6402,'f'),(521527,6389,'f'),(520892,6386,'f'),(44233,7593,'f'),(49881,7593,'f'),(69908,7593,'f'),(178709,7593,'f'),(612669,7593,'f'),(630710,7593,'f'),(631583,7593,'f'),(631839,7593,'f'),(632146,7593,'f'),(635971,7593,'f'),(521313,6394,'f'),(521308,6391,'f'),(520959,6394,'f'),(521485,6391,'f'),(521433,6404,'f'),(521070,6216,'f'),(520974,6392,'f'),(521153,6400,'f'),(521423,6392,'f')) failed with exception: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "category_content_content_id_category_id_key"
    DETAIL:  Key (content_id, category_id)=(521152, 6394) already exists.

    2016-06-24T00:41:22Z Unexpected exception in upgradeDb: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "category_content_content_id_category_id_key"
    DETAIL:  Key (content_id, category_id)=(521152, 6394) already exists.

  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298

    Perfect. Now we've got a track on what is causing the problem; the same relative path (not neccessarily in the same product) being categorized the same by vendor and by user; a categorization already exists by vendor so trying to insert one by user violates the unique constraint and thus the upgrade to fail. This is a complexity introduced by the work to unify user data across all instances of a given relative path, in all products, when a user modifies the data for one instance in one product and our attempts to preserve as much user data as possible when there is a conflict.


  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    rbtwhiz said:

    Perfect. Now we've got a track on what is causing the problem; the same relative path (not neccessarily in the same product) being categorized the same by vendor and by user; a categorization already exists by vendor so trying to insert one by user violates the unique constraint and thus the upgrade to fail. This is a complexity introduced by the work to unify user data across all instances of a given relative path, in all products, when a user modifies the data for one instance in one product and our attempts to preserve as much user data as possible when there is a conflict.


    So what's the next step, Rob?

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    With the introduction of 4.9 and DAZ connect I rebuilt my Daz Content Library with shortcuts, I've been categorizing and recategorizing products for weeks now.  In particular, a complete recategorization of products which support multile genesis generations was needed as DAZ Connects mixes "everyone" into a single installer.  My userdata is over 16 MB.

  • rbtwhiz said:

    For those of you getting the crash when attempting to launch preferences...

    Even if you do not own ZBrush, install the GoZ Bridge plugin (at least until the next update to the Public Build channel).


    Thanks, Rob, that worked.

  • ChatjdChatjd Posts: 152
    edited June 2016

    Not sure where to ask for a "tweak" to the Content Database Editor Asset tab (would that be a support ticket even though not a bug?).  For those of us who are adding products to DS or fixing older Daz Store items that have missing smart content and then Categorizing and setting the compatibilities, there is a frustration when the Artist/Merchant seperate their IRAY and 3Delight Materials or specific material/pose sets into seperate folders but then name the files exactly the same as what is in the other folders (which seems the majority of the products).  When in the CDE, you get what looks like duplicates and you have to go through them one at a time, look at path in the middle of the asset tab and then categorize them as IRAY or 3Delight or in whatever way is needed.  Could a directory field be added in the section where you can sort on the file name, file extension, material, etc., that way you can sort on the directory, easily highlight all of those in the 3Delight or specific folder and update them at once, etc.  I've attached a screen capture of the issue--maybe if it could be done, the file path could be added after the Note column?


    (edit to fix typos)

    Content DB Editor.PNG
    696 x 384 - 125K
    Post edited by Chatjd on
  • Chatjd said:

    Could a directory field be added in the section where you can sort on the file name, file extension, material, etc., that way you can sort on the directory, easily highlight all of those in the 3Delight or specific folder and update them at once, etc.  I've attached a screen capture of the issue--maybe if it could be done, the file path could be added after the Note column?

    That would be extremely handy. I've been creating a lot of Products out of content folders with no metadata and being able to order assets by directory path would have saved me a great deal of time.

    On a separate but somewhat related matter, there is an option when creating a product from a folder, when the product already exists: a dialogue pops up telling you the product already exists and would you like to add the folder contents to the product. When in Poser formats at least, this does nothing if you say Yes. The folder contents are not added to the product. The consequences of this appear to be that you cannot create a product of items in more than one Poser folder, and Poser format products are more often than not in two or more folders.

    Am I right about this, or is there something I'm missing?

  • ChatjdChatjd Posts: 152
    Chatjd said:

    Could a directory field be added in the section where you can sort on the file name, file extension, material, etc., that way you can sort on the directory, easily highlight all of those in the 3Delight or specific folder and update them at once, etc.  I've attached a screen capture of the issue--maybe if it could be done, the file path could be added after the Note column?

    That would be extremely handy. I've been creating a lot of Products out of content folders with no metadata and being able to order assets by directory path would have saved me a great deal of time.

    On a separate but somewhat related matter, there is an option when creating a product from a folder, when the product already exists: a dialogue pops up telling you the product already exists and would you like to add the folder contents to the product. When in Poser formats at least, this does nothing if you say Yes. The folder contents are not added to the product. The consequences of this appear to be that you cannot create a product of items in more than one Poser folder, and Poser format products are more often than not in two or more folders.

    Am I right about this, or is there something I'm missing?

    I would think the ability to sort on the content directory would help significantly for those making metadata for Daz--especially Jen Greenlees who has the huge shader packages she had to recently update.  Being able to sort on the directory would help with the creating of the metadate for the "Shader Sets", Pose sets, etc., being able to put them together more easily.

    I'm not seeing that issue with the adding to an already existing product.  Just tested in Beta  When I selected yes, it added all the new poser assets to an existing product.  Though maybe it is in how you're doing this?  I mapped an updated product download from Rendo that has a poser runtime structure (it contained a Character folder and a Pose folder so multiple directories) in it in the Content Directory Manager and then right-mouse clicked on it and selected Create a Product From...  Entered the name, which was a duplicate of a product that I had already had.  Selected Yes in the dialogue that pops up about the existing product.  Checked the results and all the poser items were added to the Product with the rest of the poser assets already there.


  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited June 2016
    Chatjd said:

    Not sure where to ask for a "tweak" to the Content Database Editor Asset tab (would that be a support ticket even though not a bug?).  For those of us who are adding products to DS or fixing older Daz Store items that have missing smart content and then Categorizing and setting the compatibilities, there is a frustration when the Artist/Merchant seperate their IRAY and 3Delight Materials or specific material/pose sets into seperate folders but then name the files exactly the same as what is in the other folders (which seems the majority of the products).  When in the CDE, you get what looks like duplicates and you have to go through them one at a time, look at path in the middle of the asset tab and then categorize them as IRAY or 3Delight or in whatever way is needed.  Could a directory field be added in the section where you can sort on the file name, file extension, material, etc., that way you can sort on the directory, easily highlight all of those in the 3Delight or specific folder and update them at once, etc.  I've attached a screen capture of the issue--maybe if it could be done, the file path could be added after the Note column?


    (edit to fix typos)

    My suggestion would be to rename the Iray or 3Delight material folder by placing a X in front of the folder name in the DS Content Library, then view the product in the Smart Content tab.  By renaming the folder, those icons will be shown as "missing icons" on the Smart Content tab, what materials are showing are the other folder of materials.  Select each one, then recategorize them to a different category effectively separating them.  If you wish to recategorize the other folder, now that they are all by themselves, you can easily recategorize those also.

    EDIT:  If the 3Delight and Iray icons are categorized properly to separate them, click on the Materials (or Preset/Materials) category in the Smart Content tab, they should be separated.  The Iray presets should be categorized as Iray to separate them.  In the attached sample picture, you see the name names if you are viewing the Materials category, but if you click on the Iray sub-category, the Iray presets are isolated.  The Accessories and Wardrobe categories are 3Delight presets.  If the 3Delight and Iray materials do have the identical category, then go to the Content Library, select the icons in the Iray or 3Delight folder and recategorized one or the other to separate them on the Smart Content tab.

    Another EDIT:  I just realized that it appears you're bringing in the a complete product into the Content DB Editor from a Product view which can be quite confusing.  If you install primarily with DIM where files are placed into the DS Content Library, launch the Content DB Editor from a folder within a product instead.

    Screen Shot 06-28-16 at 02.38 AM.PNG
    693 x 630 - 285K
    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    One last comment.  I don't categorize with the Content DB Editor.  I prefer to select icon/shift select icons in the Content Library folders, right click and select Categorize.. This method to assign categories has a clearer user interface.

  • ChatjdChatjd Posts: 152
    Lindsey said:

    One last comment.  I don't categorize with the Content DB Editor.  I prefer to select icon/shift select icons in the Content Library folders, right click and select Categorize.. This method to assign categories has a clearer user interface.

    Unfortunately, I'm looking at it from a full Product standpoint not just categorizing one folder, etc.  So usually I get the download from Daz (if the metadata is corrupt or not installing), from HW, or fron Rendo (and at one point RDNA), clean up the zip, set it up as a full product in the Content Library with its metadata fixed/created and cleaned up in the Content Database Editor, then more recently use Content Package Assist to create a DIM product from the metadata/zip or copy the fixed Daz product back into the DIM folder and overwriting the corrupt one.  This keeps everything organized going into DS with all of the assets with their correct product.

    Doing it this way, saving the metadata to the Support folder, has saved me endless trouble with database corruption that I was having when I just categorized through the Content Library.  When you have over 11,000 paid products in DS, not including the ~3500 Poser/PCF products waiting in DIM for installation, you can imagine how large the "user data" file would get if I "categorized" instead of went the product route with the metadata actually saved out in their individual files--my .dsx files alone in the support folder are pushing 400mb in size, wouldn't trust an xml file that large--would just take one crash for corruption to kill it.  Can't tell you how many times my database got corrupted, even with the new Daz Content Management System backend, forcing me to restore from my last backup and lost hours/days of work on categorizing.  Now, I can usually see when my database is having problems, just reset it and reimport from the support folder and have everything I did from my last categorization work--not worrying about exporting/importing "user data" as all the information is in the support files.

    Your suggestion, though, has some possibilities.  I need to spend more time with the categorization that way to see whether I can implement it in my workflow after the product creation but still have concerns about data corruption.  Still think, though, that for a complete product CDE solution, that they should have a way to sort on the folder in the actual CDE from the product library vs. categorization.

  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited July 2016

    Daz Studio Pro Public Build has been posted and is now available via Install Manager. Note that the first post has been updated.​


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited July 2016
    Chatjd said:
    EDIT:  If the 3Delight and Iray icons are categorized properly to separate them, click on the Materials (or Preset/Materials) category in the Smart Content tab, they should be separated.  The Iray presets should be categorized as Iray to separate them.  In the attached sample picture, you see the name names if you are viewing the Materials category, but if you click on the Iray sub-category, the Iray presets are isolated.  The Accessories and Wardrobe categories are 3Delight presets.  If the 3Delight and Iray materials do have the identical category, then go to the Content Library, select the icons in the Iray or 3Delight folder and recategorized one or the other to separate them on the Smart Content tab.

    As a suggestion, instead of Seperating them between Iray and 3Delight, Use Preset>Material>MDL for Iray or Preset>Material>RSL for 3Delight. This provides the RSL or MDL tag on the Icon, making them easier to tell apart. 

    Post edited by DAZ_Spooky on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited July 2016
    Lindsey said:
    rbtwhiz said:

    @Lindsey, @evilded777

    It looks like the DB update failed for both of you, and as a result neither of you have the column in the table that holds the value used to determine whether or not a particular categorization is hidden (which is being interpreted as "yes, hide it"). There should be an error in the log and/or cloudLog that indicates what caused the update to fail.


    @rbtwhiz  Did the beta attempt to insert this new column to the CMS tables? and do I need to reinstall the update again to capture the error message(s) and where would I find a recorded error message(s)?

    Edit: I noticed the "Upgrading CMS" message when Launching as evilded777 did below.  I also have a bunch of other errors that may be unrelated. I'll also submit a service ticket with a fresh log from a launch.

    Public Beta has resolved the CMS Upgrade failure issue.  Thanks!

    Edit: It also resolved the CMS database upgrade failure I was seeing in the GA error log.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited July 2016
    Lindsey said:

    The issue in beta (if I recall correctly) where making changes to a file's category isn't applying has come back for me in this beta  I also can't assign a category to a file that doesn't have any. I filed ticket 221579 reporting this.

    Edit 6-24-2014:  I now believe this issue is related to the failure to upgrade the CMS database when launching as the database columns aren't what is expecting.

    Public Beta has resolved this issue. Thanks!

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298


    As expected. Thanks for verifying.


  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2016



    As a suggestion, instead of Seperating them between Iray and 3Delight, Use Preset>Material>MDL for Iray or Preset>Material>RSL for 3Delight. This provides the RSL or MDL tag on the Icon, making them easier to tell apart. 

    For what exactly is the term MDL used in DAZ Studio?

    As far as I was able to piece it together MDL stands for Material Definition Language.



    - - -

    What so far I was not able to figure out is:

    Is the "Iray Uber Shader" based on the MDL material definitons?


    Is the current "Iray Uber Shader" a different shader language that uses other material properties than the ones definined in MDL?

    - - -

    The reason I am asking:

    Otoy announced support for Nvidia’s Material Definition Language (MDL) in the OctaneRender 3 road map:


    IF the Iray Uber Shader would allready be based on MDL then we would be pretty much ready to go.

    The moment Otoy flips the switch to support MDL any DAZ Studio Iray scene would then look the same in OctaneRender without the need for auto conversion...

    - - -

    Wishful thinking or is actually everything ready for MDL on the DAZ Studio side?

    - - -

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    rbtwhiz said:


    As expected. Thanks for verifying.


    Yup, I meant to post last night. Thanks, Rob.


    So... what I did wrong... I think, was to export the metadata I had worked on and reimport it. I was hoping to find a way to provide the metadata to others.

    What is the proper way to provide user created/modified metadata for others to consume, which will not lead to issues with vendor data or cause database confusion?

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100



    As a suggestion, instead of Seperating them between Iray and 3Delight, Use Preset>Material>MDL for Iray or Preset>Material>RSL for 3Delight. This provides the RSL or MDL tag on the Icon, making them easier to tell apart. 

    For what exactly is the term MDL used in DAZ Studio?

    As far as I was able to piece it together MDL stands for Material Definition Language.



    - - -

    What so far I was not able to figure out is:

    Is the "Iray Uber Shader" part of the MDL?


    Is the current "Iray Uber Shader" a different shader language that uses other material properties than the ones definined in MDL?

    - - -

    The reason I am asking:

    Otoy announced support for Nvidia’s Material Definition Language (MDL) in the OctaneRender 3 road map:


    IF the Iray Uber Shader would allready be based on MDL then we would be pretty much ready to go.

    The moment Otoy flips the switch to support MDL any DAZ Studio Iray scene would then look the same in OctaneRender without the need for auto conversion...

    - - -

    The Iray Ubershader is NVIDIA's MDL. (We were the first to implement it and the first to implement a Graphic User interface for it.. ) 


    You aren't limited to Iray shaders in DS that you created by manipulating in the Surface pane from the Iray Uber, or built in Shader Mixer, you can import MDL from other sources into DS.

    I am not going to speculate as to how Otoy is implementing MDL, I don't know. It may or may not be as simple as you describe. 

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2016


    The Iray Ubershader is NVIDIA's MDL. (We were the first to implement it and the first to implement a Graphic User interface for it.. ) 


    You aren't limited to Iray shaders in DS that you created by manipulating in the Surface pane from the Iray Uber, or built in Shader Mixer, you can import MDL from other sources into DS.

    I am not going to speculate as to how Otoy is implementing MDL, I don't know. It may or may not be as simple as you describe. 

    Thank you for the quick reply. That allready sounds very promising.

    It's tempting to speculate further how it could work. But yes, let's just wait and see how Otoy implements MDL support in OR standalone before getting to exceited about all the new possibilites...

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • So... what I did wrong... I think, was to export the metadata I had worked on and reimport it. I was hoping to find a way to provide the metadata to others.

    What is the proper way to provide user created/modified metadata for others to consume, which will not lead to issues with vendor data or cause database confusion?

    I'm not sure it's wise, or even desirable, to provide modified metadata for other people's products to others. Is there really a "market" for this? I would think it would be better to encourage people to modify it themselves. I guess people might be grateful for metadata you have created for 3rd party products from stores that don't provide it (i.e. almost anywhere that isn't DAZ) but I wonder whether anyone would want to go to that trouble.

    As for for your own created products, such as freebies that you want to share, that shouldn't be a problem as there is no prior vendor data to affect. I've never tried it but including the product metadata that you have created, including the product image, is simply a matter of including the relevant files from runtime/support.

    What I'm unsure about is what I would instruct the recipient to do in order to get that support metadata into their databases in the simplest and most undisruptive way. I recently shared by own "Product" with someone but I didn't include the "support" files (i.e. the metadata) because I didn't know what was the best thing to tell them to do to import it.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    @DAZ_Spooky   With Beta, I'm having an issue with removing existing categories.  As an example, the attached picture shows two categories assigned and I want to remove one of them: /Default/Materials/Iray/Skin.  I've tried three methods:

    1. Using the Content DB Editor, delete /Default/Materials/Iray/Skin and click on Accept 
    2. Select the material preset, right click - Categorize and uncheck /Defaults/Materials/Iray/Skin, click on Accept

    3. According to release notes for Beta, if I remove both pre-assigned categories, either using method 1 or 2 above, DS should assign a single category Lost and Found/Natsuko for Aiko 7, then I could reassign to my preferred category.  When I tried to remove both categories using both methods above, both pre-assigned categories remained.

    I had to perform the category removal with GA

    Is the Beta operating as designed, or should I file a problem report.

    Screen Shot 07-06-16 at 02.34 PM.PNG
    709 x 613 - 95K
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    So... what I did wrong... I think, was to export the metadata I had worked on and reimport it. I was hoping to find a way to provide the metadata to others.

    What is the proper way to provide user created/modified metadata for others to consume, which will not lead to issues with vendor data or cause database confusion?

    I'm not sure it's wise, or even desirable, to provide modified metadata for other people's products to others. Is there really a "market" for this? I would think it would be better to encourage people to modify it themselves. I guess people might be grateful for metadata you have created for 3rd party products from stores that don't provide it (i.e. almost anywhere that isn't DAZ) but I wonder whether anyone would want to go to that trouble.

    As for for your own created products, such as freebies that you want to share, that shouldn't be a problem as there is no prior vendor data to affect. I've never tried it but including the product metadata that you have created, including the product image, is simply a matter of including the relevant files from runtime/support.

    What I'm unsure about is what I would instruct the recipient to do in order to get that support metadata into their databases in the simplest and most undisruptive way. I recently shared by own "Product" with someone but I didn't include the "support" files (i.e. the metadata) because I didn't know what was the best thing to tell them to do to import it.

    Rain on a guy's parade, why don't you?

    I constructed working metadata for MOS Invasion and two of its add on products. I thought others mind find it useful. It hurts no one if I make that data available in the proper way for it to be consumed. I don't understand your resistance to the idea from any practical stand point.

  • jtbetheljtbethel Posts: 43
    edited July 2016


    Post edited by jtbethel on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    The Iray Ubershader is NVIDIA's MDL. (We were the first to implement it and the first to implement a Graphic User interface for it.. ) 

    And a very cool implementation I must say, esp after watching some Max and Maya iRay implementation videos the last week (am late to the DS iRay party so playing catch up)

    Definitely sexier language...Metalic flake... nice! laugh


    You aren't limited to Iray shaders in DS that you created by manipulating in the Surface pane from the Iray Uber, or built in Shader Mixer, you can import MDL from other sources into DS.

    This is good to know. Not that I know where to find user made MDL. I hope soon we'll have as many IRay MDLs as Substance Sbsars to play and experiment with!

    Meanwhile I'm already having fun making iRay "fog lumps" in DS haha

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