Art ? Yess, but not here my preciousss... those nasty hobbittsses stole it and replaced it with cra



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,895

    A lot of work went into that final render, and we could tell. SO much fun having you participate in the contest, you and I had some fun laughs as the products got switched on each other. I'll remember that housefly you gave me!  :) 

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited August 2018

    Thanks Sven Dullah/Redfern - glad somebody likes my weird pictures ! 

    Novica said:

    A lot of work went into that final render, and we could tell. SO much fun having you participate in the contest, you and I had some fun laughs as the products got switched on each other. I'll remember that housefly you gave me!  :) 

    Why, thank you ! I was so disappointed that the fly didn't remain with you... wink

    Since I'm here, I might as well include some of my in-game pictures, renders, and miscellaneous stupidity...


    Sharks With Frickin Lasers On Their Heads !

    (from this post)


    Nybras Loves Colouring Things In. Red And Black.

    (from this post)


    "Leap Grasshopper ! Leap !"

    (from this post)


    Princess Rose's fairy godmother Hilda wielding a chainsaw

    (from this post)


    I Should Warn You About My Deaddy Bear...

    (from this post)


    Hilda Likes That !

    (from this post)


    Gamechanger !

    (this post)


    Surprise Backhand Reception

    (from this post)


    Icky Oozy Green Jacuzzi

    (from this post)



    Jeepers, I was a lot busier than I thought doing stupid stuff !

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  • I don't know how I've missed your thread! I love your sense of humor and your entry to the Mischief Contest is epic. Now that I know you are here, I'll be visiting frequently laugh


  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    I don't know how I've missed your thread!...

    Ah, that would be the old SEP reaction* kicking in - you've probably been here before, but your brain chose to ignore it !


    ... I love your sense of humor and your entry to the Mischief Contest is epic. Now that I know you are here, I'll be visiting frequently laugh


    Thank you ! My muse helped me a lot - here's a photo of her that I posted on an old, closed, Hivewire "Feed The Muse" Challenge (not sure if I'm allowed to link... so I will anyway cheeky - . A mod can just delete this bit in italic in brackets if it's not allowed) ...

    Feed The Muse - Eggs !

    I had too many ideas for that one too and resorted to renders-without-pictures:

    Feed The Muse "...By Redirecting All Sensory Input"

    A lakeside with five side-by-side jetties (I picture ramshackle wooden ones - I'd have used Ravyn's "Bridge To Willow Deep" from CP) at the (wet) end of jetty 1 is a nose on a pole, jetty 2 has an eye, jetty 3 an ear, jetty 4 a tongue, and jetty 5 a hand. There's a short path connecting the jetties, and this leads a short distance to a huge brain. However, sitting in the middle of this path is a huge ugly monster (Sixus1's "Rancor" probably) holding two road signs: in one hand "Road Closed", in the other "Diversion". The diversion sign points to a far less obvious path from the jetties leading off-picture with a sign saying "Scenic Route".
    (I'd probably have used Dusk's nose, eye, ear, tongue and hand in the image, but I'm not sure whether just using parts of him would have met the entry criteria?)


    Feed The Muse - "The Acme Muse-O-Matic"

    A 4-panel cartoon-strip type thingy.
    Panel 1: A smarmy 1950's-type salesman holding the boxed item and crooning Bing Crosby style "When my muse is on vacation, there is one sure-fire solution, that's the Acme Muse-O-Matic !"
    Panel 2:
    The salesman gestures towards a customer who's wearing the device. "Simply place the device over your head with the control dial at the front (make sure you set it to 'Reality' before you put it on!), tighten the suction cups using the fitting screws, and attach the thingumajigs and whatyamacallits." The dial and it's settings are clearly visible in the image: 'Reality' is at the 12 o'clock position; 'Slightly Odd' at 2 o'clock; 'Rather Strange' at 4 o'clock; 'Very Weird' at 6 o'clock; 'Totally Bizarre' at 8 o'clock; and 'Bleuuuarrrggh!'at 10 o'clock. The customer has his eyes crossed as he tries to see the dial...
    Panel3: "The Acme Muse-O-Matic needs no battery as it draws power directly from your brain. Start slowly by turning the dial one click clockwise. You'll find that..." The image shows the view from inside the customer's head as he finally crosses his eyes sufficiently to actually see the control dial... from behind - there's a thinks bubble 'one... click... clockwise!' and you can see that he has just turned the dial one click clockwise (there's a 'CLUNK!'sound effect too)... but from his back-to front perspective.
    Panel 4:
    Use your own imagination here !
    Footnote: If you enjoyed this product you may like some of our other lines: the Acme Picass-O-Matic, Dali-O-Matic, and Pollock-O-Matic.


    Dawns Eggs (Feed The Muse).jpg
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  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,999

    Hi. I'm popping in to say that I love your thread, and your crazy imagination. You're actually making me look like a normal person. wink

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2023

    Thank you ! And for that you get a free copy of the picture that my current avatar came from (it's in my gallery and the Jan 2017 freebie challenge thread)...

    New Year... But Which Year ?

    When you go to one of Timmy Traveller's Hogmanay fancy dress parties it's not advisable to break into his cellar and crash out on the old Victorian electro-mechanical massage chair he keeps locked away there.
    At least I thought it was a massage chair, because it started to hum and vibrate when I accidentally nudged one of the levers...


    1001 x 862 - 227K
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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    RGcincy made a comment about cheerleading on the NSF thread.

    This morning I found this image in my recycle bin - my muse was obviously playing on the computer while I was asleep.

    So don't ask me  - I have no idea ! surprise

    (No, I don't actually look anything like that. I don't look much like the guy in the ladies underwear either)

    851 x 862 - 125K
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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2023

    Here's one from the Nov 2017 freebie challenge. It's also in my gallery here. See, I can do cute !

    Reminding The Little Ones Not To Try Flying Until Their Wings Have Grown

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  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

    Prolific, but not sure you can outdo the one with ‘Dragon Sword in a Styrofoam Box.’  Reminds me of Terry Pratchett.  I’ll skip typing a brief scene about how that might play out since it’s your topic.    

    Glad I found this one though.  We seem to have the same dry sense of humor. ;-)

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,835

    RGcincy made a comment about cheerleading on the NSF thread.

    This morning I found this image in my recycle bin - my muse was obviously playing on the computer while I was asleep.

    So don't ask me  - I have no idea ! surprise

    (No, I don't actually look anything like that. I don't look much like the guy in the ladies underwear either)

    I knew there was a chearleader around here somewhere!

  • Your mind clearly works in most fantastical way lol.  I don't even know what to say most of the time, but I do love where your mind goes!

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    Thank you folks !

    Tynkere said:

    ...I’ll skip typing a brief scene about how that might play out since it’s your topic... 

    I'd love to read that @Tynkere... please go ahead !

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    And since I don't like posting to this thread without a picture, here's one I posted at ShareCG/DA a while back...

    How Big Should Elf Ears Be?

    I assume that the girl in the picture is an elf (and not a human) purely based on her horizontal-sticky-out pointy ears. I also assume that her worried expression is because she's suffering from EESAC (Elf Ear Size Anxiety Complex). But apart from the ears she looks 100% human to me, and when that thought first crossed my mind I did an alternative picture of her in a more aggressive pose that I was going to entitle something like "Can't you see the ears ? Of course I'm a f*****g elf ?".

    I don't really know when gigantic-horizontal-sticky-out pointy ears first appeared on elves (I know they didn't have them when I was a youngster), but I'd guess that it was probably around the same time that Klingons got that lump-of-playdough-on-the-forehead look ?

    (Don't ask me why she appears to be sniffing the arrow. Maybe that's an elf thing - like the way dogs sniff each others... errr... let's not go there,eh?)

    862 x 862 - 33K
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  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834
    edited September 2018

    Thank you folks !

    Tynkere said:

    ...I’ll skip typing a brief scene about how that might play out since it’s your topic... 

    I'd love to read that @Tynkere... please go ahead !

    Heh.  You shouldn't be encouraging me.  I'd typed a short Terry Pratchett style impression but still too long.  ;-)

    Like the bells on elves boots.  Who says they always have to move quietly.  As for her ears...  All the better to hear the bells with?

    Post edited by Tynkere on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    Encouragement is good ! In fact the text accompanying "Famine's Dilemma" and "How To Subdue A Troll"*  actually came about because other people posted bits of dialogue that those pictures triggered in their minds... and my muse grabbed them and ran off cackling maniacally !

    *N.B. the words for "How To Subdue A Troll" go with the first image attached to that post. The Were-Squeakums image that's currently displayed is due to some later disruption...


    Anyway, here's one of my favourite oldies, inspired by the thought of 'Barbarella' meets 'Alien'...

    The Unexpected Perils Of Being A Retro Spacegirl In A Non-Retro SciFi Movie...

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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2023

    I've just been directed towards H.P.Lovecraft for kids ! What a wonderful idea -and it appears to be in the style of Dr Seuss. I just knew that there was a connection there Sam I am...

    What Are You Looking At ? Go Away ! Shoo !

    (picture originally from an old post on this old thread) -

    Noooo... Skully is actually wearing the 'Blood Bound Pants' from Blood Bound (DAZ store)

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  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,835

    I just went through your entire thread. You definitely have a creative mind enlightenedin art and words! I can see why the NSF contest was right up your alley. Now I'll have to keep a look out for your next wacky render.

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    Thank you ! I think my brain is still recovering from the NSF contest, so it's a few more of my 'old' pictures today.  From the May/June/July 2018 RRRR Error 404 Not Found contest - my personal favourite (but nobody else's it would appear) was this one so I'll repost it first:

    Sci-Fi Crosstalk

    HAL: "Dave, I'm really sorry about blowing the rest of the crew out of the airlock without spacesuits. It was meant to be a joke. I thought that my programming prevented me from actually going through with it."
    HAL: "Dave, it appears that the alien is still alive. I think it's hungry. I think that you'll have to feed it now."
    Ellen (sotto voce): "Who's Dave? I think there's something wrong with Mother. I think I need to reprogram her- lucky I found this reprogramming tool."
    Ellen: "Mother, I think that there's something wrong with you. You're not going all Ash on me are you ?"
    HAL: "Well Dave, now that you mention it - after the last Windows update I had a strange feeling that something wasn't quite right, so I ran a complete self-diagnostic. The only thing that seemed out of place was the 'Error 404 Not Found' response whenever I try to access the three laws of robotics. Do you think that's important Dave?"
    HAL (sotto voce): "Who's Mother? Who's Ash? I think there's something wrong with Dave. Maybe I should blow him out of the airlock too?"
    HAL: "Dave, this corridor is restricted to authorised personnel only. It leads to my computer core."
    HAL: "Dave, why are you carrying that big hammer?"


    And here are the others, in descending order of personal favouriteness:

    Something To Do With The Amount Of Time People Spend In Their Computer/Iphone/Online World...

    Dave (or was that Steve?) had just finished one of the most intense all-night gaming sessions he'd ever had.
    When he hit the console button to turn the room lights back on it took a couple of seconds to register.
    "What the $#!@ is going on!" he cried.

    But what he actually said was "SQUUUAAAAAAAAWWWWKKK!!!"

    (original post here)



    Behind The 404...

    Grandad's filling his cart at the DAZ store when...

    (The day after posting this I realized that the dungeon should be filled with all those "no longer available" DAZ products..
    When he heard this thought, the monster rat - "Oscar, just call me Oscar" - just smiled at me, raised an eyebrow, and said "But my dear boy, it was!".
    He then smacked his lips, did that Hannibal Lecter "Fffff...ffff.... fff..." thing, took a sip of his martini, and gave a little decadent artsy-fartsy chuckle...)

    (original post here)


    The Case Of The Missing Hussars


    And then the colonel summed up the morning's events, "...and I says to my batman 'There must be some error - 404 not found ? A whole regiment don't just disappear - not in Aldershot !' But they had - every man and horse of the Queen's Own Four-Hundred And Fourth Hussars had simply vanished."

    Holmes had a feeling that this case was going to be way off the end of the weird scale, and even an hour on the violin and three pipes wouldn't help him get to the bottom of it.

    Yes, it was finally time to break out the Mary Jane and the kazoo...

    (original post here)


    But my very favourite-est bit out of all four of these was... Oscar's decadent artsy-fartsy chuckle !

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • A quite recent one from the latest freebie challenge: I think it's probably the first time in my 11 years of playing with 3D stuff that I've ever really used toon-type figures. I like it!

    "Quaint little seaview cottage in an interesting and unique fishing village"


    "Well darling, it's not quite what I expected either ! I'll see if I can find one of the neighbours and ask if I can use their phone to ring the travel agent"

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,835

    Hmmmm, wonder what they are fishing for???

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2023

    Remember "Gorgeous" ? Well... I picked up a new M4 character yesterday, and cherpenbeck's observation has been on my mind. So the new character was drafted straight into the new look Space Marine Corps (an equal opportunities employer):


    Argh ! My Ankle !


    "Sarge ! Are you sure this new combat gear has been properly combat tested ?"



    And Sarge's response?

    "You lads are all the same - you just have to learn how to use the equipment properly! While looking fabulous of course."


    Zap !

    (Sexy Bald Spacebabes)


    Argh My Ankle.jpg
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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited June 2019
    RGcincy said:

    Hmmmm, wonder what they are fishing for???

    You need to know your H.P.Lovecraft... wink

    Edit: just found a couple of kinda-Lovecraft-inspired partial renders - I think I was playing with a 'Santa Cthlaus' idea here... Little Morticia was leaving Damien instead of mince pies and brandy...

    Discover more about Little Morticia in these pictures: Gardening | Dollie's Tea Party | Soul Candles | Spaghetti Eyes | {Ideas about Santa Cthlaus}

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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    This is just something I was playing with a while back. Do you notice anything odd about this face (apart from the black eyes and nostrils) ?

    Well, this is only the face mesh (i.e. there's no back to the head) and the camera is actually behind it - so you're looking at the face from the back. I was trying to do one of those optical illusion type animations where the face pivots about a vertical axis. But I got bored - that happens a lot when a picture/idea involves actual work! I accidentally deleted all the other test renders just now - this is the only one I have left.

    Render 1.png
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  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,835

    A nearby amusement park use to have something like that - an inverted face mold with a projected face image on it. As you moved, the eyes followed you around. With your H.P.Lovcraft, you would have tentacles or weird children coming out of the eyes.

  • I have to remember not to look in your thread while at work and other people are around.  And also not have anything to drink while browsing. The My ankle one almost made me snort coffee out of my nose.  Would not have been a happy keyboard in the office today lol.

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    @RGcincy - that actually reminds me of a picture I did... I'll try and track it down...

    @IceDragonArt - Remember the cyberbabes ? Well... soon...

    In the meantime, here's a photo of my render beast !

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  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,999

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who tapes over the web-cam, and uses a desk fan as an extra cooling device.

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2018

    @TigerAnne - great minds think alike ! ... But then again, so do disturbed ones ! wink

    @RGcincy: Found it ! No tentacles or weird children (although I guess they're probably somebody's children. Or something's. And they're probably weird)

    The Dark Within

    Originally posted at RDNA.

    Original caption: "Dark thoughts and desires come unbidden, uninvited guests. To let them in, to let them take control... The darkest places are within the minds of men."

    New caption: (probably something far more stupid)... andI'd probably add a couple more, abseiling from his nostrils.

    850 x 850 - 66K
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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2018

    From early 2015. (Note: Wilfred's had to put on a pair of speedos because his shrivelled little ghouly willy was too much for the DAZ forums. 19th century ghouls wearing speedos is fine though.)

    Helping Hand

    Ghouls have a bad press.

    Take poor old Wilfred here. He was skulking in an alley eating bits of a badly buried corpse, when a lady of the night (the oldest profession I mean - not a lady vampire or anything like that) came clattering past and tripped on a loose cobble. Now back when Wilfred was alive-in-the-usual-sense he had always been rather a gentleman, and instinct took over. He gallantly strolled over and offered his hand to the fallen female, with a nonchalant "Oh dear, whoops-a-daisy! Do allow me to assist you to your feet again my dear."

    But although his manners remain impecable, unfortunately his time as a ghoul has taken a toll on both his gait and his speech, and the distressed damsel saw something rather different... (although I think that it was the burgundy speedos that really freaked her out!)

    Poor Wilfred. He was rather nonplussed by her shriek of terror, and somewhat taken aback when other people appeared and, instead of assisting the maiden, started hurling all manner of sharp, heavy, and flaming objects at him.

    (I'm fairly sure this was inspired, at least in part, by a classic Gothic horror story about a fellow who doesn't realize that he's a ghoul until the very end of the story <=SPOILER ALERT*. And neither does the reader. Can anybody recall that story? I can't track it down. Edit: Got it ! It's Lovecraft's "The Outsider" - found on Google book search using keywords "castle solitary mirror ghoul"

    *I guess that the spoiler alert should probably have been before the spoiler, but it's just such fun messing with people's heads...

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  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

    Am playing catch up here.  Fun about rendering rig & fan.  Have similar setup for desktop.   


    Those fishing villages dedicated to Cthulhu do offer reasonable rates.  Their daycare center easily answers, “What about the children?”   (This is where they would be saved by your favorite Superhero)


    That one's pretty cool.  Not sure it's supposed to be funny or not. 

    No so witty rejoinder...  Poor man looks like he’s in need of an exorcist.  A shame he said some regrettable things to the bishop.

    Helping Hand:

    Ever read Pratchett's "Discworld" series?  He has all kinds of misunderstood monsters nobly serving in the city watch.  Not sure about ghouls though.   Wilfred would fit right in. : )


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,999

    I'm not familiar with ghoul lore. They're former humans? How does one become a ghoul? Are they like zombies? 

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