Where are my NaNoWriMo peeps?

Anyone doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year? I'm getting a late start, planning on working yet again on my second Black Kat novel. Anyone else doing a book this month?



  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    Llynara said:

    Anyone doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year? I'm getting a late start, planning on working yet again on my second Black Kat novel. Anyone else doing a book this month?

    Absolutely! I loved it last year, this is my second year.

    Good luck to you! It's not too late to start. :)

  • I've attempted NaNoWriMo multiple times, but I'm an edit-as-I-go kinda writer, so the highest wordcount I ever achieved was around 10k.

    Good luck!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Yay, NaNo peeps! I'm starting tomorrow. I had to get a lot of stuff off my plate this past week. Glad to have some friends who are doing it too! 

    Melissa- my mom writes that way too. It takes her longer but her writing is so amazingly polished when it comes out. I wish I could write half as well as she does. She's authored six historical romances and is working on a seventh. 

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,411

    Writing high fantasy, volume 6 of a series which hopefully will get translated to English soon.

  • You and your mom sound like me and my daughter! I've got multiple (indie) published books, and my daughter is working on her second novel. Creativity runs in the family! wink 

    Llynara said:

    Melissa- my mom writes that way too. It takes her longer but her writing is so amazingly polished when it comes out. I wish I could write half as well as she does. She's authored six historical romances and is working on a seventh. 


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129

    If anyone wants to add Daz-writing-buddies: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/ati2

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited November 2017

    You and your mom sound like me and my daughter! I've got multiple (indie) published books, and my daughter is working on her second novel. Creativity runs in the family! wink 

    Llynara said:

    Melissa- my mom writes that way too. It takes her longer but her writing is so amazingly polished when it comes out. I wish I could write half as well as she does. She's authored six historical romances and is working on a seventh. 


    That's awesome, Melissa! Yeah, my mom published her first novel when I was in high school. Thirty years later, I finally did too, though I've been writing all my life. My 93-year old grandfather is also a published author. My uncle was writing a book before he died, and my brother has published quite a few children's books. My kids are all highly creative too. It's wonderful to see it running through families! 

    @Ati - I added you as a buddy. I'm kimberlygordon over there (shocking I know- my real name!) 

    Here's my link if anyone wants to add me as a buddy: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/kimberlygordon

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Ati said:

    If anyone wants to add Daz-writing-buddies: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/ati2


    I'll join in as a buddy. I've never reached my goal...November is always a bad month for me at work. I write steady but slow too.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    Llynara said:

    You and your mom sound like me and my daughter! I've got multiple (indie) published books, and my daughter is working on her second novel. Creativity runs in the family! wink 

    Llynara said:

    Melissa- my mom writes that way too. It takes her longer but her writing is so amazingly polished when it comes out. I wish I could write half as well as she does. She's authored six historical romances and is working on a seventh. 


    That's awesome, Melissa! Yeah, my mom published her first novel when I was in high school. Thirty years later, I finally did too, though I've been writing all my life. My 93-year old grandfather is also a published author. My uncle was writing a book before he died, and my brother has published quite a few children's books. My kids are all highly creative too. It's wonderful to see it running through families! 

    This is amazing. You really are a talented family. Wow.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    Ati said:

    If anyone wants to add Daz-writing-buddies: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/ati2


    I'll join in as a buddy. I've never reached my goal...November is always a bad month for me at work. I write steady but slow too.


    Yeah, everybody seems to want everything in November. Don't they know it's NaNoWriMo? :D

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 491

    Added you to my buddy list, Ati! Good luck everyone.

  • Strong creativity genes! laugh 

    Llynara said:

    That's awesome, Melissa! Yeah, my mom published her first novel when I was in high school. Thirty years later, I finally did too, though I've been writing all my life. My 93-year old grandfather is also a published author. My uncle was writing a book before he died, and my brother has published quite a few children's books. My kids are all highly creative too. It's wonderful to see it running through families!

  • Ati said:
    Ati said:

    If anyone wants to add Daz-writing-buddies: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/ati2


    I'll join in as a buddy. I've never reached my goal...November is always a bad month for me at work. I write steady but slow too.


    Yeah, everybody seems to want everything in November. Don't they know it's NaNoWriMo? :D

    Well, I'm trying it this year, but who knows how far I'll get; currently at around 1500 words in two different chapters. And yes, too many people what to distract us from our writing.

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 911

    I've meant to participate for the last three years and finally decided to join in. I'm off to a slow start, but I made myself a book cover in Daz to help motivate me. I also made a cover for the sequel because... because I did. I tend to get a bit cart-before-the-horse-like with things like that. (It wasn't procrastination. Not at all.)

    If anyone wants to add Daz-writing-buddies: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/ati2

    Here's my link if anyone wants to add me as a buddy: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/kimberlygordon

    Added you both! Here's my link if anyone wants it: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/mary-k-baker

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    Ati said:
    Llynara said:

    You and your mom sound like me and my daughter! I've got multiple (indie) published books, and my daughter is working on her second novel. Creativity runs in the family! wink 

    Llynara said:

    Melissa- my mom writes that way too. It takes her longer but her writing is so amazingly polished when it comes out. I wish I could write half as well as she does. She's authored six historical romances and is working on a seventh. 


    That's awesome, Melissa! Yeah, my mom published her first novel when I was in high school. Thirty years later, I finally did too, though I've been writing all my life. My 93-year old grandfather is also a published author. My uncle was writing a book before he died, and my brother has published quite a few children's books. My kids are all highly creative too. It's wonderful to see it running through families! 

    This is amazing. You really are a talented family. Wow.

    Ha ha, thanks! It's a mixed blessing. We got plenty of crazy genes to go along with the artistic ones. And autistic ones too. I have two kids with special needs. Some days are more challenging than others. This year has kicked my butt, and art has been such a refuge. But it's time to get back to writing, my characters are mad at me for leaving them hanging, literally! LOL

    I added you, Mary, and am more than happy to add anyone else. The more, the merrier! Let's do this! laugh

  • Llynara said:

    I added you, Mary, and am more than happy to add anyone else. The more, the merrier! Let's do this! laugh

    Hi, If anyone wants to add me, I can be found at https://nanowrimo.org/participants/stormlyght.


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    I'm in (again) :)

    I got to 5391, then had to deal with high school play over the weekend.   Which usually is a major momentum killer for me, but I will endeavor to keep going. :)

    I can be found here: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/dawaterrat should folks want to add me as a writing buddy.  Or if not, that's okay too. :)  (I haven't been visiting the site as much the last couple of years.)

  • I'm in for my third year this year, trying to finish what I started last year. So far I've managed my word count till the end, but then I'm a graphomaniac at heart. wink

    Added everyone here. If anyone wants to add me: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/cerridwyn

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    My wife is doing it, for the Nth year in a row...  She usually gets to 50K with a few days left; she guards her writing time viciously. :)  I really, really wish I could do it.

    --  Morgan


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129

    I'm in (again) :)

    I got to 5391, then had to deal with high school play over the weekend.   Which usually is a major momentum killer for me, but I will endeavor to keep going. :)

    I can be found here: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/dawaterrat should folks want to add me as a writing buddy.  Or if not, that's okay too. :)  (I haven't been visiting the site as much the last couple of years.)

    Wow, you've been doing this for a while... :)

  • I bought "No Plot, No Problem" about three years ago. Much useful advice in there. Never formally joined in. I don't write that fast consistantly. Saturday, I finished a trilogy I started with Camp NaNoWriMo last year. I'll be republishing Opus 1 (finished last year.)  and getting the trilogy into shape. I only did 23K words in the first month, but it helped jumpstart the series. Good luck and write fast laugh.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882
    Ati said:

    I'm in (again) :)

    I got to 5391, then had to deal with high school play over the weekend.   Which usually is a major momentum killer for me, but I will endeavor to keep going. :)

    I can be found here: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/dawaterrat should folks want to add me as a writing buddy.  Or if not, that's okay too. :)  (I haven't been visiting the site as much the last couple of years.)

    Wow, you've been doing this for a while... :)

    I started when my daughter was in Kindergarden... she's now looking at colleges... so ... yeah. :)  Never got anything suitable for publication, though.

  • CrescentCrescent Posts: 326

    I'm in:  https://nanowrimo.org/participants/thecrescent ; I'm a bad procrastinator but I end up with my 50k by the end each year - some times 10 minutes before the end, but still finishing each time.  

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,125

    OK, I'm in.  Maybe I will actually do something this time.  sad


  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited November 2017

    I think I've added everyone that's posted a link or added me. 

    How's everyone doing? I'm almost at 30000 words, but I'm editing and rewriting. I wanted to be working on the next book, but it is what it is. I'm hoping to have all 80,000 words done by the end of the month and ready for the editor. We'll see. This one has been tricky! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • I'm in. I'm finishing up the book I've been working on the past month so not very many words left to count in that one. As soon as I finish it, though, I'll be starting right in on book 2 of the series so I should be able to get my 50k words in. Just not sure if I'll get them all in by the end of November. I think I added everyone.

    My nano link:  https://nanowrimo.org/participants/cjwebber

    I ended up not writing much the first few days of November so I'm still trying to play catchup with the daily minimum word count.  Total words so far: 9002 

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 911

    I'm going to be playing catch-up soon as well, Knittingmommy. I'm finishing a project at work this week and from then on... writing, writing, writing! You're ahead of me, though. I've only got just over 3,000 words at the moment. blush

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Not doing it this time - it's a very busy month (it's always a very busy month, lol), plus I need to get product finished and in the store, or there's no Christmas this year!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929

    I'm at 12k words for my story that is supposed to become a comic /grafic novel. That is more than I ever expected to writen out of my free will. I started in September with writing and even though I'm not paticipating I hope to finish the written part this month, so its a bit of NANOWRIMO for me as well :D

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