Carrara Challenge #50 - A Special Carrara Anniversary Celebration - WIP thread

Welcome to the 50th Anniversary of the Carrara Challenge!
(Thanks to DUDU for the great image!)
It started almost 7 years ago...
In May of 2013, Headwax (Andrew Finnie) stirred the aethers and began the Carrara Challenge.
According to HW, "The idea initially was two-fold: 1) To foster a sense of community spirit, and 2) To help us learn from each other how to use Carrara in a better manner - and explore her awesome abilities."
The first theme was "Welcome to my Garden."
Daz and Dart were the sponsors.
There were 12 participants and 18 entries. Participants included Headwax, Varsel, Diomede, Philemo, booksbydavid, 0oseven, FractalDimensia, evilproducer, 3DAGE, Wendyluvscatz, Sockratease, and GSSEV.
It must have been a good idea because...
Suddenly - at least it may seem sudden to many of the old-timers here - we have reached number fifty, the Big 5-0. Time flies! Now it is time to celebrate this milestone. Thanks to everyone for the many great theme suggestions put forth on the forum. Those concepts were narrowed down to three categories.
Category 1 - Welcome to my Garden
We revisit and honor the very first Challenge theme. The idea is to create a garden of plants either modeled in Carrara (including the hair room), or produced via the Carrara plant and terrain rooms. In other words, plants and terrain must be created using a Carrara function, and not imported from a premade product or other source outside of Carrara ("basic plants" and "basic leaves" premade content within Carrara is OK to use). Shaders from any source are also OK. The garden can be flowery, thorny, abstract, alien, full of vegetables, or many other variations on a theme. You can look at what was done the first time around and use it for inspiration. See next post for examples.
Category 2 - Fifty Shades of Carrara
Here we focus on the coolest way to use the concept of "50" in a render. Maybe you want to use the Carrara text creator to play with the actual numbers 5 and 0, like on a wedding anniversary cake. Or maybe you have some association to the word fifty, such as a Fiftieth Golden Jubilee, or Fifty Shades of Grey (this could get interesting). Whatever your pleasure, pursue your fifty! See next post for examples.
"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." Marilyn Monroe
Category 3 - Your Personal Wild Card
Carrara is an amazingly robust 3D software suite, with capabilities that often surprise even experienced users. Because no single theme can cover all it does, in this anniversary Challenge we offer you the opportunity to follow your inspiration and push the boundaries of Carrara however you like. Maybe there is a specific function you always wanted to try. Maybe you want to show that Carrara can do something that few suspected was possible. Or maybe you have a great idea and want to find out if you can pull it off.
The point is, YOU choose the subject and what Carrara functions you use. The goal here is to grab those fabulous tools, and marshal your creative resources into one incredible render. And because this Challenge is longer than normal (6 weeks +), you have the time to do it!
You can enter only one render in this category, so make it a good one. :)
1. Up to 5 renders can be entered (but unlimited WIP's are allowed). Only 2 renders can be entered in any single category. Only one render in category 3.
2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
3. Images must be "mostly" set up in Carrara. Plants and terrains in category 1 must be created by the artist using a Carrara function or plugin, or at least be created using native Carrara items from "basic plants," basic leaves," or other such specific content that came with the program. Shaders from any source are OK.
4. While postwork is allowed, it must not be the dominant part of the image. Posting images of before and after postwork is encouraged.
5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image of the final Carrara setup must be posted to the WIP thread.
6. First place will be determined by the total number of votes for all renders submitted (Best Participation). Second through fourth will be decided by the highest number of votes for a single image.
7. The first place winner qualifies to become the next Carrara Challenge host, and sets the theme and rules for the next competition. But should the winner decline this honor, other high finishers will be given the opportunity to step forward and fill the role.
Daz is again on board and sponsoring the Challenge! Many thanks to them for stepping up. In line with our 50th Challenge, prizes will be awarded equally in fifties:
Best Participation: $50 in Daz Originals
Best Render of Garden: $50 in Daz Originals
Best Render of "Fifty" - $50 in Daz Originals
Best Wild Card Render - $45 in Daz Originals, $5 gift certificate.
*Note, an artist can win only one Daz category prize.
Funniest Render - $10 Gift Certificate from Misty
PA prize - Phil Wilkes is the PA sponsor, and he will award a prize from his store for best overall render!
All dates are Daz time:
WIP thread opens Wednesday December 4th, 2019
Entry thread opens Wednesday January 1st, 2020
Entry thread closes/ voting begins January 26, 2020
Voting ends Feburary 2, 2020
I will soon add an Art Studio thread so you can share your entries with others outside of the Carrara forum.

Sample images for Category 1, Welcome to my Garden
(the winners from Challenge #1)
My Grandfather's Elephant Topiary - Headwax
Koi's Pond - booksbydavid
Zen Garden - FractalDimensia
Breakfast Time - Philemo
Sample images for Category 2, Fifty Shades of Carrara
Aero 50, Czech car model from 1940
The Movie
Birthday Bash
Browning 50 Caliber Machine Gun
Carrara landscape and plant tutorials
Carrara Terrains - a thread by Dart -
Carrara Replicators - a thread by Diomede -
Creating grass on a Carrara terrain - a tutorial by Jay Versluis -
I think I will try to improve upon my first entry. Everything in the following was modeled, rigged, posed, and rendered in Carrara. Lets see if I can do better now.
I am assuming that starting over from scratch and re-imagining the orchard harvester counts as a new image, previously unpublished.
UB, let me know if I am wrong. Understandable either way.
Definitely counts as a new image. BTW, redoing your old image is a great idea. Six years later... I wish that I had the same option. :)
1950 Studebaker WIP 1
A few changes
Happy 50th Dudes & Dudettes !!!!
Happy 50th test render
Love those old 50's Studebakers.
The colors are much more interesting on this render, including the plant in the front. The lawn is maybe too perfect? :)
found a wedding cake in the native objs
delish looking for an anniversary cake
Thanks UnifiedBrain for hosting - categories sound great! Can't wait to be off work for a few weeks.
(...My bank account thinks otherwise, but, mmmm, coffee, kitties, sleeping in and Carrara is a good trade off...)
+1 on @UnifiedBrain hosting .. awesome stuff

Wacky 50th Partaaaaaay
cant decide which category would be good for a hairy jalapeño on a stick ?
pepper garden?
50 hairy tomatoaes tee hee
Thanks DD. It will be great to see you back in the game.
Very appropriate (and excellent) celebration scene! The sheer volume of quality models you've made is just stunning, and this render probably only represents about 10% of them. :)
If you don't mind me asking, how did you do the confetti?
don't mind at all..
I modified a previous model I did ( a simple grid plain of a bank note ) into a small weird shape, duplicated... then applied different bend and twist modifiers to both and added them to a replicator.
Thanks for those details. I'm still not clear on one thing. What did you apply those replicated objects to? Is there an invisible plane?
Superb !!!
Alien Garden WIP 1
Generated a set of Alien trees in Carrara, now filling in the scene with Alien plants from my library.
Alien Leaf by spacebones -
Alien Branches by spacebones -
he used a replicator not a surface replicator
He lkely didn't use the "Surface Replicator", but the often overlooked "Replicator", which can replicate in many, Many different ways, each which allows for random variations in any and all directions.
Another way to perform the task would be to use the same model he made in a Particles Emitter, and either freeze the particles after generation, or simply snapshot a single frame of the physics in action! ;)
Very Cool Themes! Looking forward to (attempting to) participating in this one!
what Wendy then Dart said...
just a replicator not a surface replicator
thanks @Bunyip02
Hi Wendy! We must've been typing at the same time! :)
yep but your particle idea was what I too would go for, or surface replication on the fountain primitive
Another option is to use good ol' Ctrl + D (Duplicate)! Duplicate a few time, rotating and maybe a slight scaling after the first, then select that group (original + duplicates) and duplicate that, move it, rotate it, scale it, repeat! It's truly amazing how quickly I can fill a scene in such a way, and each instance is entirely custimizeable!
I'm getting my foot in the door with this sketch....
50 people not paying attention to _ANYTHING_ as a miracle of the universe, don't become road kill.
Awesome concept!
Thanks Dartanbeck. It's my daily experience as a bike courier navigating through a sea of "millenials" who are not paying attention to anything but their hand held screens...
(==> insert "eyeroll" emoji-thing...)