Am I The Only One Who’s Ticked Off?



  • Velvet GoblinVelvet Goblin Posts: 532
    edited December 1969

    ZamuelNow said:
    Of course, if you find a vendor whose idea of attractiveness exactly matches your own -- and it can happen -- they've hit pay dirt because you'll empty your wallet for them. :) :)

    I just might be a weird case since I tend to evaluate based off of need. I hate it when I see a set that I think looks great but looks similar to something I already have. It puts my "vote with your dollars" mentality at odds. Granted, sometimes vendors will outright reuse some things from merchant resources so it just may be the same thing you already have. That's my issue. It's bad when a lot of stuff from the same vendor is guilty of sameface. It's vastly worse when that happens across multiple vendors.

    I don't mind seeing things similar to what I already own pop up in the marketplace. It means that I won't buy them for a change. I need all the help controlling my spending on 3d content that I can get. :)

    I got a bit of a giggle when I recognized a texture on a Gen 5 character that I first saw on a texture for M3. Same eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. Same shaved chest hair. I suppose there are only so many hi resolution photos of nude models to choose from.

    The worst thing is when I look through a package of face morphs, and it's supposed to be 3 or 5 or 10 different faces, and I can't tell the difference between them. :D

  • nightkinnightkin Posts: 194
    edited December 1969

    i've tried genessis 2, but dont like it - i'm going back to using genesis 1 - its less buggy.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602
    edited December 1969

    I try to vote with dollars, but this is not always possible. I have a budget, and while I'd love to buy every male clothing and character in the store (and indeed I have many), this isn't always possible, nor can I use some of it because it is a: not to my taste, b: lacking in detail: or c: outside of my price range/not something I need right now.

    I do buy many of the outfits so i like to think that i do supprort the vendors who make the producst I like to buy.

    I realize the new figure will be a fairy female- Giselle. And I'm not sure I will have need of her unless she has some good skins. I am not really interested in fairies so that is lost on me, although I know that many enjoy these types of characters.

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited December 1969

    ssgbryan said:

    I think earlier you mentioned wanting "regular" clothing, but these are fantasy items. ;)

    Also a lot of what you mentioned were made pre-DSON so they would only work in DS because of reasons that were hashed many times before but won't get into now. ;) Some of these items may work if you save them back into DSON format then create Poser companion files for them, but would require a little time in DS. Shouldn't take a few minutes to just load them then save them back.

    With the exception of dx30's shoes, most of the rest of it came in bundles. I'll buy a bundle if it is cheaper than the base character. I buy dx30's shoes because he makes good shoes - I have a number of them for V4, and shoe conversions is currently the final frontier.

    As far as firing up DS4 & generating Poser Companion Files.....

    It isn't like I haven't tried. Have you read the documentation?
    Creating DSON Poser Companion Files:

    The instructions assume that I am intimately familiar with DS. Let me run down a few examples....

    Step 1 - Converting DS 4.0 content to 4.5

    1. Launch DAZ Studio 4.5 and browse in the Content Library to the first file you want to re-save.

    Which files would I want to save? Silly me, I thought that Understanding Content File Types would cover something like this. I have yet to find anything that maps DS file types and folders to it's Poser equivalent. Do you have any idea where such a useful page like that would be hiding the the morass of the DAZ "Documentation Center"? Because I certainly haven't been able to find it.

    Saving is done one file at a time, so pick a methodical way of doing this so files aren't missed.

    1 at a time? Seriously, in 2014, DAZ programmers have no idea how to write a batch file? Have you seen how many files there are in DAZ products?

    2. Load the file. If any errors pop up while loading, please get in contact with someone who can help resolve the issues before you proceed.

    Please get in contact with someone who can help resolve the issues?

    3. If the file is an item with geometry, save the file by going to File → Save As → Support Asset → Figure/Prop Assets. The exception to this rule is a Character Preset. While these do load geometry, they should be treated like presets, not geometry assets. In this case, skip down to #6, “If the file is a preset - ”.

    I would know if a file is an item with geometry how again?

    I also like step 4:

    Important Note: In order for the conversion to output the correct type of files for use in Poser, (CR2, PZ2, MC6 etc…), metadata must exist and be correct for the files you are converting.

    Compare this to: Understanding Content File Types referenced earlier.

    Metadata': These files are not needed for any application. They were originally intended for use with other applications outside of DAZ Studio, but this is no longer necessary. They may be disregarded.

    And then there are the oh so useful error messages:

    An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details.

    Would you happen to know where the "log file" is (and which one)? - I generate a lot of them during a computing session.

    Actually it's fairly simple to create companion files and saving the files back... especially when you can do a batch by setting a directory and a few options and it will make the files for you. The big issue comes with whether the product was designed so it can actually be loaded in Poser.

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882
    edited December 1969

    ssgbryan said:

    Actually it's fairly simple to create companion files and saving the files back... especially when you can do a batch by setting a directory and a few options and it will make the files for you. The big issue comes with whether the product was designed so it can actually be loaded in Poser.

    No, it isn't easy. All I get is error messages in an unnamed log file that is somewhere on my computer when I try to load an item for conversion.

    Silly me, I thought it would drop the log file somewhere in the DAZ 3D folder where the program is stored. Not to mention that I have no idea what DS named the log file - it isn't called log.txt - so it could be named anything and apparently could be anywhere on my computer.

    If it was easy, I'd already have PCFs for the products I have purchased. Having dealt with DAZ's "Tech Support" in the past, I know that I am SOL.

    Hmm. I seem to have a log.txt file in Users>(myname)>AppData>Roaming>Daz3D>Studio4

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    Like most really useful things in DS.. buried and hidden in an obscure menu..

    566 x 447 - 42K
  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,314
    edited December 1969

    I try to vote with dollars, but this is not always possible. I have a budget, and while I'd love to buy every male clothing and character in the store (and indeed I have many), this isn't always possible, nor can I use some of it because it is a: not to my taste, b: lacking in detail: or c: outside of my price range/not something I need right now.

    I feel the same way. I know that it sends a somewhat mixed message to say "I want more male items" and then not buy them, but I'm not going to spend money on something that I don't like.

  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,698
    edited December 1969

    Funny you should say that, Bryan! Although a little old, his Sade outfit is the only gen3 piece of clothing I use because it looks so good :)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,429
    edited December 1969

    ssgbryan said:
    ssgbryan said:

    Actually it's fairly simple to create companion files and saving the files back... especially when you can do a batch by setting a directory and a few options and it will make the files for you. The big issue comes with whether the product was designed so it can actually be loaded in Poser.

    No, it isn't easy. All I get is error messages in an unnamed log file that is somewhere on my computer when I try to load an item for conversion.

    Silly me, I thought it would drop the log file somewhere in the DAZ 3D folder where the program is stored. Not to mention that I have no idea what DS named the log file - it isn't called log.txt - so it could be named anything and apparently could be anywhere on my computer.

    If it was easy, I'd already have PCFs for the products I have purchased. Having dealt with DAZ's "Tech Support" in the past, I know that I am SOL.

    Hmm. I seem to have a log.txt file in Users>(myname)>AppData>Roaming>Daz3D>Studio4

    Good for you. The only log.txt file I have is the the one hidden away in Boot Disc>Users>Shared>DAZ 3D>InstallManager - in covers the installation of DS4.6.

    Thanks for the screenshot fisty

    The error messages I am getting:

    WARNING: /src/sdksource/basictypes/dzsettings.cpp(722): Index out of range in DzSettings::getKey()

    WARNING: /src/dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server.
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server.
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    WARNING: /src/dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server.
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server.
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.

    Does anyone here happen to know what the server address & port number that DS4 uses? I could send it in to "Tech Support" but in my experience over the last 10 years is that their response time appears to be measured in months.

    While it's possible that it means the port etc. need configuration, it's more likely that the CMS is stopping when you start DS because the database is corrupt. This is why DAZ is aiming to shift (to PostgreSQL) in future, with the current public beta using that. There's a trouble-shooting guide here in the meantime.

    You don't absolutely need to have the CMS to create PoserCFs, however, if you manually set the content type by changing the indicated option in the dialogue.

    537 x 562 - 44K
  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,314
    edited December 1969

    ssgbryan said:
    TimG said:
    I try to vote with dollars, but this is not always possible. I have a budget, and while I'd love to buy every male clothing and character in the store (and indeed I have many), this isn't always possible, nor can I use some of it because it is a: not to my taste, b: lacking in detail: or c: outside of my price range/not something I need right now.

    I feel the same way. I know that it sends a somewhat mixed message to say "I want more male items" and then not buy them, but I'm not going to spend money on something that I don't like.

    That is the problem of course. If we buy poorly made products, that is precisely what we will get. This is why we are drowning in hookerware for the female figures.

    I view male clothing like I view Stonemason's products - I'll pay more, but I want a quality product.

    Speaking of quality male products - you have picked up everything that Uzilite made haven't you?

    That was pretty much the high water mark for male clothing, IMO.

    Quite a bit of it, but not 100% of the catalog.

    When Jepe releases a male character set, I usually snap it it up.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    I suppose I'm teed off for different reasons.

    I do feel they still support g1, and I still frankly prefer g1. But I own g2 and my problem is the low amount of high quality products not only for g1 and g2 males, but also the low number of products that give me flexibility, and that's the most important thing to me. I primarily look for products that I can use to make a cast of thousands or is versatile enough to become any outfit I need. The bodysuit used to be such a vital tool for me, for example. The latest "supersuit" is too specific in so many ways, I have a very hard time turning it into anything useful. So I have to autofit or otherwise trick old products onto new figures and its always an issue.

    I'd be happier with DAZ if I started seeing a return to versatility, a greater standard of quality, better products for males, and less slutwear. -I'm tired of seeing it and having the argument someone is sure to raise. But this can't be argued with; 2 years ago I spent well over a thousand dollars on March madness. This yes? about 100 bucks. I have the cash to blow -will you sell me what I want to buy?

    ...same here concerning the Gen4 Bodysuit. Not only is the Supersuit so specific, but it is also expensive in comparison to really make it as versatile. Like yourself, I often just autofit the M4/V4 bodysuit to Genesis/G2.

    For female characters the same goes for the MFD in the sense of usefulness. However one needs both the Genesis and G2F MFDs because of the issue with long skirts and handles when autofitting an older version. The one nice thing is that for the most part, textures made for the original V4 (and in some cases even V3 one) will still work on the Genesis/G2F versions, Fortunately the MFD and it's accessory kits are PC items.

    One other rather versatile tool I have is the Fabricator as there are also a number of texture tile sets (including some that are free over on Share CG) available for it, and you can even create your own. I tend to make extensive use of this.

    I'm in total agreement on female clothing, some of it is just downright ridiculous. For example take the "Stempunk" genre which has it's roots in the Victorian era. Much of the SP themed women's clothing I see here and elsewhere would actually be deemed rather "inappropriate" if not "scandalous" to be seen wearing in public. Science, technology and even some aspects of society may be more advanced, however clothing styles, for the most part, tend reflect the genre's Victorian setting.

    BTW, If you haven't done so check Share CG, there are nice more "everyday" clothing (that is free), created by Wilmap for both Genesis and G2F/M.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    edited December 1969

    ssgbryan said:

    Just out of curiosity, why doesn't DAZ make the PCFs - I am trying to convert Defiant for Genesis, which last time I checked was a DAZ Platinum Club product.

    There are probably a number of reasons:
    1) DAZ 3D is not a large company -- the number of updates for PC products is pretty remarkable, IMHO. They have to prioritize, so they probably do so based on sales data and customer service data. Based on the updates I've seen, there seems to be more demand for DS versions of Poser products and metadata than for PoserCF's.
    2) The work required for an end-user to convert an item is very different than what would be required for a product to pass QA. If I convert something and, because the features in Poser and DS are different, I get some poke-thru, I can change the pose a bit or use the morph brush, but DAZ 3D wouldn't sell an item in that state.
    3) Converting the object itself is usually a small part of the effort -- converting materials is generally much more effort. Again, as an end-user I can just use shaders or tweak the materials myself, but DAZ 3D won't release something as Poser-compatible if the materials aren't right.

    I believe someone made a DSON-loader so you wouldn't have to create PoserCF's, Dimension 3D perhaps? I don't know if that works on a Mac.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,429
    edited December 1969

    Yes, Dimension3D. It was a Python script so it should work on a Mac (it's just an alternative way to send a file name to the DSON Importer).

    I got the dialogue from the Content Library option menu (button in the top corner, or right-click the tab, and select Create Poser Companion Files - it works on the folder showing in the pane when you launch it, so have the folder with the content you want to convert showing).

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited May 2014

    ssgbryan said:
    ssgbryan said:

    Just out of curiosity, why doesn't DAZ make the PCFs - I am trying to convert Defiant for Genesis, which last time I checked was a DAZ Platinum Club product.

    There are probably a number of reasons:
    1) DAZ 3D is not a large company -- the number of updates for PC products is pretty remarkable, IMHO. They have to prioritize, so they probably do so based on sales data and customer service data. Based on the updates I've seen, there seems to be more demand for DS versions of Poser products and metadata than for PoserCF's.
    2) The work required for an end-user to convert an item is very different than what would be required for a product to pass QA. If I convert something and, because the features in Poser and DS are different, I get some poke-thru, I can change the pose a bit or use the morph brush, but DAZ 3D wouldn't sell an item in that state.
    3) Converting the object itself is usually a small part of the effort -- converting materials is generally much more effort. Again, as an end-user I can just use shaders or tweak the materials myself, but DAZ 3D won't release something as Poser-compatible if the materials aren't right.

    I believe someone made a DSON-loader so you wouldn't have to create PoserCF's, Dimension 3D perhaps? I don't know if that works on a Mac.

    Congratulations - you have convinced me that investing in Genesis products as a Poser user isn't worth the time and effort.

    If the company doesn't think it's worth their time, why should I waste mine? These products aren't that good. I'll get right to clearing out my wishlist.

    Well I believe those earlier clothing were made pre-DSON, back when DAZ thought they and SM was on the same page with Genesis and the file format was going to be read natively then wasn't. The setup to make those clothing were slighly different, probably uses smoothing, because the general thought probably was it wasn't going to Poser after all. And Genesis clothing weren't really considered for being compatible for Poser because of all the fighting going on during that time, that died down a lot after DSON and the DSON importer was released.

    So for really older Genesis clothing, it may not be worth the effort to get the clothing compatible with Poser, especially when they're now on Genesis 2, where a good chunk of the clothing can work better in Poser. Also a lot more vendors, especially on other sites largely ignored Genesis 1 and are making stuff for Genesis 2 that are set up to work in Poser as well. So if you're looking at Genesis in Poser, you're probably better off going with Genesis 2 anyway.

    Post edited by Male-M3dia on
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