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Oh, [jumping for joy] Molex has 3d models of there DDR sockets... Not so fast. lol. The models come in three different formats (igs, stp, prt), and Daz Studio hasn't a clue what to do with any of them. And my copy of Autocad2000 is on the old XP drive, so I just don't feel like fussing with that today. So, at least there mechanical drawings have legible numbers, and Daz Studio Primitives are good enough for a 'Will it fit' kind of model.
So here it is, my DDR3 socket, before packing it up into a single OBJ.
I could probably try to make all the pins and stuff from primitives, and from experience that would grind the Daz Studio interface to a crawl. Trying to use a map on something that odd in shape would require a map with incredible waste on the thinner and smaller ends. So I'll just go with this for now.Well, I decided to split up some parts to get that look, lol. The base is now three parts instead of one, to make that grove. The end bits were split in half to make the clips look more like clips rather then push-buttons. And in the end, I hope it is not so many parts that working with the units inside a computer s impossibly slow in the Studio interface.
I'm realy liking this now. :coolsmile:
(Edit) And I'm having a bit to much fun with the coolers, lol.
(EDIT2) and some more ram :coolhmm:
I have been asked to 'Take a vacation' this month, and am feeling somewhat down about not being able to just hop on the computer to try various renders and such. I do not know any particulars at the moment, other then that I will probably not be able to follow the forum.
The past weak, I decided to throw everything into a single project, as a parting gift of sorts.
For my love of Amateur Radio, Electronics, Music, and Computer-Graphics.
My tribute is not much to look at, it's incredibly small, and are used just about everywhere. Tho this particular "OP-Amp" has probably never been made, others make our lives easier and far more enjoyable, every day of our lives.
This particular Full-complementarity all-MOSFET OpAmp I designed way back in 1988, complete with over-current protection, Thermal shutdown, and ESD protection (the backwards diodes on all the I/O pins). All exposed for all to see. A good case study for what not to do with glass. So I've included the Die-map and schematic, as a teaching aid of sorts for others to gawk at, lol. Just remember, I was in grade-school when I designed this amp.
Granted some of the Dark-Dark-gray Silicon-Oxide (insulator) didn't come out that visibly between traces in the final render. And granted the Red (P) and blue (N) material probably dose not actually look like this, I ran out of time.
Final render, 2 hours 17 minutes 8.28 seconds.
(Edit, Added the diagram showing the reason for the "Why-Not" part of the amp)
One last render, to kind of show the scale involved with such things. That board the parts are on, is one inch in size.
Chat later, and enjoy y'all.
We'll miss you. Behave yourself and try to enjoy your vacation.
Thanks AtticAnne, hopefully things get back to normal operations by the 29th, lol.
5th of May, and some random thoughts in passing.
Well, as the 5thth went by rather quietly, I will say what I know so many are thinking, “The sale seriously lacked on-topic items”, lol. The closest items being a Western dress, and a Day-of-the-dead figure (Honestly, Thank you EJ and Silver). No appropriate skin texture to go with a lack of morphs, not even a throwback to a generation 4 Natasha discount, what is up with that. So I offer what little I have managed thus far, and hopefully some one else with more skills can possibly fix the anomalies I can't with my limited tool-set. The nose nostril side 'S'-curve is missing, and some of the body proportions I can only get remotely close with XYZ scaling of individual bones.
Grouping up dials into a 'master' dial of sorts. I've sifted threw the forum in the past, and found many threads that ask about that, and they all have similar comments akin to “Why do you need to do that, you already have the dials, you don't need more”. Often with the chat ending on a note similar to that, Well let me introduce you to “G2F7W”, lol.
Say I want the shape at 50%, it should be easy enough to divide all the dial values by '2', right... no less then one-hundred-and-forty-two dials later, not including the XYZ scales on most of the bones.
Now, why am I not specifying what Morph dial set's are needed for G2F7W? I know of no easy way to just right-click a dial, and “Brows Product” akin to other stuff in the smart tab, lol. I honestly have no clue what morph packs these dials are from.
Now for G2F7W's skin mats, there is two possibilities. There is Wachiwi, that requires V6, and a few morph set's I'm sure I did use. There is also the possibility of running DraagonStorm's script on that V4 Skin texture “V4 EliteTexture: Natasha”. Unfortunately, that requires a few other things to work, and I'm not particularly happy with the eyebrows that lost a fight with a weed whacker, lol. So Wachiwi's full lush eyebrows it is for me.
Yes, the bundle is worth it, as there is no other hair style quite like that, that works in daz studio, that dose not have a ridiculously long back, or other non-removable extremities. That massive kink on the neck, is just something that only making a new style from scratch with properly aligned geometry for G2F will fix.
So there are my gripes, and dare I say, There are no 'problems', only Opportunities.
Part 1 of 2
So on the left, is the first ever attempt. Just the shaping dials listed above middle, and on the right with the other two 'Alt Scaling' dials.
Keeping with the 'Family oriented' side of things, I can describe 'How' I got the first attempt, I just can't show any screen-caps as the original photo was from an 'Adult site'. Is spending forty dollars for twelve photos worth it, no, not in any galaxy, lol. So back to G2F7W.
I put the photo on a primitive plane, and scaled it from a 1-foot square, to about the proper size, guessing the same height as the “V4 EliteTexture: Natasha” mentioned in the former post. I put the plane in the middle of G2F, and started throwing dials till I had the body outline roughly the approximate same shape as the Photo on the plane. Then I kind of guessed with the depth of some things, and didn't bother with other areas. I found the process so difficult and tedious, I saved her as a 'Scene Subset' and gave up on finishing the morph.
For the other two figures, I loaded a fresh blank G2F. I saved a 'Shaping Preset' from the original on the left (completely ignoring Bone XYZ scales), and loaded that preset onto G2F.
As for the mats, well. One was done using Wachiwi's non-SSS mat, the next with Natasha's 'Glamor' mat, and the last with Natasha's regular mat. And a screen-cap snip-it of what I was trying to get with the face (the one on the left), not even close, lol.
part 2 of 2.
OT, sort of. I still need to see what I didn't pull off my camera. Tho I did get a chance to look at some cool looking stuff I hadn't seen in an incredibly long time (for far to long). The pics were taken before doing the v3.87 ROM upgrade, just to keep track of where everything went.
I yanked the HDD from "the thing", as it was making some rather ungodly being noises, and I never intend to use that particular "Option". The 'Digital Out' will be going in "the unit", as that is a must for me.
The 'Rack mount' is mine, The other one is my dad's. I'm kind of hoping to upgrade that one sooner rather then later. As the single ROM is not supported by the bios (OS), it's both or none.
Just so y'all know I haven't fallen off the edge of the world completely, and I do have another passion that I have neglected the past year. Tho this is a good 'Classic' that deserves a chance to be made into a '3d object' for rendering. hmmm.
Well, I'm off to find out what happened to the Rack ears for my Rack Mount Synth. A serous WT... moment. It's "Rack Mount", where are the Rack ears!?
Destiny, What a name, lol.
When I hear or read the name, there are two completely different memories that come to mind. One of a person, the other a spaceship. As for my friend's niece Destiny, We've only crossed paths a few times over the years, and I have to ask myself if all the things I've been told in the past about her are remotely true or not, lol. It maters not anyway, as we have two completely different paths, me a Technomage of sorts who's very existence depends on technology, and she is more into the ways of her Nation and Tribe to the best of my knowledge. It's all good If you got the hint, as Destiny is a rather popular name from many nationalities, not just modern Native Americans.
Oddly, in Latin, there is no direct word for Destiny. The online translators do interpret the translation one way (From English to Latin) as "Fatum". However Fatum is 'Fate' not 'Destiny' (When translated back to English), and they have drastically different implications in modern languages. And that brings me to Dr. Nicholas Rush's translation of the Ship's name, Destiny.
There is a realy nice scene where Destiny is performing an Aerobraking maneuver threw a gas-giant. As photogenic and ah-inspiring as the scene is, compared to all the scenes with the ship in FTL, that Aerobraking maneuver is nothing compared to what is happening with that blue shock-wave during FTL. Empty space is not truly empty, not even in the Vast distance between galaxies is deep space empty. There is hydrogen gas everywhere, along with other stuff (neutrons, and wisps of other elements and molecules). All of that stuff is almost standing still compared to the speed of light, and Destiny is depicted plowing threw all that stuff in excess of the speed of light. The forces impacting the ships shields, pushing back at the ships structure, that the engines must overcome to maintain FTL is astronomical. It's akin to trying to drive a flat-blade-snow-plow threw solid rock at 55mph without slowing down. Not a thin rock wall, a solid non-stop path of solid rock, lol.
Similar forces and resistance happen with the SR71, Concorde, and other supersonic planes. Tho the forces are much lower, the skin of the planes heat up considerably, because of the friction of plowing threw the air at such speeds.
(Renders not by me, SGU is respectfully property of MGM studios)
"O" I was going somewhere with that last post, in a round about way. Beams and trusses.
For a long time, I've been looking at the basic Cube primitive, and thinking about how I could use it to make a simple beam or truss that can be lengthened as needed for where it is going in a set. However, because of the way a cube is UV mapped, that is it's achilles heel. you can't just increase the tiling of the map on a beam as you make it longer, as the ends of the beam get rather messed up with excess stuff.
Last month, I did have a few minutes to try making a cube out of planes, then adding some 45 angled surfaces to that. By saving the thing as a OBJ, and bringing the OBJ back into daz studio, the separate surfaces become a single unit, and each surface starting out as a plane, ends up with it's own independent surface zone. Now I can increase or decrease the tiling of the long sides without effecting the ends at all. So far so good.
Then I threw a simple truss section opacity map on it, and tried it out. It looked fantastic, so long as it was not viewed from the end. Because each surface has no depth to it at all, the truss-work almost vanishes when viewed from the end.
That was about the extent of what I achieved last month while on vacation, lol. So I went back to the cloth thread bump and opacity maps, to look at ways to mend that. And that is where I am at this point.
"O" look at that. I know I teased quite a bit, and there it is.
Dance Practice for Genesis 2 Female(s)
This was a test render looking at the issue of Moire interference patrons (Discussed in my other thread), tho I think it shows off the outfit quite well. The armbands and the Top are from the 'Dance-practice" set. Let me dig around a bit more, As I know I have a few more renders somewhere.
Like here, this is using just the armbands and a bit of the leg bands in the render as well, testing with some texture maps from that thread.
The textures on the outfit (in this post) was made by me, and not included with the set (to the best of my knowledge). The armband texture maps are here.
I'm still working on the other texture set of maps on the 'Top'.
This set is incredibly texture-map friendly, as with most stuff by Fisty that I've tried out.
Her is another, an offshoot of the Evaleene Outfit tests.
The skirt and Moccasins were added, as I was just fooling around. The top, armbands and leg bands are all using the textures that I had for the outfit at the time (That was some time ago, I don't know if there was any changes to them or not).
Most importantly, there was not any nasty surprises from fitting the outfit to FWSA Wachiwi, or posing. :coolsmile:
Well, simply because I don't want Fred and/or “Fisty & Darc” to have any inkling of a thought that I disapprove of FW Destiny HD (because if my former post regarding her). And to possibly back up my claim that the “Dance Practice for Genesis 2 Female(s)” outfit is incredibly Texture friendly.
Here is a render with every zone a different color. The two weave patrons used are from my texture map thread. (The top and Shorts are not using the Opacity map, just the arm and leg bands).
The outfit has four parts (leg-bands, Shorts, top, and arm bands), and a separate load everything DUF as well for the outfit parts. I think the promos show the included texture options quite well, so I'll look at other stuff.
Each of the items has three texture zones. The arm and leg bands have the zones split up like a set of stripes with the third being the ends (hemstitch section of a sorts). The shorts and top have an upper and lower section again with a third hemstitch section of a sorts. An incredible amount of accuracy has been put into making all the zones line up, so a seamless texture can be put over most of the zones. Because of the nature of UV mapping a 3d item, some hemstitch section on the top and Shorts are not seamless in nature, however the tiling density is still a perfect match to the rest of the other zones. In fact, the UV map is exactly as I would expect for a real Cloth Cut-out patron for the outfit, thus there shouldn’t be any nasty surprises there. Unfortunately because I don't know how to make a UV map and the only maps I have are the Diffuse (and other) surface tab stuff sold with the outfit. I can't show you that because of TOS, you'll just have to purchase the outfit and look at the maps yourself, lol.
Moire interference patrons, yes I'm still fussing with getting rid of that in my maps. So here is a second render with the AElflaed's Fancy Shaders. Again, each zone a different color.
As for FW Destiny HD, well she is an HD figure with all that implies. Simply because I didn't want to wait over a minute for each spot-render (to START doing something) while I was setting up the Shaders on the outfit, I tossed FW Nikki's “AltShader” and mats on her, including the eyes. FW Destiny dose not have independent HD dials, tho the Alt Shader mats borrowed from FW Nikki was sufficient, And I think close enough to FW Destiny’s Promo images skin tone for setting up a scene. Not quite as Fair-skinned and red as Destiny, still close enough for this.
(note to self, make a list of “Indispensable Figures” for there “AltMats”)
Other thoughts. I have no idea what that shadow on Destinies face is from (Possibly her hand in front of the Hallo Spotlight), I just noticed that as I was typing this and watching the renders in progress. The Tsukiakari Hair was a random pic, and the pink preset for the hair-clip was a nice touch.
The “BWC Harem – Poses” is the only dance pose set I have thus far that has independent upper and lower body section poser (Not the only pose set, the only “Dance Pose Set”). Even tho, it dose have a few poses that are not split up as such, and only available in full body poses. Still a great set for starting out some dance scenes.
Now there is an E3 convention going on, and I've been watching here and there, so I hope y'all are having a good summer and possibly enjoying the presentations of the upcoming games.
"O" I forgot to look at the Ear ring zones for the Ear rings that came with FW Destiny, oops. Here is a screencap of the zones, including the Tsukiakari Hair. Also these are just "Progressive" 3delight renders, 12x12 pixel samples, 64 shadow samples, etc.
Yeah the faceplant time is pretty crazy on some of them.. if you need to test render for shaders on clothing just make the character and hair invisible, saves your own hair. =)
Here's the template for the dance outfit..
And here are the matzones and templates for Destiny's earrings
Thanks for the UV map, I know that will help me out allot for some things, and especially some one else IF they intend to make a set of mats.
I just got back from getting a new set of stickers for my Jeep, and thus just now found out what I had left for play funds. There is allot of stuff in my wishlist that I didn't flush threw the shopping cart today. Still there is the past month and a half of stuff I've yet to play with, including those cool earrings (FWSA Tempie HD, FW Destiny HD, FW Porsha HD, etc) and the entire spell-casting set from Kadix (V3Digitimes).
lol, as I was typing this, lol. Thanks for the UV on Destiny’s earrings, that is so cool. I was just looking at how much stuff I have to try out that I must install, lol. Yes Ninive6pro is still pending (along with a few others).
Another Before-Coffee moment, lol. "Sprightly" is the name of the texture set, not the outfit parts ("Purr"). Still a good moment to look at some funny stuff. By the time I had relabeled the map, CMS got it's front-end out of it's Back-end and found the outfit parts. By then I had started looking for the wrong name, lol.
Operation Missing Sprightly Outfit.
Well, I didn't see any 'New' stuff under shirts or either skirt category, so I went looking in the Produce catalog. The outfit was right there, so I figured I was looking in the wrong category, and started with text searches. Long story shortened, I was looking for the wrong text.
So having located some stuff, the other note is that poke-threw plague. It looks like it is still around, and crops up at random times. Having turned that "Mesh smoothing" back on, there was still some nasty areas around the chest. Now contrary to how the options sound under "Smoothing Type", the options of "Generic" vs "Base Shape Matching" are somewhat backwards. "Base Shape" is not the shape of the morph applied to the figure, rather a crude approximation that works best when the cloth needs to be somewhat loos fitting. "Generic" is the actual geometry, great for stuff like the two-sizes-too-small 'TNG' uniforms. Now with some areas of the figure (like the chest), that approximating shape thing (Base Shape Matching) can miss polygons resulting in pecks and nipples poking threw the shirt (Also the underside of the breasts in this example).
What about just bumping up the "Smoothing Iterations", well that only works to the point that the shape-thing has averaged-detail for, and simply CPU wasteful beyond that. So if there is wiggle-room to have the outfit a tad bit further from the figure, that "Lock Distance" can help to a point.
Lock distance, dose have a pitfall when it comes to too much shadow on the edges of the outfit. So a good balance of Lock-distance and Shadow Bias on the lights is kind of critical. Not to say it is not always cool to have stuff hovering noticeably above the shoulders, lol.
So in the end, switching the "Smoothing Type" to "Generic", and hoping that the outfit shape is not overly clingy is often the way I end up going. Now there is three other 'Hidden' dials that are gray in my screen-cap that can probably help here, I've yet to mess with them my self. "Weight", "Secondary Weight", and "Length Influence". Clearly something a simple word definition is useless without knowing what direction dose what for the dials, lol.
Here is another daz studio annoyance, lol. Selecting something in a scene, and "Currently Used", tends to show Everything rather then just the item selected. Even unparenting the items of no interest, dose not remove them from the "Currently Used" list, lol.
Alright then, nothing some cut-n-past work in MS paint cant fix. Here is the mod to Tigerlily shown above. The other purple dials are from the Zev0 "Growing Up" morph set. Only goes to show that because a set is titled for one thing, dose not imply that it can't be used for something entirely different, lol.
I noticed that "Purrfectly Playful Outfit " on sale, and Tigerlily instantly came to mind, lol.
(I actually got the Lily and Tigerlily bundle last year sometime)
So, there you go, now I'm off to have some fun with a few more figures. I have three different renders in mind from the past month I want to try, and that RRRR pull I never got around to. Casting Practice, Something with the Steampunk stuff I have, and a few random flash-back figure mods (like Wachiwi+FwEve for example).
Well, This is, ah, :coolhmm: :shut:
Is it the 3delight error, the totally wrong OpenGL skin-tone, or something else.
There is just so much wrong here, I don't know where to begin. HD dials need to be backed off temperately, Perhaps a lack of mats on the earnings or something in the outfit causing an error, not to mention the pillow-slips on the shirt, lol. The error may just be a bad shader-comile, possibly.
I know I do get a similar error with the "As you wish" outfit, tho it renders fine with minimal (less then ten seconds) face-plant time. I'm fairly sure the face-plant bit is that HD stuff combined with my Pathetic computer. I have no clue what the Error is from, lol.
And this reminds me, I have yet to make a list of AltShader figures. Scrolling threw an out-of-date inventory of everything I have isn't quite good enough for that, as not all figures had AltShader mats. The other thing is, some figures have AltShader Mats that are just as bad with Face-plant time as the regular mats, lol.
Short list off the top of my head (less then 10 seconds AltShader Mats). FWSA Bambi, FW Eve, FW Faylinn, FWSA Keshi, FWSA Pebbel, FW Phoebe, FW Nikki, FW Serena, FWSA Wachiwi, etc...
Ah, Bambi looks good enough, and the eyecolor is also good. The error apears to be something with the outfit, not the figure or the earrings.
uber surface using displacement often gets that warning, you can safely ignore it.
So here is some settings after fussing with Bambi's alt shader applied to Tempie's AoA mats. It looks like a much closer approximation, tho I'm not entirely sure just looking at the promos just how dark the skin is vs how dark the lights are. Oh, "Base Female" not "V5" for the UV mapping.
I've yet to look at the eyes, tho I can live with this.
The fingernails and toenails will need to be a tad bit of "reflection". It's a start.
That 15% reflection on the eyes also looks good, for 'Real Reflection' anyways. Using maps will need considerable tweaking.
As for the lips, same as the skin screen-cap, except Specular Strength 65%, and Glossiness at 75%.
Wow, what a blindside surprise. At a time when it feels like Genesis 2 just got to the point of being usable, And I'm filled mostly with skepticism.
Simply looking at what I have in the former posts on this page, clearly I was not even paying attention to the forum, and now I have much to ask and look up. However I guess the more fundamental points being on the side of Autofit capability with the new platform. Being a new platform, the amount of stuff available is a tad bit on the limited side. Using stuff from a former generation, can and has had issues with usability or the complete lack of functionality, lol.
I know first hand how impossible It can be to make generation 4 stuff work on generation 6, and how long it took to get tools that made the conversion feasible. Before even reading threw the beginning of the promo image text, I was thinking of all the stuff that it took years to get, and how much work the PAs had put into the stuff just released this month.
So, perhaps a short recap. In Januwary of 2014 I had started working on a few projects that it would have been nice to 'Render' a virtual copy of them before heading down to the machine shop to have the stuff made. Figures, or people was the last thing I was thinking of when I dove into Daz Studio back in March of 2014. I looked around the store, and only found a single G2F figure remotely close to resembling what I prefer. There was also a V4 'Texture' set that lacked a Shape to go with it, lol. Still, there was plenty of sand in the desert to have fun making sand castles with, so it was not all bad. Within the past two months there was a few figures released that absolutely got my attention, one I've yet to peal the 'New' sticker off of the Smart Tab Icon.
Making 3D anything is allot of work. Judging by what I have seen looking threw the generations of figures, some things take about two generations worth of time to get everything to a complete product salable point. Now, granted the tools used to make CG stuff has improved considerable (for the most part, except those indispensable tools that get discontinued and don't run at all on newer Operating Systems, lol).
So perhaps it's a good time to stop looking threw the flood of stuff I've just purchased, and look around the forum a bit. I'm sure most of my questions are the same as so many others, and my doubts all based on what was described above in this post. Starting with G3F and G3M? Whom, What, When, Why, Where?
I just got Genesis3 last night, and made a few screen-caps. The G3F/G3M thread is here.
O.K. in the wake of the brain-squeeze of new stuff to learn, I have a small plea to make. I know this weighs heavily on Fred, OziChick, Sabby, and Seven, tho I know there not alone.
These figures are Indispensable to the generation 6 line up.
It is not a complete list, just the ones with mats that I have used within the past few days. The 'genitals' dial list, is out of what I have.
For the AltShader that can be applied to the existing mats of other figures, or outright replace the mats while setting up lights and dealing with poke-threw issues. For the most part, each one is somewhat different from the next as far as skin-tone goes, so there all equally quite useful to keep around.
FWSA Bambi, FW Eve, FW Faylinn, FWSA Keshi, FWSA Pebbel, FW Phoebe, FW Nikki, FW Serena, FWSA Wachiwi, etc…
(the common denominator, they all use the daz default shader as the "AltShader")
For that incredibly nice addition of detail to the Critical Bits area. The morph dial to add some shaping detail of 'Genitals'. Some refer to it as a toe or something like that, lol.
OziChick Neena
simply because this one dial adds the details without altering the overall shape of the entire area. It is the only dial I have that dose this so well. The others are somewhat stylized and adjust the hip shape for the intended figure, and thus may have varying results.
A few figures even have some HD detail as an additional second shaping dial. For the most part, the HD dials only add details and do not affect the shape of the hip.
FW Phoebe, and FW Serena have HD dials. (there may be others, I've yet to purchase the entire Daz3d store, lol).
As for Fred Winkler Art, Sabby, Seven, and EmmaAndJordi. There are many figures that also have dials that add some detail to an otherwise bland looking area. There are a few overall different verities for this area amongst the listed figures. Most of these do tend to change the shape of the hip, and some more then others. Again, results may very.
Sabby Bunny, FW Courtney HD, FW Danika, EJ (pick a name), FW Eve, FW Faylinn, SASE Kennedy, FWSA Keshi, (Aako) Lela, SASE Libbie, FW Phoebe, FWSA Riva, FW Serena, Sabby-Tiffany, and FWSA Wachiwi.
Custom Ears. Just as a note. All of the EmmaAndJordi figures I have thus far, ALL have individually sculpted ears for each one (no duplicates). Another nice thing to have around, along with a few other figures.
I finally sat down to try to make some color (no map) presets for that 1940's stool, and painfully discovered some zones named differentially between them. While the legs on the taller ones are with a lowercase 'L', it's enough for a material preset to not take. two stools have a '1' added to a zone name.
So I have two options. one, find the original scene used to make the obj, and rename the parts and export it all again. Or try to find a way to rename the existing surfaces, and re-save the stools. Then there is that save bit (was it a scene subset, or other), lol. Time to dig way back in my mountain of sticky-notes, lol. This must be fixed.
The Duf file is no help at all.
Figure/Prop/Asses. ok.
Oh, and like, click the surface text multiple times until it gives you a text courser there in that Tool Settings thing, lol.
That fixed, not the horrid fun of finding all the folders to put into a zip. Hmmm.
There it is, v4.1 all updated and ready to go. Now includes some color presets.
Guess what y'all. I think I finally figured out how to pack up a scene with lights. And the obvious choice, is my test chamber.
ZdgTestChamber v2.2 UE2 for Daz Studio
Everything lock, stock, and barrel.
It is for 3delight as of now. I've decided that Everything will need to be changed for an Iray one, and I still lack a GPU to make setting up Iray lighting less painful. I do like to play myself, rather then not use my computer for hours on end.
I'm going to play a bit with stuff I've yet to install from Daz, so enjoy y'all.
Thank you. I picked this up and really look forward to experimenting with it.
I also just uploaded a "Materials Preset" for G3F, to help others save some time with setting up scenes in 3delight.
It's not for everyone, And I've still yet to make one that matches the AoA one closer in 3delight.
I picked it up earlier this evening. Thanks.
I was fussing around with an outfit, and got distracted with a prop used to show off the Sci-fi-ness of the outfit, lol. That's what I've been looking at most of the day, a prop, lol.
I suppose I should go threw my lists and decide what is today's must-do for bills, it is payday and I owe money, lol.
It has been a trying few days. So much, and so many different directions.
So, as for the Daz front, I've been flushing my wishlist threw the shopping cart. So much stuff I wanted to get the past two months, that my Jeep kept me from getting. It's all good tho, the Jeep is fixed, and has a new shiny inspection sticker. As for the flushing, well I need to go back in there with a plunger I think. Some stuff didn't get added to the 'Checkout list', and I think the 'Place order' plumbing is in danger of backing up. lol
I didn't get the Sky-dome set for the Homestead scene, And I swear that Feral Fey Wings had a cool set of add-on textures (tho I may be thinking of a different set of fae wings).
Fractal wings was what I was thinking of, lol. On the topic of wings, I have this "Devin Wings" set I picked up a few months back, and I have no Idea where it went. I don't recall seeing it in the smart tab, not under cloths or accessories or anywhere else.