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I know I eluded to looking for and watching the vids in another thread, tho My first impression is such, that I'd rather not put the op threw the grief of how I feel after watching the first few vids of the tutorial. There is three more sets of vids I've yet to watch, so perhaps I got them out of order. This is just my first impression, of the "Master Hexagon - Car Modeling Basics" tutorials.
Now to be fair, If I had a clue what key and/or mouse button did what in the interface, It looks like a good walk-threw of laying out the mesh of a car. Aimed more to the advanced Hexagon novice, rather then the never used anything like it before beginner.
This is exactly the kind of tutorial that should never have had "Basics" in it's name. While the voice is clear and understandable, I am no closer to following what the PA was doing in the tutorial. The vids have no beginner guide, Cheat-sheet, or notes of any kind to accompany the vids. And in the vids there is no indication at all of what is a right-click, lift click, key-pres-and-click, etc. I spent a good portion of the time just watching things happen in the interface with minimal click this to do this commentary, and some of it clearly did not involve the mouse at all. I can only guess all the clicking in the top bar and in the menus was exclusively Left-click operation.
I have one more vid to watch (06_04_Hexagon_CarWheel), and I have doubts that it is a good file, just looking at the thumbnail in the file manager (I will find out). I suspect that is probably why the Car making set was not visible in DIM when I went looking for where the tutorial sets had been installed. (EDIT, the vid dose play,it just ends on a funny cliffhanger. What do I do with the tire now, lol)
I now have a general Idea of how the mesh should be laid out, without a clue what to do with the keyboard and mouse to make it happen, :lol:
There are exactly 2 hotkeys I ever use in Hex: Shift to select multiple polys/line/faces, and "x" to start cutting lines into polys. (and that has a button anyway so it's not needed)
That's good to know. I'm guessing the CTRL-click thing is also like Studio for selecting collections of specific faces/edges/etc. I'm watching him use the 'extrude tool' now for that tire vid, and it is a good vid, just not for 'know nothing beginners', lol.
Funny thing is, I'm watched him do stuff with polygons, and the courser is involved with that. Then the view will just spontaneously rotate zoom and move around, with the mouse courser not even going down to the controls for that at the bottom of the interface (The mouse doesn't even move).
There is a set of beginner vids that go over the interface, somewhere online. It was pointed out in that thread in the hexagon group, regarding installing hex.
Thanks Brainshredder for the link for the vids in that thread.
AKA, first vid is also here. This is absolutely a start here vid.
Control key does something else.. what exactly that is I have no idea. =) There are hotkey viewport controls, I just don't know what they are, I never use them.
Edit: I guess that's one of the nice things about Hex.. if you like using hotkeys it has a bunch already set up and you can set up even more, but if you're like me and prefer to keep your left hand on your coffee mug/e-cig/beer glass there are buttons for everything.
That setting shift-S for extrude dose sound like a cool idea. Mapping Hexagon's hot-keys to a nostromo (razer), now that would be cool.
I bet I could map the viewport controls to ASWD, that might work.. LOL
If it's a click this button and pres the key thing, I just need to drag the Nostromo out of the shed. The second USB number-pad on the other hand, would need the driver reprogrammed to give it different keys from the regular number-pad on the keyboard, something I've never done. The number-pad was only useful for casting spells in WoW.
Yes, I've had similar evil thoughts for Daz studio as well. kind of like "hot-key speed-dial" right there next to the trackball (mouse), lol.
On a slight sidetrack note. Continuation of a joke in this post
The Place-order plumbing did get backed up, so I had to proceed to force some wish-list things threw the shopping cart with a hydro-blaster, lol.
In the process, I noticed the "Tylwyth" outfit has a "Lighting" shader listed as a requirement. I'm not sure if that is a joke, or the Edit-monkeys were at it again, lol.
To top it off, the light shader in question, was mentioned in the recent RRRR thread as being broken, lol.
So I guess the rule of thumb from now on, is to not just make sure you have everything required for the figure in a bundle, as the included outfit may have some rather odd requirements of it's own, lol.
That outfit comes with a light set, it's not required to use the clothes.
Good to know, as there is only Environment maps listed in the included files, and yet no hint of what there for in the description. I was asking my self, is that cool lantern included or something, lol. Something going on here that I'm not being told about, or did I just miss that memo, lol.
Well, I've been fussing around with more Primitives (I need to make some stuff in hex now for the 'Apparatus'), and looking at how G3F's new rigging moves when posed.
While I will say not bad, I think the final score is still "in review", lol.
yes, much work to do still. On just about everything except V7, lol.
Getting there... turnbuckles for the guy-wires, hmmm.
redid allot, still not done tho, lol.
Little bit of an update on the Uneven-bars.
It's still a work in progress, tho I'm happy with allot at this point. I'm now seeing the fruits of my labor, and it is a cool feeling. And at the same time, I know I'll be barraged with request for the rest of the Olympic floor, lol. In time, in time.
So, the top looks good, the guy-cables still need more parts, and the measurements still continue. The mats depicted are Primitive-cubes done up with the AElflaed's Fancy – Shaders, and are the regulation 20cm hight for the apparatus mat, and 10cm hight for the additional landing mat. I'm not sure yet, how I'm going to pack that all up (I haven’t gotten there yet), tho I do have ideas. The distance between the bars, well, I don't know what the diagonal is, and that is how the FIG rules specify them (130cm to 180cm). They are, specified height from the floor (podium excluding mats) 170cm Low-bar and 250cm High-Bar.
So, I have much still to do, aside from getting FW Eve some Ice for her shins, (sorry).
(EDIT) Now this looks better, the screencap showing the mountian of parts I need to 'Weld' togeather into a single unit, lol. (EDIT2) one last updated test render, I must go pay bills, chat later y'all.
I've thought about the new forum layout, and while it dose have a particular asthetic apeal to some, there are a few things I'm not particurly fond of. The font used in this "Leave a Coment" box dose not reflect the font that apears when Posted. The font currently on the forum has random bold letters mixed with fine-line letters, that I find strainfull to the eyes. And as many screencaps I can take of this, it dose not reflect at all the actual size the letters on my screen. Must every leter now be clearly legable from the other side of the sports arena, lol.
The font in the "Leave a Coment" windo is quite suficent, If that's what whent into the thread when posted.
So, here it is a few days later, and I figured I'd post this screen-cap, of the old forum vs the new in-progress under construction one.
I have no idea what daz has in mind for the future of this place, tho it has already cost me significant delays with some other projects, not to say keeping up with New Horizons. My sincerest apologies Kadix, Fisty, and EJ. I will work on the renders I had in mind before G3F happened, and if this place is still around, I'll post what I come up with.
Hi! I hope things will get better with time. The new forum "look" makes me think it has been made to be more compatible with mobile devices (phones, tablets)... And it's true it is much better on tablets. Maybe a better compromise will be reached one never knows...
By the way, with the new forum, kadix suddenly became "V3Digitimes". I cannot hide any more!
Still waiting to see your render
For what little it's worth, with G3F/V7 out, and the ongoing forum teething pains.
So I was setting up some figures for a scene, and this just sort of happened, lol. Left is EJ Bellaluna And (some) Moonchild Jewels. Right is EJ Niebla And Claw Rings (on one hand). Also a nice showing I think of DG Brocade and Satin Shaders 3Delight on the skirt, and AElflaed's Fancy – Shaders on the shirt and swimsuit (under the skirt).
The other render, the two above are in the back ground, as FW Ja-Long 1&2, and Maggie (Belladzines) look up. A bit of an exaggeration of the 'Homestead' lot with some modifications.
Nice surprise with “The humble homestead”. The lot of land where the house is, is a 5 th zone on top of the other zones, that can be made invisible, to allow the ground to be used for other purposes. The rest of the ground is made of 4 zones and a surrounding hills zone. No, the monoliths are not part of the 'Homestead”, lol.
The other bit of monument-like stone thing, was from that 'Space Stones' set, and that came with the glowing rock-ball thing.
And here is the all back view. Homestead ground, High Mountain Temple (sky-dome and lights), and, ah, (looks up), it's, (looks up more), ah, (looks straight up), a really huge megalith.
A 2,000 ft tall copy of the smaller ones
The ground. I set it to 200% scale, and set the tiling of the four inner ground zones to 2x2. The fith one set to 0% opacity, and I left the surrounding hills alone.
It is...
There is a way to do it, fairly easily...just run a browser detection script and then depending on what it returns, use a different stylesheet. I think the hard part will be coming up with the different stylesheets...and that isn't THAT hard. It would just take a little bit of time and some amount of community 'support' for such an all of us who primarily don't use mobile devices to demand it.
'Epic'... it sure is! I love what you've done here, and that you were able to tweak tiling to get the look you wanted (yes, if you don't need the middle one the rest of the ground tiles will join seamlessly). I really like how the Homestead landscape looks here, even though I'd never have dreamed it would play host to monoliths and that amazing megalith. It also recently saw a toon space ship (different thread) so it's fun seeing it used so creatively for sci-fi and more.
The EJ girls are looking great too. Nice moment there, though excuse me if I go back and stare in awe at that megalith... :)
Oh and nice detail on the uneven bars, looking forward to seeing more on that project.
Thanks, Jindi, errr, ah. Sorry. Thanks. Yea, you can't hide any more either. And they want me to cut my name (I need to think on that more), so in any case. Thats the kind of destraction that paused work on the jim, the forum whent nuts, and it hasn't seteled down yet. I got another error when I tried to add the third (full monolith) shot. So things have not seteld down yet.
P.S. ignor the atached pic, it's just a test. (15Nov2015) And for the sake of it, another one.
You know, I think you got it in spades, lol. And this is my thread, and I'm the one to always put my foot in my mouth, so here it goes. I could almost imagine this being a Dilbert skit, lol.
The PTB, probably didn't even look at the forum on a computer when that 'Entity' was calling the shouts, lol. It was probably like this. "You see this" pointing at a ten-year-old cell phone, "I want this font here" (pointing at the dialed phone number on the gray-scale display) "used on our forum, that other stuff used there doesn't work on my phone". "This name thing over the pic, no, I want the names under the pic just like my ID card here. And all this stuff here, remove it..."
So now the tech's are stuck, the forum admin's have a flood of complaints coming at them, users are replacing the font that dose not work on any computer with pictures containing text in a font that dose, and the PTB is still not happy. It's the natural way of the world, so all is normal, not necessarily good, just normal as it should be, lol.
Serisuly, just looking at the wrightup I did on my test chamber, that looks like roadkill with the new chosen font at that size, and the complete lack of clearly visible paragraph breaks. And it is like that with Every single tutorial I looked at a few days ago. Oh, and some pics are still gone, lol.
One of the oddest things about this software switch...I haven't had a single problem that wasn't a general, widespread one. Last time I was one of the ones with all the oddball crap showing your font problems. Ultimately it boiled down to browser problems. The software, at first did not like the Linux version of FF. But after a couple of FF updates (including one compile from source) it all went away. Never did figure out what the exact problem was.
As to the pics...are they old ones (as in posted before the switchover) or new ones? If they are new, I'm wondering if everyone got the notice that they went off to that great bitbucket in the sky? (and why didn't they do a general notification that that happened, anyway?)
They did do a notice, and those screen caps are from tonight (within minutes of that post). That one Szark wrote up, months ago, still missing pics. It's not just with FF either, it is just as bad with Internet Exploder, lol. And I still get the random "Internal error" thing when I try to upload renders. Teething pains.
Not a sticky post that only has a couple of hundred views...but a general e-mail/notification (yes, it's a power that the actual forum 'owners'/admins have...).
That random internal error bit has got to be server/cloud related.
Not all the threads are missing the pics now, so yea, it may be a cloud-web delay thing at this end. As for the fonts, here is another issue I have with all the posts from months past.
That text, "The maps in this post are CC0 (Public Domain)", as it is, is rather on the edge of obtrusive. When I first made the posts months ago, I chose to have that line small and discreet, to let people know they don't need to worry about using the maps, and at the same time not sound like the obnoxious sales man screaming "Free!, Get your Free-ee-ee". Granted I do have opinions like anyone else, tho I do still prefer to be, shall we say, civilized when discussing such matters. lol.
Ah, there we go. The sky 'Ray-trace" was turned off on the Omni shader. And some some things with no curved sides, it really is best to Turn Mesh smoothing on the shader off (like on the Megaliths).
Wow, you can really see the difference to the surface with those changes.
Ah, no, I changed my username myself because it was confusing when a PA needed to send me a PM and I didn't have my PA name. So I'm happy to be changed, much as I liked Jindi (the avatar girl is Jindi). Would your name wrap if you put in a space? It seems a shame you have to change it.
Yea, I figured something was up with the reflection at 100% and still no clouds or distant mountains in the surface, lol.
As I started this little 'ZDG' thing recently, going all the way back to 1995, I have always been "zarcondeegrissom". As a mater of fact, I've even been considering changing my real name to that, "David" is just way to popular and why I've been the other for so long. That is my dilemma with changing the 'Z' name at this point to anything else. It's also why I haven't even fixed the spelling error from zarcon to zircon, that and there are already a zillion Zircons anyway, lol. So, if anything I guess I'll drop the capitols to lowercase, and hope that gives the text enough room.
On a funny note, dropping it all to just "Z" would be unique I guess, sorry I can't afford a vowel, it's just 'Z', lol.
Megalith. Massive hovering blocks of stone, and strange glowing areas of energy, that is not normal. With more individuals arriving from the looks of it. At this point, I need to pull out a few things and figure out how to use them in 3delight. The stage is now set.
Well, we are within minutes of the 24hour mark from Pluto, and Life has been really hectic here. So, here is a test render I threw together of Mercury and Pluto, both with maps that still need major work still to work properly in Studio, lol. I suspect that the few-day-old map of Pluto will be vastly improved the next few days (plus time needed to compile the images into a mosaic), as for Mercury, it will be a mater of converting data from one thing to something completely different. So this will probably be as good as Mercury will get with my limited tools.
On a different front, I just picked up EJ Valeria for G3F, and a separate Hat&hail combo (Lala Hair) that's been lingering in my must-buy list for some time now. It will be some time, before I have time to make some renders with them.
I must now completely shift gears and go talk Raspberry Pi jargon with my dad, chat later y'all.
It has some 'Language' used, that implies Dials. I've yet to notice any under 'Head' or 'Actor' specific to this set, just browsing threw them. Tho I do have allot in there, lol. ERRRR, I take that back, it dose have dials as named.
OK this looks like a good one, how about the other??? I don't know, the buying choice came down to a dice roll, I don't have the V6 one.
(EDIT) and they "mix" very nicely.
(EDIT2) As for the body preset 'Dial', I'll say not bad at all. Tho I still find the 'Youth Posture' dial in Zev0's "Growing Up" morph set indispensable. I desperately hope that Dial will eventually be available for G3F, It's the number one reason I've yet to openly embrace generation 7.
B.T.W. That is FW Eve's No SSS "MATs" in these screen-caps. I wanted something that would spot-render quickly, if I got to that point with looking at the shaping dials. "Young Oxana" is, JUST, a shaping set with no included mats.