Just a side note as I go threw some inventory of yesterday's aggressive plunger action with the shopping cart, lol.
This is probably why I tend to not hesitate at all buying some things, and other things end up in the "Undecided List". Zones, not just having them, showing them in the Promos. I could be outright vicious and list all the outfits that look like they should have surface zones and don't have any at all to work with. However Lets play a little game, shall we. What outfit haz zones to work with for using surface shaders, just looking at the promos.
Give up? Would most just decide to go with what obversely has zones to work with? In reality, that suite haz lots of zones to work with, and that selling point was not taken advantage of in the promos for it. Hmmm.
The Alfred's Finery left nothing in doubt in the promos. Lots of zones to work with.
Ah, yea. I don't know about you, however I don't like playing the Guessing game when it comes to stuff that costs money.
The Summer Kis outfit can be turned into just a skirt or shirt with the zones. However it lacks hem-lines on the sleeves and neck, and that limits what you can do with the shirt. The skirt is a tad better, however it is nothing like the versatility of the Ghawazee Coat skirt, or the Time For School skirt. I'd call the Summer Kis outfit as a so-so for customizing cloth types on it, I have gotten worse stuff that only had a single zone for everything.
I have fussed with the surface settings with some random figures with what spare time I've had. As with Peppermint in a former post. Here is Ly Beatrix, with some rather different settings using the Daz Default Shader (a custom AltShader). I'm finding that some eyes are ok, and others flip out to 100% reflection for some odd reason when changing the shader, lol. While it probably is not an issue in a render, it can make it impossible to aim the eyes in the view-field, lol.
Now I can tell that the lighting in the Promos (Like Fw Eve) are on the dark side of illumination, and thus I'm not sure just how dark the skin tone is supposed to be. And in the end, I guess it matters less then other 'usability' aspects of an AltShader.
Fisty did kind of give me a bit of a 'Gibs Slap', in bringing to my attention, That G2F and G2M have the same zones for the most part, and an AltShader can be Ctrl-Clicked onto the other. I had many possible AltShaders for G2M staring me in the face this entire time, lol. So I was able to take a shader preset that I had started to work on for Gingersnap, and use it to start making an AltShader for Peppermint. And then (eventually when time allows) apply that back over to Gingersnap to make life a tad easier.
Also, I have discovered (for the most part), that some PA's figures can use the same AltShader for a majority of there figures. With the exception of the eyes that almost never end up with the maps in the correct channel, lol.
So, I have been around, just not as much as I would like to have been with inspections and paperwork.
Some fun, that I have not had for quite some time. I'll start with the disclaimers first.
The Elf ears belong to FW Eve, not Sabby-Carlene for V6.
The Pen Hair dose not play well with Elf ears, that was forced with a D-Form for each ear to keep the hair from going threw the ears.
The Skirt was posed using Dforms, as this pose was not 'compatible' with the included canned pose morphs, and the leg bones do nothing on the skirt part of the dress.
Oh, and this is not entirely the Test-chamber lighting, to closer capture the stormy sky.
Pro's, Yes. The earrings that came with Carlene are very nice, and come with considerable pose bones for the chain and stuff (and color options). The “Ghawazee Coat” shoes are a very nice 'low heal' shoe. We are at the “Forest Hut” again, with "Predatron Essential Lights & Skies" stormy sky. The “Trendy Accessories” bracelets look ok with a custom color.
And Carlene as an Elf, I think she looks really good.
The pose, I'm not sure about yet, something still looks off, lol. I did back off the torso and neck twist a tad, to make her face a tad more visible. The cloth on the chest of the dress didn't look quite right, so I'm looking at the pose again. (EDIT) added a slightly closer in render, and slightly adjusted around the chest for the dress texture.
(EDIT2) The ones in this post are the AltShader. The final render is done, using her regular shader, at DA.
This was a little bit of a fun scene I was playing with surface settings with.
The lace is using a tinted gloss and velvet. I'm still playing with the colors, tho the effect looks cool. I started with the "AElflaed's Fancy" linen Sheer (black cloth setting), and went from there.
I'm using the "G-Suit 2 HD" as a Leotard and leggings. That was a bit of fun. I started with one of the "DG Shader Essentials 3" solids (suite5.jpg map, "Woven 12"), and went from there. I took the diffuse map, converted it to gray scale, and made it brighter (Brightness +128 in IrfanView). Then I used that map to let me chose colors in the surface tab (Diffuse, Ambient, etc).
Oh. Left to right in the scene render. FW Eve, MicroraptorDR, FWSA-ZDG Jaina for Olympia 6 (FWSA Siblings + Olympia 6), and Sabby-Carlene for V6.
I dabbled with IPR, and abandoned it after experiencing my computer locking up for around half an hour any time anything in a scene had been touched. At least the Spot-render method let me use my computer until I wanted to see the changes I had made in a scene. Still, this Pre compute delay, of the SSS shaders has me beside my self. What could SSS pre-compute possibly be doing with eight FPUs running at 4GHz for half an hour?
To put it another way, in order to get that Faceplant time under forty-five seconds, I would need at least sixty CPU sockets (8 core, 4GHz each) in this computer. That is a ridiculous amount of compute-power to be using with no results of any kind being produced. 480-core 4GHz computer, That's about 1.9 TaraFLOPS of CPU power, at 100% load and doing nothing!
What is up with that? For a spot render!? Something has got to give, because this is not working for me, lol.
It's working out the light scattering for the whole mesh, as far as I understand it - it needs to know where the light is going to end up before it can render a single pixel.
I do some pretty complex scenes and think 5 to 10 mins is not great, 45 is simply ridiculous...and I've got a much less powerfull processor. But like Richard said, the precompute time is not 'nothing'.
It's working out the light scattering for the whole mesh, as far as I understand it - it needs to know where the light is going to end up before it can render a single pixel.
Sounds about correct, and understandable. Till I look at the ram usage, that dose not appear to change at all. Tho that can be misleading if it is allocating all needed ram before that 'render' info-window pops up, and sits at 0% done for considerable time.
In the past, on a computer with half the cores (4-core), and half the clock (2GHz), with older figures (that did not look so off-tone in the view field), it never took more then five minutes for the worst of them. They now only faceplant for about 45 seconds on the new PC, and the newer off-tone shaders "take bloody ages".
Is there something like a 'sampling rate' in the SSS that I can't see in the Surface tab? It's the only thing I can think of, as I see absolutely no difference at all in the render quality of the old shaders vs the newer ones. Newer faster PC, newer SSS figures, and it's taking ten times longer to Pre-compute, lol.
O.T. What is that V7 update? smart tab icons, or other?
Yes, some characters have this issue due to the way Adjust Rigging to Shape is affecting the bones - please open a ticket for the affected character(s) so that they can be updated, assuming they haven't already been updated.
Yes, some characters have this issue due to the way Adjust Rigging to Shape is affecting the bones - please open a ticket for the affected character(s) so that they can be updated, assuming they haven't already been updated.
Will do, thanks. I had just puled the figure threw DIM, from the backlog of stuff bought. I'll check again for updates. So that cross-eyed pose thing is from a goof in the XYZ stuff between "Whatever-Z-creation-thing" and Studio. As for the other face palm, I need to go back to generation-3 (V3/A3/etc) to find eye pose controls that don't move the eyelids (specifically, Aiko 3 LE).
And for some odd reason, V4.2 power loader works in DS4.7, and can't find some folders in DS4.8 beta, hmmm. (I'm sure there using the same content paths) Aiko3 works fine in DS 4.8, very odd.
(EDIT) I just puled up G3F, posed the eyes up, and then started spinning figure (people) shape dials, and just found two more cross-eyed XYZ figures, after the first three dials spun. Zathras - Not good. This be another very long ticket Zathras thinks.
(EDIT Oct19)
I would like to apologies for any misunderstanding regarding the eye pose mistake. It is just a mistake, and one I have made myself with rigging bones. Also there was just three 'mistakes' in my collection, unlike what I initially thought after throwing the first three shape dials.
It is an incredibly easy mistake to make looking at all the XYZ rotation options. There is the order of what is XYZ vs direction in the scene. And each XYZ can either be normal (+) or reverse (-) rotation vs value. G3F has more bones then former generations, and I think many of them are quite different. Rigging anything is a long tedious task with the aforementioned XYZ choices for many of the steps, and that is why I had never repeated my attempt to rig up a walking cube for a funny prop of sorts. I had gotten every single XYZ order completely wrong the first time, and nothing moved the way it should have when I was done.
Last year I had started to make a set, and just didn't have all the furnishings necessary. Since then, it's just been a mater of time, figuring out placements, and making decisions. That "forest hut" is actually a nice size given it is a "Hole in the ground", lol. The realistic warped floorboards do make putting stuff on the floor rather fun.
I'm still not sure what to make a dividing wall out of for the bed in the back left corner. I had thought the Tapestry would be sufficient, and I have yat to decide if it is a keeper or not.
Well enjoy y'all. I'm going to continue working on the living area towards the front of the place (Kitchen/living room area).
Looks like the floor can be adjusted by setting it's Y scale (of just the floor) to something like 30%.
I just spent the past few hours ripping the Material preset folders apart. Nothing. No OOT folder, no Bice folder, or any Filosofy folder of any kind. If it wasn't the Only hair remotely like that style, I would uninstall the damn thing and lob it into the nearest black hole to rid the universe of the turmoil of using it in Daz Studio. I hate working with V4 stuff on G2F, and I hate the Poser side of the content library. Grrrrr! lol.
My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\Pose\MAT Filosofy Hair
Yes, filosofy hair is my version of Adam savage's captain chair. Exactly the style I want for so many figures, and completely wrong in every other way for the figures I want to use it with, lol.
(EDIT) That G2F one, was by me... filosofy hair dose not work on G2F without consiberal reworking of the mesh and rig.
I just spent the past few hours ripping the Material preset folders apart. Nothing. No OOT folder, no Bice folder, or any Filosofy folder of any kind. If it wasn't the Only hair remotely like that style, I would uninstall the damn thing and lob it into the nearest black hole to rid the universe of the turmoil of using it in Daz Studio. I hate working with V4 stuff on G2F, and I hate the Poser side of the content library. Grrrrr! lol.
My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\Pose\MAT Filosofy Hair
Yes, filosofy hair is my version of Adam savage's captain chair. Exactly the style I want for so many figures, and completely wrong in every other way for the figures I want to use it with, lol.
I don't have this hair, but this is where the ReadMe says you find them:
I just spent the past few hours ripping the Material preset folders apart. Nothing. No OOT folder, no Bice folder, or any Filosofy folder of any kind. If it wasn't the Only hair remotely like that style, I would uninstall the damn thing and lob it into the nearest black hole to rid the universe of the turmoil of using it in Daz Studio. I hate working with V4 stuff on G2F, and I hate the Poser side of the content library. Grrrrr! lol.
My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\Pose\MAT Filosofy Hair
Yes, filosofy hair is my version of Adam savage's captain chair. Exactly the style I want for so many figures, and completely wrong in every other way for the figures I want to use it with, lol.
I don't have this hair, but this is where the ReadMe says you find them:
... which means there should be some DS presets for it too.
Nothing at all in the Studio Format paths. to quote Sgt. Apone... "Sir, this place is dead. Whatever happened here, I think we missed it.", lol. It's just everything about using it on G2F is near impossible without hexagon and a rigging rig for G2F. Otherwise it's like all the other V4 styles, and kinks up around the neck. It's so much of a pain to use, that I have simply avoided it to the point I keep forgetting that Poser puts Materials in the Posing folders instead of the Material folder. Yes the resentment runs very deep with this hair style.
If I was any good at Hexagon, it would be worth my time to just make it from scratch for G2F and Daz Studio. Simply because there just is no other style like that, that goes over the ears and is only shoulder length without covering up the face.
Another week of my time wasted on this hair, I want to think about happy things now... Thanks MelanieL.
What do they do, when there not up at the north pole, lol.
Allot of stuff in this one.
L to R. FWSA Aiyana, FWSA Gingersnap, Zayla, Zahara, FW Alfred, FWSA Peppermint.
Gingersnap and Zahara are both wearing the "Ginger Snap Outfit", Gingersnap is sporting the included hat and hair. Zahara is wearing the "Lala Hair and Kitty Bowler", and "G-Suit 2 HD" as socks (using the "AElflaed's Fancy" shader).
Alfred and Peppermint are both wearing the "Alfred's Finery", and "Kung Fu Hair". Alfred is also sporting Peppermint's elf ears, amd Alfred beard (whatever part of the Alfred bundle that was from, lol). Alfred's outfit on Alfred (bit of a tong twister, lol) is using the "AElflaed's Fancy" shader for the red/green colors. Oh, I am using a D-form to make the Kung Fu Hair work with the ears on both of them.
Zayla is wearing the "G-Suit 2 HD" as undergarment (custom ZDG shader), "Ghawazee Coat" shirt and skirt, and "Fuji Hair for Genesis 1" (hair from sharcg). Yes the skirt is behind the sofa, lol. The Ghawazee shirt is using an "AElflaed's Fancy" shader, black sheer cloth with a green felted trim.
Aiyana with FW Eve 'Fae Ears', is wearing the Ladybug Top ("AElflaed's Fancy" black linen undershirt with some extra velvet to the texture), "J Girl" shirt and jeans, "Kiriko Outfit" stockings ("AElflaed's Fancy" texture again). "Kibri Dress" wrist cuffs and "Bejeweled Bundle 2" Black Rose bracelets to finish it off.
(intermission, looking up more product names)
Well, I spent the time, to run this threw a regular render (instead of the progressive render). I'm not seeing much of a difference at first glance. The Progressive render took about 15m 13.27s to run to completion, the other took approximately 45m 22.80s to complete, lol. Using AltShaders on all the figures by the way, most of them made myself for the figures that didn't include them.
Dough!, I need to do the render again, I forgot the Opacity map on Alfreds eye lashes. oops. Such is life, I'll add that to a new post later on.
I just spent the past few hours ripping the Material preset folders apart. Nothing. No OOT folder, no Bice folder, or any Filosofy folder of any kind. If it wasn't the Only hair remotely like that style, I would uninstall the damn thing and lob it into the nearest black hole to rid the universe of the turmoil of using it in Daz Studio. I hate working with V4 stuff on G2F, and I hate the Poser side of the content library. Grrrrr! lol.
My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\Pose\MAT Filosofy Hair
Yes, filosofy hair is my version of Adam savage's captain chair. Exactly the style I want for so many figures, and completely wrong in every other way for the figures I want to use it with, lol.
I don't have this hair, but this is where the ReadMe says you find them:
... which means there should be some DS presets for it too.
Nothing at all in the Studio Format paths. to quote Sgt. Apone... "Sir, this place is dead. Whatever happened here, I think we missed it.", lol. It's just everything about using it on G2F is near impossible without hexagon and a rigging rig for G2F. Otherwise it's like all the other V4 styles, and kinks up around the neck. It's so much of a pain to use, that I have simply avoided it to the point I keep forgetting that Poser puts Materials in the Posing folders instead of the Material folder. Yes the resentment runs very deep with this hair style.
If I was any good at Hexagon, it would be worth my time to just make it from scratch for G2F and Daz Studio. Simply because there just is no other style like that, that goes over the ears and is only shoulder length without covering up the face.
Another week of my time wasted on this hair, I want to think about happy things now... Thanks MelanieL.
Ah, those dreaded autofit neck kinks! I usually parent V4 hair to the G2F head instead of fitting it, but that only really works out if the hair has enough morphs to move it around to suit the pose.
MelanieL, exactly. Sometimes it is just better to do it right the first time, especially when fixing it after the fact just is not an option.
I think Alfred is the only one in this scene that 'trick' would work on without the hair coming out threw his chest, lol. His back and neck are almost precisely in the 'T' pose position, lol.
Oh, Here is Alfred with the Opacity map back in his eye lashes... and now at DA also.
And a final note as I head off to do some studying (new skin texture product). In the past, some have noted that sometimes Studio will not produce JPG file in the 'RenderAlbumTmp' folder, only PNGs in the 'render' cache folder. I have fussed with a few deferent renders sizes here and there, and found the magic number to be anything over two-thousand pixels will no longer produce JPG files. While that is fine for this forum, I know the new standard to hit the craze is "DCI 4K" at 4096x2160. I don't have such a monitor, tho having been in the 2k club (QXGA 2048x1536) back when there was nothing over 1024x760 pics, I know the grief of dealing with others low-rez-pics. I came up with a short phrase back then, lol.
If we can get images of this clarity and resolution from a camera moving at over two thousand miles an hour over two-hundred miles away from the target, why can't you do better from a tripod less then ten feet form your subject. Your CCD is better then ours, you can control the lighting, and your camera isn't moving. lol.
So, I will try some 4k renders, and see if I can upload them elsewhere or not. It's mostly the decision of those that run the website, and if they can afford the bandwidth or not. I have no idea what the limits are at DeviantArt. Clearly a free educational forum like this is not a place for high bandwidth images. I'll post what I find out about all that.
Oh, that skin texture thing. Well, I picked up that "Genesis 3 Female Merchant Resource - Medium Skin Tone" product with the intention of doing something with it. I just don't know anything about that yet, so I'm off to read some manuals and stuff.
Genesis 3 Female Merchant Resource - Medium Skin Tone, and my "Scrat bad luck syndrome", lol.
If your a PA, with 3D painting tools, this is a good set. Just keep in mind, you will need to get spec bump and SSS maps for it. If your a Studio user like me without access to 3D painting tools, It may be a tad difficult to use with just Daz Studio.
Not exactly nor advertised to be like the "V4 Elite 3D Human Texture: Natasha". The 'fun' with the Natasha maps was getting the shader to work on G2F. The maps being UV rather then UDIM, they will not function on G3F, so can the "Medium Skin Tone" set bridge the gap?
Well, not exactly a set of "Drop in" maps for G3F. Absolutely not for the beginner, and I'm doubtful weather it would be good for advanced users. Allot of guesswork as to what is what, and most of the map types (bump/specular/etc) used on figures are not in this set. All you get is a set of eight diffuse maps (one for each of the eight G3F surface zones), and the rest you need to conjure up out of thin air somehow, lol.
help page, errrr, the file list and nothing much else. Well that was a big help to start with, as the first Q was "Where did DIM put this thing", lol.
There is a plus, a big one. The palms of the hands and the bottom of the feet, did get the lighter tone treatment. So, IF your able to conjure up the other maps somehow, it may possibly be usefully.
So, I am looking at a folder of eight diffuse maps. I guess step one is to figure out what UV mapping there using (it appears to be "Base Female"). Then is to somehow make a set of bump maps that matches the texture of the skin, down to each and every dimple and wrinkle. Well, I paid cash for this, I might as well try a few things, I'm off to fuss around in Studio for a bit.
(EDIT) I think I got something, possibly. With the Morris map at 82% Diffuse strength, and backed with the G3F basic Specular map (RyJeane maps).
(EDIT 2) Full body color tint tinkering. The skin set Absolutely has potential, even borrowing the specular maps from G2F. I don't know if the G2F bump maps will clash or not with the dimples and texture of the diffuse maps yet. I'm still just fussing with colors, and on that note. I don't care if anyone uses any of the color/strength settings in the attached screen-caps, I'm just tinkering and looking at just what is possible. (Edit 20Oct2015 20:28utc, it's B.C. Before Coffee, added another full body test render. Possibly to much yellow still, possibly.)
I just did a brief experiment with using 'Edge detection' algorithms to create a pseudo bump map. So at least the dimples and wrinkles had a chance of lining up, or at least that was the thought. While my pseudo bump maps only contains high spots, it also is quite lacking in some details as well (Probably because of the algorithm used). I don't think the G3F specular maps are the proper ones to match up to a midtone skin, and thus I don't think that is helping out much either.
I tried the pseudo bump map at the default min/max for G3F, and then went for a more exaggerated min/max with a close up of the face, to see if this was at all viable. (Attached screen caps) What I'm looking at, looks possible, if I had far more powerful tools available to me, and an unlimited budget (Compute power and financial). If I had such resources, I would have made a complete set of Displacement/specular/diffuse maps of Mercury a long long time ago.
I am not a PA, I don't have the tools to be making figures, and I have little interest in going that wrought. This has shown me just how impossible it is to take a single Photograph and turn it into a viable skin texture with Bump, Specular, and other maps. I don't think there is anything else I can do at this point with this set of diffuse maps, without combining it with some one else's maps (I also don't have the interest, for many reasons).
So with that, here is my last set of tests (Glossiness is 60% on the skin, and a tad more on the nails lips etc). I have a LiDAR to try to make for a scene not related to this.
let me elaborate a tad more. you can make bump maps from photos with GIMP, however as soon as you look at the eyebrows, it goes south. That area needs to be much brighter then that for the hairs to stick out, just look at the preview in that screen-cap of GIPM. It gets worse if you click the "Invert bumpmap", lol.
While I was investigating something, I discovered a switch that turns off the SSS on the AoA, and the face-plant time doped to nothing. This will be incredibly helpful for setting up scenes I think.
No this is not the Morris maps from my former posts, something completely deferent.
Dose Friday Hair for G3F by Propschick have a behind the shoulder morph.
Yes, No... Not yet. I did this with a mountain of D-forms. I started with the left side of the hair, and used multiple D-forms to pool the hair back in layers to an extent. I did a dirty copy of all the D-forms to the other side for the above test render, it still needs some adjusting around the right temple, and that side isn't quite as nice as the left side of the hair, yet.
(EDIT) And as usual with most new things tried, I found an "Opportunity" to try to figure out. At first I thought my morph was messed up, so I tried moving the D-forms around a little bit, and it's still there. Turn the hed to the side, and the hair goes into her back... even with the new morph dials at zero, hmmm.
(EDIT 29Oct2015) I was on the verge of packing up this morph to share it, when I discovered the above mentioned difficulty. For whatever reason, the Hair dose have a problem even with everything from my alteration removed from the computer and the hair reinstalled from scratch. There is technically a work around using one of the included 'Wind' morph dials, However. I have decided to save me the grief of being accused of breaking the hair, This morph is just not going to happen on this hair.
Well, the results of last nights tinkering. I think I have a LiDAR model. It still needs some minor work on the display on the one side, tho good enough for the needs. Now I just need to make a tripod for it.
(EDIT) Now I'm almost happy with it, time to make the tripod.
I decided to take a small break, and peal some 'new' stickers off some figures that I forgot about. Discovering that they were On/Of only dial-spun presets for the most part, I decided to look for a way to make a master control dial for them. I found a single thread in the bowels of history, that appears to describe doing that. However it is buried in about a dozen other things going on, and I am having the utmost difficult time following the text.
I think somewhere about here it shifts from making D-form shapes, to making a master control dial to control many dials at once.
Don't try to read the text at the following link, unless you had your allowed dosage of seasick pills, Motrin, Tylenol, Aleve, Advil, and dietary supplements. Also the "Universal Translator" appears to be of no help, Mine has either crashed or is still trying to figure out the root dialect.
unfortunately, I can not figure out where most of the conjunctions (to, at, from, and, etc) belong, most of the words and pics appear to be completely out of order, and I now have a bit of a migraine.
Now I thoroughly understand why some PAs make ON/Off only figures without any dials at all. The hand full of threads that cover making the dials, either do not actually explain how to make them, or there completely incomprehensible.
Not to say, it looks like the beginning of some posts were deleted to prevent people from following along.
then select genesis, (if I select genesis first, stop long time,, so I open propertyeditor first,,)
first I make empty controller to move every morph. on moprh loader category.
What!? That's all of it, the complete opening paragraph of that post. To hell with this.
I did a quick dry run (The figure chosen for the test was a random Pic, nothing intended or implied). It looks like step one is getting the "Property Hierarchy" thing up. Then left-click genesis in that tab, and select ERC freeze in the menu. However, each menu item in the ERC freeze thing, will only allow one thing for the 'Property' thing. So "Create New" is the only choice for controlling multiple dials, I guess, if that is at all the way. I don't know yet, All I got from this first test, was a dial that dose nothing, lol.
(EDIT) This is a good start, I think I may have something now. lol. Possibly. I see the other dials listed there now. I had to zero the dials after loading the figure from the smart tab, then start the make ERC freeze thing steps.
I unchecked the head in that list, because I wanted to try to make a body-only control dial. Also, them bone transparency things at the top of that list, uncheck them as well, we don't want the bones doing funny stuff as we're dial spinning.
Ah, yea. Well not exactly how I thought it would work, Unfortunately, this produced a dial that goes in reveres (Off at 100%, On at 0%). I'm not seeing any reverse value thing anywhere either. I have no clue why it is even doing that, or how to fix it in the future.
For me, it is easy enough to set the default value to 100% in the dial properties before saving the thing as a Morph asset. Moving the dial from the Parameters tab over to the shaping tab (Or just making it show up in the shaping tab) is still beyond me at this time. I need to take some more notes, and dig a bit more before saying, "This is how to create a Master Control Dial".
It's a master control dial that sort of functions, tho nothing I would dare submit costumers to the confusion of using, lol. Good enough for my needs, I'm dressing it up a tad before saving the "Morph Asset". Yes, I even diced up a promo to make an icon for it.
Saved the "Morph Asset", restarted Studio, and there is the dial in the Shaping tab. That Icon is not exactly what I had in mind, that's easy to fix tho, lol.
Well, here is the end result of all that fussing with making a master control dial for Estrella, lol.
EJ Estrella, dialed bag a bit (Nothing else mixed in). 85% body, 60% head, and 40% ears.
Arthurian Outfit, Bejeweled Bundle 2, FWSA Tempie earrings, and Tsukiakari Hair. (Tempi earring maps used on other jewelry as well).
Elven Temple (ZDG stone shader), Humble Homestead in the Hills (for the hills in the background), and Predatron Essential Lights & Skies (lights altered allot).
(EDIT, 27Oct2015 01:02utc, added a second render closer to Estrella) I was trying some practice with posing hands, and experimenting with lights. I still have a long way to go on my hand posing skills, and the lights is another can of worms that I must address even tho I just don't have the ambition for completely remaking light rigs today. I'd much prefer to play with posing hands, tho the UE2 light maps critically needs to be done. This is going to be a long day, with many UE2 mapping questions to dig up answers to. This is a start;
Just a litle fun as I work on an, idea.
And a 100% custome AltShader for Peppermint.
Just a side note as I go threw some inventory of yesterday's aggressive plunger action with the shopping cart, lol.
This is probably why I tend to not hesitate at all buying some things, and other things end up in the "Undecided List". Zones, not just having them, showing them in the Promos. I could be outright vicious and list all the outfits that look like they should have surface zones and don't have any at all to work with. However Lets play a little game, shall we. What outfit haz zones to work with for using surface shaders, just looking at the promos.
Give up? Would most just decide to go with what obversely has zones to work with? In reality, that suite haz lots of zones to work with, and that selling point was not taken advantage of in the promos for it. Hmmm.
The Alfred's Finery left nothing in doubt in the promos. Lots of zones to work with.
Lets play that again, lol.
Ah, yea. I don't know about you, however I don't like playing the Guessing game when it comes to stuff that costs money.
The Summer Kis outfit can be turned into just a skirt or shirt with the zones. However it lacks hem-lines on the sleeves and neck, and that limits what you can do with the shirt. The skirt is a tad better, however it is nothing like the versatility of the Ghawazee Coat skirt, or the Time For School skirt. I'd call the Summer Kis outfit as a so-so for customizing cloth types on it, I have gotten worse stuff that only had a single zone for everything.
Busy past few weeks, leaving little time for Daz.
I have fussed with the surface settings with some random figures with what spare time I've had. As with Peppermint in a former post. Here is Ly Beatrix, with some rather different settings using the Daz Default Shader (a custom AltShader). I'm finding that some eyes are ok, and others flip out to 100% reflection for some odd reason when changing the shader, lol. While it probably is not an issue in a render, it can make it impossible to aim the eyes in the view-field, lol.
Now I can tell that the lighting in the Promos (Like Fw Eve) are on the dark side of illumination, and thus I'm not sure just how dark the skin tone is supposed to be. And in the end, I guess it matters less then other 'usability' aspects of an AltShader.
Fisty did kind of give me a bit of a 'Gibs Slap', in bringing to my attention, That G2F and G2M have the same zones for the most part, and an AltShader can be Ctrl-Clicked onto the other. I had many possible AltShaders for G2M staring me in the face this entire time, lol. So I was able to take a shader preset that I had started to work on for Gingersnap, and use it to start making an AltShader for Peppermint. And then (eventually when time allows) apply that back over to Gingersnap to make life a tad easier.
Also, I have discovered (for the most part), that some PA's figures can use the same AltShader for a majority of there figures. With the exception of the eyes that almost never end up with the maps in the correct channel, lol.
So, I have been around, just not as much as I would like to have been with inspections and paperwork.
Some fun, that I have not had for quite some time. I'll start with the disclaimers first.
The Elf ears belong to FW Eve, not Sabby-Carlene for V6.
The Pen Hair dose not play well with Elf ears, that was forced with a D-Form for each ear to keep the hair from going threw the ears.
The Skirt was posed using Dforms, as this pose was not 'compatible' with the included canned pose morphs, and the leg bones do nothing on the skirt part of the dress.
Oh, and this is not entirely the Test-chamber lighting, to closer capture the stormy sky.
Pro's, Yes. The earrings that came with Carlene are very nice, and come with considerable pose bones for the chain and stuff (and color options). The “Ghawazee Coat” shoes are a very nice 'low heal' shoe. We are at the “Forest Hut” again, with "Predatron Essential Lights & Skies" stormy sky. The “Trendy Accessories” bracelets look ok with a custom color.
And Carlene as an Elf, I think she looks really good.
The pose, I'm not sure about yet, something still looks off, lol. I did back off the torso and neck twist a tad, to make her face a tad more visible. The cloth on the chest of the dress didn't look quite right, so I'm looking at the pose again. (EDIT) added a slightly closer in render, and slightly adjusted around the chest for the dress texture.
(EDIT2) The ones in this post are the AltShader. The final render is done, using her regular shader, at DA.
This was a little bit of a fun scene I was playing with surface settings with.
The lace is using a tinted gloss and velvet. I'm still playing with the colors, tho the effect looks cool. I started with the "AElflaed's Fancy" linen Sheer (black cloth setting), and went from there.
I'm using the "G-Suit 2 HD" as a Leotard and leggings. That was a bit of fun. I started with one of the "DG Shader Essentials 3" solids (suite5.jpg map, "Woven 12"), and went from there. I took the diffuse map, converted it to gray scale, and made it brighter (Brightness +128 in IrfanView). Then I used that map to let me chose colors in the surface tab (Diffuse, Ambient, etc).
Oh. Left to right in the scene render. FW Eve, MicroraptorDR, FWSA-ZDG Jaina for Olympia 6 (FWSA Siblings + Olympia 6), and Sabby-Carlene for V6.
Ugh. What is it with AoA/Omni SSS these days.
I dabbled with IPR, and abandoned it after experiencing my computer locking up for around half an hour any time anything in a scene had been touched. At least the Spot-render method let me use my computer until I wanted to see the changes I had made in a scene. Still, this Pre compute delay, of the SSS shaders has me beside my self. What could SSS pre-compute possibly be doing with eight FPUs running at 4GHz for half an hour?
To put it another way, in order to get that Faceplant time under forty-five seconds, I would need at least sixty CPU sockets (8 core, 4GHz each) in this computer. That is a ridiculous amount of compute-power to be using with no results of any kind being produced. 480-core 4GHz computer, That's about 1.9 TaraFLOPS of CPU power, at 100% load and doing nothing!
What is up with that? For a spot render!? Something has got to give, because this is not working for me, lol.
It's working out the light scattering for the whole mesh, as far as I understand it - it needs to know where the light is going to end up before it can render a single pixel.
I do some pretty complex scenes and think 5 to 10 mins is not great, 45 is simply ridiculous...and I've got a much less powerfull processor. But like Richard said, the precompute time is not 'nothing'.
Sounds about correct, and understandable. Till I look at the ram usage, that dose not appear to change at all. Tho that can be misleading if it is allocating all needed ram before that 'render' info-window pops up, and sits at 0% done for considerable time.
In the past, on a computer with half the cores (4-core), and half the clock (2GHz), with older figures (that did not look so off-tone in the view field), it never took more then five minutes for the worst of them. They now only faceplant for about 45 seconds on the new PC, and the newer off-tone shaders "take bloody ages".
Is there something like a 'sampling rate' in the SSS that I can't see in the Surface tab? It's the only thing I can think of, as I see absolutely no difference at all in the render quality of the old shaders vs the newer ones. Newer faster PC, newer SSS figures, and it's taking ten times longer to Pre-compute, lol.
O.T. What is that V7 update? smart tab icons, or other?
This day just keeps getting better (Sarcastically).
G3F is just full of nasty surprises, even with simple things like aiming eyes.
Step 1, load a figure at 50% of the shape.
Step 2, Slide the "Eyes Up-Down" Dial in the Parameters tap...
The eyes go cross eyed, and the eyelids don't even work with that dial yet.
The up-down and left-right eye movement dials do appear to function with the head shape dial at 0% or 100%, just no where in between.
And the eyelids just don't follow the eye movement dials like they did with G2F/G2M/G1F/G1M/V4/etc.
Yes, some characters have this issue due to the way Adjust Rigging to Shape is affecting the bones - please open a ticket for the affected character(s) so that they can be updated, assuming they haven't already been updated.
Will do, thanks. I had just puled the figure threw DIM, from the backlog of stuff bought. I'll check again for updates. So that cross-eyed pose thing is from a goof in the XYZ stuff between "Whatever-Z-creation-thing" and Studio. As for the other face palm, I need to go back to generation-3 (V3/A3/etc) to find eye pose controls that don't move the eyelids (specifically, Aiko 3 LE).
And for some odd reason, V4.2 power loader works in DS4.7, and can't find some folders in DS4.8 beta, hmmm. (I'm sure there using the same content paths) Aiko3 works fine in DS 4.8, very odd.
(EDIT) I just puled up G3F, posed the eyes up, and then started spinning figure (people) shape dials, and just found two more cross-eyed XYZ figures, after the first three dials spun. Zathras - Not good. This be another very long ticket Zathras thinks.
(EDIT Oct19)
I would like to apologies for any misunderstanding regarding the eye pose mistake. It is just a mistake, and one I have made myself with rigging bones. Also there was just three 'mistakes' in my collection, unlike what I initially thought after throwing the first three shape dials.
It is an incredibly easy mistake to make looking at all the XYZ rotation options. There is the order of what is XYZ vs direction in the scene. And each XYZ can either be normal (+) or reverse (-) rotation vs value. G3F has more bones then former generations, and I think many of them are quite different. Rigging anything is a long tedious task with the aforementioned XYZ choices for many of the steps, and that is why I had never repeated my attempt to rig up a walking cube for a funny prop of sorts. I had gotten every single XYZ order completely wrong the first time, and nothing moved the way it should have when I was done.
Trying to end the weekend on a happier note.
Last year I had started to make a set, and just didn't have all the furnishings necessary. Since then, it's just been a mater of time, figuring out placements, and making decisions. That "forest hut" is actually a nice size given it is a "Hole in the ground", lol. The realistic warped floorboards do make putting stuff on the floor rather fun.
I'm still not sure what to make a dividing wall out of for the bed in the back left corner. I had thought the Tapestry would be sufficient, and I have yat to decide if it is a keeper or not.
Well enjoy y'all. I'm going to continue working on the living area towards the front of the place (Kitchen/living room area).
Looks like the floor can be adjusted by setting it's Y scale (of just the floor) to something like 30%.
EPIC bred crumb for self.
Where in the world is the "Filosofy Hair" color presets.
I just spent the past few hours ripping the Material preset folders apart. Nothing. No OOT folder, no Bice folder, or any Filosofy folder of any kind. If it wasn't the Only hair remotely like that style, I would uninstall the damn thing and lob it into the nearest black hole to rid the universe of the turmoil of using it in Daz Studio. I hate working with V4 stuff on G2F, and I hate the Poser side of the content library. Grrrrr! lol.
My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\Pose\MAT Filosofy Hair
Yes, filosofy hair is my version of Adam savage's captain chair. Exactly the style I want for so many figures, and completely wrong in every other way for the figures I want to use it with, lol.
(EDIT) That G2F one, was by me... filosofy hair dose not work on G2F without consiberal reworking of the mesh and rig.
I don't have this hair, but this is where the ReadMe says you find them:
(Extract from http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/artzone/azproduct/6106 below)
... which means there should be some DS presets for it too.
Nothing at all in the Studio Format paths. to quote Sgt. Apone... "Sir, this place is dead. Whatever happened here, I think we missed it.", lol. It's just everything about using it on G2F is near impossible without hexagon and a rigging rig for G2F. Otherwise it's like all the other V4 styles, and kinks up around the neck. It's so much of a pain to use, that I have simply avoided it to the point I keep forgetting that Poser puts Materials in the Posing folders instead of the Material folder. Yes the resentment runs very deep with this hair style.
If I was any good at Hexagon, it would be worth my time to just make it from scratch for G2F and Daz Studio. Simply because there just is no other style like that, that goes over the ears and is only shoulder length without covering up the face.
Another week of my time wasted on this hair, I want to think about happy things now... Thanks MelanieL.
Elves on vacation.
What do they do, when there not up at the north pole, lol.
Allot of stuff in this one.
L to R. FWSA Aiyana, FWSA Gingersnap, Zayla, Zahara, FW Alfred, FWSA Peppermint.
Gingersnap and Zahara are both wearing the "Ginger Snap Outfit", Gingersnap is sporting the included hat and hair. Zahara is wearing the "Lala Hair and Kitty Bowler", and "G-Suit 2 HD" as socks (using the "AElflaed's Fancy" shader).
Alfred and Peppermint are both wearing the "Alfred's Finery", and "Kung Fu Hair". Alfred is also sporting Peppermint's elf ears, amd Alfred beard (whatever part of the Alfred bundle that was from, lol). Alfred's outfit on Alfred (bit of a tong twister, lol) is using the "AElflaed's Fancy" shader for the red/green colors. Oh, I am using a D-form to make the Kung Fu Hair work with the ears on both of them.
Zayla is wearing the "G-Suit 2 HD" as undergarment (custom ZDG shader), "Ghawazee Coat" shirt and skirt, and "Fuji Hair for Genesis 1" (hair from sharcg). Yes the skirt is behind the sofa, lol. The Ghawazee shirt is using an "AElflaed's Fancy" shader, black sheer cloth with a green felted trim.
Aiyana with FW Eve 'Fae Ears', is wearing the Ladybug Top ("AElflaed's Fancy" black linen undershirt with some extra velvet to the texture), "J Girl" shirt and jeans, "Kiriko Outfit" stockings ("AElflaed's Fancy" texture again). "Kibri Dress" wrist cuffs and "Bejeweled Bundle 2" Black Rose bracelets to finish it off.
(intermission, looking up more product names)
Well, I spent the time, to run this threw a regular render (instead of the progressive render). I'm not seeing much of a difference at first glance. The Progressive render took about 15m 13.27s to run to completion, the other took approximately 45m 22.80s to complete, lol. Using AltShaders on all the figures by the way, most of them made myself for the figures that didn't include them.
Dough!, I need to do the render again, I forgot the Opacity map on Alfreds eye lashes. oops. Such is life, I'll add that to a new post later on.
Ah, those dreaded autofit neck kinks! I usually parent V4 hair to the G2F head instead of fitting it, but that only really works out if the hair has enough morphs to move it around to suit the pose.
I like your cute elves pic too!
MelanieL, exactly. Sometimes it is just better to do it right the first time, especially when fixing it after the fact just is not an option.
I think Alfred is the only one in this scene that 'trick' would work on without the hair coming out threw his chest, lol. His back and neck are almost precisely in the 'T' pose position, lol.
Oh, Here is Alfred with the Opacity map back in his eye lashes... and now at DA also.
And a final note as I head off to do some studying (new skin texture product). In the past, some have noted that sometimes Studio will not produce JPG file in the 'RenderAlbumTmp' folder, only PNGs in the 'render' cache folder. I have fussed with a few deferent renders sizes here and there, and found the magic number to be anything over two-thousand pixels will no longer produce JPG files. While that is fine for this forum, I know the new standard to hit the craze is "DCI 4K" at 4096x2160. I don't have such a monitor, tho having been in the 2k club (QXGA 2048x1536) back when there was nothing over 1024x760 pics, I know the grief of dealing with others low-rez-pics. I came up with a short phrase back then, lol.
If we can get images of this clarity and resolution from a camera moving at over two thousand miles an hour over two-hundred miles away from the target, why can't you do better from a tripod less then ten feet form your subject. Your CCD is better then ours, you can control the lighting, and your camera isn't moving. lol.
So, I will try some 4k renders, and see if I can upload them elsewhere or not. It's mostly the decision of those that run the website, and if they can afford the bandwidth or not. I have no idea what the limits are at DeviantArt. Clearly a free educational forum like this is not a place for high bandwidth images. I'll post what I find out about all that.
Oh, that skin texture thing. Well, I picked up that "Genesis 3 Female Merchant Resource - Medium Skin Tone" product with the intention of doing something with it. I just don't know anything about that yet, so I'm off to read some manuals and stuff.
Genesis 3 Female Merchant Resource - Medium Skin Tone, and my "Scrat bad luck syndrome", lol.
If your a PA, with 3D painting tools, this is a good set. Just keep in mind, you will need to get spec bump and SSS maps for it. If your a Studio user like me without access to 3D painting tools, It may be a tad difficult to use with just Daz Studio.
Not exactly nor advertised to be like the "V4 Elite 3D Human Texture: Natasha". The 'fun' with the Natasha maps was getting the shader to work on G2F. The maps being UV rather then UDIM, they will not function on G3F, so can the "Medium Skin Tone" set bridge the gap?
Well, not exactly a set of "Drop in" maps for G3F. Absolutely not for the beginner, and I'm doubtful weather it would be good for advanced users. Allot of guesswork as to what is what, and most of the map types (bump/specular/etc) used on figures are not in this set. All you get is a set of eight diffuse maps (one for each of the eight G3F surface zones), and the rest you need to conjure up out of thin air somehow, lol.
help page, errrr, the file list and nothing much else. Well that was a big help to start with, as the first Q was "Where did DIM put this thing", lol.
There is a plus, a big one. The palms of the hands and the bottom of the feet, did get the lighter tone treatment. So, IF your able to conjure up the other maps somehow, it may possibly be usefully.
So, I am looking at a folder of eight diffuse maps. I guess step one is to figure out what UV mapping there using (it appears to be "Base Female"). Then is to somehow make a set of bump maps that matches the texture of the skin, down to each and every dimple and wrinkle. Well, I paid cash for this, I might as well try a few things, I'm off to fuss around in Studio for a bit.
(EDIT) I think I got something, possibly. With the Morris map at 82% Diffuse strength, and backed with the G3F basic Specular map (RyJeane maps).
(EDIT 2) Full body color tint tinkering. The skin set Absolutely has potential, even borrowing the specular maps from G2F. I don't know if the G2F bump maps will clash or not with the dimples and texture of the diffuse maps yet. I'm still just fussing with colors, and on that note. I don't care if anyone uses any of the color/strength settings in the attached screen-caps, I'm just tinkering and looking at just what is possible. (Edit 20Oct2015 20:28utc, it's B.C. Before Coffee, added another full body test render. Possibly to much yellow still, possibly.)
T.B.C. in the next post.
I just did a brief experiment with using 'Edge detection' algorithms to create a pseudo bump map. So at least the dimples and wrinkles had a chance of lining up, or at least that was the thought. While my pseudo bump maps only contains high spots, it also is quite lacking in some details as well (Probably because of the algorithm used). I don't think the G3F specular maps are the proper ones to match up to a midtone skin, and thus I don't think that is helping out much either.
I tried the pseudo bump map at the default min/max for G3F, and then went for a more exaggerated min/max with a close up of the face, to see if this was at all viable. (Attached screen caps) What I'm looking at, looks possible, if I had far more powerful tools available to me, and an unlimited budget (Compute power and financial). If I had such resources, I would have made a complete set of Displacement/specular/diffuse maps of Mercury a long long time ago.
I am not a PA, I don't have the tools to be making figures, and I have little interest in going that wrought. This has shown me just how impossible it is to take a single Photograph and turn it into a viable skin texture with Bump, Specular, and other maps. I don't think there is anything else I can do at this point with this set of diffuse maps, without combining it with some one else's maps (I also don't have the interest, for many reasons).
So with that, here is my last set of tests (Glossiness is 60% on the skin, and a tad more on the nails lips etc). I have a LiDAR to try to make for a scene not related to this.
let me elaborate a tad more. you can make bump maps from photos with GIMP, however as soon as you look at the eyebrows, it goes south. That area needs to be much brighter then that for the hairs to stick out, just look at the preview in that screen-cap of GIPM. It gets worse if you click the "Invert bumpmap", lol.
While I was investigating something, I discovered a switch that turns off the SSS on the AoA, and the face-plant time doped to nothing. This will be incredibly helpful for setting up scenes I think.
No this is not the Morris maps from my former posts, something completely deferent.
Dose Friday Hair for G3F by Propschick have a behind the shoulder morph.
Yes, No... Not yet. I did this with a mountain of D-forms. I started with the left side of the hair, and used multiple D-forms to pool the hair back in layers to an extent. I did a dirty copy of all the D-forms to the other side for the above test render, it still needs some adjusting around the right temple, and that side isn't quite as nice as the left side of the hair, yet.
(EDIT) And as usual with most new things tried, I found an "Opportunity" to try to figure out. At first I thought my morph was messed up, so I tried moving the D-forms around a little bit, and it's still there. Turn the hed to the side, and the hair goes into her back... even with the new morph dials at zero, hmmm.
(EDIT 29Oct2015) I was on the verge of packing up this morph to share it, when I discovered the above mentioned difficulty. For whatever reason, the Hair dose have a problem even with everything from my alteration removed from the computer and the hair reinstalled from scratch. There is technically a work around using one of the included 'Wind' morph dials, However. I have decided to save me the grief of being accused of breaking the hair, This morph is just not going to happen on this hair.
Well, the results of last nights tinkering. I think I have a LiDAR model. It still needs some minor work on the display on the one side, tho good enough for the needs. Now I just need to make a tripod for it.
(EDIT) Now I'm almost happy with it, time to make the tripod.
I decided to take a small break, and peal some 'new' stickers off some figures that I forgot about. Discovering that they were On/Of only dial-spun presets for the most part, I decided to look for a way to make a master control dial for them. I found a single thread in the bowels of history, that appears to describe doing that. However it is buried in about a dozen other things going on, and I am having the utmost difficult time following the text.
I think somewhere about here it shifts from making D-form shapes, to making a master control dial to control many dials at once.
Don't try to read the text at the following link, unless you had your allowed dosage of seasick pills, Motrin, Tylenol, Aleve, Advil, and dietary supplements. Also the "Universal Translator" appears to be of no help, Mine has either crashed or is still trying to figure out the root dialect.
unfortunately, I can not figure out where most of the conjunctions (to, at, from, and, etc) belong, most of the words and pics appear to be completely out of order, and I now have a bit of a migraine.
Now I thoroughly understand why some PAs make ON/Off only figures without any dials at all. The hand full of threads that cover making the dials, either do not actually explain how to make them, or there completely incomprehensible.
Not to say, it looks like the beginning of some posts were deleted to prevent people from following along.
What!? That's all of it, the complete opening paragraph of that post. To hell with this.
ERC freeze idea without making a OBJ first. So I can keep the clothing figure shape JCM things for the basic Genesis shaping morphs working.
I did a quick dry run (The figure chosen for the test was a random Pic, nothing intended or implied). It looks like step one is getting the "Property Hierarchy" thing up. Then left-click genesis in that tab, and select ERC freeze in the menu. However, each menu item in the ERC freeze thing, will only allow one thing for the 'Property' thing. So "Create New" is the only choice for controlling multiple dials, I guess, if that is at all the way. I don't know yet, All I got from this first test, was a dial that dose nothing, lol.
(EDIT) This is a good start, I think I may have something now. lol. Possibly. I see the other dials listed there now. I had to zero the dials after loading the figure from the smart tab, then start the make ERC freeze thing steps.
I unchecked the head in that list, because I wanted to try to make a body-only control dial. Also, them bone transparency things at the top of that list, uncheck them as well, we don't want the bones doing funny stuff as we're dial spinning.
Ah, yea. Well not exactly how I thought it would work, Unfortunately, this produced a dial that goes in reveres (Off at 100%, On at 0%). I'm not seeing any reverse value thing anywhere either. I have no clue why it is even doing that, or how to fix it in the future.
For me, it is easy enough to set the default value to 100% in the dial properties before saving the thing as a Morph asset. Moving the dial from the Parameters tab over to the shaping tab (Or just making it show up in the shaping tab) is still beyond me at this time. I need to take some more notes, and dig a bit more before saying, "This is how to create a Master Control Dial".
It's a master control dial that sort of functions, tho nothing I would dare submit costumers to the confusion of using, lol. Good enough for my needs, I'm dressing it up a tad before saving the "Morph Asset". Yes, I even diced up a promo to make an icon for it.
Saved the "Morph Asset", restarted Studio, and there is the dial in the Shaping tab. That Icon is not exactly what I had in mind, that's easy to fix tho, lol.
Much better Icon now.
Well, here is the end result of all that fussing with making a master control dial for Estrella, lol.
EJ Estrella, dialed bag a bit (Nothing else mixed in). 85% body, 60% head, and 40% ears.
Arthurian Outfit, Bejeweled Bundle 2, FWSA Tempie earrings, and Tsukiakari Hair. (Tempi earring maps used on other jewelry as well).
Elven Temple (ZDG stone shader), Humble Homestead in the Hills (for the hills in the background), and Predatron Essential Lights & Skies (lights altered allot).
(EDIT, 27Oct2015 01:02utc, added a second render closer to Estrella) I was trying some practice with posing hands, and experimenting with lights. I still have a long way to go on my hand posing skills, and the lights is another can of worms that I must address even tho I just don't have the ambition for completely remaking light rigs today. I'd much prefer to play with posing hands, tho the UE2 light maps critically needs to be done. This is going to be a long day, with many UE2 mapping questions to dig up answers to. This is a start;
Tho I only have Ms Paint to work with for making maps, hence my lack of enthusiasm for making a UE2 map, lol.