Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works
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I'd love to see you do a Ned Kelly one
I may start on making his body armour today
Hey Stezza, great idea. I had a go a few years ago but they werent really NPR but hopefully can do better now ??
Looking forward to the armour :) !
here was my attempt
My blog tells me that on of the most the most common searches that lands people on my site is Ned Kelly,
The other one is "Devil's Organ" - not sure what that is about....
The blog counter says 224,000 hits or something silly.
Have you heard of this singer - an Oz folk singer from the sixties from memory - amazing
Marian Henderson is the first. Not sure who's on second - to quote Bud Abott
Andrew, I like your impressive painting manner. But as for accuracy vs mess, I see too many regular lines, parallel/unnecessary objects, and symmetry of course. Btw I like fresh colours and your Sezan's style. The main criteria for me is whether I can watch a work for a long time. And your works perfectly pass the test.
This one is much better, including the beard.
Hi @Vyusur , that's a very kind thing for you to say thank you! I'll sell a reasonable amount of landscapes here, but what people like are flowers! Once I learnt to make one flower the focal point above all the others, that made life easier.
and thank you again, I hope I am getting somewhere !
another classic Stezza. I hope they are RMWilliams boots :)
you didnt waste time banging out that armour. I take it you had a few plough shares spare .:)
Thanks, already had the headgear from a previous effort... just quicly grabbed a disssused plough, heated and banged it up quickly
Always handy to have one of those metal garbage lids around too :)
I've been listening to an audio version of 'Peter Pan' while driving back and fro from work. It's very interesting... and very silly.
JM Barrie paints luscious pictures with his words. Like when Wendy sews Peters shadow back on. I guess the book didn't need to be illustrated at all.
I started at an easy one: 'While she slept she had a dream. She dreamt that the Neverland had come too near and that a strange boy had broken through from it.'
Very nice, especially the lighting (a gobo on a spot?) I'm guessing both characters are K4? One quibble, my first reaction was that her head and hands are floating above the bed. Maybe a little more visible pillow.
Hey thanks Steve K, good point about the floating head ! It's because I lit her face with a bulb that had a tqo foot spread - must have missed out the pillow!
Peter Pan is Genesis - pita as it kept crashing while I set him up....
Wendy is K4.
Thanks for the comment about the lighting - it's a basic set up that I post processed using all the render passes to bring out different parts of the image :)
Andrew, I like your illustration. And I like the version with normal boy much more better.
Thanks @Vyusur :) Thanks for the c and c! I have been wotking on a few character designs - seeing what I have. I would have finished Capn Hook a few hours ago but Car 8.5 keeps crashing - ... gah .
Here;s another version of Peter. He's wearing a hat but it looks like too much hair!
He looks like Ivy-boy.
Yes, he is covered in small wattle - he should be covered in skeletal oak leaves I think :)
Well here's a tongue in cheek Captain Hook. I think it will be the last for a while as my Win7 crashed this afternoon, I lost one of the drives and I think the sss C drive is on the way out.
Yikes! Hope you have backup. I've lost two drives in the past 8 months. The first one was a disaster, but it actually prompted me to look at DAZ3d stuff again, and eventually led to Carrara. So I guess it had a silver lining.
and all this after you installed Carrara 8.5...
Thanks @UB and @Stezza, yes we'll blame 8.5 :)
Ah I'm just making a system image. Had to buy a 1 tb hard drive to d0 it because it won't do it on a drive greater than 2 tb without fancy boot licking!
But I seem to have lost a few usb ports and my wireless mouse works but the keyboard attached to the same wirless thing won't work.... I should have stuck with water colours :)
I'm pretty sure I have a recent back up - I better!
anyways I needed a new computer .....
yep.. windows 7 is so 1984ish

Hmm is the 8.5 Beta buggy? - I just tried to open up Captain Hook and got and end of file error. The file for one character and clothes is approx 4.5 gig - he is Genesis.
I'm just trying to save Smee and am geting an error when I try to save the file.
My discs is external and has 3.25 tb free. I've grouped Smee and his clothes to save as a file in my objects and now the car file is frozen.
I'm running 8.5 bete off an external drive. Could that be a problem?
Looks like 8.5 for more than one Genesis is a no go?? Let me have a rant....
Here's Genesis and the daz horse 2. I made him hairy to cover the joins. :)
Nice blended version !!!!!
Chimera 2
Thanks Bunyip. That creature you made looks scary as anything ! What landscape is that btw?
Did you compress the .Car file? If so, change the extension to .zip and unzip it. That often gets around the error.
There was another fault caused by using P3DO to edit icons in the .car file. I made a post about it at the time in my commercial thread, describing how to fix it, but I can't seem to find it there now.
Thanks Tim, yes I renamed the car to zip and used winzip 7, but it told me that there was nothing in the file to unzip - though it was >4 gig.
I havent been using p3do I am afraid.
I just moved my Car 8.5 beta over to my C drive and rebuilt Smee.
It crashed again after about half an hour (told me there was an error when I tried to load a prop) now I get an error again so I cant save the file.
I'll load up the non beta 8.5 and try again ... and then give up I think :(
Hello Headwax, hope your file woes sort out, its a PITA when that happens.
As regards the scenery is Noble Pines by the great Howie Farkes. The beastie is one of Valandar's creations.
Thanks Bunyip02 :)
Ah I hadnt seen the Chimera before - nightmares in that one!
P3DO highlighted the problem for me (because it generated a bunch of prop file in a production product that all had unexpected end of file errors), but it may simply be one of a number of ways to force the error. Anyhow, I found what it was and fixed it (by good old file compare!).
If you open an uncompressed .car file in TextEdit or Notepad, you'll find it consists of a series of 4 character tags, each tag being followed by a bunch of data, sometimes in curly braces. Anyhow, one of those tags is Vlst, followed by a comma separated list of numbers. The first value is the number of entries in the list, then the entries themselves. Occasionally that's a long list (over 200 entries). What P3DO did -- and I'm assuming there are other ways for this to happen, even in Carrara itself -- is to truncate the line containing that list at 256 characters. So the stated number of entries didn't match the actual, and consequently opening the file failed with unexpected end of file.
In my case those problem lines were easy to spot, as they ended in either a comma or a minus sign. They were pretty straightforward to patch up too.
Anyhow, if you've got a text editor that can handle the file size, it could be worth loading the file up and looking through the Vlst tags.