Underrepresented WWII Uniforms?



  • I might be bumping an old thread, for which I apologize. I too am having trouble finding uniforms from the WW2 days. Heck, I can't even find Nazi uniforms!

    I'm working on a 'comic' sort of project based on the COMBAT! television series from the 1960s and need resources for this, so I'm looking for Nazi uniforms. A Thompson submachine gun with the stick magazine and a Colt 1911 would be a bonus too!

  • billyrosco said:

    I might be bumping an old thread, for which I apologize. I too am having trouble finding uniforms from the WW2 days. Heck, I can't even find Nazi uniforms!

    I'm working on a 'comic' sort of project based on the COMBAT! television series from the 1960s and need resources for this, so I'm looking for Nazi uniforms. A Thompson submachine gun with the stick magazine and a Colt 1911 would be a bonus too!

    I ran across this thread as well and it led me to Rendo where there are several fine German uniforms available for M4. You may be able to get by just using them with Michael 4 or you can convert them either through the autofit process or you can use the RSSY M4 to Gen 8 converter script.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 2020

    I doubt we'll ever see Wehrmacht uniforms, sadly. Not even 'dieselpunk' fictional ones.

    Glad we at least have a tank and plane, though. That's something which our WW2 allied-aligned characters can be depicted going up against.

    Although, honestly, I think a pack of decals we can paste over any costume or vehicle would also be really nice, of the type Kindred Arts makes. Preferably with red/yellow stars and hammer-and-sickle symbology, given how useful it would now be to be able to mock the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and their horrifying human rights record through satirical artwork.

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • ChumlyChumly Posts: 793

    This makes me laugh...

    I hadn't seen the thread before, and realize it dates back to 2017 but I am a bit confused at who the OP was railing against....
    Actually, it was pretty clear who he was railing against, the confusing part was who he thought should be making all these wonderful assests that I am sure would sell like "hot cakes" -  Daz, PAs or "Americans" (who obviously have such a skewed view of history that there is no way they could get the cut of the Battledress correct, let alone the right color of serge.)

    3 years later and there is still no WW2 Greek/Cretan Farmer Resistance Outfit in the Daz shop.  Looks like I'll have to postpone my Kondomari renders another year....


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