My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    edited November 2019

    ...agh double post when trying to make a correction.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,104

    My phone is dead complaint and my echo dot is not connecting to the internet so I can use it to make a phone call to my grandmother to wish her happy Thanksgiving!   Not sure what I can do about the phone until next week I think.  I have found a way to check my email and my work schedule online though.

  • Non-complaint:  It's only noon-thirty and I'm already enjoying my 2nd Thanksgiving Dinner. surprise

    Playing it smart, I see!

    I had fish today.  Not against turkey, and in fact I have one.  My turkey is still defrosting; 24 pounder that's been in the fridge since Sunday night.  He should be ready by Friday night or Saturday night.  I plan to cook him on one of my grills, I think; or maybe in the oven in a bag, with the final hour under the broiler or over in a 350 degree charcoal grill.  I think I'll also pick up a whole chicken in quarters for grilling too.  Hey, I might as well make an event out of it, right?  Bones will go into a big pot and cook all day for bone-broth.  The bone broth will will be used to make a chicken+turkey soup maybe on Sunday, or maybe next week.  Broth can be frozen too, so there's that.

    I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving, even if you were under the weather!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,170
    Chohole said:
    DanaTA said:

    What you need is a good by APC.  


    APC is not the only one.  There are other good ones too.  Everybody should research accordingly.

    I didn't say it was the only one.  But it's the only one I've heard of that can take a direct lightning strike and protect the equiptment, even if the UPS itself gets fried.  And the best equipment warranty if something does get through.  They also protect against short brownouts and spikes, and I'm not sure if others do that or not...they may.  They have big capacitors that absorb spikes and store that extra energy, and when there's a short brownout, uses that to keep the power going without draining the battery any and avoid the dreaded hard drive head crash.  I had one of those once...and it bounced right on the boot sector...on the C: drive.  When I found out that could happen with a brownout, I started using them and have never stopped.  And they've saved my system and system drives many times over the years.

    So, no, APC is not the only one...but in my opinion, and that of many tech pros, they are the best.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    UPS's are like roofs (rooves?), you don't need them until you do.  I currently have three and a half UPS's now.  Two APC "Back-UPS Pro 1000" units and an old little APC 350 KVM unit up in my bedroom to power the clocks & radio & a light for emergencies in the middle of the night.  The "half" unit is yet another "Back-UPS Pro 1000" but without its battery.  I keep thinking I'm going to get a new one for it but it's been sitting unused for the last two years.  ("Why?" You may ask... because on sale in a local OfficMax store it was cheaper to buy a whole new unit rather than deal with getting a new battery.frown

     Disasterous computer crashing because of running naked (without UPS*) is one of those things that you only need to learn once.  In my life I've had an UPS keep me from crashing perhaps 5 times. It was worth the wait.  As the world goes down around you yet your screen and modem and disks and sacred computer purr along nicely in the darkness, you suddenly justify the expense of that UPS.yes

    *Clarification:  (Running naked without clothes is an oops, not an UPS)blush

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    Non-complaint:  Lazy day after T-day (no black Friday madness for me) browsing YouTube and stumble across another wonderful concert from the PROMS series at the Royal Albert Hall.  This is one of the few violin works that I actually like.  The Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto.  Typical of Tchaikovsky it's wonderfully melodic and energenic.  

    Violins may not be everybody's cup of tea (certainly not mine) but there are a few works of violin combined with enough other instruments to tone down the fingernails on blackboard effect and actually make beautiful music.  

    Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Dvorak, Saint-Saens, Sibelius each have one that I actually like.

    This one by Tchaikovsky has a very long 1st movement and usually gets applause after the 1st movement because the soloist is is so intense.  But about a half-way into the movement there is a wonderful statement that, for me, is the epitome of what this piece is about.

    Tchaikovsky:  Violin Concerto in D major

    1st movement: 0:00  (interesting statement of theme beginning at 8:55, climaxing at 9:12 then drifting off again by 10:09.  The end of the 1st movement (16:50 to19:12) is also quite energetic and brings forth the rare inter-movement applause when it ends.

    2nd movement 19:45 slow, light, melodic

    3rd movement 26:05 (lead-in starts at 25:00, attack occurs at 26:05, triumphant finale begins at 33:50.  At the end it generates immediate major shouts and applause from the audience.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,104

    I hate crowds!  I mean I hate Black Friday crowds!  I mean I hate Black Friday crowds at the mall!  I like my job normally, but not today.  I only went to the mall today to work and I did my best by helping out by panning stuff up, washing dishes, and cleaning trays.  They tried to get me to help on the front line, which I did a little, but I found that I did my best help today in the backroom of the place I work.  There were too many people in line and I was getting confused quickly about what which order we were working on.  I tried toppings but I know I topped the wrong size bun for a customer.  They ordered a small sandwich but I topped a regular.  Later I tried to help on Fries and Buns, but still got confused about who got what fry.  I gave out a to-go fry before the sandwich was ready so they probably had two bags, one for the sandwich and one for the fry.

    I tried doing drinks after that.  I do not think I did anything wrong there but then I did not do drinks for long.  I wanted to help out but I get anxiety around big crowds.  I do not go to the fair.  I hate flying because of the crowds.  I survived Black Friday and do not want to go through it again until next year.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    edited November 2019

    ...well opted for warming up the rest of my curry last night that I made a few days ago. 

    Ended up laying down for a bit after taking a couple acetaminophen tabs and dozed off for several hours so when I awoke, it was too late to do all the prep for the fish (that will be for  tonight or tomorrow instead as I bought it fresh).   Good thing, as that spicy Thai ginger curry seems to have done the trick, sore throat is gone, sinus headache is gone, sneezing stopped, and only have an occasional cough now & then.  Food can be as good medicine sometimes, and a lot tastier.

    Ah the Tchaikovsky D Major...."The Right Stuff "Theme. The film score also used Debussy's Clair de Lune for the "featherdance" scene.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,104

    I want to go to bed but it is only about 5:30pm.  I think it is best to try to stay up a few more hours.  Ooops I forgot to do my chore of sweeping the porch since I got home from work but I am too tired to go out in the dark to try it.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930 Black Friday sure is taking its toll on buying anything here. Got the email about the sale, wanted to get a couple items off the wishlist and it was very slow going. Still scored a couple items I wanted (expensive ones too) for 2.99$ each.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    I think the forum software hamster died... and the bloated corpse seems to be jammed in it's sad little exercise wheel further complicating things.

    In all fairness the whole internet seems to suck today... not the same thing, but even texts are stupid slow today.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    McGyver said:

    I think the forum software hamster died... and the bloated corpse seems to be jammed in it's sad little exercise wheel further complicating things.

    In all fairness the whole internet seems to suck today... not the same thing, but even texts are stupid slow today.

    I did try threatening the hamsters

  • Thanks to all these damn DAZ sales, my hard drive is full!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,104

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    Evil wonky techno devices in films go back at least as far as 1953 in "The Twonky".  Wierd movie!  



    Not a great movie but you have to admit, the TV set is just a bit unsettling and wonky. surprise

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    edited November 2019

    Thanks to all these damn DAZ sales, my hard drive is full!

    ...thanks to all those Daz sales my bank account is almost depleted for the month. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    ...this is one reason I don't trust W10 and Cortana. as well as don't have voice control, a Net cam, or one of those devices like Alexia in my place. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    Evil wonky techno devices in films go back at least as far as 1953 in "The Twonky".  Wierd movie!  



    Not a great movie but you have to admit, the TV set is just a bit unsettling and wonky. surprise

    ...actually watched it, really strange but i ns twisted sort of way a commentary on how television in general takes over peoples' lives. 

    All the more, no Alexia or Cortana in my place.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    Not a great movie but you have to admit, the TV set is just a bit unsettling and wonky. surprise

    I agree... a television following you around is very unsettling... My vacuum cleaner tells me that isn't normal and I should only listen to it's advice and helpful commentary... Only HooverTron knows what's good for me... All hail HooverTron!

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    ...this is one reason I don't trust W10 and Cortana. as well as don't have voice control, a Net cam, or one of those devices like Alexia in my place. 

    The mild convenience of being able to talk to your nebulous computer overlord and ask it the true airspeed velocity of an African Swallow will never be eclipsed by the invasive data collection and crappy IOT security these kind of devices provide... 

    But if you think those devices are crazy... About four years ago (+ or -) a toy company was selling an interactive doll and toy robot which children could talk to (the doll's name sounds like "My Friend Kayla", but isn't spelled exactly that way)... it was supposed to "learn" how to respond to the child and only be connected to the internet so it could have periodic "security updates", but in reality the "security updates" were nonexistent and the toys could be easily hacked at a reasonable distance, allowing the toys to act as remote microphones in the owner's homes... eventually it came out the company was collecting and sharing recordings of the children's conversations with another company that made voice recognition software... that company also happened to be a military contractor.  
    The manufacturer claimed there was nothing sinister going on and that it was all perfectly normal... Germany didn't buy that excuse because apparently they have laws about toys spying on children, and they ordered all owners of the toys to destroy them.  
    According to Wikipedia "The doll has also been criticised by the Norwegian Consumer Council for allowing the use of the collected data from the child's speech for targeted advertisements and other commercial purposes and its sharing with third parties, as well as for hidden advertisements through the doll's positive statements about certain products and services."...  

    Of course in the US the company payed a fine and promised not to do it anymore... "honest to goodness, we swear on the grave of our pet hamster mister nibbles, that we'll probably never do it again, and we are real sorry we got caught".

    The doll continued to be sold for at least another year in the US after that. 

    But yeah, spying on children, sharing recordings of children's speech without express consent of the parents and hidden advertising... not a bad trifecta of Orwellian dysfunction. 
    Incidentally by having read this post, you agree to give me your liver should I ever need it or fancy it on a lark... it's in my TOS, so I hope you don't need a liver should decide I want it for something.

    Considering how negative incidents like the above always set precedents which other companies seem to try to outdo in sleeziness, the next iteration of surveillance toys will probably make that brainwashing, free-will destroying Twonky seem kinda benign and fun.

  • Chohole said:
    McGyver said:

    I think the forum software hamster died... and the bloated corpse seems to be jammed in it's sad little exercise wheel further complicating things.

    In all fairness the whole internet seems to suck today... not the same thing, but even texts are stupid slow today.

    I did try threatening the hamsters


    Either that's a really big hamster wheel, you are a very tiny person, or those are just normal-sized New York City rats. 

    Regardless, don't lose your club!

    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    I have never seen any movie starting that way.  Are you sure about that?

    kyoto kid said:

    Thanks to all these damn DAZ sales, my hard drive is full!

    ...thanks to all those Daz sales my bank account is almost depleted for the month. 

    I am saving for my retirement, although I did buy some software upgrades via sales.

    That and my DAZ purchases are mostly all on hold while I wait to find out about DAZ's plans for several software products.

    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    ...this is one reason I don't trust W10 and Cortana. as well as don't have voice control, a Net cam, or one of those devices like Alexia in my place. 

    They're all out to get you anyway; no Windows 10 needed for that.

    I should say, they're only out to get you if they think you have money to spend on stuff.  If you own no real property, you're poor, and don't own anything but your shirt and bedding, then you probably have very little to worry about.

    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    Evil wonky techno devices in films go back at least as far as 1953 in "The Twonky".  Wierd movie!  



    Not a great movie but you have to admit, the TV set is just a bit unsettling and wonky. surprise

    ...actually watched it, really strange but i ns twisted sort of way a commentary on how television in general takes over peoples' lives. 

    All the more, no Alexia or Cortana in my place.

    You can shut them off.  Baseless paranoia does nobody any good.  With a little bit of research (user guide), you can usually prevent your webcams, garage door opener, irrigation system, and oven from reporting on you.

    But refrigerators; that's another matter entirely.  That curdled milk in the back, behind those hardened hot dog buns?  We all know about it already, and we're ashamed of you for it, and for putting bread in the fridge.  Surprise!  cheeky

    See how silly that is?  Everybody has some curdled milk in the back of their fridge, so how can there be shame for something that everybody has?  If anything, this could be an awesome idea for a comedy channel, "What's the funniest thing in YOUR refrigerator?"

    Me, I'm waiting for refrigerator reliability to be improved.  When/if that happens, then I'll be super-excited to be able to view the contents of my fridge before I leave the office, thereby helping me to figure out that I need to stop off at the grocery store to replace that milk, cheese, or that old soup I put in there 3 weeks ago.

    Oh, hey!  So THAT is where I left the TV remote!  And my car keys.  And my iPhone.  Now that's funny, I'm telling ya!  laugh

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    lovely sales and coupies  cant find anything i'm interested in.

    dunno if it's my state of mind,
    or there really isnt anything new in the store as in 'i might need to render that one day' and dont have something similar

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited November 2019

    my dad is yelling at the poor customer service representative.  Its not her fault the store messed up his order.  Their computer broke down.

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    edited November 2019
    McGyver said:
    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:

    My echo dot is acting up.  not sure why.

    This is how robot apocalypse movies always begin... first it's your voice command personal assistant getting fussy, next it's a WiFi vending machine breaking down the front door and chasing you with a flamethrower.

    ...this is one reason I don't trust W10 and Cortana. as well as don't have voice control, a Net cam, or one of those devices like Alexia in my place. 

    The mild convenience of being able to talk to your nebulous computer overlord and ask it the true airspeed velocity of an African Swallow will never be eclipsed by the invasive data collection and crappy IOT security these kind of devices provide... 

    But if you think those devices are crazy... About four years ago (+ or -) a toy company was selling an interactive doll and toy robot which children could talk to (the doll's name sounds like "My Friend Kayla", but isn't spelled exactly that way)... it was supposed to "learn" how to respond to the child and only be connected to the internet so it could have periodic "security updates", but in reality the "security updates" were nonexistent and the toys could be easily hacked at a reasonable distance, allowing the toys to act as remote microphones in the owner's homes... eventually it came out the company was collecting and sharing recordings of the children's conversations with another company that made voice recognition software... that company also happened to be a military contractor.  
    The manufacturer claimed there was nothing sinister going on and that it was all perfectly normal... Germany didn't buy that excuse because apparently they have laws about toys spying on children, and they ordered all owners of the toys to destroy them.  
    According to Wikipedia "The doll has also been criticised by the Norwegian Consumer Council for allowing the use of the collected data from the child's speech for targeted advertisements and other commercial purposes and its sharing with third parties, as well as for hidden advertisements through the doll's positive statements about certain products and services."...  

    Of course in the US the company payed a fine and promised not to do it anymore... "honest to goodness, we swear on the grave of our pet hamster mister nibbles, that we'll probably never do it again, and we are real sorry we got caught".

    The doll continued to be sold for at least another year in the US after that. 

    But yeah, spying on children, sharing recordings of children's speech without express consent of the parents and hidden advertising... not a bad trifecta of Orwellian dysfunction. 
    Incidentally by having read this post, you agree to give me your liver should I ever need it or fancy it on a lark... it's in my TOS, so I hope you don't need a liver should decide I want it for something.

    Considering how negative incidents like the above always set precedents which other companies seem to try to outdo in sleeziness, the next iteration of surveillance toys will probably make that brainwashing, free-will destroying Twonky seem kinda benign and fun.

    ...I remember that doll, quite a controversy indeed.

    Yeah I don't need some cyber persona to manage my life for (or spy on) me whether it be on my computer or nightstand.  I don't even use voice commands on my phone  and loathe those robotic answering systems you are forced to talk to these days to get connected to the office you need to talk to.  The only time I verbally talk to...well, yell computer is when Windows or a programme I'm running does something I don't want it to.

    Crikey, when I read news stories online that have an accompanying video I turn off the video because I can still read and the text usually gives more and better details about the topic.

    ...The I Don't Need To Be Spoon Fed Complaint Thread 

    ...The We Don't Live In The Star Trek Universe Complaintlant Thread.

    Though I wish we had their system of "magical" health care.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    Complaint:  Arghhh... my nice little friendly simple country bank is merging with another bank.  Arghhhh... I've been through this a number of times in my life.  This always leads to screwing the customer somehow.  I suspect that my no-fee checking account will soon be history.  And I might end up having to say good by to the whopping 0.5% interest paid on savings accounts too.  Yes, that's one-half of one percent!surprise  (Well, they had to save money somewhere to pay for the no-fee checking.) Which is why I never kept anything substantial in savings.  I could buy a couple candybars and wipe out the interest from a years worth of savings in the bank.  I had different investment strategies that made more money.  But It was a little bank for little people in simple territory.  Nice and simple, with friendly tellers that you could talk to and joke with.  You could rely on it being there year after year.  Nothing ever changed, until it did. Arghhh...sad  I suspect that there will be fewer or different employees or perhaps a fee for using a human teller instead of the (shudder) ATM machine.angry  You know..., modern banking practices.crying

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    ...I remember having a passbook savings account at an S&L way back in the day that netted me 5.75% interest with no minimum balance required. Today depositors are lucky to get that 0.5% unless they pony up 5,000$ - 10,000$ up front and maintain that minimum balance (for a whopping 1.5% - 2%).

    I also remember the same happening to me years later when my local Savings Bank was bought out by one of the larger regional ones. Caused me to swear off dealing with banks for a while because of all the rules, restrictions, fees, & such. First time ever I went overdrawn in my life as unlike the Savings Bank I used to be with, they took 3 - 5 days to report deposits/withdrawals for my account even during the week whereas with the old institution account updates were almost realtime, even when I was in Hawai'i.  Turned out they dropped from the Plus Network and farmed their ATMs out to some third party service.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    ...bugger, A Winter Weather Advisory has been issued for tonight and tomorrow, for possible frozen water from the sky and possible freezing rain.  Glad I have the larder stocked so I don't have to go anywhere.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,170

    Years ago I used to get 8% on my savings.  Now...meh.  My accounts get $.01 a month, it seems.

    But...I use a credit union, not a national bank.  Better deals, better service.


This discussion has been closed.