The completely gratuitous complaint thread



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,177
    Rezca said:
    DanaTA said:
    Mystiarra said:

    Hu   akmost back.  2 more surgeries .  vittrpus replacement.  lotta catching up  waiting.  be ironic if i missed a new dragon

    I hope all goes well!


    +1  from me as well.

    New dragons?  I'd miss them 100% guaranteed,  since all the new cool stuff (and new slightly less cool stuff) is all DUF-exclusive so it's entirely useless to me even if I was interested xD  I know the last version of D|S I tried had an exporter built-in to push out Collada/Cr2/etc  but the couple models I tried always came out as disfigured messes that were entirely unusable - if they loaded at all.

    Have you checked out the new bridges from DS?  Maybe one of them will work for you.


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    edited July 2020

    This Space Purposely Left Vacant

    Post edited by TJohn on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,580
    Tjohn said:

    This Space Purposely Left Vacant

    Which space?

    1528 x 1115 - 518K
    401 x 271 - 46K
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    Tjohn said:

    This Space Purposely Left Vacant

    Which space?

    The vacant one, of course.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Bates Motel... That sounds cozy... do they have COLOR TV and showers in every room?

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Tjohn said:

    This Space Purposely Left Vacant

    Which space?

    Oh my god... the actions of Harpo Marx make so much more sense now once you consider that he was probably a time lord.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited July 2020
    DanaTA said:
    Rezca said:
    DanaTA said:
    Mystiarra said:

    Hu   akmost back.  2 more surgeries .  vittrpus replacement.  lotta catching up  waiting.  be ironic if i missed a new dragon

    I hope all goes well!


    +1  from me as well.

    New dragons?  I'd miss them 100% guaranteed,  since all the new cool stuff (and new slightly less cool stuff) is all DUF-exclusive so it's entirely useless to me even if I was interested xD  I know the last version of D|S I tried had an exporter built-in to push out Collada/Cr2/etc  but the couple models I tried always came out as disfigured messes that were entirely unusable - if they loaded at all.

    Have you checked out the new bridges from DS?  Maybe one of them will work for you.


    Just checked it out and I'm pretty sure I'm still in a bad spot.  Page says it supports Cinema 4D  R15 and up, and I'm stuck on R13.  :/

    I guess there's also the lengthy workaround of using the Blender importer and then re-importing that into C4D,  though I imagine in either case I'd lose access to any Morphs and stuff.  I notice both products say "Genesis figures" and not just content in general,  which is probably why a very small list of items showed up when I had the store sort by 'DAZ to C4D Bridge Compatible'


    Post edited by Rezca on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,896
    Tjohn said:

    This Space Purposely Left Vacant

    Which space?

    If you look at pictures of the Marx Brothers out of costume, it becomes very apparent that the reason they all adopted such outlandish personas is that they look almost exactly the same.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    Gordig said:
    Tjohn said:

    This Space Purposely Left Vacant

    Which space?

    If you look at pictures of the Marx Brothers out of costume, it becomes very apparent that the reason they all adopted such outlandish personas is that they look almost exactly the same.

    From "Duck Soup":

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,896

    That mirror scene is easily one of the best examples of physical comedy ever put to film.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,125

  • cclesuecclesue Posts: 420

    Is there social distancing in hell?


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited July 2020


    cclesue said:

    Is there social distancing in hell?


    Probably not.  It makes intimate torture difficult.devil

    Although, I suppose a case could be made that the appropriate punishment for a brutal sadist condemned to Hell, would be to be thwarted while trying to perform his/her favorite type of intimate torture.frown  It takes all kinds to make a Hell.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited July 2020

    Complaint:  I just toddled down to my streetside mailbox and came back with a handfull of annoying mail.    We old people can only change our Medicare insurances once during the year in Oct/Nov. So, now It's that time of year again when the old-person health insurance vultures come out of the woodwork and try to trick or badger you into switching insurance plans.angry  To either upgrade and pay more money or to outright abandon your old company and sign up with them claiming that they will be so much better.  But, as far as I'm concerned, after having looked many of these plans over, it's all smoke and mirrors.  Because when you get down to the bottom line, it's all essentially the same except you've made a different guess about what's going to try to kill you during the upcoming year. 

    Unsolicited phone calls, cheap open letter mail glossies, or sealed first-class invitation letters, or deceptive nag letters that look like official Social Security or Medicare notices.  We of the ancient persuasion can expect many many teases and scares during the next  3 months.  Vultures scrabbling over the scraps of meat still left on the nearly dead's bones.frown

    When you look over the details of a company's various insurance plans and even after you settle on one, the book describing the nitty-gritty is a hundred pages of legal/medical gobbledy-gook.crying  I believe intentionally designed to make you quit before you figure it out.  Although, my company has recently introduce an "app" that did help me significantly last year.  So, I'm sticking with them until I find out if they lie or not.sad

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    Ooh, I found "Discount Vue"  while running with Steam's 'Explore Queue' thingie:


    Looks pretty fun, and it can even import OBJs.  Oh and generate hexagon/grid maps for top-down tabletop games too :o

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited July 2020

    Still getting the hang of things,  but I know how to paint foliage/rocks now and import items!  :D

    1920 x 1080 - 703K
    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,177

    Very nice!


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    So a few days back I noted that I had just noticed the forums had a subtle black lettered "Download DAZ Studio" (button?) up at the top of the page... others noted they had it too, but in with white letters...

    Now I've got two of them in white...

    I seriously think the forum software is messing with me.


    I can't wait to see what the next incarnation of this is...

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited July 2020
    McGyver said:

    So a few days back I noted that I had just noticed the forums had a subtle black lettered "Download DAZ Studio" (button?) up at the top of the page... others noted they had it too, but in with white letters...

    Now I've got two of them in white...

    I seriously think the forum software is messing with me.


    I can't wait to see what the next incarnation of this is...

    Isn't it obvious?  After b&w there's COLOUR smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Colour aye?... Oh... so we're gonna be all fancy now, is that it? Tea and crumpets with the queen and use'n the indoor plumbing and whatnot, aye?

    Colour indeed... 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited July 2020
    McGyver said:

    Colour aye?... Oh... so we're gonna be all fancy now, is that it? Tea and crumpets with the queen and use'n the indoor plumbing and whatnot, aye?

    Colour indeed... 

    I needed six colors for the the RGB primaries and their opposites (CMY).  But note that the "U" was deliberately chosen in yellow which almost disappears, an indication of my opinion of it.devil  (but unfortunately some of the colo(u)rs also don't display well in small text mode.sad

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited July 2020

    Non-complaint:  I got word just now that the Amazon vendor is sending a replacement for my misdelivered CPU chip.  And they're sending it by FedEx instead of USPO.  Yay, it will be dropped at my door thursday and I won't even have to walk the 100 feet to the roadside mailbox.  yes

    'Nother non-complaint:  I finally received a CD that I'd ordered through Amazon a couple weeks ago (sometimes the small vendors are the pitsfrown)  It is a cd of music by Rimsky-Korsakov "Night on Mount Triglav".  But also on the CD is music from his "Tsar's Bride" opera suite.  I already have a couple of CD with that music but I rarely play the Overture and had forgotten how powerful the beginning of it is.  Check it out.  The first 3 and half minutes especially.  The remainder is also worth listening to.smiley  Use volume, lots of volume!

    Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov:  "Tsar's Bride" Overture  

    So much beautiful music from Rimsky-Korsakov.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Speaking of small text mode... didn't the forums used to have a much smaller font than "normal"?
    And also...  I find "Normal" to be a rather presumptuous designation... who is to say what is normal to fonts?  Just because a font is bigger or smaller doesn't mean they aren't "normal"... I think trying to force outdated concepts of conformity on fonts isn't healthy... for fonts or us.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited July 2020
    McGyver said:

    Speaking of small text mode... didn't the forums used to have a much smaller font than "normal"?
    And also...  I find "Normal" to be a rather presumptuous designation... who is to say what is normal to fonts?  Just because a font is bigger or smaller doesn't mean they aren't "normal"... I think trying to force outdated concepts of conformity on fonts isn't healthy... for fonts or us.

    Under "Styles",  Big or Small.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited July 2020

    Alright so I acquire the C4D Bridge thing on the off-chance that maaaybe  despite it saying R15+ it might somehow still work with R13.  Trouble begins though when it says "Requires Install Manager".  I've never wanted to use that, but here goes.   Second problem comes up when it starts complaining about "Can't run this with elevated permissions!"  So I try DAZCentral and no dice there either.  I figure the Blender version will have the same trouble so...

    Can't run DS itself either it seems.  Sigh,  oh well.  I remember trying to do the "Pose in DS, Export as Static for C4D"  process with a few things in the past.  I really, really, really didn't like it.  It felt cumbersome and confusing trying to pose things in DS and to even navigate it.  But while I got one of the dinosaurs to export into Cinema rigged back then,the Constrictor (Which is basically just a slightly more modern Morphing Python I guess)  just had a meltdown every time I tried.  Cr2, FBX, Collada... The thing would just implode in upon itself when I'd load it up, if it'd load at all.

    Honestly, I might as well just give up - I barely do more than tinker with 3D nowadays anyway so it's probably more trouble than it's worth to try getting these things to work. Just enjoy the critters I do have.

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited July 2020

    Setting aside the trying to figure out the previous stuff, I messed around some more in that Flowscape program/game.   Experimented a bit with two different environment settings, I think they both look kinda nice.

    Gives me feelings of working with Vue once upon a time. Still kinda disappointed I never got xStream before they went to a Subscription model, ah well~


    Now to try and decide which to put in a Gallery haha,  one day and one night mabe, but which ones~

    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    3840 x 2160 - 1M
    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • McGyver said:

    So a few days back I noted that I had just noticed the forums had a subtle black lettered "Download DAZ Studio" (button?) up at the top of the page... others noted they had it too, but in with white letters...

    Now I've got two of them in white...

    I seriously think the forum software is messing with me.


    I can't wait to see what the next incarnation of this is...

     Download Daz Studio... or else!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,580
    McGyver said:

    So a few days back I noted that I had just noticed the forums had a subtle black lettered "Download DAZ Studio" (button?) up at the top of the page... others noted they had it too, but in with white letters...

    Now I've got two of them in white...

    I seriously think the forum software is messing with me.


    I can't wait to see what the next incarnation of this is...

    Maybe you get one for the general release and one for the public beta?  One for Windows and one for Mac?  How many computers do you sign in to Daz3D from?

    I didn't have it before, and now I have it only once.  I guess I don't spend enough to get extra attention.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    McGyver said:

    So a few days back I noted that I had just noticed the forums had a subtle black lettered "Download DAZ Studio" (button?) up at the top of the page... others noted they had it too, but in with white letters...

    Now I've got two of them in white...

    I seriously think the forum software is messing with me.


    I can't wait to see what the next incarnation of this is...

    Maybe you get one for the general release and one for the public beta?  One for Windows and one for Mac?  How many computers do you sign in to Daz3D from?

    I didn't have it before, and now I have it only once.  I guess I don't spend enough to get extra attention.

    Same here.

This discussion has been closed.