BRYCE RENDER CHALLENGE ►►►Autumn Edition◄◄◄ Theme is ­ɸɸɸɸɸ My tribute to ...... ɸɸɸɸɸ



  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid: First, those frames are great, and look like they're on the wall. Second, I like the first image because the Thanks isn't washed out by the lighting. And maybe a third, I personally like the look of the objects in the first image--maybe it's an eye problem. :-)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Guss - 3 very good reasons . :)

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited October 2014

    10/29/2014 - I wish I had more time to go back and edit this some more, but my schedule isn't allowing much in the way of graphics at the moment. Since it's here, I'll go ahead and move it from a WIP status to my entry. Title is "My Tribute to Nature".

    I find nature to be very inspirational and I'm fortunate to have a job involving the outdoors.

    The eagle is from the DAZ store and everything else is from within Bryce, well with the exception of modifying the eagle textures in GIMP. I felt the textures needed a little work so I darkened the blacks/browns and made the head and tail whiter. I have to redo the head of the eagle because it's too unnatural compared to real life. I also need to figure out how to get more light on the underside of the eagle without making it too obvious. Even with True Ambiance and the sun enabled, I can't seem to make those areas standout.

    EDIT October 29, 2014. Update post to add title and move from WIP to entry.

    1024 x 576 - 397K
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    @fencepost52 - very nice render mate :)

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    lol excuse my Aussie slang :)

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Art: Nice WIP. I should be so lucky to have WIPs like that one. Ever thought of using hyper texture to increase material luminance? Unlike an additional light, you only affect the material it's used on. I did this on foreground grass in a past challenge and it brightened the foreground grass without affecting anything else.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    Hi all,

    What a wonderful renders already. Great to see a number of tributes to David Brinnen and Horo. And, of course, to the original Brycers.

    At first, I had no idea what or whom to tribute. But I decided on this one: A tribute to Mark Rothko.
    I must be out of my mind to do a 3D version of a 2D painting, while I was an amateur painter years before I started on 3D (and still paint regularly). But, I wanted to see how I could, more or less, recreate the very living textures of the large colour fields painted by Rothko.

    I hope you like it!

    695 x 695 - 225K
  • ueanyueany Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'd like to participate in this contest. My question: If I post a image labeled as final, but then find something to improve and it's still time left in the contest, is it allowed to post that newer version as final?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2014

    yes, Don't mark it as final till you are absolutely sure. You have plenty of time. Contest runs till October 31st

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    My Tribute to ...Jeff
    Title: A Peaceful Place

    1754 x 1169 - 1M
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Trish: Beautiful image.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Thank You very much Guss !!

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @Art: Nice WIP. I should be so lucky to have WIPs like that one. Ever thought of using hyper texture to increase material luminance? Unlike an additional light, you only affect the material it's used on. I did this on foreground grass in a past challenge and it brightened the foreground grass without affecting anything else.

    Thanks, Guss. Actually I do have a hypertexture on the eagle, but I really need to experiment with the settings to see if I can push it a little harder. David Brinnen also gave me some excellent suggestions that I'm going to try to implement.

    @fencepost52 - very nice render mate :)

    Thanks, Tim! I appreciate it.

    @Trish, what a gorgeous render! I love it!

    Ok, here's WIP no. 2. Triskelion shape modeled in Wings and used materials from David and Horo's Treppenhalle set. The final may not look anything like this as I've got a few other ideas I'd like to experiment with.

    1080 x 810 - 1014K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid010 - nice render and thanks a bundle.

    @Art - that's a nice render with the eagle. The shape looks very interesting.

    @hansmar - interesting concept. I've looked at some paintings of Mark Rothko, I think you're not far off. Good work.

    @Trish - beautiful calm image with very nice colours. Certainly a nice place for Jaderail to find peace.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Bryce Rocks

    Not sure if this is a tribute to Bryce or a tribute to Bryce PAs. Has bits pulled out from Estevez latest, a sky by Rajaja and the mats are from David Brinnen in the pro content (but a little manipulated to personalise them)

    My son says it looks like Mermaid Cove, and it needs a pirate ship.

    900 x 675 - 546K
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Jay: Neat looking object. Material for the object and what's used on the plane fits well together.

    @Pam: No, no ship, that image is beautiful just the way it is.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,541
    edited December 1969

    @Pam - cove looks great. A pirate ship would put the focus on it. I'd rather use one of the beautiful rocks from Angel and put in the centre of the lake, make it the focus. Does Bryce ship or rock?

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    @Horo- lol Bryce definitely rock's !!! :)

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited October 2014

    chohole said:
    Bryce Rocks

    Not sure if this is a tribute to Bryce or a tribute to Bryce PAs. Has bits pulled out from Estevez latest, a sky by Rajaja and the mats are from David Brinnen in the pro content (but a little manipulated to personalise them)

    My son says it looks like Mermaid Cove, and it needs a pirate ship.

    I think he's right Pam. It would be a perfect scene for a pirate ship. :coolsmirk:
    Post edited by Miss B on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:

    @hansmar - interesting concept. I've looked at some paintings of Mark Rothko, I think you're not far off. Good work.

    Thanks. Somehow I do get carried away in trying to make things with Bryce that I would probably be able to make much quicker on a real canvas. What I like about these attempts is to work with the incidental things that you get when you do not know exactly what you are doing. Which is one of the reasons why I do generally not do very detailed realistic paintings anymore, but more quick sketchlike works. Very far from the quality and impact of Rothko!
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,392
    edited December 1969

    Beautiful work from everyone

    After working a bit more on the lighting, this is my first entry for the challenge.

    Thanks Horo and David– You make a great team.

    920 x 690 - 93K
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid: Nice work.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    @Mermaid: I second GussNemo: very nice work indeed!

  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    edited December 1969

    Here's my contribution to this challenge.

    Back from woods, a tribute to.. woods.

    All plants and trees are from different xfrog bundles. Grass from bryce. House’s a mix modelin with bryce and wings3d.

    Render in TA mode with a Dan whiteside foggy dome. Only 16 rays per pixel and a depth of 4 rays.

    Hope you like it! Good luck to everyone, lots of nice artwork in this thread!

    1333 x 2000 - 1M
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    @c-ram: I really love your render! It has a very charming, romantic, old-fashioned postcard feel. (And romantic is not my thing, but still, this is great!)

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2014

    That's gorgeous, c-ram.

    Aside: on this current theme, I'm thinking the 'so-called' judges will have a hard time - as some works, so far submitted, have been (will/may be, undoubtedly) 'personal'. The judges will then have no idea of what amount of intentions are involved, and may simply judge on what is 'pretty' or 'suitably-themed'. Am I incorrect in this assumption...anyone (understanding, it may be a contentious area)?

    Since entering these competitions some time back (to with, I've won some one or two minor parts in said), I've always been weary of who these judges are - in terms of what works they, themselves, have produced...etc. I would dearly like to see [their] works, their [history], as in past submissions made (not mine, in general) have got 'judgements 'wrong'.

    Of course, the whole judgement issue will always be a subjective one, however, there have been times when 'seeing' such wonderful works submitted (again, not mine) being passed over in favour of others. But in this theme, it might just be that little bit harder, as they ([these judges]) will simply not have a clue on submitters' real intentions.

    This is all academic, of course, so forgive my rant - it's just that from my experience anyway, [they] have got it wrong in the past with simpler themes, let alone more a personal, more a complex theme such as this.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2014

    I was intending this time, when I make up the judging thread, To say "a Tribute to Blah Blah" and then the image title.

    The Judges are mainly the CV team, which includes some of the Mods who are still CVs as well as Mods. I obviously don't vote, as I take part.

    2 are also PAs, plus there is one who quite regularly wins prizes in the PC forum contests. All of them have used Bryce from time to time, although none use it as their main App.

    When I have trouble getting a consensus I do ask for "guest judges" and a couple of those that I use are also Gallery Mods, which is why I don't give names. (The Gallery mods are anonymous for what should be obvious reasons) They also have used Bryce.

    BTW if you have ever wondered what the CV team is, they are forum members who were selected for their ability to help people, particularly New Users and also to keep their cool when posting in the forums, despite the aggravations that can occur. They each have their particular strengths, so we have DS users Poser users and one who is an expert on Macs. We do lack a dedicated Carrara person at the moment. Several of them use multiple programs. I, of course, am the Bryce member of the team.

    The Community Volunteer program was started a few years ago, and we worked hand in hand with DAZ 3D to get the New Users Section of the forums up and running. DAZ 3D have said that the New users Area is one of the most successful additions that they have made to the forums, and it is a section that no other large CG forum has that we know of.

    Oh and BTW the judges don't monitor this thread at all, so that the blind judging thread is all they have to go on when making their selections.

    I do sometimes get feed back as to why they have selected the images that they have, I could ask them to do this on a regular basis if you feel it would be helpful.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited December 1969

    Hi Jay,

    I tend to agree with the fact that this is a much more difficult theme to judge than most others (at least: that I have participated in). Issue is: there is no real theme. Unless the judges are able to have some kind of criteria for what a proper 'tribute' would be. In that case, they can focus on 'level of tribute' and 'technical Bryce quality. However, the last will be extremely difficult to judge when not everyone makes a more or less realistic work. Abstracts are hardly judgeable when it comes to technique.

    Nevertheless, judging, as you say, is always personal. I don't think they have 'had it wrong' in any case yet in this forum.
    Being somewhat of a painter myself and having competed (and won) in some contests there, I can say that I only once found that judges really 'got it wrong', because in that case there really was a theme (a text from a more or less surrealistic hippy song) and for one of the winning works really nobody could see any link between the text or general feel of the theme and the work (and I asked quite some people!).

    So, as long as the judges can explain the link they see with the theme, you can hardly consider them wrong for prefering either a simple work over a complicated work, or a colourful one over a bland one, or a highly realistic one over a sketchy one, or whatever over whomsoever.
    Of course, you can disagree, meaning that you would have chosen something else. That happens to me all the time (and I would hardly ever choose my own over the winners).

    In this case, the 'theme' is indeed so hard to focus on that there is more room for personal favours than in most other themes. So be it: let's hope that the next winner picks something more easy for the judges!

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @c-ram: Beautiful work. Quite a tranquil atmosphere.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2014

    Cheers, chohole and hansmar.

    Of course, I understand judgements will always be subjective (heck, I’m making a judgement on the judgements of judges ;) ), so I just threw it out there as I’m thinking this theme will be slightly different (more personal), and so the judges just won’t ‘get the personal side-of-things’ to works submitted. It can be a can of worms.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
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